Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: Her Man: An Interracial Romance (The Bentini Brothers Book 2)
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     Oh my starz!  I think all of my three-bedroom
apartment can fit inside his bedroom, it’s just that enormous.  Strolling over
to the far side of the room, he puts us down by the bed-bench.  Giving me a
light kiss, he tells me that he’ll be right back with my bags. Turning around
in a slow circle, I’m just stunned speechless.  Of course, I know that Antonio
has money, but somehow, being inside his house, with all its luxurious glory… seeing
it and touching it and knowing that it all belongs to my boyfriend, is a bit
overwhelming.  I’m always careful not to touch stuff at Bentini Mansion.  I go
exactly where I’m supposed to go and I don’t step a toe out of line.  This is
different.  I can touch anything and everything.  But instead of going around
the room touching stuff, I sit down on the long, wide bed-bench with the
puppies next to me.  Glancing back at the huge bed, I can’t help smiling,
recalling how Antonio’s feet hang over the edge of my much smaller bed.  Antonio
comes into the bedroom, slightly winded as if he’s been hurrying.  “I’ve
brought everything upstairs.  I fixed up the bedroom next door for the
puppies.  Their food and water and poop pads are on the floor, the puppy-pen is
set up, and their doggy-bed is in there too.”  When he takes the carrier and
leaves the bedroom, with me following him.  I want to make sure my babies are
okay, and I want to turn the television on to the animal channel in case
they’re not ready to settle down.  Sitting on the bed, I watch them rump and
play for several minutes.  Antonio must be out of patience because he yells
out, “Say good night already and come to bed.”  When I re-enter the master
bedroom, Antonio is coming out of a small room near the bathroom area.  “I hung
your clothes in the dressing room.” 
Not a walk-in closet…a dressing room.

     “What’s this?”  I ask, presented with a small
red and black stripped gift bag.  Moving the black tissue paper aside, I take
out the even smaller red-wrapped box.

     “A gift, open it.  You’re going to like and I
sure as hell need it.”  Antonio says with a mischievous grin.

     “Don’t you think you’ve already given me
enough gifts?”

     “Who are you fooling…a woman can never receive
too many gifts.”  He states with absolute conviction.

     Laughing I reply, “Well, as someone who is a bit
addicted to Amazon, I won’t argue that opinion.”  Peeling off the gift paper
and getting my first glimpse of what the present is, I peer into Antonio’s now
serious face as he sits on the bed watching my every expression.  “You said you
wouldn’t let me make love to you again until you were protected.  I don’t want
you taking the birth control pills.  I think they cause more harm, than they do

     “Millions of women take them Antonio—”

     “Please Ti, work with me here.  You won’t let
me touch you until you’re protected and I’m now willing to do that.”

     “I know and I appreciate that you’re willing
to do this, really I do Antonio…but birth control pills are more effective than

     “Have you read the warning label on those
things…and the side effects?  They can be harmful Tiressa.  I prefer that we
use something that’s just as effective, but with none of the health risks.”

     Relenting, I let him have his way; after all,
he’s now willing to compromise –which is a big deal for Antonio
Bentini…especially in this matter.

     “Okay, condoms it is.”

     He has the biggest, cockiest grin I’ve ever
seen as he stands up and gently pulls me into his arms.  “Do you want to shower
with me?”

     “Nice try, but no thanks.  It’s after four in
the morning, I’m exhausted and I thought you were too.  I just want to take a
quick shower and go to sleep.  You have a way of prolonging things.”

     “Yes, I do and you know you love it.”  Then
becoming more informative, he tells me, “This bedroom has a his and a hers
shower, you’re going to love it.”  He says giving me a light kiss and walking
into one of the other rooms inside the bedroom.  I assume it’s the other
bathroom…the one with the
shower.  So, I unpack my clothes and place
them in one of the two big drawers that Antonio has given up for me.  Choosing
a nightgown, underwear and a pair of slippers, I head to what I assume to be the
bathroom.  Naturally, the bathroom is contemporary like the rest of
the house.  The long granite counter top holds double sinks with topaz colored
glass bowls, the shower is walk through on both ends with the same type of
topaz colored glass, but the bottom half is frosted.  I’m not even sure I will
be able to climb into the jet tub without a ladder, it is so high off the
floor…but I’m guessing that’s how Antonio needs it, because of his height.  Sitting
my clothes on the loveseat looking chair in the corner, I undress and walk into
the state of the art shower—and spend every bit of three or four minutes trying
to figure out which buttons to push to get the water to come on—in a
comfortable temperature.  Talking about feeling like a country bumpkin. 
I stand under the jet for a few minutes enjoying the feel of the
steamy spray hitting my body from all directions.  Reluctantly opening my eyes,
I walk over to the selection of soaps.  But they’re not really soaps, they’re
more like butter and cream for bathing.  I help myself to a generous amount, leisurely
lathering and washing every inch of my body before slowly rinsing off.  This is
pure heaven; I’ve never felt so soft and silky right out of the shower.  Finally,
ready to leave, I turn the jet spray off and take my towel off the heated towel

     “Where are you going, I came to share your
shower with you.”

     “Damnit Antonio.”  I exclaim, startled by his
silent entry into the shower.  Seeing his powerful penis jutting up past his
naval, I hurry to cover myself with the towel.  “I’m finished and just in time
because you’re going to need plenty of cold water to help get that thing down.” 
I say, eyeing his impressive erection.

    “The only thing I need is your sexy, hot body.” 
He says advancing towards me.  “No Antonio.”  I’m adamant as I turn to leave
the shower.  “Why not, Ti?”  He says backing me up against the shower wall,
pressing his steel rod against my lower stomach through the towel.  “You know
why not.  I’m tired.”  I know that it sounds lame, but I’m telling the truth. 
Besides, making love with Antonio takes a lot of energy.

     “Don’t worry Baby, we’re going to make love
and then we’ll both sleep like we’re in a coma.”  Antonio says as he snatches
the towel from me and tosses it to the shower floor.  “No Tony, I don’t want—” 
He cuts me off with a fierce open mouth kiss, gently circling and rubbing my tight
chocolate tips.  “Stop Tony!  I mean it!”  I try to move away from him.

     “Don’t fight me Ti, I don’t want to hurt
you.”  He wedges his knee between mine preventing me from closing my thighs. 
Bending low, he captures my sensitive pebble between his teeth and roughly tugs
on it as he sucks, eliciting low moans from deep in my throat.  Panting, I try
to reason with him.  “If you don’t want to hurt me, then respect that I don’t
want to have sex with you right now.  And besides, we’re in the shower and you
don’t have a condom.”

     “You like telling me no, when your body tells
me yes.  Wrap your legs around me and hold on.”  His breath caresses my face.

     “No Tony…not in here, you’re not wearing a

     “And I’m not going to stop to put one on.”  He
decrees, jabbing his rod at my opening and missing.  “Guide me in Ti.”  He
demands as he licks my bottom lip then kisses my neck. “No Tony.  You said
you’d wear a condom.”

     “Baby, I can ram it in myself, but I want to
feel your soft hand on me, guiding me, giving me permission to be inside your tight
little core.”  He breathes heavily into my ear groaning as he continues rocking
his hips and jabbing his rod against me.  He’s going to have his way, he’s too
far gone to care about wearing a condom …and at this point, I’m not so sure I
care either.  I say a quick prayer that the birth control pills I’ve been
taking has had enough time to work as I reach down between our bodies, take his
rod and place it against my opening.  I gasp at the feel of its steel softness
sliding along my fingers, and pushing into my body.  “Oh gawd yes!  That’s
it!”  Antonio groans deep in his throat as he pumps his hips harder, stretching
my inner walls.  “Damn, Baby.  Mmm…You feel so good!”  He groans as he presses
me harder against the shower tiles.  Suddenly he throws his head back and lets
out a string of loud guttural grunts as his muscles tense and his body jerks,
until  I feel his hot creamy release deep inside my core.  Lifting his head, he
brushes my wet hair away from my face as he looks into my eyes.  “I love you
Tiressa.”  This time when he says those three simple words, I don’t feel a
sense of panic or uncertainty or fear.  This time the love words feel right.
loves me and I love him.

     We quickly wash off and finally make it to
Antonio’s gigantic luxurious bed.  
I fall into a deep
sleep one second after my head touches the cloud of pillows.




     “Umm, your shoulders taste just as delicious
as your other parts.” Antonio purrs close to my ear as he continues kissing my
naked shoulder.  When I moan and snuggle deeper into the bedding, he persists. 
“Come on Ti, wake up already, it’s after two in the afternoon.”  I mumble at
him to go away and then feel the covers being peeled away from my naked body.  “Antonio!”
Lurching up, I grab for the comforter just as my breasts are uncovered.  “Good,
you’re finally up!”  He chuckles wrapping his steely arms around me as he lays
back down beside me, playfully biting my neck.  “Last night was the best shower
sex I ever had.”

     Lightheartedly punching him in the arm, I
exclaim, “Antonio, you jerk!  I don’t want to hear about your previous lovers.”

     “Sweetheart, I didn’t, nor would I ever, talk
about my previous sexual liaisons with my current lady.”

     “So, I’m not a sexual liaison like your
previous women?”

     “Never that, Baby, never that…but that
the best shower sex I’ve ever had.  I don’t think I ever came so hard, so fast.”


     Reaching under the cover, he places his big
hand on my belly, caressing in circles.  “I’m sure we made a baby, birth
control or no birth control.”

     “That’s not funny, Antonio.”  Exasperated, I
push his hand off my stomach.  “Good, because I’m not laughing.  I’m dead
serious Ti, I felt it.”  He swears, placing his hand back on my stomach and
spreading his fingers wide, rubbing my belly once again.  “You said you love me
and that was all I could think about as I was making love to you.”  Uncomfortable
with where this conversation is going, I decide to tease him out of his serious
musing.  “I said I’m falling in love with you…typical…you give a man an inch
and he’ll take a mile.”  Chuckling he teases back.  “I’ll give you an inch
alright…as a matter of fact, I’ll give you nine inches any time you want them.” 
He laughs trying to get on top of me and I try just as hard to get away from
him.  “You’re so greedy Antonio, we did it twice last night.  That should hold
you for a couple of days.”  We joke and wrestle until I’m finally able to dive
out of the bed and run naked into the dressing room, to the sound of him
laughing and shouting for me to come back.

     After getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a
pink t-shirt, I visit with Snow and Candi while Antonio volunteers to prepare
something for us to eat.  It is a day of leisure and relaxation, with the highlight
being Antonio giving me a tour of his house.  As we stroll around hand in hand,
from room to room, I can’t help thinking that this house—although
beautiful—doesn’t seem to really fit Antonio’s personality.  He’s not the sleek
flashy type and this house, with all its glass and chic décor, is nothing but
sleek and flashy.

     Later that night, the puppies and I are
enjoying ourselves on Antonio’s colossal bed when he saunters into the room.  As
usual, he has not one modest bone in his six-and-a-half feet frame.  I ignore
the pups happy frolicking and feast my eyes on his hard glistening body.  I
love the way his muscles flex with every movement.  The way his thick black
hair curls on his shoulders.  The sexy twist of his lips when he looks at me in
that special way…the way he’s looking at me now.  I want to jump his bones, and
I think he knows it.



Chapter 21


     “Antonio, I’ve explained to you why I need my
car.  You know   I have to be able to come and go whenever and wherever Mrs. Bentini
needs me.  Kathy and I don’t always have the same errands to run.”

     “I know Baby, I guess I’m just not ready for
this to end yet.”

     “Tony, nothing is ending.  We’re going to work
and then I’ll be returning to your place.  Besides, my babies are there and you
know how I feel about my babies.”  He stabs me with a glare, practically
rolling his eyes at me.  “Why are you giving me that look?  You know how I feel
about you too.”

     “Do I really?”

     “Yes, you do Antonio.”  I say emphatically. 
Damnit, he knows how much I care for him.  “Now, back to our transportation
situation.  I need my car and that’s that.”

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