from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (36 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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Alex gave up the fight and held her hips flush against him. He called out her name while he flooded her body with his seed. “Wow.” He held her close and leaned on the wall for support. “I love you, beautiful.”

Chapter 31

As soon as Alex opened the door to his parents’ home, he smiled. The house was already a flurry of activity. Voices came from every direction. He tugged Danielle in behind him. She seemed a bit reluctant. They had talked of Christmas traditions on the trip south. She went to her grandma’s sometimes. When she and her mom were well enough, that was. After she moved in with Brian, that became a yearly thing.

Danielle wondered if her grandmother was alone that year. She couldn’t take the chance of visiting, though. No one would protect her from her father. She wouldn’t subject Alex to her family’s hate and violence.

“Uncle Alex is here!” one of his nephews shouted from somewhere.

Alex squeezed Danielle’s hand and led her to the family room. “Hey, everyone!” He grinned widely. Then he pulled up Danielle’s top a bit. “Look. She’s showing.”

She quickly shoved her shirt down. “Don’t.”

“I wanna show them,” Alex whispered. “Please.”

Tears pooled in her eyes. She pulled back. “They’re gonna see.” If anyone got a glimpse of her scars, she would be humiliated.

“Oh.” He finally understood.

Carol came closer. “It’s OK. Leave her alone.” She hugged Danielle. “How’re you feeling?”

“I’m good. Thanks.” Danielle smiled. She liked Carol.

Nathan was close behind her. “Hey, man.” He clapped his brother on the shoulder. “You haven’t called lately.”

“I know.” Alex sighed. “Sorry. Things were crazy with school and shit. The trial stuff takes up time, too.”

Nathan worried his brother took on too much. “Let me know if you need to talk. I’m always here for you, bro.”

“OK.” Alex smiled at Sara who headed their way. “ ’Sup, Sis?” He laughed. She hated when he used slang.

Sara patted Alex’s cheek. “Always the comedian. How’s things?” She knew about the possible complications with Danielle’s cervix. They were an open family, for the most part.

Alex threw an arm over Danielle’s shoulders. “Going well. Doc says she’s healthy. Nothing to worry about.”

“Can I get a drink?” Anxiety built for Danielle. There were many more people there than Thanksgiving.

Eyebrows up, Alex stared at her. “Why’re you asking? You can do what you… want.” Then he muttered, “Shit.” He pulled her closer. “What is it?”

“I don’t know.” She gripped his shirt. The year before, Brian took her to a Christmas party that ended with him accusing her of flirting. “Memories?”

He kissed the top of her head. “I’m so sorry.” He cradled her head to his chest. “Whatever it is, it won’t happen again. This is your family, too, now.”

Mary appeared behind her. “Anything I can do?” She knew Danielle had been questioned extensively for Brian’s trial. “How about I get her water or juice?”

“Do you have apple juice?” Danielle murmured into Alex’s shirt.

Alex smiled. “Apple juice, please.”

The last two weeks had been stressful, with many calls from the Tallahassee district attorney’s office. They tried not to talk about it unless they had to. It wasn’t easy for Danielle to recall details. Alex was there every step of the way. He hated that she had to go through it at all.

Mary carried the glass of juice to Danielle. “Here you go, sweetheart.”

Danielle lifted her head and took the glass. “Thank you.” She took a few sips.

“How about you come sit?” Mary waved toward the couch. “We’ll try not to overwhelm you.”

Her voice put Danielle at ease. Mary treated her as if she belonged. “OK.” She kept an arm around Alex’s back as they walked into the noisy room.

Alex didn’t worry about anything else but easing her nerves. “Stay with Carol. Me and Nathan’ll get the bags.” He waited until they both sat on a couch. “When I get back, I’ll make you something to eat.” He knew she didn’t cook. The look in her eyes said she was still anxious.

“Soooo.” Nathan had waited until they were outside. “What can I do to make this less stressful? You look like you’re gonna explode.” He put a hand on his younger brother’s shoulder as they walked.

With a shrug, Alex replied, “There’s nothing you can do. We just have to get through it.” He stopped when they reached his car. “I just wish she’d stop hiding things from me.”

“Like what?” Nathan leaned his hip on the hood.

Alex stared at the car’s roof. “What happened to her when I wasn’t there. She was screaming when we were trying to get in the room.”

“He was hitting her.” Nathan thought it was obvious. “Wouldn’t you scream if you were her?”

“It was more.” Alex wanted her to get past it, not hold it all in. “She didn’t stop screaming.”

Nathan frowned. “Oh. Wow. Was her underwear bloody or something?”

“He ripped them to shreds.” Alex unlocked the doors. He didn’t want to think about it anymore. “If they don’t put him away for life, I’m gonna kill him.”

By the time Alex and Nathan had stored the bags in Alex’s room, Danielle had relaxed. She and Carol had a lot in common. When Alex appeared, she smiled. He sat on the couch arm and placed his hand on her head.

“Better now?”

Danielle smiled at him. “Yes.” She looked around. “Where did the kids go?” She had been engrossed in conversation.

“Diane and Abigail took them all to the playground I showed you last time.” Alex played with her hair. “Looks like John and Mark followed them.”

Danielle glanced down at her abdomen. “Can I go watch the kids play?”

“Please stop asking if you can do things.” Alex sighed. “Just tell me you’re going.”

She pursed her lips for a few seconds. Then she looked up at him. “I’m going to the playground.”

Alex smiled. “Have fun.”

“I’m going, too,” Nathan called as he disappeared out the back door.

Danielle followed Nathan until she saw the large wood and plastic playset. She stopped at the edge of the large grassy area that surrounded it. The older kids played football with John, Mark, and Nathan. She smiled as she watched. They seemed so happy. Everyone laughed. She hoped they would enjoy their child half that much.

After a while, she sat in the grass. Nathan and Mark let the kids knock them over. Then they pretended to fall so the kids could score. It was cute. Corey was with the little ones. He climbed and slid as well. He was a good sport; sometimes they used
as a jungle gym.

It was easy for her to imagine their child as part of the scene. A boy could play football like his dad, but a girl they could dress up and play tea party with. Either would be welcomed. It didn’t matter. She just wanted their baby to be healthy.

When she was about to get up to get a drink, someone sat behind her. “Everything OK?” Alex asked as he wrapped his arms and legs around her. He ran his fingers through her hair; sure she had been lost in thought.

Danielle leaned back against him. “I’m fine.”

He brushed her hair aside and kissed her neck. “I missed you.” He had helped to prepare dinner with his mom and Liz. A few more kisses close to her ear. Then he handed over a bottle of water. “Thought you could use this.”

She smiled. “How did you know?” She opened it and drank some. “Thank you so much.”

He pulled her closer. “I had a funny feeling, beautiful.” He kissed her neck again a few times, dying to take it further. “Dinner’s almost ready.”

“Who’s hungry?” Liz called from the house.

Within seconds, every child rushed toward the house. Alex stood and put his hand out to Danielle. “Hope you like chicken
.” When she nodded, he smiled and threw an arm over her shoulders. Then they started for the house. “So do I.” He wasn’t picky, but that was one of his favorites.

The formal dining room was set up with two tables, to accommodate everyone. Danielle wasn’t sure where to sit. She looked around nervously.
Get over it already!
Alex’s family was not scary. She hated that she wasn’t sure how to act. It was all foreign to her.

“Here.” Alex pulled out a free chair for Danielle. “I know you can’t have wine, but do you want something other than water?”

Danielle sat and noticed the glass of water as part of everyone’s place setting. It was as if they were in a restaurant. The last time they were there, dinner wasn’t so formal.
Maybe Liz set the table?
She looked around. No one else acted any differently.

“Hey, babe?” Alex patted her hand. “How about some tea?”

Pulled from her thoughts, she looked up. “Oh, sorry. I—I guess water is good enough.”

“OK. Cool.” Alex pulled the next chair out and sat. “Take some food.”

Dinner was served family style, large platters of each item spread all over the table. Mundane conversation about school, work and such went on as platters passed from person to person. It was something everyone but Danielle was used to. She ate slowly as she watched the interactions. It was as if they were never apart.

“Do we need to make a trip to get liquor for New Year’s Eve?” Nathan asked his father while he buttered a slice of bread.

Corey nodded. He didn’t speak until he swallowed. “A few bottles are running low.”

“Are we staying for New Year’s?” Danielle asked quietly.

Alex grinned. “Hell yes, we are.” He had invited some of his high school friends. They would be shocked he was soon to be a father. “I wanna show you off.”

“Oh, wow.” She hoped it wouldn’t be too large of a party.

Chapter 32

New Year’s Eve was a blur of activity. The party that evening required a lot of preparation. Although it was catered, and a cleaning crew had taken care of the housework, there were still things to be done. The day before, Alex and his brothers moved the furniture while the girls went dress shopping. Unbeknownst to Danielle, Carol was given Alex’s credit card to buy maternity clothes. Danielle’s protests were short-lived because Carol pointed out that her clothing was already tight.

Danielle stood in Alex’s walk-in closet, in a new bra and panty set. She stared at her new clothes, bewildered. They had compromised and not bought high-end brands. She was just fine with simple outfits. Carol had convinced her to get dresses. She explained Danielle would be more comfortable when the pregnancy progressed. Danielle didn’t have the guts to explain why she never wore them. The red cocktail dress on the far right was what she planned to wear that night, but she didn’t know if she could.

“What’s wrong?” Alex wrapped his arms around her from behind, still in a towel from a shower. “You look lost.”

She leaned her head back and smiled. “Just not sure I should wear a dress.”

“Did you buy a pantsuit?” He didn’t care what she wore, just wanted her to be happy.

With a shake of her head, she glanced at the clothes again. “We got tights and loose pants. Nothing fancy.” She sighed, and her eyes drifted down to her legs. “This is a corporate party?”

“Friends and family, too.” He held her closer. The party was technically black-tie, and he planned to wear his tuxedo as usual. “You wear what’s comfortable.”

He ran his hands over her mostly exposed skin. His eyes closed when his cock stirred. They didn’t have time for sex. His family had woken them early almost every day to go on an outing, which was also traditional during Christmas break.

“Did you get a maternity coat?” He didn’t want her to be cold when his jacket didn’t fit any longer.

She turned and looked up. “Yes and a lighter one for spring. Sara wanted me to get baby clothes, too, but I was afraid to. It’s too early, and where would we put them?”

“I’m working on that.” Alex exhaled loudly and leaned his chin on the top of her head. “Maybe we’ll get an apartment just off campus or something. We can’t stay on campus unless we’re married.”

She shivered. Marriage meant ownership in her family. It was the last thing she wanted. Alex wasn’t like that, but she couldn’t help but wonder if he would change.

“You don’t wanna move?” He didn’t understand her reaction. When she didn’t answer, he stepped back and lifted her chin. “Tell me. You’re shaking.”

Danielle swallowed hard and whispered, “I don’t want you to own me.”

It took a few seconds for Alex to understand. When he did, his mouth dropped open, not sure what to say. “You think I’m gonna—” His eyes closed as he tried to hold back the pain in his heart. “I could never own you. I’m not Brian or your father. If I ask you to marry me, it’s because I want you as my partner in life.” He bit his bottom lip, shocked she thought he would try to control her. Then he realized it was all she knew until they met. “I know you still have trust issues.” He ran his knuckles down her cheek. “I promise. I will never tell you what to do unless you’re hurting yourself or our baby.” A hand dropped to cradle her small belly. “This binds us. Marriage would just make it stronger.”

“OK,” she replied in a small voice. His embrace brought her emotions to the surface. Tears streamed down her face. She knew she hurt him. “I’m sorry.”

He rubbed her back. “It’s OK. Just try and trust me. Please.”

“I will.” She wanted to trust him fully, but it wasn’t easy.

A knock on the door made Alex step back again. “Come in.” He didn’t think twice about being in a towel in front of his family.

Danielle panicked. Eyes opened wide, she backed into the closet to hide her body.
I hope it’s only Carol.

“Guess you’re not ready yet.” Mary stood at the closet entrance. “Danielle, are you OK?”

Behind several dresses, Danielle nodded. “F—fine.”

“Is Mom putting a damper on your sex life, little brother?” Sara appeared as well. She noticed Danielle cowered. “Alex, what did you do to her? She looks terrified.”

Alex turned and rushed to her. “What happened? Why won’t you talk to me?” He tugged her into the light. A gasp made him glance at his mother and sister. Their mouths dropped open. He looked down and realized what they saw. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that.”

“They can see.” Danielle was on the verge of tears. “Tell them to leave.”

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