from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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“Rest for a while, and I’ll see you before the game.” He sighed when he heard her breath slow. “I love you.”

“Love you, too.” She put the phone in her pocket and pushed away the fear that she felt Brian shouldn’t be able to stir anymore.
I’m free of him. I am
. She needed to convince herself.

Minutes later, she walked back into the family room, where everyone talked. Marie’s brothers made space for her between them. She sat and unconsciously held her still flat belly. The group talked about football. She felt slightly out of place, unsure if she could contribute to the exchange.

“Don’t we have to get going soon?” Logan also felt uncomfortable. “Game’s at four.”

Marie stood up. “He’s right. Alex is expecting us.”

“OK, kids. I’ll leave ya’ll some stew for when you get back.” Rose got to her feet. “We’ll be watching the game from here.”

The girls said their goodbyes while Logan hauled their bags from the trunk. He walked back in and shook off the cold that seemed to linger even inside. “Where should I put them?”

Quickly, Marie grabbed one bag and walked upstairs ahead of him. “I’ll show you my room. This is going to be interesting.”

Logan whispered, “I don’t have to sleep with
, do I?”

She made sure her parents couldn’t hear and softly replied, “I got a plan.”

Danielle played with the ends of her scarf while she waited for their return. She wondered how the four of them would sleep in Marie’s bunk bed set. It was something she couldn’t imagine, especially since she had not seen the room. Then a thought came to her.
Why would her mother even allow us to all sleep in the same room?

“OK. Time to go.” Marie sauntered down the stairs, face flushed, clothes slightly askew. The just-fucked smile on her face was wide. “Mom, Dad, we’ll see you tonight.” She carried a warm blanket in her arms.

Logan trailed her. His breath still came quickly. He had been terrified they would be caught, but Marie tackled him to the bedroom floor. She rode him so hard he came faster than ever.

Danielle blushed when she saw the two of them. She followed them to the car, her coat zipped up tight. “What’s the blanket for?”

Marie turned to her as she opened the car’s passenger door. “It’s going to be pretty cold at the stadium. Do you want me to get you a hat, just in case?”

“A hat?” Danielle was quite unused to winter wear.

“I’ll go get you one.” Marie rushed back into the house and came back just as quickly. “I have one in my bag.” She put a pink woolen hat in Danielle’s hand. “This’ll look cute on you.”

Danielle tried it on and looked in the slightly reflective window. It wasn’t too bad. “Thank you.”

Logan drove north to the stadium while he thought about how Marie introduced him. Her friend, she had said. He knew they weren’t dating— they were only fuck buddies—but he hoped she would at least pretend to be his girlfriend.

“Marie?” Danielle watched the city go by from the back seat again. “Why are your parents letting us all sleep in the same room? I thought they were very traditional.”

After she had turned around as much as she could, Marie smiled. “There’s only three bedrooms. My cousins are sleeping on the couches. It’s just a lucky break.” She glanced at Logan for a few seconds. “My Dad wanted us to sleep on the couches and all the guys sleep in my room. But Hunter complained, and Mom convinced Dad the boys and girls would be separated.”

“Lucky indeed,” Logan mumbled.

* * *

Alex waited just outside the locker room at the stadium. He became nervous.
They should be here already
. He checked his phone for the fifth time. No messages.
Where are they? Please don’t let something else happen to her
. Just as he was out of time, he spotted Danielle, flanked by Marie and Logan.

“Babe.” Alex pulled Danielle in close. “God, I missed you.” He smelled her hair and ran his hands down her back. “Next time you’re riding with me. I don’t give a fuck who complains.”

She closed her eyes and treasured the scent of his sweat. “Missed you, too.” She couldn’t put into words how much. Barely able to hold back her emotions, she whispered, “I don’t wanna cry.”

He cradled her head. “It’s OK.” He knew her hormones wrecked havoc on her emotional state. “Only a few more hours, beautiful. Then I’m all yours.” He pulled back and kissed her lips.

“Hicks, get your ass in here!” one of the coaches shouted from inside the locker room.

Alex turned to the partly opened door. “I’m saying goodbye.” He held Danielle’s face in his hands. “I love you with all my heart. Don’t you ever forget that.” She nodded as tears fell. He wished he could hold her longer. “I gotta go.” He quickly brushed his lips over hers. “Soon…” Then he rushed through the door behind him.

Marie put an arm around Danielle’s waist. They had gotten much closer in the last week. “We’ll be with you.” She lifted her smaller friend’s chin. “Are you scared?”

Danielle hesitated to reply as she searched her feelings. She was a bit afraid Brian would show up again. It had been at the back of her head all day. The last game was when he attacked her.
Could that be why I feel so nervous?
She feared large crowds. Since she and Alex found out about the baby, she had relaxed about almost everything else, though.

“He won’t show up, here.” Marie hugged Danielle. She closed her eyes and realized that was a promise she couldn’t keep. “If he does, we’ll protect you. He’ll have to get through both of us to get to you. I promise you that.”

With a nod, Danielle reined in her feelings and took a deep breath. “Thank you,” she softly replied.

Alex and their friends had made her stronger, but Brian still terrified her. She smiled when she remembered that she had fought Brian off for the first time the week before. The self-defense classes finally paid off. He shockingly cried out a few times from her blows. If it wasn’t for the need to protect her child, she might have fought harder, maybe stopped him herself. She couldn’t have taken the chance that day.

The game was so exciting that it flew by. Both teams scored several times in each of the first two quarters. At halftime, it was tied 17 to 17. Logan, Marie, and Danielle had very good seats, close to the 50-yard line on their team’s side. Alex had pulled some strings and blown a lot of money to get ahold of them.

Danielle leaned her head on Logan’s arm when the halftime show started. She was drained. They had screamed and jumped out of their seats often. Alex had run several plays and scored one touchdown, so she cheered for him often.

She looked down at her abdomen and wondered how long they could hide the pregnancy. She did not look forward to being fat and not able to walk right. That was how she still looked at it. Brian berated her if she gained even a few pounds. Therefore, she had been about the same weight for several years. She wasn’t sure if she would freak out once she started to look pregnant.

Logan’s arm curled around her shoulders and gently held her. He was always cautious. Never did he want to frighten her again. He glanced at her unfocused eyes and kissed her forehead. “You OK?”

“Yeah,” she softly responded. “Just thinking.”

He squeezed her arm. “If you need something, just ask.”

She jumped when a hand touched her cheek. When she looked up, she smiled at Marie. “Sorry, just a few memories.”

Marie was about to say something when Alex appeared in their row. He made his way to them slowly. “Look who’s here.” She pointed his way.

Danielle turned, and then stood when she noticed Alex. He wore his dirty uniform, bulked up by his gear. “You were awesome out there!” She hugged him tightly. “I love you.” Her voice was just loud enough to be heard over the crowd around them.

“Love you, too.” Alex lifted her up in a bear hug. A wince made him loosen his grip. He must have touched one of her unhealed bruises on her back. “Sorry.” His hand carefully caressed where he knew the largest one was. “No one’s bothered you? Right?” He looked over her head. Every time he wasn’t on the field, he imagined Brian beating her while he joked around at the last game.

She closed her eyes and smiled. “Nope.”
How did I get so lucky?
The day they met came to mind. If she had known then that he would save her from her life of fear, she might not have brushed him off so easily.

“Hey! Sit down!” someone shouted at them.

Alex took Danielle’s seat and pulled her onto his lap. “You guys having a good time?” He looked over at Marie and Logan. “Or is this putting a damper on your sex life?”

“Nope. Did it before we came here.” Logan grinned madly. “And I’ll probably find a place to do it again after the game.”

Slightly jealous, Alex averted his eyes. “Of course you will.”

He missed daily sex. His dick just wouldn’t behave. Danielle’s morning sickness had made things complicated for him.

“I need you tonight,” he whispered in her ear.

She smiled but wasn’t sure she would have the stamina for it. “We’ll see.” She threaded her fingers through his hair. That forced the ponytail he wore into view.

He groaned as silently as possible while he rubbed her thigh. “You warm enough?” he turned her face to look at him. “You look cute all bundled up.”

“I’m fine.” Her hands were a little cold, but the stretch gloves she brought were good enough. “Aren’t you cold? You don’t have a jacket on.”

He nuzzled her neck. “Babe, I got so much equipment on, I can barely feel it.” He took a few silent minutes to hold her and nothing more.

Logan watched them with a smile. He wished he and Marie were like that. They didn’t even kiss unless they were having sex. He wasn’t sure if he was the only one she messed around with. They had not made their fling exclusive.

Marie thought along the same lines. In the beginning, she only used him when she had no one else. For the past month, she had been with only him. He satisfied her to no end. They were so compatible sexually that other men couldn’t measure up. Although his cock wasn’t the largest, his methods worked wonders on her… And his mouth, oh God…
He knows how to use his mouth so well!

Her head on Alex’s shoulder pad, Danielle hoped he had a long while to stay with her. He looked huge with all the padding on. His hand moved lazily under her jacket and caressed her back. The slight burst of cold air made her shiver, but his skin was warm.

“I can’t stay.” His soft voice revealed how much he wanted to, though. “Coach gave me a few minutes, tops. I had to tell him what happened to you last week to make him understand why I needed to hold you.” He bit his lip. “He’s glad you’re OK now.” His lips moved over her neck, and then to her ear. “I don’t know how I’m gonna get through the rest of the game with a hard-on.”

She lifted her head and stared at him. “What?”

“Last night was so hot. I want more, babe.” He pressed his lips together. “I’m not used to cumming just once.” He had never admitted that to her. “After the baby, can you let me keep fucking you till you can’t take it anymore? Please?” He cringed as the cup restricted his engorged shaft. “I need it more often. Please.”

She touched his face. “Why didn’t you say anything before now?” She felt guilty she hadn’t been enough for him. “Just tell me what I can do to help.”

“You could give me a hand job. Or maybe go down me.” He spoke as quietly as possible. She had never done the last. He knew why she was reluctant. “I won’t move. I’ll just let you try it.”

The mental flashes of giving Brian oral were hard to squash, but she forced them back. She nodded slowly. Then she saw the pain in his eyes and wanted to ease it. “Do you have time to do it now?”

He looked to the field. “I only got a few minutes, but I’d love you to try.”

* * *

Logan looked up just as Alex re-appeared in the stands. He had no idea where Alex and Danielle had disappeared to. Danielle trailed behind Alex, looking sheepish, but satisfied. They kissed, and Alex nodded at him. He waved back and watched Danielle navigate the stairs to get to their row. When she was close enough, he put out a hand, to guide her.

“Where’d you guys go?” Earlier, he had turned to Marie for a few minutes, and then they were gone.

Danielle blushed and looked away as she sat in her chair. “Nowhere.”

Meanwhile, Alex ran through the halls to get back to the field. People tried to stop him along the way. He only waved. By the time he joined his teammates, he gasped for air.

“What the fuck, Hicks?” Coach Smith frowned at him. “You missed the first play!”

Alex bent at the waist to try to catch his breath. “I’m… sorry… she… she…” He stood and took several deep breaths. “Thanks for letting me see her. She’s doing better.”

Coach Smith felt slightly guilty. “Is she alone?”

“No.” Alex looked up. He hoped the orgasm didn’t affect his performance on the field. “Logan’s got her.” Fury started to build within. He closed his eyes.
Not the time to think of killing Brian
. He had to focus. “It’s all good, Coach.”

Minutes later, their team got possession of the ball. Alex trotted onto the field along with the rest of the offense. He glanced over at Danielle’s section and gave her a quick smile. As he listened to the quarterback, he paid close attention. The play was to fake it to the fullback, then throw to him.

After the break, Alex got in position. He waited for the snap patiently, while he watched for signs the play was known. The wide receivers ran behind him twice, and the defensive line watched them. That was the idea. The ball had passed to one, and then the other before it was quickly handed off to the fullback and back again. By the time Alex had it, the defense seemed confused. No one covered him. He bolted down the field toward their end zone. Then he heard heavy footsteps behind him and ran faster.

In the stands, Danielle watched Alex and screamed, “Look out!” She wished he could hear her. Alex went down hard as two men tackled him. “Oh God!” Her hands covered her face. “Logan, did he get up?” His lack of answer scared the hell out of her. She chanced a peek. Several coaches jogged toward his prone body. “Oh, God!” Her hands instinctively cradled their child.

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