Threesome Interlude

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Authors: Sienna Matthews

BOOK: Threesome Interlude
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Sienna Matthews

Copyright 2012 Sienna Matthews

All rights reserved. With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this ebook may be reproduced in any print or electronic form without prior written permission from the publisher, Chained Hearts Publishing. Please respect the hard work of our author.

Published by Chained Hearts Publishing

This ebook is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Other Chained Hearts Publishing Titles

Derek by Sienna Matthews

Passion’s Fire by Jenna Rose Ellis

Forbidden Desire by Kai Andersen

Wedding Party of Three by Sienna Matthews

Threesome Interlude by Sienna Matthews

Threesome Play by Sienna Matthews

The Lord’s Lover by Jenna Rose Ellis

Secret of the Wolf by Sienna Matthews

Red and the Huntsman by Kai Andersen

Table of Contents

The Story

About the Author

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“Done!” Lynne Morrison whooped as she saved the file and hit the print button. Paper

after paper spewed out of the printer. Her proposal for a condominium building for the

company’s recently acquired property should reflect the hard work and tons of research

she put into it. The project’s financial viability was excellent and the board should be

pleased with the profitability projections. If her proposal were selected, she should be one step closer to the coveted directorship.

She stacked the sheaf of paper neatly on her desk, ready to be handed over to her

assistant for photocopying and binding the next morning. She yawned and glanced at the

small clock on her desk. Close to eleven at night. She’d better pack up and go home.

At age thirty-two, she worked hard and played hard. Speaking of which, she deserved

a reward for the many hours she spent on this project.

Which of her friends with benefits would she call?

She rummaged in her bag for her cell phone and pressed a speed dial number. The call

was answered on the first ring. “Andy, hi, it’s Lynne.”

Andy was one of her friends from high school. He was tall, lanky and had been her

science lab partner. A geek, he’d filled out somewhat in university, where he was now an

assistant chemistry professor. He was unassuming and down-to-earth, which made him an

easy person to be with.

“Lynne, baby, how’re you doing?”

“Fine. Horny,” she confessed.

“Want me to go over tonight?” He was eager. Ever since his fiancée had broken up

with him two years ago, he’d sworn off dating. No wonder he was excited. Lynne was

probably his only chance for a sex life, not counting his hand, of course.

“I was thinking this weekend.”

He laughed. “Even better.”

“I knew you would.” Lynne grinned. Andy wasn’t a bad lover. What he lacked in

technique, he made up for in enthusiasm. “Maybe you’d like to call your friend to join us.”

“Oh, fancy being the filling in the sandwich?”

“You know me, sweetheart, I’m insatiable,” she purred.

He laughed even harder. “I’m looking forward to a weekend of non-stop sex. The

lucky guy I call better treat me to lunch. And dinner.”

“Make sure he knows.” Lynne loved not knowing which of Andy’s friends was going

to be the third in the party, and Andy loved surprising her.

“Same place, same time?”

“You bet.”

She hit the end button, an anticipatory thrill already skating up her spine. Good thing

the weekend was only two days away.

Picking up her bag, she locked the drawers on her cubicle, turned off the lights and

made her way out to the hall to wait for the elevator. This late in the night, she was the only one left in the office.


The elevator arrived and she stopped with one foot in the car.

Oh my! Yummy.

Two hunky, gorgeous guys were already inside the car. Their features were enough

alike that she thought they might be brothers, both with blond hair and blue eyes, though

the left guy had a broken nose and a dimple when he laughed. The right guy was a bit

bigger though, his muscles probably built by hitting a gym. She’d never seen them before;

she was sure she’d remember them if she did as they weren’t the kind of guys a woman

would easily forget.

Attraction hit her like a sledgehammer in the belly. Her entire body softened and her

pussy became moist with her arousal. She wanted them, both of them. Fucking them

would be the perfect end to the day. She thought she saw the dimple guy’s nose flared as

he caught her scent, but she could’ve been mistaken because muscle guy broke the

conversation and assessed her.

Flames of lust leaped in those appreciative blue eyes and, out of the corner of her eyes,

she thought she saw dimple guy’s gaze roamed over her figure in a leisurely, almost tactile touch. She barely contained a shiver.

Muscle guy lifted a brow. “Are you coming in?”

Thank goodness she was quick on her feet. “Sorry about that, I thought I’d forgotten

something.” She forced herself to move inside the car and send each a polite nod. She

turned to face the doors, which were closing. The shiny reflection showed both men

staring at her.

This is your chance! Talk!

She smiled at their reflections and nodded again. “Working late?”

“Not anymore,” dimple guy drawled. “For the day anyway. Mark here has a date who

doesn’t mind waiting for him, and he’s off to meet her now.”

If she had a date like Mark, she wouldn’t mind waiting either.

Mark scowled. “Shut it, Ash. One smile from a beautiful woman and your motor

mouth’s off again.”

“Hey.” Ash jabbed Mark in the arm.

“Brothers?” she asked wryly.

Mark nodded. “I’ll let you guess who’s younger.”

Just as she opened her mouth, the elevator came to a jarring stop and the lights

dimmed. She clutched the rail as she was jerked off balance. Her heart pounded. “What


“Damn it.” Mark strode to the panel and punched the speaker button. “Hello? Hello?

Anyone there?”

The intercom cackled.

This is your chance, Lynne! What are you doing, still standing there? Swoon, faint,

whatever, get yourself into one of those men’s arms!

Her handbag dropped to the floor—oh no, her Prada! All for a good cause, she

reminded herself.

She staggered.

No one moved.

Help me, stupid! I’m already making this easy for you.

Ash leaped to her aid and helped her to sit on the floor, her back to the wall. “Hey, are

you all right?”

“Faint,” she breathed, one hand tugging at the top button of her blouse.

“Okay, your passageway’s probably constricted. Here, let me help you.” Ash

unbuttoned the top one. “There. Is that better?”


He undid two more, his gaze riveted to the creamy tops of her breasts, showcased by

her lacy bra. She was glad she wore one of her nicer bras this morning. Her nipples

hardened and poked through her blouse. She was sure he could see her arousal, as his

breath hitched. He dragged his eyes up with difficulty to meet her gaze.

“Sorry, but you’re beautiful,” he said in a low, husky tone. “I’m not a pervert.


She chuckled. “Don’t worry. You helped me breathe easier, so I’m inclined to forgive

you. And you did say I’m beautiful.”

“You are,” he acceded, his voice rasping over her in a delicious way.

“I’m still feeling rather…constricted.” She waved her hand in a distracted gesture in

the vicinity of her throat. “I think it’s my bra, restraining me. Could you…unhook me,


He had to undo the rest of the buttons to do it.

“Oh, thank you.” She tugged her bra downward so more of her creamy flesh showed.

Ash couldn’t take his eyes off them. His breathing became labored, and he swallowed

hard. He reached toward her, his hand trembling.

“My hero. You deserve a reward,” she breathed. Looping a hand around his neck, she

drew him in for a kiss, which was tentative and exploratory at first, then became

passionate. He slanted his head to kiss her deeper, the scent of coffee bursting in her


She guided his hand to her breast, and he took over from there, kneading the heavy

globe and teasing her nipple into further prominence. He gave the other breast the same

treatment, causing her to moan and her cream to flow.

He lifted his head to say, “You’re so hot,” then claimed her mouth again.

“What the hell are you two doing!” The loud bellow penetrated her sex-fogged mind.

She opened her eyes to see Mark glaring at them.

“Can’t see for yourself?” Ash asked dryly. He’d stopped kissing her, but he sat down

beside her and pulled her into his lap. He divested her of her blouse and bra, then licked and sucked her nipples. She whimpered, arching to press more of her breast into his

mouth. When he was satisfied that she was well and truly licked, he raised his head and

presented her to his brother. “Look, Mark, isn’t she beautiful?”

She felt wanton and sexy and sensual. Sexual. She took good care of her body, and her

flesh was firm and supple, her breasts creamy and heavy and now topped with glistening

cherry tops.

Mark groaned. “Ash…” Yet he stared, unabashed.

Lynne loved the boner under her ass, and she was sure she’d get the fucking she

wanted tonight. From Ash, at least. But it wasn’t enough for her. Great stress required

great relief, and from previous experiences, one man wasn’t enough. Moreover, she

wanted Mark, too, and judging by the bulge in his pants, he wasn’t unaffected, despite his posturing.

“Were you able to get security?” she asked.

“What?” Mark asked, dazed.

She grinned, pleased that she had the upper hand. When presented with a naked

woman, men were so easy. “Security. Did you talk to them?”

Mark blinked. “Yes. Finally. They said it may take a few minutes.”

“Then we should get to it, shouldn’t we?”

He blinked and blinked again at the sight of Ash’s talented mouth pulling on her

breast. Lynne allowed pleasure to cross her face, then she crooked a finger at him. “C’mere.

I want to taste your cock.”

Mark controlled himself with visible effort. Man, she’d love to tear that down, and

she would. When she got her hands on him, he’d be a goner. He wouldn’t be able to get

enough of her.

For the moment, he turned away, though with difficulty. “My date will be waiting—”

Ash tore himself away from her breast, snorting. “You just met her once. All she’s

gonna do tonight is warm your bed. But why wait when there’s a beautiful woman right

here, willing to take us both on?”

His fingers fisted. “But—”

“C’mon, Mark. It’s been awhile since we’ve shared a woman.” Ash’s grin became even

more mischievous. “And never in an elevator.”

His comment drew an unwilling laugh from his brother. “Is that on your bucket list?”

“Bucket list?” Lynne repeated, though her fascinated gaze was glued to Mark as he

unbuckled his belt. The tug on her nipple sent a stream of heat sizzling through her, and a surprised moan left her lips, causing Mark’s eyes to darken.

“You two will be the death of me.” Mark pulled the zipper down and pushed both his

pants and boxers down and off. “Maybe I should have my own bucket list. Ash has one list

of sexual experiences to cross off. Apparently, having sex in an elevator is one of them.”

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