from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (34 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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Alex relented and held her close. “If the pain gets worse, let me know.” Her brief nod assured him slightly. “Wake me if you have a nightmare. I love you, Danielle.”

“Love you, too.” She held his hand to her heart.

Chapter 29

With Brian in jail, Danielle took her finals that week and acted as if nothing happened. The next Monday morning, she awoke aroused. It seemed her body was tired of celibacy. She lifted her head from his chest and watched him sleep. He had been patient. She realized she should have talked to him about what Brian did.

Her pussy ached, but not with pain. She tried to ignore it and hugged Alex tightly. However, her hips seemed to have a mind of their own. She ground her panties against Alex’s thigh. The stimulation made her desire grow. After a few minutes, she lifted the blanket over them and leered at his morning erection. Unable to resist, she removed her underwear, straddled his hips and rubbed herself along his length. He moaned and touched one of her thighs. He always slept naked.

She had expected him to wake up. When he didn’t, she got to her knees and lifted his stiff cock. His hips shifted as she held it up. Then when she lowered herself onto it, he groaned and thrust up. She gasped. A bit of pain obscured the pleasure. She stayed still and allowed her still-healing canal to adjust to him. It didn’t take long. She put her hands on his chest and slowly took more of him.

Alex felt her in his sleep. He dreamed that Logan held her while he fucked her. He jerked his hips up and woke up. “Hey, beautiful. Good morning to you, too.” A long moan escaped when she let her pelvis rest on his. He loved when she took all of him. “Fuck…” He groaned as her hips swiveled a few times. Then their eyes met. “You sure you can do this?”

She smiled and nodded. Her desire was stronger than ever before. She leaned down and kissed his lips. “I’m OK. I swear.”

He wrapped his arms around her and pinned her torso to his. “Hang on, babe.”

Her eyes opened wide, unsure what he was about to do.

“Hold me,” he insisted.

She did and closed her eyes. Then his hips thrust up, and he buried his cock deep inside her. She understood and laid her head on his shoulder. He pulled back and drove up into her again. His next stroke was faster. Soon, he pounded her from below, rapidly.

“Uh, God…” He gasped and gripped her ass tightly. Her quiet moans got louder. They egged him on. He thrust harder and harder. “Babe. Cum. Please.”

Shocked, Danielle held back unconsciously. He pushed against her g-spot, and she was quickly overwhelmed. Then suddenly, her body reacted of its own accord. She cried out. Her nails dug into Alex’s shoulders.

“Oh yes.” Alex felt her ejaculate run over him. She had never done that before. He gasped. “Shit. Shit. Sorry.”

She shuddered. “What?”

“I’m gonna cum already.” He growled and pressed into her as much as possible.

Danielle felt him pulse inside her. “It’s fine.” She tilted her head and kissed his neck several times. “I’m good.”

He sighed, annoyed at himself. Her on top turned him on a great deal. However, when he gave her that huge of an orgasm, it was even a bigger thrill. The only problem, he was still hard and wanted more. He rolled them so that he was on top.

“But I’m not.” He withdrew and drove in hard. “Hug my back with your legs. I wanna get in real deep.”

She did as he said and winced when he put pressure on the injury that lingered within.

“Lift your hips.” He balled his fists. The need to fuck her again somehow grew out of control.

Again, she obeyed and exhaled with relief. The pain was gone. He slowly pulled out to the tip. Their eyes met, and he leaned down. He kissed her passionately while he plunged into her again. Her eyes opened wide. He rubbed her sweet spot, and then kept it up. She tilted her pelvis a bit more and screamed with a powerful orgasm.

He groaned as she gripped him, “So fucking hot.” She writhed beneath him, which caused more pleasure than he expected. Then he pressed against her, and she let out a shrill cry of pain. “What?” He pulled out quickly. “What’d I do?”

She shook her head. “I’m fine.” She held her legs together.

“You’re not. I hurt you.” He pulled her knees apart and looked down. There was the faintest hint of a tear at the mouth of her pussy. Carefully, he checked her opening to see how bad it was. “He did that?”

Tears fell. She pursed her lips, unable to say it.

“Danielle, talk to me. Please.” He caressed her leg. “Or we’ll never get through this.”

She covered her face. “I can’t.” She sobbed and wished she could talk about it easily.

He lay down on her and held her close. “Please. Did he rape you again?” He felt her head move and was sure it was a nod. “Say it.” He kissed her hands, and then moved them aside. “Don’t give him the power. Tell me what he did.”

She shook as she looked at him. “He held me down and—and… fucked me hard. It hurt… so… bad.” She threw her arms around him and cried until she had no more tears. He didn’t say anything, just kept her in his arms.

When she had settled, he felt guilty for still being rock hard. He kept his hips still. “Did that help any?”

“Yes.” She sniffled. He was right. Brian wanted her to feel shameful. He wanted control of her. Her always in fear. “He can’t hurt me again?”

Alex brushed the hair from her face. “My mom told me he’s in deep shit. They’re gonna charge him with every time he raped you.” He watched shock register on her face. “Some of it, you were a minor, right?”


“He’ll go away for a long time, then.”

He hated that it sound like a promise, but he didn’t want her scared that Brian would get a slap on the wrist. With his friend Damien at the jail as a corrections officer, Alex knew what went on with Brian. He also knew most of the inmates didn’t like him. What he couldn’t know was how the trial would go.

“We’ll get through this together.” He lifted her chin and kissed her nose.

Danielle dreaded the trial, but it felt like a light at the end of a dark and evil tunnel. “Maybe he’ll take a plea bargain.” She relaxed and imagined it was over, finally.

“Maybe.” Alex shifted. The friction of the sheet against his rigid cock made him almost moan. “We should get up and say goodbye to Logan and Marie.”

She gave him a half-smile. She was glad Logan would drive Marie home before he headed to his own home in Virginia. “What time are they going?”

He got to his knees and thought for a few seconds. “I think like, 12.” He looked up at the ceiling while he stretched.

She grinned, proud of herself. He helped her overcome so much. “After the baby, we’ll start experimenting. OK?” She was interested in exploring with him, but she was not sure how far she could go.

“Thanks. We’ll talk about it then.”

A loud knock echoed through the room.

“You guys done yet?” Logan shouted from the next room. He and Marie had been woken by Alex’s cries. “Marie needs to pack.”

Alex smirked. “Still naked, but I came.”

“Hey!” Danielle smacked his chest lightly. “Don’t tell them.”

He kissed her lips softly. “I’m sure they already know.” He gently tackled her to the bed and tickled her side. “Now they’ll hear you begging.”

She laughed and squirmed while he moved his fingers all over her weak spots. “Stop! Stop!” She flipped over to try to get away and giggled the entire time. “Alex!” she squealed. “Enough. I’m begging. Happy?”

“Not good enough.” He moved up to her ribcage. Her playful scream made him smile, but then she pushed her ass back on his crotch. He gritted his teeth as she ground into him, absently. “Babe…” He needed her to stop, or he’d wind up buried inside of her again. “Babe. Stop.” His cock grew fast.

The genital contact made heat flood Danielle’s core as well. She enjoyed when his hard shaft rubbed her clit. Unable to stop herself, she wiggled and rubbed. When Alex prodded her swollen opening, she pushed back. She took in half his length.

“Sorry.” Alex gripped her waist. “I couldn’t help it.” He pulled back and thrust in to the hilt. “Damn, you’re wet. You like that, huh?” She nodded and groaned as he slowly circled his hips. “Now I know how to get you back into it. My dick’s gonna be a bit happier if this keeps up.”

Another knock on the wall. “Dressed yet?”

Alex shouted his reply, “Fucking again!”

Danielle giggled.

Alex’s hands slid around her body and cradled her belly, “Can’t wait till I can feel him moving.” One hand moved down her body until he reached her swollen clit. “You make me so crazy I’ll probably blow in a few minutes again.”

She whimpered when he rubbed her clit lightly. Then she moaned when he gently squeezed her right nipple as well. He fucked her as he kept up the torture, his rhythm languid and somewhat loving. She gripped the pillow at her fingers and tried not to cry out. The walls were thinner than she had realized.

He leaned on her back and whispered, “Let it out…”

To please him, she let the feeling wash over her and screamed his name. He thrust harder and moved his fingers faster. She gasped and pushed against him. The pleasure grew. It astounded her how he could do that.

“That’s it.” Alex groaned while her pussy throbbed around his dick. “Damn, so fucking good.” He added another finger to her clit and intensified the pressure. The instant moan made his body react. His hips moved faster when the urge to spill his seed increased. “How’s this possible?” He practically roared as her body trembled, and his balls emptied into her, yet again.

Danielle dropped on the bed when he pulled out. “You came three times? I didn’t know men could do that.”

“I can.” Alex collapsed next to her. “My record is six times in, I think, four hours.” The back of his hand lazily caressed her breast. “That last one wasn’t much, though. You kinda drained me.”

A knock on the door made them both jump and Alex laughed.

“Can I come in now?” Marie asked from the hallway.

Alex grabbed the blanket. “Hang on.”

Danielle stopped him from covering her. “I have to pee.” She stood and quickly threw on Alex’s T-shirt. “You can come in now.”

Marie walked in with a huge grin on her face. “Sounded like you guys had a ball this morning.” She glanced at Alex still in bed and took in his naked, muscular chest and arms. “Looks like you wore him out, girl. Nice.”

Alex put his hands behind his head and sighed. “Yep, she was a little devil this morning.” He winked at Danielle, who headed to the door. “Hurry back.” He lay there while Marie packed. “You guys coming to the game in New Orleans?”

“I don’t know yet.” Marie took out a second bag to fill. “We have tickets, though. I hope we can.” She went over her mental checklist, careful not to forget anything. “My mom tried to get Logan to come for Christmas. She doesn’t understand we’re just friends.”

With an eye roll, Alex said, “Sure you are. I fuck all my friends.”

“You know what I mean.” She glared at him. “We’re not dating.”

“Could’ve fooled me.” He stifled a laugh when she scowled. “Oh, come on. You guys are all over each other, and I see the way you look at him. You really like him. Give him a chance.”

The door opened, and Marie told Danielle, “Tell your boyfriend I don’t need anyone weighing me down.” She went back to her bag.

“I guess you mean Logan.” Danielle walked to the window. Something had caught her eye. “Stop lying to yourself. You want more from him.” She stared out the window. “Oh my God! It’s snowing.” She turned to Alex. “This is so cool!”

He gave her a puzzled look. “It’s almost winter. It’s supposed to snow.” Flurries happened the year before around that time.

“Can we go touch it?” She jumped up and down, excitedly. Then back to the window she went. Her mouth dropped. The campus was covered in a blanket of white. “Do you know how to make a snowball?”

He grinned. “You never saw snow before. Have you?”

“No.” She touched the cold glass. “It never snows in Fort Lauderdale. Have you?”

Alex sat up, careful to keep his pelvis covered. “I have. My family used to go skiing every winter.” He admired the childlike glee on her face.

“Can we go play in it?” Danielle couldn’t get over it. “Maybe we can make a snowman.”

Marie looked up. “Wait. How much snow is out there?” She looked over Danielle’s shoulder. “Oh, shit.”

“Hey.” Logan came in since the door was partly open. “Did you guys see the snow? There’s no way we’re leaving today.” After he had closed the door, he looked at the first bed. “Hey, Alex. Finally done, huh?”

Alex cracked a smile. “Yeah. Seems morning sickness is over.” He was very glad it was. “Do you think I could get dressed and look outside?”

Marie folded her arms over her chest and watched him. “Go ahead and get up. Don’t let us stand in your way.”

Logan covered her eyes. “You can get up now.” He held tight when she struggled to get free. “Stop. Let him have a little privacy.”

Alex reached to the floor and grabbed his jeans. “There’s that much snow out there?” He could see by Logan’s expression the answer was yes.

“I checked the news. It was supposed to be rain, but…” Logan’s eyes drifted to the window. “The roads are closed. They don’t have salt or snow plows here. We have to wait for it to melt.”

Danielle was still giddy. “I wanna go outside.” She went through her drawers and collected a warm outfit. “This is so much fun.”

After he had gotten up, Alex put his arms around her to stop her progress. “It’s cold and wet, you know.” He glanced outside at the still falling snow.

“I don’t care.” She leaned back on him. “I’m too excited to be cold.”

Marie sat on her bed. “Snow isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” She was disappointed. Logan had rented them a hotel room in Atlanta for a semi-romantic night. She had looked forward to it.

“I’ll get dressed.” Alex kissed Danielle’s temple. “Dress really warm.”

* * *

About 15 minutes later, the two couples were on their way downstairs. Alex took Danielle’s hands in his while she negotiated the outside stairs. “Careful. I don’t want you to slip.” He looked at her feet and wished he had gotten her
boots. At least they were warm.

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