from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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Gainesville Book One
from Pain to Pleasure


Bella Jeanisse


This title is intended for Mature Audiences.

© 2015 Bella Jeanisse

published by

Xynobooks, LLC

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission of the publisher.

This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in an entirely fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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Table of Contents


I have the best group of beta readers and an incredible team of “assistants.” Thanks to all of you. In no particular order: Paula, Geri, Patricia, Donna, Anita, Christa, Naiana, Stephanie, Margo, Traci, Ruby, Jena, Sonia, Melissa, Sarah, Casey, Courtney, Coralee, Lora, LaDonna… The list is always growing. Sorry if I forgot anyone! I’m always grateful to you all. I’d be nothing without you guys!

Table of Contents

Title Page



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44


About the Author

Sneak Peek: The Heirloom

Sneak Peek: Ghost of a Singer

Sneak Peek: Triple Threat


This series is a deviation from my usual work. It’s about a set of college friends who become more through the struggle of one of their own.

The subject matter will vary between the three books. This one is focused on a severely abused young woman. Subsequent books may touch on her abuse or extreme circumstances in the pasts of other members of the group.

If you are sensitive to depictions of violence or abuse of any kind, please do not continue on to the story. This is meant to tell a tale, not trigger flashbacks. I feel Danielle’s story needs to be told. Abused women need someone to give them a voice. Today, that is my job.

I started this story a long time ago, at about the age of 15. It has changed a great deal from that version. From what I’m told, it is as realistic as it could be. Maybe it is a bit too realistic, though, in spots. I grew up in New York City in the ’80s. At the time, it was normal for women not to report abuse, rape or incest. I’m glad that times have changed. Back then, I knew many women who had gone through serious things, including myself. We dealt with it as best we could. I turned to writing at first. Not many had that outlet. I was lucky.

My stories are rarely ordinary. I have lived a life like few others, and I plan to keep on doing so as long as I walk this earth. So, why would I create stories like anyone else’s? I know this means my stories are not for everyone, but I won’t conform to arbitrary expectations just for sales. I will stay true to myself, no matter what subject I take on.

Get ready to laugh, cry, scream, hate, love and sympathize. This is gonna be a wild ride.

Chapter 1

“It’s Lakeview, right?” Brian asked Danielle as they drove through the campus of North Florida University. They searched for her dorm building.

She double-checked the letter she got from the housing department. “Yes. Room 216.”

Subtly, she looked over at him. He had been on his best behavior for the past three days. Even with the five-hour trip, he only yelled at her once. She expected he would change back to the evil Brian she knew any moment.

Brian parked his Durango as close to the door as he could. He tried hard to keep his promise of change. It wasn’t as easy as it seemed. His brain screamed at him to force his girlfriend to go to school near home, in Fort Lauderdale. That way, he could watch her every move like usual. The need clawed at him within. He fleetingly wondered if Danielle was right that he needed medication to stay stable. He shook his head and dismissed the idea that she could ever be right.

Danielle grabbed one of her bags out of the backseat. “I’m gonna go find my room.”

“Not alone, you’re fucking not!” Brian took several deep breaths. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.” He chose a suitcase from the back and hauled it out. “I’ll meet you up there, Dani.” The rage bubbled beneath the surface. He had to fight to keep it at bay.

She looked at him through the open doors. He still had fury in his emerald green eyes. She knew he didn’t want her to go to that school because she had to live there. He allowed her to go because he had friends at the school. Yes, “allow.” She followed his strict rules to avoid many things. His temper was something she avoided sparking at all costs.

Brian looked at his phone and replied to the text from Diego:

We’re here. Lakeview 216. Don’t forget!

Diego was a friend from high school that lived on campus. Brian smiled at Danielle as he tried not to show his distrust. He would not let her do whatever she wanted while he was away. After he watched her walk up the stairs, he looked at his phone again.

I’ll watch her. Relax.

Diego had to be kidding. Brian couldn’t relax. He couldn’t even visit her on weekends for months. His next assignment was in Moscow. It was a little over a week away. His job was all travel, but he rarely had to go that far. He implemented new computer systems for his company all over the world. He had requested reassignment, but he was the only one who spoke Russian. Sometimes he thought being a genius sucked.

Danielle was nervous and excited about starting college. She had never been on her own before. The stairs were a bit crowded. That upped her anxiety and reminded her of her first day of high school. That morning ran through her mind clearly.

* * *

Danielle stood in the main entryway of Sunrise High School. She shook, her binder in front of her chest. There were too many students around her. She couldn’t think straight. Then someone touched her arm, and she jumped.

She heard, “I’m sorry.”

She looked up and instantly smiled. “Hi,” she said timidly.

The handsome green eyes of the boy in front of her filled with concern. “Do you need help finding your class?” When she nodded, he smiled. His eyes lit up. “I’m Brian. Where do you need to go?”

She stammered, “Um, um, 3—315.” She couldn’t hide her fear of men. Every man in her life hurt her.

“Hey.” His hand grazed hers. “Don’t be scared.”

Absently, she scratched her arm. The sleeve of her hoodie rode up a bit.

“Who did that?” He grabbed her arm.

She yanked away quickly. “No one. I fell.” It was the first thing she thought of, but that wasn’t any excuse for cigarette burns.

The look in his eyes told her he saw through her lie. “I have scars like that.” His voice softened. “My old man uses me for an ashtray sometimes.” That matter-of-fact statement hooked her.

A few hours later, they met for lunch. They sat at a table outside. They were as far from the rest of the students as could be. Brian fiddled with his hands while Danielle looked at her feet. Neither of them had many social skills.

“Who hurts you?” he quietly asked.

She bit her lip and closed her eyes. “My dad.”

“I hope he’s not as bad as mine.”

Danielle looked up just in time to see a look of fear in Brian’s eyes. “Maybe one day we’ll talk about it.” She gave him a small smile. It was the best she could do.

* * *

Her mind refocused to the present. She wondered what her life would be like if they had never met. Their relationship had not been all bad. He did help her leave home. That, she would always be grateful for.

Danielle looked around when she got to the second floor. There were too many people in the hallway. The room numbers were hard to read. They didn’t seem to go in numerical order either. One door said 208, and then across the hall was 230. That confused the hell out of her.

She was startled when she bumped into a tall, broad man. “I’m so sorry,” she uttered. Quickly, she backed away and looked down. Fear gripped her. If she did that to Brian, he lashed out at her.

Alex smiled. He had watched the blonde come down the hall and hoped she would say something to him. “It’s no big deal. You look lost. Maybe I can help.”

“Um—I’m, I’m looking for room 216,” she stammered, unable to meet his eyes.

He could see that her hand shook. “Hey.” He lifted her chin. “You OK?”

She pulled back fast. “I’m fine. Do you know where 216 is?”

“I should. That’s next to my room.” He put out his hand. “I’m Alex Hicks. You?”

Quickly, she looked around for Brian. He was nowhere to be found. “Um, Danielle Brooks.” She gingerly took his hand. That caused a weird feeling deep inside her, like butterflies. She looked up and smiled. He was very handsome and tall. That started a reaction she did not recognize right away. “I didn’t know the girls and guys were on the same floor.”

“We share the same bathrooms, too.” His grin was infectious. “I know. I think it’s weird, too.” Then he turned around. “Come on. I’ll show you your room.” They walked to the end of the hall. Her room was the second from the last on the left. “Anytime you need something just knock. Day or night.”

He touched her shoulder and was shocked when she jumped back. Then she turned around and back, looking for something. He subtly let his eyes roam over her as they just stood there, inches from each other. He had a thing for short girls, and she seemed to be only five feet tall.

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