from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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Danielle watched him head for the door with a sad expression. Parties or gatherings were off limits. Brian made that clear. He didn’t want her to socialize, especially not with Alex. She had to follow his rules. The consequences were too awful to think about.

“Well, I gotta go.” Alex opened her door and checked for stalkers as stealthily as he could. No one was around. “ ’Bye.”

She waved to him then shut her eyes when the door closed.
How am I going to hide my attraction to him?
After a few minutes, she went to her window. They played on the grass in front of the building. She watched Alex walk toward the huddle on the far side.
Watching isn’t so bad. Right?

Alex looked hot in just shorts and a T-shirt. He had nice, strong legs. His hair flew everywhere as he raced down the line with the football. He was very fast. She wondered if he played on the school’s team. Most of their conversations were about school.

Her mouth dropped when he took off his shirt and tossed it on the ground. He looked good, with various tattoos on his arms, chest, and back. Girls talked to him as he stood in front of them. Suddenly, he looked up, and their eyes met. She jumped back.

A wide smile formed on Alex’s face. He saw Danielle peek out from behind the curtain. He thought he had seen her watching him and was glad she really was. It meant he wasn’t wrong about her feelings for him. He had felt something every time they got within a few feet of each other; something unexplainable.

When Alex ran back to his friends, Danielle moved so she could see him better. The ball went in the air. He jumped up and caught it. Silently, she cheered him on as he ran down the field and spun a few times to avoid opponents. She didn’t know much about football, but she could tell Alex was good.

Her phone went off. She jumped, and then laughed at herself. With a smile, she grabbed her phone and opened it. It wasn't easy to tear her eyes from Alex. However, she glanced at the screen.

Just got home, miss you already. I’ll call when I have some time.

Brian had driven home as fast as he could, cutting the five-hour drive down to almost four. That didn’t leave much time to pack and organize everything. He didn’t even have a spare minute to speak to Danielle. The text was all he could manage.

Diego had texted him just before he went to work, so he knew Danielle was very aware of her limited freedom. He regretted that he gave Diego so much leeway, but he knew she needed the discipline. Brian was very specific, though. Diego had a tendency to go overboard. Brian hoped he really could trust him.

Danielle shivered. It was as if Brian knew she was happy and needed to ruin it. She looked outside again. Alex poured water over his head. He was so close to her window, she saw the liquid run down the contours of his body. Then he shook his head and sprayed water all over the girls that sat on the grass nearby as he laughed.

She wished she could be out there with them, but she couldn’t take the chance. When he ran back to his team, she sighed and sat at Marie’s desk. She stared at the computer and tried to figure out the image frozen on the screen. It looked like a man and woman. Then an image of Alex’s arms around her flashed before her eyes. She smiled and fantasized that he swept her off her feet, like in a romance novel, and made love to her for hours.

A knock on the door made Danielle lift her head. She had no idea she had even laid it down. Sleepily, she stood up. It took a few moments to shake the disorientation. The second knock made her jump.

“Danielle?” Alex called from the other side. “You OK?”

She smiled. “Yes.” Then she took a deep breath as the butterflies returned below her waist.

“Can I come in, then?” Alex smiled at a group of girls who had stopped at the next room. All of them looked him up and down. He glanced down at the towel around his waist.
Maybe I should’ve gotten dressed first.

As soon as Danielle opened the door, her mouth dropped. Alex stood with his hands on the doorframe, practically naked. She scanned his sculpted body and felt a twinge below her waist. The tribal band around his upper right arm moved as his bicep flexed. She had never seen his flat abs and strong chest up close.

Alex regretted not putting something else on. His cock started to harden as soon as he saw the desire in her eyes. “Um…” He moved his hands over his crotch. “I wanted to see if you’ll go to a party with me.”

A sly smile involuntarily formed on Danielle’s face. She could see the towel move while Alex stood still. “I, uh… I can’t.”

Alex groaned when a group of giggling girls stopped behind him. “Please, Danielle. Let me in.”

“Oh.” She noticed him glance around at the girls and got out of his way.

He closed the door behind him. “I’m so sorry I’m not dressed. I kinda lose my head when it comes to you.” He sat on Marie’s bed.

Danielle sat on hers and blushed. Alex had his legs spread, and he was fully on display. “Um… your, uh…” She looked away, embarrassed she enjoyed seeing it. It made her pussy moisten.

“Oh, shit!” Alex’s face turned red. He grabbed a pillow and put it over his lap. “I’m
sorry!” He looked down. “I wasn’t trying to—”

“It’s OK.” She couldn’t let him be humiliated for long. “It could’ve been worse.”

She bit her lip and remembered how it looked. It looked like it would fit just right. When she imagined what it would feel like inside of her, she sighed. She wished she could tell him she wanted another glimpse.

Alex noticed the faraway look in her eyes and smiled.
Maybe she liked getting a peek
. “What could be worse than showing you that?”

“It being small?” She covered her mouth. “Oh, God. I didn’t mean to say that.”

He smiled, broadly, glad she did. That meant she really looked.
Maybe I do have a chance with her
. He wished he could take advantage of her comment and come on to her. She wasn’t like other girls. He had to be cautious in how he acted with her.

“Could you go get me some clothes?” His eyes pleaded with her.

She met his gaze and smirked. It was easy to imagine him on top of her as he pushed that thick cock into her. Then she shook her head a bit and cleared her naughty thoughts. He had the most amazing effect on her; it was like no one else.

“Afraid those girls will tear your towel off you?” She giggled and wished she had the guts to do it herself.

He exhaled loudly. “Yeah. I don’t want other girls touching me…” He hesitated, unsure if he should tell her. “…like I want you to.” He was as subtle as he could be, because he doubted she could handle bluntness yet.

“Me?” Her eyes opened wide, and her hands started to shake. “Alex, I… I…”

He took a deep breath. “Hey, it’s OK. I swear I’ll keep my hands to myself.”

Danielle stood up. She needed to separate herself from the situation. “I’ll go get you something to wear.” Within seconds, she knocked on his dorm room and watched the hall for Brian’s spies.

Logan Graves, Alex’s roommate, opened it and smiled. “Hey, Danielle. Alex’s not here.”

“He’s in my room.” She blushed, not able to get the picture of his erection out of her head. “He needs some clothes.”

He grinned, and his eyebrow lifted. “Tore them off him, huh?”

“No!” Her face heated up. She was sure he could see her desire for Alex.

“I was kidding.” Logan opened the door wider. He also knew to treat her differently. Once, he had also seen Brian grab her. “That’s his dresser.” He pointed to the one near the window.

Danielle searched the drawers for what she came for. The bottom drawer shocked her. He had a huge box of condoms, along with several bottles of lubricant and massage oil. She hid her reaction to the discovery by holding his clothes to her chest. That meant he was definitely a player. Still, she really cared for him, and she knew he cared for her.

When she had a shirt, shorts and underwear in her hands, she turned around. “Thanks.”

Logan put his hands on her shoulders. She shrieked and jumped back. Fear filled her mind. Many of Brian’s friends had been allowed to molest her.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Logan felt terrible that he had scared her. “I would never—”

Danielle dropped the clothes and rushed out the door. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Logan picked them up and followed her to her room, sure Alex had heard her scream.

“What happened?” Alex asked before he closed the door. He was very concerned.

“I touched her,” Logan explained, angry with himself. “I didn’t hurt her. I swear. She just freaked out.”

Alex slowly moved toward Danielle. “Hey, it’s all right. Logan wouldn’t hurt you, either. We wanna protect you.” He hugged her, and she fell into his arms. “Please, let us help you. We’re your friends.”

Logan saw her hands shake and also saw the terrified look in her eyes. He had no idea it was that bad. Alex ran his fingers through her hair. Then Logan’s mouth opened wide as bruises came into view.
That ass Brian abuses her? We have to help her

“See? You’re safe,” Alex whispered.

Danielle clung to him, her hands splayed over his bare back. She wanted to explain that she was never safe. She sobbed and let her fear go just a bit. He was the only one who truly wanted to help her.

“I won’t let him do it again,” he promised. With difficulty, he forced his anger within, so she wouldn’t fear him. “I won’t let his friends hurt you, either. I have friends too, you know. I’ll take care of you.”

A shudder racked her body. “He’ll punish me,” she whispered. No one had ever stopped Brian.

“I’ll break his hands if he hurts you again.” He kept his voice level, something his mom taught him to do when he worked at the shelter. “And then he’ll go to jail. Please trust me, Danielle. Let me help.”

When she had calmed down, she pulled away and sat on her bed. “Please get dressed.” She loved to feel his not-quite-naked body against hers, but she was also nervous about it.

Alex turned away as he dropped the towel. He hoped she watched, but he was almost sure she was too upset to peek. He dressed quickly, so he could to comfort her again.

“Did you see Alex play today?” Logan asked, to lighten the mood. “He’s so damn fast.”

Danielle looked up. “Yeah, he is.” She looked up at Alex, who was fully clothed. “Do you play on the team here?”

“No. My parents wouldn’t let me play in high school, and that’s how you get on it.” He had begged many times, but his mom felt it was too dangerous. Once he was 18, it was too late to join for the season, so he joined another sport.

“They don’t have tryouts at all?” Danielle wanted to encourage him, as he did for her. “You’re amazing.”

He smiled and sat next to her. “I’m not that good.”

She looked into his enchanting gray eyes. Despite the many times she had seen him, she never took the time to admire them. She had never met anyone with eyes that color before. His hair framed his face when he leaned forward. She could imagine it brushing her face as he made love to her. Ashamed, she blinked her eyes a few times and tried to rid herself of the fantasy. Then she smiled as she remembered him jumping to catch a pass that afternoon.

“I think you’re incredible. They’d be lucky to have you.”

He turned to her and touched her face. “
are incredible.” He ran his fingers through her hair, glad she didn’t pull away again. “Through all this, you’re thinking of helping me.” He sighed. “I’ll ask if they have tryouts. OK?”


Logan felt out of place. “Uh, I’m gonna get going, guys. I’ll see you tonight. Right?”

“Oh, yeah.” Alex had forgotten. “Danielle, you wanna come with us to a party? Logan’s fraternity has one every Sunday.”

She tried to think of a good excuse, but none came to her. “I can’t. I’m not allowed.”

“Fucking Brian,” Alex grumbled as quiet as he could. “Tell me all his friends’ names, and I’ll make sure none of them come. He won’t find out.”

Chapter 6

Several hours later, Danielle nervously got into the passenger seat of Alex’s black Ford Focus. “You sure no one saw us?”

He closed her door and ran around to get in the driver’s side. “Yes. I had all them all checked out. They’re either at work or home right now. We’re safe.”

She sighed and tried to relax. “I like your car.”

“My parents gave it to me when I graduated high school.” Then he cringed. It sounded like bragging. He knew her family didn’t have money.

Danielle laughed. She had not taken it that way. “I probably would’ve gotten a bottle of vodka. Then I bet my dad would’ve told me to grow up and get out.”

He furrowed his brows when he realized she said it as if nothing like that ever happened. He pretended he didn’t notice. She would withdraw if he pushed. “You’re dad wasn’t a nice guy either, huh?”

She looked out the window, determined not to let the memories emerge. “No.” The rest of the trip was silent.

When Alex parked, he opened her door and held out his hand to help her out. That made her smile, but she was still afraid. She hadn’t been to a party in a long time, at least not one with people besides just Brian and his friends, with her as the waitress or the entertainment.

Alex looked at Danielle as she grabbed his hand. “You all right?” They walked up the stairs to the house. “Did something scare you?”

She looked at him. “Brian doesn’t let me go anywhere. He’s going to—”

He took her other hand in his. “What? You have to tell me. What would he do to you?”

“He’ll hurt me.” She had never admitted she was abused. Not once had she told him what she would endure if Brian discovered her attraction to him.

Alex pulled her into his arms and feigned ignorance. “He beats you? You said he doesn’t.”

“I didn’t say he does that.” She didn’t want him to know. “But… I don’t like parties.” Her thoughts were mixed up.

He lifted her chin. Her extreme fear overwhelmed him. “You don’t have to hide the truth from me.” He kissed the top of her head. “Tell me what Brian would do if you two went to a party. Please.”

“He… he…” She closed her eyes. The last LAN party she attended came to mind. “He makes me do things.”

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