from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: from Pain to Pleasure (Gainesville Book 1)
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Danielle put her hand to her head and leaned back on the headboard. The headache still lingered. “It was pretty late. I didn’t look at the time.”

“Did you have fun with Alex in the pool?” she asked with a sly grin. “I saw you guys fucking. I hear he’s incredible in bed.”

Danielle sighed. It wasn’t a dream. The memories of the night before became clearer. “Um….” She had no idea what to say.

“You sounded like it was good,” Marie commented, and then smirked. “You slept in his bed, didn’t you? Gimme details. He’s so hot!”

Unsure of all the night’s events, Danielle sighed. She remembered the orgasms. There was shockingly no pain. It was the best feeling she ever had. “It’s all still a little cloudy, but he was amazing. I’m just not sure we should have.” She breathed deeply. Suddenly, she saw Alex over her then he kissed her while he made love to her.

“You guys make such a cute couple,” Marie replied. “Don’t worry about it. Alex is a great guy. Didn’t you want him?”

Danielle had to smile at that while she recalled her hands on him. “Last night, I wanted him so badly it was scary.” Brian’s possible discovery of what she had done made her tense. “But, I’m still with Brian. I’m so confused, and I have such a headache.” She groaned in pain. Thinking made it worse. “I’m gonna take a shower and see if the hot water helps.”

In the shower, Danielle thought about the party. Then about what she and Alex had done.
Twice, no wait, three times! Oh God!
A sigh escaped her lips. She wanted to see him but wasn’t ready to face him yet. They needed to talk about it. She still couldn’t believe they had sex.

Alex, on the other hand, yearned for a repeat. He couldn’t go back to sleep and got hard every time he thought of her.
She felt so good!
He could still feel her grip him tightly while she cried out his name. It was like a dream come true. He just hoped it didn’t all fall apart now that he had her.

After she had washed her hair, Danielle sighed. Alex was right. It was so good, she still felt it. She was pretty sure she passed out before the end.
Or did I?
Her mind was so mixed up, she couldn’t be positive when she crashed.

“Danielle,” Marie called to her. Then she opened the door. “Your phone’s ringing.”

In a panic, Danielle screamed, “Pick it up!”

If it was Brian, and she didn’t answer, he would be furious again. Her breath quickened, and she hugged herself. If he found out what she had done, he would definitely send someone to reprimand her. He wouldn’t care who slipped her something.
I cheated on him. Shit!

“She’s in the shower. One second.” Marie walked into the bathroom. “It’s Brian, Danielle.” She opened the sliding shower door.

Danielle started and tried to cover her scars. “Don’t look at me. Please.”

“Oh, God,” Marie quietly exclaimed. Her mouth dropped open. She covered the phone’s microphone. “Does this asshole beat you with a whip?” There were so many healed lash wounds, Marie couldn’t count them all. “Baby, no wonder you’re terrified of him.”

In tears, Danielle reached for the phone. “He… he… he didn’t. Not him.”

“Sweetie, you can’t keep covering for him.” Marie held in her anger. “Please. Let us help you.”

Danielle shook her head. “My father did it. Brian’s not that bad.”

“No.” Marie sighed. She understood. “He’s much worse. He’s in your head.” She handed her the phone and left the room.

Danielle brought her shaky hand up to her ear. “H—hello.”

“You OK?” Brian knew she was in tears.

She shakily replied, “Um, well, I’m in the shower.”

“And Marie saw your scars. Didn’t she?” He had heard Danielle scream not to look at her. She let out a sob. “It’s OK, Dani. He won’t ever beat you again. I promised you I wouldn’t let him. I told you I’d keep you safe from him.” He felt helpless for once. When she was overwhelmed with memories, he normally held her. “Take a deep breath, Dani. She won’t tell anyone.”

Danielle did as told and slowly relaxed. He was right. Maybe it was a good thing Marie knew what her dad had done to her for so long. “I’m scared,” she admitted. Images flashed in her head. She wished someone would hold her.

“I wish I was there.” He put aside what he had planned to ask and leaned back in his chair. It was a bad time to ask her why she didn’t answer her phone the night before. He understood flashbacks all too well. It was the one thing he had empathy for.

* * *

Alex was also in the shower, but he thought of Danielle. “Fuck!” He looked down at his stiff cock. Out of nowhere, he wondered if she would let him fuck her again. He told himself, “Maybe, if I romanced her a bit.” He was not used to that, but she was worth it. He hurriedly washed. Then as soon as he opened the door, he asked Logan, “Hey, what do girls like?”

“Huh?” Logan pulled his jeans on. He and Marie had plans that morning. “You don’t know what girls like? You’re kidding me!”

Alex wrapped the towel tighter around his waist. “I mean, like, as gifts or something.”

“Oh…” Logan let out a short laugh. “…for Danielle.”

With a sigh, Alex nodded. “I wanna keep her, man. You know how I feel about her.”

“Yeah.” Logan exhaled loudly. “Let me call Marie. She’ll know what’ll work.”

* * *

Marie paced and tried to calm down. She wanted to tell Alex or Logan, but how could she break Danielle’s trust like that?
Is she lying that her father beat her, not Brian? Does he have her that brainwashed?
When her phone rang, she took a deep breath and let it go for the time being.

After a long talk with Brian which stayed completely civil, Danielle ended the call and put the phone on the vanity. Not once had he asked for her whereabouts. She was confused and felt horribly guilty.

When she finally got back in the shower, Marie knocked on the bathroom door, and then opened it. “I’m sorry I walked in on you.”

“It’s OK,” Danielle meekly replied.

Marie frowned. “No, it’s not. I’m sorry I made you remember some awful things. And I’m sorry I busted in on you. I knew you were modest and shy about your body. I just didn’t think first.”

“I forgive you.” Danielle was honest. Marie had done a lot for her. “I shouldn’t have hid it from you.”

Marie smiled. “I get it. Don’t worry.” She paused. “Do you think Alex would mind if we borrowed his car? Me and Logan want to go out for breakfast, and then go sightseeing.”

“He’d probably be OK with it,” Danielle replied. “The keys are in my purse.”

With a huge grin of minor deceit, Marie said, “See you later. Try and have some fun. Kiss Alex for me.” She had inside information, that Danielle just might enjoy her morning as much as the night before. She closed the door and winked at Alex. “Wait a few minutes. She’ll be daydreaming about you soon.”

Danielle smiled widely. The mere mention of his name gave her butterflies. She continued with her hair while she thought of his naked body against hers. As soon as she had rinsed out the conditioner, she opened her eyes. There was a red rose on her shampoo bottle.

She smiled. “How did that get there?”

“I put it there.” Alex put his arms around her. He kissed her neck, glad he had made a silent entry. His hands rubbed her sides, slowly. “God you’re beautiful.”

She sighed at his touch but feared Brian’s reprisal still. “Stop, Alex. We can’t do this.” Brian’s call also made her wonder if they could make it work.

Alex kissed her shoulders. “What’s the difference now, after last night?” He ran his hands up her body and caressed her breasts. “You felt so good.” He groaned as his erection jerked against her back. “That’s what it’s supposed to be like, me loving you and you enjoying it.”

Turned on by his body so close, Danielle closed her eyes. He eased her headache just a bit. She fought her conscience but lost. It was still cheating. She turned around in his arms. “Alex, I’m sorry. It was wrong. Somebody put something in my drink. I have such a headache.”

He put his hands on her waist and didn’t let her words break his heart. “We’re sober
. Let me make love to you again. Please.”

She laid her head on his chest to ease the blow. “I can’t.” Her body said yes, though. She hoped he didn’t put a hand between her legs. Then he would know she wanted him.

“Is it still because of Brian?”

“What if he finds out?”

Alex held her close. “Break up with him. Then it won’t matter.”

Danielle picked up her head and looked at him. He was a lot taller than she was. She didn’t know how she felt about him. It was something she had never known before. She wasn’t sure what it was. Lust, maybe? His presence tore at her heart.
What’s the right thing to do?

He caressed her cheek and went for broke. “I love you, Danielle. I need you to know that. Last night wasn’t a one-night stand for me.” He kissed her lips. “It was just the beginning.” His hands wove in her hair, and he tilted her face up. “Will you leave him and be with me?”

“I don’t know what to do,” she admitted. “You know I like you.” She took a shaky breath. For some reason, she was afraid. Not of Alex but of how drawn she was to him. The feelings that had surfaced, while they were in the pool, came back to her. She cried because she never felt so… so… Could it be loved? “But last night…”

He smiled. “Was the best night of my life.” He looked down her body and took in even her scars. “You’re so perfect.” Then he held her gaze again. “I don’t wanna let you go… Please.”

“I just don’t know,” she responded.

With a sigh, he let her go and stepped back a little. He felt defeated. Brian’s hold on her ran deep. He breathed deeply and tried not to let his emotions show. “I won’t push you.”

Danielle couldn’t help but look him over. He looked so much better than Brian did. She bit her lip and hoped he didn’t see her nipples harden. She closed her eyes and tried to will away her desire for him. Relationships were not all about sex. At least that’s what she had read.

Alex saw the troubled expression on her face.
At least she’s torn, too.
He picked up her bath sponge and poured soap on it. He was determined to show her what love was. What she had been missing all her life.

She jumped when the sponge touched her belly. Her eyes opened. She stared as Alex washed her. “Stop.” Her voice betrayed that she didn’t mean it.

“At least let me do this. I’m sorry I fucked you when we were wasted. I swear I didn’t spike your drink. I woke up with a headache, too. So whatever Dave gave you, he gave to both of us.”

Danielle didn’t stop him. She got so little attention from Brian over the years. When he was done, he leaned down and kissed her. He was a better kisser than Brian was. A strange, lustful urge consumed her. Her body moved toward his, and her hands ran up his chest.

Suddenly, she pulled back. “This is so wrong.” She got under the spray and rinsed off. “I’m sorry.”

Alex stepped closer and did the same. “You’re finally letting your feelings guide you. Go with them. Please.”

“I can’t.” Once in a towel, Danielle walked to her bed, with Alex on her heels. His discarded clothes on top of her bag brought up an image of his naked body.

He touched her shoulder. “Can I give you a massage? To get rid of your headache.”

Her head felt like it was in a vise. “OK, but that’s all. Right?” She put the rose he gave her on the nightstand and smiled. It was an amazingly romantic gesture. She didn’t expect that from him.
Would he be that great of a boyfriend? Could Brian ever treat me that way?

“Just a massage,” Alex replied. “I couldn’t do that to you.” Soon he sat behind her and opened her towel. “I’ll do your back, too.” He put his legs around her body and felt the apprehension. “This OK?”


Danielle was anxious for many reasons. Her torn feelings, the headache and fear of hurting Alex. When he touched her shoulders, she took a deep breath. She expected him to make it sensual, but he didn’t. He worked her muscles with precision and care. At some points, she even felt it in her toes. Her headache gradually lessened as he moved to her neck. When he started on her back, she involuntarily moaned quietly.

“Mmm,” Alex whispered in her ear. “You did that last night, too.” After he had gone over every inch of exposed skin in front of him, he stopped. “How’s your headache?”

She sighed, relieved. “Much better, thanks.” She pulled the towel back on. Then, she turned around and knelt between his open legs. She felt even closer to him and wanted the feeling to continue. “Can I do you now?”

“Anytime.” Alex smirked.

She smiled and slapped his strong chest playfully. “Not that. I meant a massage. You said you had a headache, too.”

He smiled at her and kissed her lips. “Only if you want to. I’ll be OK.” He hugged her and tried to will her to love him. “I don’t wanna push you into anything you don’t want. I’m nothing like him. You can say no to me anytime you want. About anything.”

“I do want to.” She brushed her lips over his ear absently. “That felt really good.”

He shivered and wished she would change her mind. “Yeah.”

She used his shoulders to pull herself up. Then she knelt behind him. She began at his neck. She was surprised he was so tense. Slowly, his muscles relaxed. He let out a sigh when she moved to his shoulders. They were much worse. He groaned in pain a few times. She stood up and used as much pressure as she could to ease it.

Alex moaned while she relieved his tension. Shocked by how talented her hands were, he imagined them on his dick again. He shut his eyes, tightly. His cock stirred again. His fist clenched when her body moved against him. She had knelt again before she began on his back. Fleeting presses of her breasts drove him up a wall.

Danielle loved how strong his muscles felt. She enjoyed the massage much more than he did. Not able to help herself, she took a break and ran her hands down his arms. It was new to take pleasure in his pleasure. He was just so fucking hot. By the time she got down to his towel, she wanted to touch him some more. She couldn’t understand why she couldn’t resist. He had her insane with desire. She reached around and opened his towel.

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