Friends With Way Too Many Benefits (9 page)

Read Friends With Way Too Many Benefits Online

Authors: Luke Young,Ian Dalton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Humor, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Humor & Satire, #General Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Friends With Way Too Many Benefits
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"That's great, but I really think the studio should reconsider Reese, don't her numbers—"

"Wait, why aren't you excited about this? What's your issue with Amanda?"

"I, I don't have any issue with her. It's just that I, um, don't really see her playing me, you know."

"No way. She's perfect for it. Chance is happy, the studio is happy, Amanda didn't even flinch when we quoted her the salary and it's half of her normal rate."

"Wow, I, um… But don’t you think she looks a little like, um, like…"


"Barbra Streisand?"

"What? Are you crazy?"

"No, um, I just think she—"

"She's one of the most beautiful actresses working right now. Jillian, get a grip on reality. Have you heard of Paul Ford?"


"He directed
The Wedding Party

"Oh, I saw that." She smiled widely. "That was good."

"Good? It was the highest grossing R rated comedy of all time— the only one ever, to get a nomination for best picture. It would've won too if Daniel Day Lewis hadn't gotten so into his role playing Bill Clinton."

"I didn't see that."

"He was Clinton! I mean, he put on fifty pounds, spoke with a southern accent, ate nothing except McDonalds and hit on every woman he saw for an entire year."

"Wow, he does really take his roles seriously."

"Tell me about it. Four of the extras are suing him for sexual harassment."

"That's uh, that's—"

"Look, Ford wants to do it because of Amanda also. She starts filming the sequel to
Consenting Adultery
in five months so she has time right now. The studio wants to fast track this. They want to start shooting in Miami next month." Dan scoffed. "Jillian, all the planets are aligning. This never, ever, happens. Tell me you're onboard with all this. Tell me, Jesus."

"I'm… I'm just not sure."

"You're kidding. They're planning to release it next spring. Don't you want to see it out as soon as possible?"

"Yeah, but look I—"

"Jillian, you only have final approval for the director. Any director who knows Amanda is interested in this role is going to want her in his movie. You pass up this opportunity and this movie might never get made."

"They would never do that. Remember the contract says the studio has to pay a penalty if they don't make it within two years."

"You're right. You know what they'll do. You screw them on this and they'll make it all right, but it will be staring Ian Ziering and Tara Reid and it'll go straight to video."

"You mean those two from Sharknado?"


"They can't do that." She scoffed.

"Oh, yes they can. Do you really want your movie poster to say, from the director of Sharknado comes a new comedy?"

"No way."

"Let's face it, the books aren't selling like they were. The announcement alone that Joseph and Hart are signed on will get them moving again. The studio wants to set a meeting for Friday. Can you come to L.A.?"

"I think so, but—"

"Jillian, take tonight to think about it and call me in the morning because we've got to jump on this thing soon."

"Okay, I will."

Jillian hung up the phone, then closed her eyes and sighed.



Jillian walked in to the darkened bedroom and discovered Brian already in bed lying on his side. She whispered, "Brian?"

After receiving no response, she slipped into the bathroom, stared at her reflection in the mirror and put on a pained frown. She brushed her teeth, washed her face and put on a little night shirt and panties and crawled into bed next to her man.

Propping up her pillows, she folded her arms and closed her eyes with her thoughts swirling. He moaned softly and turned toward her. Suddenly she felt something hard on her leg. Placing her hand on his stomach, she slid it lower until she felt his raging hard on. She giggled. "You're just pretending to be asleep aren’t you?"

Without responding, he groaned softly. She slid down and lay on her side facing him and whispered in an affected voice, "Oh, I guess he's still asleep. Even though he's super-hard I don't think I should wake him by doing anything."

He moved closer to her pressing his erection more firmly into her leg.

"Goodnight, baby." She kissed him gently on the forehead.

After four seconds, he whined, "Really?"


"I thought we'd play, you know, I'm asleep and you discover I'm hard and you know…"

"Oh, you're awake." She grinned.

"Stop messing around. You knew I was awake the whole time."

"Why are you hard?"

"I've been keeping it that way since I took my shower just in case you, uh—"

"You took a shower did you?" She smiled. "Why'd you do that?"

"Number one I always take a shower and number two I wanted to be sparkling clean for you."

"That's sweet, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be ovulating tomorrow and I really think we should hold off until then."

"Sorry, I didn't realize it was that time again."

"I'll take my temperature in the morning and maybe you'll be a happy boy after lunch."

"Okay." He grumbled. "So, what did Dan have to say?"

"Chance wants to do the movie." She sighed. "And they want to start shooting next month."

"That's great." He sat up in bed and turned on the light. Looking at her expression, he narrowed his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing."

Shaking his head, he pulled the covers down and uncovered his now mostly flaccid penis. "Look, I know something's wrong and so does he."

Jillian looked at little Brian and smiled. "He's still cute though."

"I know, but tell me what’s wrong."

She exhaled deeply. "Guess who else wants to be in the movie?"

"What they didn't get Reese?"

"They don't want her."

"Who do they want?"

"Amanda Joseph."

"No way." He smiled. "That's great, she's a big star. This is great, right?"

Sitting up in bed, she kicked off the covers and made a face. "It's so hot in here. Are you hot?"

"Uh-uh." He looked her over in her green and white stripped boy shorts and smiled. "You look adorable in those."

"Thanks." She almost broke a smile before returning to her frown. "I don't want Amanda Joseph to play me in my movie."

"Why not?" He scoffed. "Who wouldn't want her to… wait, is this because of the free pass thing?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

Discovering he was growing again, she gave him a sickened look. "See."


"You're getting big again. One mention of her name and you're even bigger than before." She leaned in closer and cringed. "Oh my God, I've never seen you this big before ever."

"What? You're crazy."

"No, I'm not." She returned her eyes to his groin and cringed. "Just look at it."

He checked it out, widened his eyes impressed and turned his attention to her. "I'm just that way again because you look so damn cute in those boy shorts. I feel like tearing those off of you and, and… I can't even say all the things I want to do to you."

She folded her arms and looked away from him.

"Do you really think even if by some miracle she was interested in me that I would leave you?"

"I don't know."

"Look, I would never, ever be with another woman, even with her. Sure she's attractive, but she's not prettier than you. Look at me."

She turned to him and frowned.

Placing his hand on her arm, he gave her a gentle smile. "Since the first moment I saw you, I've never looked at another woman the same way again. There is no one else on the planet for me. I couldn't imagine my life without you."

Her frown melted away. "Sorry, I'm being silly."

"Yeah, what'd you think she'd take one look at me on the set and just have to have me?"

"Really." She giggled. "I don't know what I was—"


"I'm kidding." She looked him over and shimmied her hips. "You do look pretty cute all six pack abs and everything. Maybe I should be worried since I have a hard time resisting you. We should fatten you up. You should pack on twenty pounds and all right here." She ran her hand over his stomach muscles.

"Um, forget it." He put on a fake arrogant smile. "I'm pretty sure she'll somehow survive without all this. She'll be a little too preoccupied with Chance to notice me."

"Yeah, you do hear a lot about those on screen romances."

"But I'll stay away from the set if you want me to."

"Don't be silly. You've been looking forward to the movie."

He shook his head. "I did want to see how one is made."

Glancing down to his erection, she widened her eyes. "Wow, he's not going down is he?"

"Not with your legs showing like that." He motioned toward her lady parts with his hand. "Maybe you should cover all your stuff up."

"You're adorable." She giggled.

"I'm finally healed both physically and
after you tried to burn him off and Victoria's friend tried to scare me to death."

"I know you poor baby. I'm sorry." Looking closely at the tip, she smiled. "Oh, now you have the cutest little scar."

"It does give it some character."

"Thank God I didn’t ruin it or anything."

"He really misses you," he whined.

"Oh, he does, does he?"

He grimaced. "Yeah, but he'll survive."

"Are you going to be able to fall asleep in that condition?"

"It'll go down eventually, but I was thinking." He gave her a hopeful smile. "What if we did it, but I didn't finish?"


"I'll save
for tomorrow, but we could still, you know, for a little while."

"Do you really think you could do that?"

"I think so. I'll think about tennis or my mother or… wait scratch that. You think about my mother and I'll think about tennis."

She knelt up in bed and smiled down to him. "Why'd you have to go and mention your mother? Now I really want to put it in my mouth."

"Really?" He sat up a little straighter.

"Uh-huh." She licked her lips. "Too bad I can't do that."

"Saliva," he grumbled, grimacing.

"Yeah, saliva." After pausing to think, she smiled. "You know, I could maybe lick his
for a little while. That probably would be okay."

"His friends?" He narrowed his eyes.

"You know…" Cupping her hand, she made a face.

"Oh…" His eyes shot wide open. "Yeah, that would be… yeah."

"How about this— I'll do
for a while. Then you take another quick shower, come back to bed and you can put it in for little while, but you have to promise to not finish."

"Why do I have to take another shower?" He looked completely baffled.

"Duh, there will be saliva in the general area which might get inside me and that wouldn’t be good."

"Wow, you're really serious about this saliva thing."

"I am. So is it a deal?


"You sure you can handle that?"

"I'm more than sure." He nodded quickly, breathlessly.

Grinning, she pulled her shirt off. He looked her over and gasped then reached out roughly taking her breast in his hand.

She shuddered with his touch. "Lift your knees up."

Before she finished getting the words out, his knees were up and spread apart. She slid in under them moving close to him and blew her hot breath over his most sensitive of areas.

"Oh, man…" His eyes drifted closed.

She placed her tongue on his skin and he took a deep breath. Wrapping her hand around his shaft, she held it tightly as her lips, mouth and tongue danced over the twins. He ran his fingers gently through her hair. "They missed you so much."

She moaned in pleasure and pressed her mouth harder against him, feeling his two hairless testicles move apart, she ran her tongue up and down leaving a trail of potentially conception challenging saliva behind— at that moment she didn't care.

Sucking hard, she drew one of them into her mouth and ran her tongue around it. He moaned louder and rubbed her neck sensually. "Oh, Jillian."

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