Friends With Way Too Many Benefits (6 page)

Read Friends With Way Too Many Benefits Online

Authors: Luke Young,Ian Dalton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Humor, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Humor & Satire, #General Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Friends With Way Too Many Benefits
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"Oh, don't do that. You'll hurt it."

He chuckled. "No, I won't. They make these things pretty resilient, you know." He pressed it more firmly against the glass, the bulbous head looking now even more impressive.

Licking her lips, she widened her eyes. "It really looks big."

"Hey, what do you mean it

"I mean it

"That's right babe." Grinning, he held it perfectly still allowing her to enjoy the view.

After pulling herself back to reality, she grimaced. "I'm serious… I might need that later."

He moved away from the glass and soaped up his chest. "You should have thought of that before you tried to break it off last night."

"Sorry, it just felt so good and I was really caught up in the moment."

"I know, but you can't get up that high, at that angle and then slam down on it so hard like that. It is resilient..." Cocking his eyebrow, he gave her a look. "... but it's not that resilient, you know."

"I'll be more careful."

Looking down at his equipment, he smiled. "Wow, look how hard I am."

She slid open the door and took hold of his shaft, giving it a couple quick strokes while gnawing on her lip seemingly contemplating how to proceed. After a few seconds, she shook her head and let it go. "I really am late."

"Well, then stop teasing me."

"Okay, okay." She shimmied her hips and smiled. "I think I just had a little O."

"I didn't." He frowned and said sarcastically, "So glad I could help you out."

"Oh, I'll give you a good blow job later." After raising her eyebrows suggestively, she dried her hands on the towel then picked up a curling iron off the tile surround of the soaking tub. As she headed toward the sink, she said, "I think you can make it until then. You'll survive."

"Maybe, but I might just have to take care of him myself," He announced loudly over the spray of the shower.

"You’d better not." She giggled.

A few minutes later, he slid open the shower door and stepped onto a towel, his half-hard penis dangling between his legs.

Slipping on her glasses, she eyed him curiously. "Did you?"

"Noooo." He narrowed his eyes as he dried himself with the towel.

"You did."

"I didn't."

"I don't believe you. I heard an awful lot of groaning and grunting over there."

"Ahhh, you're hearing things."

"Are you sure?" Studying it closely, she shook her head, frowning. "It looks sorta like you did."

He bent over trying to get a better look. "What are you talking about?"

"It's kinda red."

"I was taking a hot shower and it's always a little red."

"Men." She rolled her eyes.

"I'll prove it to you." Taking hold of his equipment, he pointed it at her and widened his eyes. "You want to go? I'll go right now. Let's go."

"No, that's okay." She held back a chuckle. "I believe you. Just promise me you'll wait for me."

"I will."

Returning her attention to her face, she pulled off her glasses and leaned close to the mirror over the small double vanity full of their toiletries. Struggling to apply some makeup, she said, "God, I wish I could actually see close up," She grumbled, "Getting older really sucks."

"I wouldn’t know." He broke into a smile.

"Well, there goes your blow job later."


Glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, she smiled. "Just kidding, maybe..."

She went to work on a section of her hair with the curling iron. After frowning at herself in the mirror, she mumbled, "That's just going to have to do."

She placed the curling iron down on the already overcrowded counter, knocking over a bottle of contact lens solution. She sighed. "I can't wait for them to finish our bathroom. I can’t take much more of this. We should have waited until next year to do the remodel."

"No, it will all be worth it. Just another week or so then you'll finally have the dream bathroom you always wanted. I can't wait to try out the two person shower with you." He toweled off his body then hung the towel over the bar.

"I'll bet you can't."

Sliding in next to her in front of his sink he smiled. "I swear I didn't just do it, but you're lucky. It took everything I had not to release some of this pent up excitement. I mean, you try having a boner and being right next to a woman with that ass."

She smiled. "Okay, I really do believe you. And thanks to the ass comment, your B.J. is back on."


She leaned back from the mirror and curled her hair. After spreading some paste on his toothbrush, he started to brush. He took a step back from the sink and focused once again on Jillian's shapely ass. Groaning with his mouth full, he shook his head.

After rinsing the paste from his mouth, he dried his face with a towel. Sliding in next to him, she leaned close to the mirror once again, placing an eyebrow pencil to her brow. Tossing the towel to the counter, he slipped in behind her sliding down to his knees. Bent over, she looked even better, with her ass checks spreading adorably before him. He sighed and took hold of each cheek, rubbing them sensually.

"God, you look really cute."

She grinned. "It always looks cute. You say that like it isn't always cute."

"Yeah, it is always cute, but sometimes it's, you know, more cute."

"You mean cuter."

"Yes, cuter." He sighed. "I forgot I was flirting with a grammar nut."

Holding still, close to the mirror, she let him have another moment.

He kissed her lower back and she moaned softly, bending over even further as he ran his hands down her thighs.

He pulled back from her and stared deeply at her milky white skin. "I'd like to use your ass as a pillow."


"I'd like to use—"

"No, I heard you the first time. I don't even know what that means." She chuckled before shaking her head. "Well, sadly I think I do... What exactly is wrong with you?"


"You really need to find another hobby."

"No way, worshiping your little ass is the only hobby I need."

"Okay, ass boy… I'm really going to be late."

"All right." He stood and frowned.

Grimacing, she looked down at his now ridiculously hard erection.

He made a face. "See what you did to me."

"Babe, you did that to yourself."

"Yeah, but… you can't leave me like this."

"Uh, yeah I can."

"At least give me permission to take care of it myself."

Closing her eyes, she shook her head. "Knock yourself out." She glanced down to her cell phone and checked the time. "Oh shit." Moving quickly, she unplugged the curling iron then turned toward him.

He took a step back to the sink just as she brought the curling iron down and briefly losing her balance, she stumbled toward him. Before she could pull it away his still-hard
connected with her still-hot one for only a millisecond before he yelped in agony and pulled away.

"Oh my God." Jillian's jaw dropped open. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

Bending over, he wrapped his hand around the end of his penis with his mouth wide open and his eyes slammed shut. He let out a nearly silent, but slightly girly sounding whimper as he bounced up and down on his tip toes. "Awwwe… ooooh… mmmmnn..."

"Are you…" She grimaced, her eyes darting between the problem area and his face. "… okay?"

"I'm okay." Rushing to the sink, he pressed his hips to the counter and turned on the cold water. He cupped water in his hand and tossed it over the tip as he struggled to catch his breath.

She moved closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let me see it."

After splashing more cold water on it, he dabbed it carefully with a towel and shook his head a little dizzied.

Turning to her, he looked down and cringed. On the right side of the tip was a bright red burn mark. He grimaced. "Oh, shit."

Jillian slipped down to her knees and studied it carefully wearing a troubled look. "Does it hurt?"

"A little." After biting his lip, he said, "But I'll be okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's just a little… it's… I'll be fine." He shook his head quickly, curled his lip and struggled to put on a brave face.

Rising up, she checked the time once more. She held her chin and cringed. "I really have to go, but I'll be back soon. I promise. You sure you're good?"

"It hardly hurts anymore," he managed to say, showing only the faintest hint of discomfort in his voice.

They both looked down to it. She shrugged, unconvincingly. "It sorta, kinda doesn't look… too bad."

"Yeah, I'm fine." He waved it off with a flip of his hand.

"You're sure?"

"Yes, you're going to be late. You should go."

"Okay." She leaned in close to him and said softly, "I'll make him feel better later." After kissing him on the cheek, she gave him a supportive smile before heading out of the room.

Biting his lip, he waited a few seconds before poking his head out the doorway to confirm that she was gone. Returning to the sink, he turned on the cold water thrusting his hips against the counter and rising on his tip toes to lean over the bowl. Once again he cupped water in his hand and tossed it on his manhood, closing his eyes and breathing out in relief.

After splashing more water on the problem area, he let out a long exhale as he looked at himself in the mirror while shaking his head in disbelief. "Geez… how the fuck does this shit happen to me? Okay, okay, you're fine." Preparing for the worst, his gaze traveled slowly down to his penis. He looked closely at the discolored area and shrugged. "No permanent damage."

After dabbing the area gingerly with a towel, he carefully slipped on a pair of soft boxer shorts and finished getting dressed. Then he headed slowly down the stairs being careful not to cause any unnecessary shifting in his shorts.

He walked into the kitchen and stood there thinking a moment as the dull pain continued in his groin area. Grimacing, he pulled open the refrigerator door, took out a beer and twisted off the cap. He sighed then pressed the bottle to his lips and took a big drink. Beer dribbled down his chin then onto his shirt.

"Shit! What else is going to happen?"

He limped his way to the great room slumping down on the sofa and tilted his head back as he guzzled the bottle. After wiping his lips with his sleeve, he grabbed the remote, turned on the television and started mindlessly flipping the channels as he fought to ignore the pain.

I'm sure it will stop hurting soon. Yeah, I'm good.

Polishing off the beer, he placed the bottle on the table and pressed his hands into the cushions of the sofa as he bit his lip and trembled slightly while sweat formed on his brow.
It's just a little burn, you pussy! Be a man...

He wiped his forehead and took another deep breath. "Okay, I'm fine."

Grabbing the remote, he changed the channel to ESPN 2 catching a replay of an Australian Open tennis match.
All right, this is good.

After watching for a little over three minutes, he shifted in his seat then felt a sudden sharp pain in the problem area.

Widening his eyes, he put his hands on his knees and squeezed them hard letting out a couple shallow breaths. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"

He closed his eyes and his foot was now shaking uncontrollably. He popped up from the sofa. An intense throbbing pain which started in his groin spread throughout his body. He bit his lip to keep from screaming out.

After limping slowly to the powder room, he unbuttoned his shorts and carefully lowered them down. Staring at his boxer shorts in the mirror he narrowed his eyes as he took hold of the waistband.

He exhaled before pushing the boxers down a bit. Immediately feeling excruciating pain, he stopped the descent, his eyes glazing over and his hands sweating. He closed his eyes, sighed then pulled the waistband of his boxers out a few inches carefully with his mouth hanging open and the pain clearly evident on his face. "Holy shit!"

Peering into his underwear, he saw his penis stretching out along with the boxers clearly stuck in some way to the fabric. Fighting to overcome the agonizing pain, he swayed back and forth and struggled to think.

He curled his lip before reaching in slowly with one hand to secure his manhood as he kept a steady hold on his boxer shorts with the other. Scared to breathe, he pulled on his penis watching in horror as the head fought to break free from its captor. As he slowly pulled, the skin stretched and the pain seared through his loins.

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