Friends With Way Too Many Benefits (2 page)

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Authors: Luke Young,Ian Dalton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Humor, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Humor & Satire, #General Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Friends With Way Too Many Benefits
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Complications with Victoria's pregnancy lead to Jim and Caroline returning to Miami and an early delivery for baby girl Kaylie. After Kaylie requires life-saving surgery, Victoria and Jim reach out to one another for comfort and in the process the attraction between the two of them is rekindled. Everyone is relieved when the surgery is a success and the prognosis for the baby is for a full recovery. Months pass with Victoria and Kaylie thriving while on their own and Jim and Caroline return to school to finish their senior years. The story comes to a close with Jillian and Brian watching the baby for the night and discussing having one of their own. Fueled by champagne, Victoria, Jim and Caroline grow a little too close while relaxing in the hot tub and after a crowded night of passion; Caroline slips away leaving a note and leaving the new parents to contemplate their future.


And now on to book five!


Jim, Victoria, Jillian and Brian sat around the dinner table after having just finished a delicious meal prepared by the famous author. The couple with the new baby hadn't been out of the house much in the last six months or for that matter enjoyed much sleep. With Victoria's parents watching Kaylie for the night, they were both ready to unwind. Now the hosting couple, the one with a twenty two year old child/best friend, had been humping quite regularly for the past four months in a frenzied, yet casual attempt to conceive in a, if-it's-meant-to-be-it-will-happen, sorta way. Unfortunately, they were unsuccessful so far.

The group headed to the great room to watch the DVD Victoria rented of the new independent movie starring Ben Affleck. It was a film the women were interested in seeing and the men half-heartedly agreed to watch. Ten minutes into,
To the Wonder
, everyone in the room wanted to hang themselves. With only a few scant words of dialog and pretty much nothing at all happening in the story during that time the four exchanged looks of boredom and confusion. Even with the promise of some gratuitous nudity at some point in the almost two hour epic it was unanimous that they bail.

Brian hit the stop button on the remote and slumped back on the sofa.

Jillian asked, "So what should we do now?"

Jim was busy looking at his iPhone. "We could go to a movie. The new Sandra Bullock movie starts at 10:20."

Victoria frowned. "I don't feel like going out. Does anyone else?"

"Not really." Jillian shrugged. "We could play a game. We have Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly, Scrabble... or maybe we could play cards."

"Scrabble. I love scrabble." Grinning, Victoria rubbed her hands together.

"Really?" Brian whined, "Scrabble."

"Come on," Victoria pleaded. "I'm really good at it and we can make it interesting."


"Well, for starters double points for any dirty words."

"Woopie." Brian gave her a look.

"Okay, how about this. Low score for any round has to do a shot and... and…" Victoria widened her eyes. "Take off an article of clothing."

Brian perked up a bit. "Okay, but what happens when one of you girls gets naked— are you just out of the game?"

Victoria smiled. "First off, us
... will not be the first ones naked. Let's just say we'll be seeing things hanging and swinging before you'll be seeing any of these." Putting on a smug look, she motioned with one hand to her own chest and with the other over to Jillian's stunning pair.

"That's right." Jillian nodded, smugly.

"Okay..." Brian held back a laugh. "Regardless of who gets naked first, what happens after that?"

"Then you choose a truth or dare. And the person with the high score from that round gets to ask the question or provide the dare."

"And the dare can be anything?" Brian asked.

"Well, within reason." Victoria put a finger to her lips. "How about the other two have to agree the dare is acceptable?"

"I sorta have a bad feeling about this," Brian cringed. "But yeah, I'm in."

"Me too." Jillian flashed her husband a smile.

Jim frowned. "This sounds really complicated."

"It's not." Victoria blew out a long, slow breath. "I'll tell you when to drink and when to strip…" She shook her head quickly and made a face. "Okay? Mr. Fun as a dishrag..."

"Hey, I can be fun."

"Well then go get the vodka."

"All right." Jim took off toward the liquor cabinet and Brian headed to the den.

When Brian returned with the board game Jillian set it up on the large coffee table. Everyone moved to the floor sitting around the table with their shot glass, wooden letter holder and group of letter tiles.

Victoria scolded the group. "And we all get exactly five articles of clothing, so if you don’t wear a bra then you can count each of your socks separately, but no shoes or anything like that."

"For this dirty word thing who judges whether the word is dirty or not?" Brian asked.

"I think we'll know." Victoria shot the group a knowing look. "If it has to do with a fun body part or sex, then it's dirty."

"Is slang okay?" Jim asked.

"Yes, but only for dirty words."

"Ready?" Victoria said. "I'll go first."

"Why do you get to go first?" Brian complained.

"Duh, it was my idea."

After twenty minutes of game play, the boys were working on a decent buzz and were down to only their shorts and underwear. Jillian, the leader, was missing only her socks and Victoria was sockless and down to her bra. On the board appeared the words—
and a few less fun selections.

Smiling, Jim placed his letters on the board. "S. H. I. T. that's a double and the T is on a triple word score so that's—"

"That's not a dirty word." Brian scoffed.

"Is too." Victoria came to her man's defense.

"Um, you’d better check your rule book." Brian sighed. "The rule was the word had to be for a fun body part or sex."


"Well, I don't know what you two pervs do in the bedroom, but please tell me poop is not involved."

Victoria cringed. "Oh, yeah, you're right. I'm into a lot of wild stuff, but S.H.I.T. is not one of them. Jim, no, you cannot double that."

"Okay," he sighed.

"My turn." Jillian ran her tongue over her teeth. "I'm going to use the 'I' in his shit for my TAINT." Grinning, she arranged the letters carefully and looked up to discover everyone giving her horrified looks. "Oh, sorry, that didn't come out right."

Brian winked. "Now that definitely is a double word, a fun body part and hers is so cute."

"Oh, that's sweet." Jillian put her hand on his arm, beaming.

"We're all happy for you," Victoria said with an edge to her voice.

"I didn't say a word when we all had to hear about how awesome your nipples were earlier." Brian sneered. "What? Can we not share in this game? I thought we were sharing."

"Oh, we will share." Victoria chuckled. "...but that's happening after we're naked."

Brian studied the board, cringing. "Crap, I don't have anything decent." He bit his knuckle and took one last look at the board before frowning at his awful letters. "Does anyone know of a word with four Es and a Q?"

"Hey, no cheating," Victoria scolded.

"You need a shot." Brian looked at her pointedly before returning to the board.

"Maybe we need a time limit," Jim said.

"Okay, okay." Brian placed his two letters down forming the word

Victoria grumbled something under her breath.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked.

"Well, you took my space. I was going to put down BACKDOOR."

"Yeah, we all know you love that." Brian and Jillian shared a look.

"I at least knew how to do it."

"Your parents… they… must be so proud." Jillian cracked up barely able to get out the words.

"Go ahead, laugh it up. But you weren't laughing when I taught you both how to do it."

Jim's jaw fell open. "Wait, what are you talking about, you taught them how to do what?"

"Anal sex."

"What? How?"

Victoria shrugged. "Well, we were all high and they were having some trouble so I sorta walked them through it."

"You're kidding right?"


"So you watched them like doing it and… and everything?"

"Yep, until they threw me out for... what was it?" She placed a finger to her chin.

"You wouldn't shut up remember? The constant play by play." Jillian shook her head. "It was awful."

"Ahhh…" Victoria looked to the ceiling. "Good times."

"Please, please…" Jim ran his fingers through his hair. "…tell me this was before I met you."

"It was. Remember, I said we were high."

"Still…" He looked at her like she was nuts.

"Hey, don't judge." Victoria turned her attention to Jillian. "Okay, score master, who is drinking and taking something off?"

"Um, sorry Brian," Jillian said, sympathetically.


"Yeah, your three letter word just didn’t cut it."

Jim poured him one third of a shot. After the initial rounds when they each took a first full shot they all agreed to switch to the mini shot in order to prolong the game into its more enjoyable phases before they all blacked out.

After slamming it back, Brian stood and stripped off his shorts then as required performed a slow spin before sitting back down.

"Look at the cute little bulge." Victoria smiled. "I forgot that you're a grower."

Brian scoffed. "You didn't forget and you know how much it grows. Hell you held it in your hands more than once."

"Wait, you held it." Jim looked up from the board, stunned.

"Uh-huh. It's a long story."

"Don’t tell it." Jim sighed, then poured himself a healthy shot and pounded it back. "And they ask me why I drink."



Twenty seven minutes later, all four were completely naked with Brian bearing the brunt of the punishment, of course. With about five full shots consumed, he'd been required to confess the most dangerous place he'd ever masturbated (waiting in a long line at a fast food drive-thru), his most horrifying sexual experience (a girl in college who bolted from his dorm room just after he dropped his pants) and during his third straight losing round he reluctantly chose dare.

Victoria put on an evil grin. "I dare you to try to perform oral sex on yourself."


"Give yourself a blowjob."


"Um, do I need to draw you a picture?" Holding her palms up, Victoria looked around the room to Jillian's and Brian's utterly confused faces.

"Yeah, in this case." Brian swayed back and forth with his eyes open like slits. "I think I'm going to need a picture."

Jim raised his hand. "I know I can't do it, she made me try a few weeks ago."

Brian shook himself awake, widened his eyes and slowly turned to Jillian wearing a horrified expression. When he turned back, he said, "You poor man. I don't want to know what other sex stuff, sex queeny over here makes you do."

"Uh…" Jim shrugged. "It's not so bad."

"So, let's go." Victoria folded her arms, staring Brian down.

"There is no way I can do this."

"How do you know?" Victoria asked.

"Well, for one thing, if I could do that, I probably wouldn’t be here with you all, I'd still be living with my parents… at my parent's house with a chronic case of scholastics…" He chuckled. "…shit, I mean, scoliosis."

They all shared a laugh.

Brian turned to his wife. "I can't believe you're not going to veto this."

"You know…" She shrugged. "I think I'd like to see that. Come on give it a try."


"Dude, I'm not going to watch, but I'm not standing in their way either."

"Gee, thanks. Just wait until your turn." Brian sighed. "All right, give me my shot and make it a full one… not one of those girly ones."

Jim poured then the victim took a deep breath and pounded it back, cringing and blowing his breath through his teeth. He stood up too quickly, leaned a bit and had to steady himself by extending his arms out. "All right… I'm okay." After shaking his head, he grabbed his
head, pulled it upward and half-heartedly bent down, opening his mouth slightly along the way. After two seconds he stood up and again had to steady himself. "See I can't… can't do it."

"AHHHTTT!" Victoria mimicked the buzzing sound of a game show wrong answer.

"What?" Brian said, covering his junk.

"Seriously?" Victoria rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"First you need a hard-on and second you need to be on your back. Then throw your legs up over your head and pull your hips down."

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