Friends With Way Too Many Benefits (13 page)

Read Friends With Way Too Many Benefits Online

Authors: Luke Young,Ian Dalton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Humor, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Humor & Satire, #General Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Friends With Way Too Many Benefits
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"Yeah, I've heard a lot of the members saying that."

She looked past Todd to the open office door and found it empty. "Do you know where Jim is?"

"He's in massage room B." He glanced to the clock. "He should be out in a few minutes. You can wait for him back there if you want."

"Thank you." She made her way back to the new spa addition and stepped into the calming environment of the feng shui decorated waiting area. Finding it empty, she walked to the only door and leaned in close to it, listening. Unable to hear a thing, she cupped her hand against her ear and remained perfectly still.

Suddenly the door opened and a twenty something tall blonde appeared and looked at her, surprised. "Oh…"

Victoria jumped back. "Sorry, I, uh—" She looked the young woman over from head to toe noting her perfect body, super-tight white yoga pants and even tighter shirt.

"Can I help you find something?"


She smiled. "You're his girlfriend, right?"

"Yes, Victoria Wilde."

"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Ashley."

"Ashley." Victoria delivered a polite smile.

The young masseuse narrowed her eyes. "You look so familiar, I mean, I've seen your picture, but your voice… where do I know you from?"

"Not sure."

Ashley shrugged. "Anyway, we just finished up. He's back there in room B taking a shower, you know, washing off all that oil, but you're free to go back."

"Thank you."

Victoria watched the young hottie head away and studied her perfect ass shaking her head. She pushed through the outer door then opened the door to massage room B. There she heard the shower spray and spotted Jim inside the glass enclosed circular shower which was frosted for privacy up to about his shoulder area. She smiled gazing at his defined shoulder muscles. His eyes were closed and he was rocking back and forth rhythmically. Her eyes widened with suspicion and she moved to the glass, standing on her tip toes and looking down to confirm that he was in the midst of pleasuring himself.

"Holy shit, you scared me." Turning from her, he ran his hands over his chest in some lame washing motion in an attempt to play it off. "Um, what are you doing here?"

"How was your massage?" She asked in a catty tone.

"It was fine."

"Ashley is pretty."

"Who?" Still facing away from her, he turned off the water before pulling the towel down. Then he went to work drying himself and wrapped it around his waist.

"Your young masseuse."

"Oh, yeah, I guess so." He stepped out of the shower and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"You didn't get a chance to finish did you?"

"No, she finished my massage."

"Not the massage." She glared at him. "You didn't finish jerking off."

"What, I, uh… what?" He widened his eyes and made a silly face.

"Are you really going to deny it?" She looked at the bulge protruding from his towel and shook her head. "You're still pretty hard."

He glanced down then turned away reaching for his underwear. "You're crazy."

"I saw you doing it."

He sighed, busted. "Look, okay, sorry, yes, I was doing that, but—"

"Let me make sure I understand this. Three minutes ago little miss perfect body hot blonde was rubbing you all over and now I find you in here fantasizing about fucking her while you're jerking off."

He scoffed. "I was not thinking about her."


"No, I wasn't."

"I saw her ass in those pants."

He pulled his underwear on then his shorts and looked her in the eye. "Okay, yes I was blowing off a little steam in here and yes I'm a little horny. We've sorta been in a bit of a slump, right?"

"I was sick for a couple weeks and I was just starting to get my strength back when I got my period. I
you could call that a slump." She shot him a snooty look. "Nothing stops you men— we could be on our death bed and you'd still be trying to stick it in."

"That's not true." He pulled his shirt over his head then sat down on a chair and grabbed his socks. "I know you've been sick, so I've been trying to take care of you and not, you know… I've left you alone."

"Yeah, you were pawing me all night last night. At one point it felt like you were taking my temperature." She shot him a sickening expression.

"I must have been dreaming or something." He made a face. "Sorry, if I'm so attracted to you that I dream about you and want you subconsciously."

"It sounds like you've been daydreaming about someone else!" She folded her arms across her chest.

A knock at the door captured both their attention. She sighed and Jim said, "Come in."

Ashley poked her head through the doorway. "Sorry, I really need to make up the room for the one o'clock."

"Oh, sure. We're done."

Stepping into the room, Ashley grabbed a bundle of dirty towels from the table then studied Victoria's face carefully. "I know I know you."

Victoria returned a bored expression then glanced down to the young masseuses super-tight pants for the first time noticing she could pretty clearly make out the outline of her lady parts. She widened her eyes and scoffed, mumbling to herself. "Perfect."

"Did you ever live on Paloma Drive?"

"What?" Victoria tore her eyes away from Ashley's lower half thinking it was painfully obvious, yet rather sexy, if she had to be honest with herself.

"Paloma Drive in Coral Gables... you ever live there?"

Victoria nodded. "I did, like more than twenty years ago."

"No way." Ashley's face lit up. "Victoria Wilde right?"


"You used to be my babysitter." Ashley beamed bouncing on her heels.

"I babysat for the, uh, Morgan's I think." Victoria shrugged.

"I'm Ashley Morgan." She smiled.

"Ashley, yeah, it's a, really, really great to see you again," the ex-babysitter replied slowly taking in the whole Ashley package from head to toe one last time.

"This is crazy." Ashley shook her head.

"That's one word for it." Victoria cupped her hands together and let out a slightly maniacal chuckle. "Wish we had more time, but I'm sure you have more amazing massages to give…" Turning her attention to Jim, she widened her eyes. "…and you, I'm sure, have some
to finish up." She kissed him on the cheek then took off out the door.

"Bye," Ashley said.

"Victoria, wait," Jim called after her following right behind.

Ignoring him, she walked with purpose to the lobby. He gently took hold of her arm and she spun around to look at him. He sighed. "Can we talk for a minute in my office?"

"You know what?" She glared at him. "I think I would like that."

He watched paralyzed as she stormed behind the counter past Todd and into the office. When she turned back to discover Jim wasn’t behind her, she saw the look of absolute regret on his face.

Poking her head out of the office, she gave Todd a bright smile and said in a super-calm voice, "Oh, Jim?"

After closing his eyes a moment, he headed toward the office. As he neared Todd he whispered, "If I'm not out in ten minutes, call the police."

The young man returned an odd look as Jim made his way into the office and closed the door. Jim glanced to Victoria then looked down to the floor and sighed.

Tilting her head, she delivered a scornful expression. "So you wanted to say something— what is it?"

"I figured the way you made your way in here that you might want to yell at me some more first."

"No, not really. I was looking forward to what you had to say."

He gave her a skeptical look, took a deep breath then began, "Look, I was—"

"Did you see her in those pants?" Victoria lit into him then plopped down in his chair. "I mean, you can clearly make out her vag and everything."

"I thought you wanted to hear what I had to say?"

"You had your chance." She scowled at him.

"What? I..." He narrowed his eyes, mystified. "I didn't at all have—"

"Back to your
, you can see everything." She glanced down to her midsection twice then widened her eyes.

"Oh..." A look of realization spread across his face. "No, that's just her piercing."


"Yeah, she's got a H.C.H."

"A what?"

"Horizontal Clitoral Hood piercing." He shrugged.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's just a piercing across her, you know… some of the girls are doing it now."


"I really don't know."

"Well, I'm pretty sure I saw some other stuff outlined down there that I actually recognize… like, like… normal human type parts."

"You mean camel toe?"

"Sorta, but in a sexy way, not a freakishly scary way."

"I didn't really notice," he said with a shrug.

"Uh-huh… You didn't notice." She giggled maniacally then shot him a skeptical look. "So how the hell do you know that her lady parts are pierced?"

"Well, I mean, she…" He shook his head. "Um, what?"

"Wait, did she show it to you?" She looked at him with sharp contempt.

"Um, yes, but..."

She let out an incorrigible groan.

He raised his palm up in his defense. "No, wait, she sorta lifted it out and I didn't really see anything else, just the stone and the gold thingy."

"That's great." She sneered.

"These kids today they love showing off their piercings." He shrugged.

"Kids, she's older than you are right?"

"Yeah, but just a year or so," he replied sheepishly. After five seconds of silence, he frowned incredulously. "What's going on here? What's this really about?"

She flashed him a withering, skeptical look that bordered on contemptuous. "Let's see, I come to visit you and find you're getting a massage from some young girl whose little pussy is practically on display... then I catch you jerking off to her. And the cherry on top of this amazing sundae is that I used to babysit this girl." Looking to the ceiling, she giggled before lowering her gaze back to his face with her jaw hanging open. "Unbelievable…"

"Well, you could spin it that way." He made a face.

"I just thought of something. We've both seen her pussy now. I mean, I saw it like twenty years ago…" She held her thumb and forefinger a half inch apart. "…and it was a tiny little cute one, you know, back then, but from what I've seen it looks to be pretty much the same tiny perfect size."

"I didn't see her… I didn't see it." He closed his eyes and let out a long, slow breath.

"I'm just going to go." She took off toward the door, yanked it open and headed to the lobby.

"Victoria, wait..." He sighed, rubbing his hands over his face.

He stepped to the doorframe and caught a view of her as she went out the front door. When he noticed Todd's surprised look he grumbled, "I don’t want to talk about it."



Victoria climbed into her car, leaned back against the headrest and sighed. After a few seconds, she pulled her cell phone out of her purse and called Jillian. Her best friend happened to be only a few miles away and agreed to meet at a nearby Panera Bread.

The place was packed with people and the room was abuzz with loud conversation. Frowning, Victoria scanned the crowded room with its tables stacked up on top of each other no more than eighteen inches apart. She followed Jillian to the lone empty table and they sat down with their tea.

Victoria glanced to the group on her left then her right and sighed.

"What's the matter?" Jillian asked.

She whispered, "I really wanted to talk you about something you know, um, sensitive, but this place is so busy."

"Well, let's just keep the swearing to a minimum and use creative words for things."

"Okay." Victoria shrugged, blew on her tea and took a sip. "Well, I went to visit Jim today at the club and when I got there he was getting a massage from this… girl." She scowled and said slowly, "This. Young. Hot. Girl."


"I spoke to her for a minute and she told me I could go back to the room. When I got there he was in the shower and we was, um…" Victoria did a quick assessment of who might be listening, found no one, then looked Jillian in the eye. "… he was washing one particular area really, really well."

"Oh…" Jillian rolled her eyes. "Guys are always washing that. But, I don't need to tell you."

"I know. I know."

"Lately Brian doesn't do it so much, I think all this fertility testing has sorta zapped all the magic out of it."

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