Forgiven (Touched Series #2) (18 page)

BOOK: Forgiven (Touched Series #2)
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I nod, eagerly, and clasp my hands on top of the counter. “It is! I’m so excited and so proud of you, Pearl.” I look around and then back at her. “It doesn’t look like you have that much for me to do, seems like you have everything well at hand and that you could actually open now.”

“Well, I still have some things in the back office to do and some stock still to unload if you’re up to it, as well as some cleaning if that would be easier on you. I know you’re still a little on the mend and don’t want you to overdo it. Actually, I’m thinking of opening next weekend.” She squeals and I have to plug my ears with the intensity.

A knock sounds on the front door, she winks at me and tells me to help myself to a bottled water or soda and walks off. I slide off the stool and walk behind the bar, noticing how clean everything is, grab a diet Coke from the mini fridge under the counter and return to my seat. Once I’ve popped the lid and take a drink, my head turns in time to see a sexy man walking behind her, his head bowed and she winks again as he follows her to the office. Left alone, I decide to grab the cloth and dusting spray from the counter and walk around to the tables to clean them, needing something to do while I wait.

I’ve gotten several cleaned when I look up and see Pearl and the sexy mystery man walking out from the hallway. He walks right around the bar and starts making drinks. Hmmm, maybe she hired him as a bartender. As I begin cleaning again, I hear her giggle but then faint voices of them talking while he continues. Curiosity gets the better of me and I leave the cloth and spray on a table and head to the bar, sitting down on a stool next to Pearl and grab my drink. Her head turns to me and winks.

“Stormy, this is Harley Sanders. Harley, this is Stormy. She’s my best friend and my brothers girlfriend and well, she’s been part of our family forever. She owns the new restaurant down the street.” He gives me a curt nod and pours some liquid into a glass, setting it down in front of Pearl. I take a good look at him while Pearl picks up the drink. His dark hair is short, his eyes a light blue. The dark scruff on his face making him look even sexier and his button down shirt open enough at the top showing his muscular chest and slim waist. I quickly shake my head of all thoughts. I watch Pearl take a sip and nod then he starts making another one, pulling different liquors from the shelves, spinning the bottles in his hands and over his shoulders like they were nothing. When I look at Pearl I can see a glimmer in her eyes, one that tells me she’s more interested in him than just staff. I think we may need to have a little talk later. When I look at him, he seems to be all business and not giving her a second look. My heart fills with dread and my mind wonders if this will lead to heartache and bad business for Pearl. Yep, definitely gonna have a talk with her. He finished the drink, pouring into another clean glass and sets it down in front of me. I look at Pearl, my brow raised and she laughs. “Go ahead, take a sip and see what you think.” I grasp the cool glass, bring it up to my lips and smell a sweet odor, taking a small sip and smile.

“This is fantastic. Is this a regular drink or one you created? I don’t recognize the taste.” I ask Harley as Pearl grabs the glass from my hands, takes a drink and hums with her approval.

He clears his throat, however, when he speaks his voice has a raspy sound. “It’s one I created. I like to experiment and see what I can come up with.” His eyes move to Pearl and notice them move down her front and then back to her face, she’s completely oblivious as she takes another drink, eyes closed. He looks at me quickly and turns around, starting to pull more liquors down from the shelves like he’s just been caught doing something he shouldn’t. Hmmm, maybe there’s more to this than I originally thought.

“Well, it’s very good,” I pipe up and I see a glimmer of a smile as he begins making another drink. My leg knocks against Pearl’s and she opens her eyes, tilting her head, she gives me a confused look. My eyes move back to him and then back to her. She rolls her eyes at me and then takes another sip.

After he makes several drinks, she walks him to the front door, they shake hands and she comes smiling back to perch on her stool. “Well, what did you think?” She asks in eagerness.

“I thought his drinks were fantastic, the display of throwing the bottles around, entertaining and fun and he’s sexy as hell.” Her eyes light up as her smile grows. “Not as sexy as Bo, but really sexy and hot. Did you hire him? What’s his story?” She shifts in her seat and winks.

“He is hot, isn’t he? Well, after talking with him I found out he’s a loner, sticks to himself and didn’t give me a ton of information but says he’s been traveling a lot, no family and it seems like he’s pretty secretive about his past but damn, he’s fine and makes a hell of a drink. I think the women who will come here will fall all over him and I’m not sure he’s comfortable with that part but said he needs a job in a bad way. He told me he’s tended bar a lot and sure looks like he’s pretty comfortable behind it. But there’s something about him. Something….” She trails off and I can tell the cogs in her mind are turning fast.

“Sounds, mysterious. Well, I need to finish up here so I can get back to my man. Suddenly, I’m feeling a bit…. Horny.” We both burst out laughing, she puts her arm around my shoulder as we stand and get back to cleaning. I texted Bo and told him not to come, that I would be home soon and his reply was ‘hurry home and I love you’.

A few hours later I get home, jump Bo and we have an endless and passionate night of lovemaking.

Chapter Eighteen

The bar is jam packed with people as Stormy and I walk to the front entrance. Not only are we here to celebrate the grand opening but also our great week with our restaurant. Our first week has been more than we ever expected. I have the love of my life and am on top of the world. We walk to the end of the very long line outside but a large man walks towards us and Stormy grabs my arm. “You’re to be let in immediately,” he says with a low gruff voice. Stormy and I look at each other, shrug, and follow the mountain of a man to the front and walk through as he opens the rope that is keeping everyone out.

“Thank you,” Stormy says sweetly as she passes but gets no response. I gently push her through, with my hand on her lower back, and then quickly take her hand once we’re inside. There’s hardly any room to walk, the music is deafening loud from a band on the stage but not loud enough that I can’t hear the whooping and hollering coming from the bar area. I push my way through the sea of people, holding onto her tightly, until we are by the bar. I see a man sitting on a stool and immediately walk over to him, not letting go of her hand and lean down, whispering close to his ear. He turns his head at Stormy, smiles and rises, waving his hand for her to sit. “Thank you,” she half yells. He tips his head and walks away. “That was nice of him,” she shouts at me and I lean down, pressing my mouth against her ear.

“Well, I told him you were pregnant and you needed to sit.” Her eyes snap to me, and I chuckle. “It’s only half a lie. I intend on getting you pregnant as soon as you’re healthy enough.” She rolls her eyes and gives me a smirk and then smiles.

“What can I get ya? Oh….” The bartender stops abruptly looking at Stormy and then at me.

“Bo, this is Harley. He’s Pearl’s new bartender. Harley, my boyfriend, Bo.” I extend my hand across the bar and Harley hesitantly shakes it.

“We’ll have two cold bottles,” I yell and then points at the brand of beer we drink. Harley only nods curtly, his eyes move to Pearl, who’s at the other end of the bar and then turns around, grabs two bottles and sets them on the bar as he removes the caps. I push some cash at him on the counter but Harley shakes his head.

“You’re money isn’t good here,” he grumbles tilting his head towards Pearl.

I look at Stormy and laugh then push the money again. “Tough shit. I’m her brother and I pay my way. She can take it up with me later.” I look at Harley, who shrugs and watch him take the money and walk to the register, depositing it in the cash drawer. He walks away to help another customer and I look over at Stormy as I take a big gulp. “Kind of a quiet and strange fella, huh?”

She looks at me and smiles. “Well, he’s kind of a loner but seems kinda nice, in a strange and mysterious kind of way. But, hey! We don’t get a night out very often. Let’s enjoy it!” She kisses my cheek, takes a drink of her beer and winks. She’s right. He is strange but she’s also right that we don’t get an evening out together very often. I hear a slow song begin, take another big gulp and then set my bottle down on the counter. I take her hand and kiss the top. She yelps when I pull her off the stool, then put my arm around her and walk towards the dance floor. I edge us in between the crowd and pull her close, her arms traveling up my arms and around my neck. The entire time she looks at me with those brilliant green eyes and I hold her slim waist in my hands, our bodies beginning to sway to the beat. I lean down and press my face against hers as we move to the rhythm of the song and suddenly no one else is in the room but us. 

The music stops and she looks up at me, the love in her eyes fill my heart and I take her hand, leading her back to the bar. I grab her waist and pick her up, gently setting her on the stool and turn her so she’s facing the counter. I loud commotion sounds and both our heads turn to the far end just in time to see Harley grab Pearl as she begins to fall. I watch as he lifts her until she is standing, her face a bright pink and he steps back immediately, head down, turns and walks back this way. When I move to look at Stormy, she’s smiling big, takes a drink of her beer and winks at me. “Well, for a loner he sure is….. Helpful.” She winks again and giggles.

It’s after one o’clock in the morning by the time we get home, I press Stormy against the front door of our apartment as soon as it closes, our mouth’s locked, my hand fondling her breast through her bra and her nails embedded into my back through my shirt. We’re already panting as we move through the living room, never disconnecting from each other, and we fall onto the floor as we trip over each other but I throw my arms around her helping to break her fall as she lands on her back. We’re quick to help each other remove clothing like if we don’t become skin on skin soon we’ll both die. I’m inside her fast but there’s no time to go slowly. Not this time. We move as one in but it’s not long before we find our release. Neither of us wanting to move so we stay on the floor, snuggled together. “I love you so much, Peaches. I’m gonna marry you one day.”

Her eyes rise up to meet mine and she gives me her beautiful smile. “Okay.” My brows raise with her reply as she’s never answered me before without a laugh or a giggle. My plan needs to happen and soon.

The next day I sit in the kitchen and listen to two excited girls but feel bad for Pearl. I don’t think she has any idea what she’s getting into. It’s a shame, really. She’s never been in love, never really had many dates or someone she’s really fallen for. Why in the hell does it have to be a guy that will hurt her and never want her?

“Yes, I was so embarrassed but I couldn’t believe he caught me and helped me up. He’s so hot!” I turn my head from the counter where I’m making sandwiches to see Pearl leaning towards Stormy, her hands moving around in her excitement. Then she stops and frowns. “Why do I always have to fall for the guys who obviously have issues and don’t want anything to do with me?” Ah, so she does realize that he isn’t right for her. Good. “But he’s just so HOT and mysterious and did you see his body?”

My head whips around, my brow raised, as I look at Stormy. She looks at me, smiles and then back at Pearl, taking her hand. “I know, sweetie. I also know you’re beautiful, wonderful, sweet and such a great woman. Any man would be lucky to have you. And even though I think Harley is hot….” Her eyes move to mine and she winks. “He obviously wants to be alone. I also think if it’s meant to be then it’s meant to be. Give him time. Who knows what might happen. Just don’t get your hopes up and guard your heart.”

She nods and I pick up the plates, carry them over and set theirs down in front of them and then sit down. “Well, if you ask me, there’s something wrong with wanting to be alone like that. Keeping to himself. He’s an okay looking guy but something’s just not right with him.” I take a huge bite and my eyes move up to see Pearl’s frown and then Stormy’s scowl. “What?” I mumble with a full mouth.

Stormy looks at Pearl and smiles. “I’m sure he has a reason to be so private. There’s nothing wrong with that.” She looks at me and wrinkles up her face and then softens again when she looks at Pearl. “Maybe once he gets to know you, feels more comfortable, he’ll loosen up and open up more.”

Pearl smiles sadly, takes a bit of her sandwich but I swear I heard her mumble, “If he stays that long.”

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

Another week has gone by and things couldn’t be more perfect. The restaurant has been full every night and Pearl’s bar has been jumping with crowds as well. Seems things are finally on the right track for us and I couldn’t possibly be any happier than I am right now. We’ve decided to have private closed parties in the restaurant’s back room and tonight there’s one planned so Bo decided we should both work, which is fine by me. Lately I’ve been restless and I can’t figure out why so being kept busy is a blessing. I’ve just finished curling my hair when Bo walks up behind me. “Are you ever going to be done getting ready? You’re already beautiful without all that primping.” He asks while putting his arms around my waist, laying his chin on my shoulder and giving me puppy dog looks in the mirror in front of us. “I love your hair like that, by the way, all these curls that I can twirl my fingers around.”

I turn around in his arms, placing my hands on his upper arms and smile. “You’re sweet but it takes us girls a lot of work to look the way we do.” I lean up and kiss the tip of his nose and walk out into the bedroom, picking up my high heeled shoes and slip into them as I hold onto the dresser. He’s behind me again in a second, his mouth on the side of my neck and he sniffs. Tilting my head, I look at him in concern. “Are you getting sick?”

His eyes follow up the side of my face until they reach my eyes. “Uh, no. I was smelling your wonderful peach scent. My favorite.” A giggle escapes me and when he releases me, he takes my hand and I follow him eagerly. Tonight’s going to be a great night. I just know it. We continue downstairs to the restaurant and greet several of the people who have already become regular customers and as he opens the doors to the private room, I stop and say hello to people at the closest table by the doors. Smiling I turn my head to Bo, his hand gently pushing me on the small of my back and when I turn my head again I stop abruptly, falling back into Bo’s chest, my hands quickly covering my mouth as I let out a scream. There before us are tables with all our family and friends, all laughing, smiling and clapping. My mind races with questions…. Is it my birthday? Bo’s birthday? Someone’s anniversary? Now I feel bad that I’ve forgotten something really important. I turn around and grab his forearms. “Oh, my God, Bo. Did I forget something or what did I do?”

“Nothing yet. But I’m hopeful,” he smiles as he kneels down in front of me and takes one of my hands in his. I jump back a bit, startled, tears form in my eyes quickly making him unclear. I wipe them away because I know what he’s doing, indescribable feelings overtake me but I’m so excited that I can’t think straight. The room is eerie quiet as I watch him remove something from his pants pocket and then holds a small black velvet box in his palm. I feel like I could pass out, like I can’t breathe and my chest feels heavy.

“Breath, Peaches,” he whispers. I faintly hear some gasps along with some ‘Awww’s’ as I take a deep breath, my hand shaking in his grasp. He squeezes it and smiles, his love filling me entirely. “I know it’s just a piece of paper but I want us to be legal. You’ve always been mine, even though we were apart for a while, you were forever in my heart. I’ve always said I’m gonna marry you one day and I want that day to be as soon as possible. I’ve loved you since I first saw that dirty little sand covered girl in the alley that’s right outside this restaurant. Marry me?”

My whole body is shaking now and I nod, whispering a ‘yes’ so only he can hear but everyone begins yelling as he opens the box, removes the glimmering ring and places it on my finger. As he stands, his mouth captures mine and I pour all the love I’m feeling into this one kiss. I’m almost knocked over, his sturdy hands grabbing me to keep me steady, as we’re swarmed by everyone. So much laughter, smiling, tears and everyone talking at once. I look up at him to see he’s staring at me, a smile on his handsome face and I mouth ‘I love you’. His lips blow me a kiss and mouths ‘I love you’ as we let everyone continue their congratulations but our eyes never leaving each other’s.

“Well, I have to say, my brother does have great tastes in rings,” Pearl says in between bites and I give her a smirk, my brow raised and my eye squinting. She laughs. “Oh, don’t get me wrong. He has wonderful tastes in fiancées as well but that ring…. It’s to die for.” She smirks at me then my head turns when I feel Bo’s hand covering mine on the table, and I just stare at his sexiness as he leans over to look at Pearl.

“Well, since you’ve known about this and the ring for over a week and have been driving me crazy with wanting to see it plus all the ‘I can’t wait until she’s my sister-in-law’ every time we’ve talked, I would think ‘great’ is a little less than what I was hoping for.” His eyebrow raises as he smirks. I hold my giggle in as we all smirk at each other playfully.

I look down at our hands, the beautiful huge diamond sparkling along with the little ones around the thick band making my smile even wider, my heart even fuller, if that’s even possible. I lean over and kiss him, my lips not wanting to leave his. “I think it’s magnificent. Thank you. I love you so much,” I whisper against his lips.

His other hand moves around me, snaking underneath my long ringlets of curls until he cups the back of my neck. “You deserve it and so much more, my love.” He kisses me and all the sounds seem to fade until I hear someone tapping against a glass. We both turn our heads, and I see Knox standing, across the table, his glass in hand hitting it with a spoon.

“A toast!” My eyes scan around and see everyone lifting a glass of champagne. When did we get those? I follow Bo and pick up the glass in front of me and smile. He looks right at Bo and sets the spoon down. “When you came running into the restaurant that day, excitingly telling me and your mom about this little friend you met, I had no idea it was a girl.” He looks at me and smiles and I swear I see some tears in his eyes. “You pulled on my hand until I got up and followed you to the alley. When I saw her my first thought was ‘Who is that dirty little girl?’ but I couldn’t believe how cute she was.” Laughter escapes me as it does everyone else around the table. Bo squeezes my hand and my smile grows. He looks back at Bo as his face turns serious. “To this day, you’ve said you were going to marry her one day, never giving up when things were bad but I always believed you would.” He reaches his hand down to Jade’s hand and she looks from us to him with love and pride on her face, tears had already made their way down her cheeks. Then he looks at me once again and smiles. “Stormy. You’ve always been in our family and couldn’t be more happy nor proud to make that official but we can’t call you our daughter-in-law because you’ve always been our daughter.”

I remove my hand from Bo’s quickly, setting down my glass and jumping out of my chair, running around the table and throwing my arms around Knox. I feel Jade grasp my arm and my hand finds hers as she presses a kiss against my head. “I love you all too!” I move back a bit but not letting go of them, tears clouding my sight so I blink rapidly to be able to see them clearer. “You’ve always been there for me, for my mom and thank you for that. I’ve always been proud that you’ve considered me part of the family.” The sniffling starts and Jade’s hand leaves mine as she reaches down to grab a tissue and hands it to me.

She laughs and dabs her own face. “I brought a ton. I knew we’d need them.” A laugh bursts from my mouth and nod as I turn and run right into Bo. My arms move around his neck as he envelopes me in a hug and I feel like I’ll burst with all the emotions that are making my heart beat so wildly.

We all finally calm down and enjoy champagne with a great meal. All talk is around our wedding but I just sit there thinking about how lucky I am. When asked when and where I just shrug but Bo tells them we have to talk about what I want. “Most girls have a dream of how they want their wedding, what their dress will look like and I want Stormy to have her dream.” I couldn’t love him anymore than I do right in that moment.

As we left the private room and into the still packed restaurant, Bo lifted our hands together and shouted that we’d just gotten engaged. The entire place stopped and everyone screamed out their congratulations, people touching us, patting our arms and our backs as we walked through and then we finally reached the small hallway, Bo stopping every once in a while and kissing the crap outta me, until we finally made it upstairs to our apartment.

That night we made love tenderly. His caring touch filled me with not only desire but everything intensified all the feelings he has for me. We slept with me cocooned in his loving arms, his leg bent over mine and I didn’t ever think I could shut down my mind long enough to fall asleep as I replayed the entire evening. Finally, my eyes grew heavy as I listened to his light breathing.

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