Superhealing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Create Optimal Health and Well-Being (ARC)

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Authors: Elaine R. Ferguson

Tags: #Nutrition, #Diet & Nutrition, #General, #Healing, #Health & Fitness, #Healthy Living

BOOK: Superhealing: Engaging Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Create Optimal Health and Well-Being (ARC)
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Engaging Your Mind

Body and Spirit to

Create Optimal Health

and Well-Being

Elaine R. Ferguson, MD

Health Communications, Inc.

Deerfield Beach, Florida

The publishers and author of this book make no medical or psychological claims for its use. The author does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, psychological, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

The Library of Congress has catalogued the printed edition as follows: ISBN 13: 978-0-7573-1752-1 (Paperback)

ISBN 10: 0-7573-1752-9 (Paperback)

ISBN 13: 978-0-7573-1753-8 (ePub)

ISBN 10: 0-7573-1753-7 (ePub)

© 2013 Elaine R. Ferguson.

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.

HCI, its logos, and marks are the trademarks of Health Communications, Inc.

Publisher: Health Communications, Inc.

3201 S.W. 15th Street

Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-8190

Cover design by Larissa Hise Henoch

Interior design and formatting by Dawn Von Strolley Grove

To all who seek to improve

their health and well-being,

may you discover the power

that resides within.


Preface 000

Acknowledgments 000

Introduction: The Foundation of Superhealing—

the Unity of Mind, Body, and Spirit


Superhealing Work Sheet: Life Inventory


Part One: Your Superhealing Mind

Chapter 1 Your Superhealing Mind-

Body Connection


Superhealing Work Sheet: Assessing Your Stress

Chapter 2 Superhealing Mind-Body

Research Breakthroughs


Chapter 3 Engaging Your Superhealing Mind


Superhealing Work Sheet:

Engaging Your Superhealing Mind

Part Two: Your Superhealing Body

Chapter 4 Establishing a Superhealing Environment


Superhealing Work Sheet: Your Relationship

with Nature

Chapter 5 Superhealing with Movement


Superhealing Work Sheet: Assessing Your

Physical Engagement


Chapter 6 Superhealing with Nutrition


Superhealing Work Sheet: Assessing Your Diet




Part Three: Your Superhealing Spirit

Chapter 7 Your Superhealing Spirit-Body Connection


Chapter 8 The Superhealing Power of

Love and Relationships


Chapter 9 Engaging Your Superhealing Spirit


Superhealing Work Sheet: Engaging

Your Superhealing Spirit

Part Four: Your Superhealing Lifestyle

Chapter 10 Your Forty-Day Superhealing Action Plan


Superhealing Work Sheet: Health Review

Superhealing Work Sheet: Goals

Superhealing Work Sheet: Engagement Overview

Forty-Day Superhealing Action Plan for Beginners


Forty-Day Advanced Superhealing Action Plan


Superhealing Action Plan Engagement and Review


Superhealing Work Sheet: Action Plan Refinement

Superhealing Daily Lifestyle Plan


Afterword: Let Your Superhealing Light Shine


Recommended Resources


Notes 000

Index 000

About the Author



Good health is more than a body that works. It is feeling good
about yourself, dealing effectively with people and situations
around you, and growing spiritual y toward a new sense of

wholeness and meaning in life


Welcome to
. Welcome to the mystery and

magnificence of your own body. In this book, you’ll learn about research breakthroughs from different scientific fields that you can utilize to enjoy optimal health and well-being. This book is designed to provide you with the vital health-promoting information, tools, and techniques you need to unleash the remarkable,
healing capacity that resides within you. Is your life vibrant and optimal?

Has it been awhile since you’ve felt real y great? Are you sluggish and tired, lacking the energy you need to get through the day? Do you

typical y schlep through life, carrying your body along, but suspect that you must do something soon to prevent the development of a

serious illness?

While you may be physically healthy, if you have been under

stress without resolution for an extended period, then despite your best efforts, you’re at risk of developing chronic diseases.

Do you feel ready to improve your health but don’t know the right

steps to take? Even though you may not have a physical illness just yet, perhaps you’ve become aware that you don’t quite have the vibrant health you desire and deserve. Maybe you are currently living with a serious chronic disease, perhaps even one your doctor says

is terminal. Whatever the case may be, isn’t right now, this precious ix



moment, an appropriate time for you to step up and take charge of

your well-being?

The beauty of the superhealing approach to wellness is that it re-

al y doesn’t matter what your current state of health is when you begin the program. Everyone can heal. Depending on how far your

health is from ideal, you can either dramatical y improve it or subtly but meaningful y enhance it once you understand what actions

you must take. Vibrant well-being is your birthright. The challenge is learning how to create it, because if you’re like most people in our society, you were never taught how to be healthy.

Are you facing the inevitable precipice of old age but want to continue to feel young? Are you looking for complementary wellness

techniques beyond your conventional medical care to empower you

to feel great? Or do you want something more for yourself but just don’t know how to define it? In addition to addressing your own concerns, do you also want to help your loved ones experience improved health? All these are valid reasons to learn about the superhealing approach. And if I play my part well as your guide by presenting the breakthrough research now available to us, you can rest assured that this book will leave you with practical solutions you can implement.

We have all met someone who was physical y sound but emo-

tional y unstable and spiritual y deprived. Perhaps you’ve even felt this way yourself at times, especial y when life has put you under pressure. I know there have been times that I have felt this way, but I would have to say that these moments are fewer and farther between now that I am aware of the possibility of superhealing. Even though you may currently be focusing on improving your physical health,

you can still be unhealthy in meeting your emotional and spiritual needs. The approach to wellness you’re going to learn about in
can help you to turn your situation around so that your



mind, body, and spirit are brought into balance. The scientific studies presented here will show you that when we neglect our emotional and spiritual needs, it is to our own peril, because that neglect is detrimental not only to our emotional health but to our bodies as wel .


I’d like to introduce you to your amazing body. Volumes of en-

cyclopedias couldn’t describe the many wondrous activities that are going on within you right now as you are reading my words on this

page. When you mental y scan your body, you are unaware of the

thousands of biochemical reactions taking place or the creation and repair of your cel s and organs. Nor are you aware of the vigilant protection your immune system is providing you. At this very moment,

it is destroying all the invading organisms and foreign particles that could potential y cause you significant harm, while keeping an eye out for any changes in your cel s that might indicate the presence of cancer. Fortunately, you don’t need to be aware; everything I’ve just described is happening automatical y.

We take our bodies for granted in many ways. We expect them to

do what we want when we want: to walk, touch, digest, move, think, and creatively express our thoughts. We don’t sit around wondering why or how the body can do these things. But maybe it’s time we

should. I know you are familiar with your body and its functions,

but please allow me to introduce you to it in the most unusual and highly detailed scientific way—a way that is rarely thought of outside biology class.

• Your lungs contain more than 300 million capil aries

(microscopic blood vessels).

• Your bones are as strong as granite in supporting your weight.

A matchbox-size piece of healthy bone can support nine tons



of weight—four times more than man-made concrete can


• The acids in your stomach are strong enough to dissolve

metals like zinc, yet the cel s in your stomach lining reproduce

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