Forgiven (Touched Series #2) (15 page)

BOOK: Forgiven (Touched Series #2)
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I don’t hesitate. “I would love her number. I’ve been thinking about it all day and I really want to heal inside as well as outside. Now’s a good time for me to do this. I want to be a person who’s whole, a person Bo will be proud of and one he deserves. But I want to do this for me too.” I turn slightly on my side and tilt my head as I speak. “You see. I want to have a family with Bo and I’d like to start soon. He really wanted this baby, even though he didn’t know about it, which I feel guilty for but…. I want a baby too. Um….” I feel my face heat as I’m sure I’m blushing all shades of red. “How soon can we have sex and um…. How soon is it safe to get pregnant? I don’t want to take any chances.”

He smiles a bit and then pats my arm. “Very good questions. I was planning on going over this with you and Bo but I’ll go ahead and let you know now. As long there is no bleeding, pain or discomfort, fever or any other issues, it’s safe to begin sexual activity as soon as two to three weeks. I’d like to stop by next week and check on you both but I’ll know better what to advise at that time. Now, as far as trying to get pregnant again? I recommend you wait until your next cycle to give your uterus a chance to return to its normal size. Since you weren’t but maybe a month along I think it would be fine to try then.” He smiles at me and stands. “Any other questions?” I shake my head and actually smile as I’m feeling so much better about things. “Good. I’m sure you and Bo would like to get home. I’m going to ask you both to get some rest, but I’m sure physically you won’t feel up to much for a bit. Just try to take it easy for at least a week.” He winks and walks out of the room. I turn back around and lay my head back. I now have a plan and am anxious to get better as soon as possible.

Chapter Fifteen

It’s been two days since we’ve been home, and I’m going crazy. Stormy is doing better, but she still needs rest. I’m out running on the beach, okay I’m jogging on the beach since my leg isn’t one hundred percent better yet but it’s getting there. Dr. Anderson is scheduled to visit at the house tomorrow so to give her some quiet time I’m going over to the office since they’ve gotten all the smoke damage cleaned up and I’m going to do some work. Dad said she could use his office at the house for their visit. I’m so anxious not only for Stormy to heal her body and mind but I’m getting horny and I want to start our family, I know pretty selfish of me. Ever since I found out she had been pregnant it’s made me want to really start our lives together. Wow, I guess I need to be thinking about asking her to marry me.

Pearl has started working on helping to get her new bar ready, changing the name to ‘Hot Rocks’ and Dad hired another crew to get it fixed up. She was actually really upset about the old owner being killed, said ‘what a waste’ but has been drowning herself in work. She hopes to have it open a few weeks after we open the restaurant and has already been interviewing people to staff the place. She told Stormy she’s learning how to bartend, said she always wanted to know how. Guess she won’t be painting for a while.

I turn around in time to see Dad jogging towards me, pissing me off how much better shape he’s in than I am, and I slow down a bit as I run out of breath. Bending over, my hands on my knees, I’m panting and trying to catch my breath and look up to see Dad getting nearer, no sweat, no panting and I look down at the sand, shaking my head.

“What’s wrong, son? Taking a breather?” I look up and see his mischievous smile.

“Ha, no! I was just looking for buried treasure.” My sarcasm causes him to laugh as I decide to sit down in the sand. Bringing my knees up, feet flat as the sand moves between my toes, I move my arms around my legs and look out into the water. I hear him sit down to the right of me, thankful he remembered to sit on the side of my good eye, but I keep looking out into the waves. “I’m gonna marry her.” His laughter stops and I can see from the corner of my eye his hand moving in the sand.

“Well, son. You’ve been saying that since you were, I dunno, eight or nine years old. This is not news,” he laughs.

I turn my head and smile. “No, Dad. I’m going to ask her to marry me, just as soon as the restaurant opens and I come up with an awesome plan.” I turn my body and look into his eyes. “I want a life with her and a family. I know she needs to heal but I also know she’s the strongest woman I know. Well, besides Mom.”

“You know we love Stormy, Bo. She’s been in our family for most of her life. Just make sure she’s ready, mentally. She’s been through too much for someone her age and I know she’s strong but she’s also human. I couldn’t be happier with your decision and I know your Mom will feel the same. If you need our help, you just let us know. Now, how about we run off some of that energy you seem to have and get back home to our girls.” He winks at me as he stands, holding out his hand. I take it, gladly, and stand up. Thankfully, he takes it easy on me on the way back, jogging beside me and staying at my pace. Just like old times.

It ends up being a lazy day for Stormy. She laid in a lounge chair by the pool all day and I went into the office. The crews worked heavily on the restaurant and as I walk around the apartment memories of what happened reminds me of how lucky we are to be alive. Making my way back to my office, I look around to see how clean everything is, deciding to stop off in the kitchen to grab a Coke and an orange and take them to the table. As I sit I notice a newspaper on the table with a note.

Thought you might want to show this to Stormy


Picking it up my eyes go directly to what he’s circled in pen. I read through the article, a smile on my face and turn my head when a knock sounds at the front door. Picking up the newspaper and grabbing the Coke can, I take a drink as I walk to the door, open it slowly and am confused at the man standing there. “May I help you?”

He looks directly into my eyes, reaching his hand out and I eye it wearily. “Good afternoon. I’m sorry to just stop by but I own the newspaper you’re holding. James Lewis. Forgive me but a man downstairs showed me the way up here. I hope you don’t mind.” I look down at the paper and then back at him, my smiling widening. I take his hand and shake it the whole time I’m thinking of how excited Stormy will be. Well, I hope she will be.

“Come in, Mr. Lewis,” I stammer as I take a step back. He smiles warmly and walks through then passes me and goes into the living room. “Please, sit down.” He turns his head and nods and then takes a seat on the couch while I walk over and sit in the chair beside it. I can’t help but stare at him. His facial features and dark hair look just like Stormy although his green eyes aren’t quite the unique color of hers. “What brings you here today?”

He sits up and leans his arms on his knees, his smile still in place showing his straight white teeth. “It’s James, please. Jim, if you prefer.” I nod and raise my drink up but he shakes his head. “No thank you. I quit drinking soda a long time ago. What I came here for…. Well….” he chuckles. “I really want to meet Stormy, get to know her, if she’ll allow me to.” He looks around the room and then back at me. “I’m so sorry to hear about the fire and the shooting. Is she…. Is she ok?”

“Yes, well…. She’s ok as far as she can be, right now. She starts therapy with a psychiatrist tomorrow but I really think she should be the one to tell you. Thing is, she’s been through a lot and I’m not sure if it’s the best time for you to try to meet. She’s really confused about you, has been told her entire life that you didn’t want to have children so she’s unsure of why now you want to come into her life now, ya know?” Setting my drink down on the side table I mimic his position. “Why do you want to come into her life now? Not to be rude but you have to understand that I’m only trying to protect her.”

His smiles leaves as he sits up and leans back against the couch. “I can appreciate that and I don’t find your questions rude at all. I would think confusion would be more than accurate for both of you and me as well. You see, I received a letter in the mail about a month ago. It was from Celia.” My brows raise and I sit back. “Exactly my expression. I’m thinking she mailed it before she died. I can only think that she knew something was going to happen and she wanted me to know I had a daughter.”

It seems to be making more sense but not entirely. “Is it true you never wanted kids, like Celia told Stormy? I’m just trying to understand. I need to know everything to help support her and I’ll do anything to do that.”

He looks down at his hands that are fidgeting, so much like Stormy, and then his eyes move back to me. “We were so young. It was something I said that I didn’t mean. You know how it is when you’re young, stupid and out having fun.” Sadly, I nod. “But people change as they grow up. I’ve been married, my wife dying several years ago when she lost her battle with cancer. We didn’t have any kids, not because we didn’t want any but because she couldn’t have them. We both always wanted children but it wasn’t meant to be.”

“So much wasted time and so many things that might have been avoided had Celia known.” I shake my head as I think of all the trouble Stormy has gotten into, all this time thinking her father didn’t want her, love her and Celia not realizing that she could have reached out to him.

“Yes, I feel the same way. Do you think maybe after she’s better she’d want to meet me? I really hope she does. I have so much time to make up for. I don’t have much but the paper. It does do quite well but I’d like to help her with the restaurant, if I can.”

I smile again thinking about all he’s done for her already and not knowing it. “Stormy is a strong woman and I know she’ll pull through all this and be herself soon. I can’t speak for her but I think you’ve helped her out more than you know. I’ll talk with her in the next few days after I make sure she’s able to take the news. Do you have a number where we can reach you?” He stands as I do and starts walking towards the door, pulling out a business card from his pocket and handing it to me. He opens the door, walks out and turns to me, his smile returns and a little relief is on his face.

“Thank you. I hope to hear from you or her soon. When you can talk to her, please let her know that I hope she heals quickly and that I’m thinking of her.” He reaches out his hand once again and I don’t hesitate to shake it.

“Will do, Jim. It was nice meeting you. I’ll be in touch.” He nods and I lean against the door frame as I watch him walk down the hallway and out the back door. I really hope Stormy will be open to giving him a chance. He seems really nice.

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

Dr. Anderson will be here any minute, and I’m so nervous. I haven’t really talked to anyone, other than the police at the hospital, about what happened. After lazing around all day and night yesterday, I had a lot of time to think. Bo came home and we just cuddled the rest of the evening, and I slept so well against him, no thoughts of anything other than how good he felt and how he makes me feel so loved. Now, everyone is gone, Bo at the office, Knox over at the restaurant and Jade went shopping. They’re so great to give me the time I need. A knock on the door startles me, and I stop pacing. Smoothing down my sundress, I walk over and open it to find a very pretty woman who looks like she’s maybe in her fifties.

“Stormy Reece?” I nod slightly and she smiles. “I’m Felicia Anderson. It’s nice to meet you.” Her hand is soft and warm as well as her facial features.

“Nice to meet you. Please, come in.” I step back and she pulls the strap of a big bag over her shoulder and walks passed me. “Please, this way.” I walk to Knox’s office and hear her footsteps following me. Once we enter I wave my hand to his desk. “You can sit at his desk, if you’d like.”

She walks straight to one of the large leather chairs and sits down, pulling the strap of the bag off her shoulder and setting the bag on the floor beside her. “Oh, I’d prefer to sit here, if that’s ok?” Her smile is warm as she looks in her bag and pulls out a pad of paper and a pen. I sit down across from her on the other large chair, my hands moving into my lap and my fingers begin to pull on each other’s. “I hope you don’t mind but technology isn’t my thing. I’m old school and like to write things down. Is that okay with you?” I nod again and feel a little relaxed at her demeanor but I’m still nervous as hell. “Good. I like to start with just getting to know each other.” She smiles again and lays her pen down on the paper. “I’m fifty-one, married to a wonderful man of eighteen years and have two children, a girl and a boy. They are both in their teens and in high school. I had a very rough life growing up, I won’t go into the details but I will tell you I had two miscarriages and was raped at a very young age.” My brows rise with my shock. “Phillip gave me the specifics of what happened recently, in strict confidence and please understand that anything you say to me is held in the same regard.”

I look down at my fingers and then back at her. There’s something about her, something that reminds me of my mom. “I’m not sure where to start.”

She leans forward, touching my leg with her gentle hand and smiles. “You just tell me whatever you feel comfortable with, honey. There’s no hurry, no time limit and we can always visit another time as well. I’m here for you, to support you and I want to help you.” She leans back and shifts in her chair, takes her pen in hand and gives me a look like she’s interested in what I have to say.  I had made up my mind that I will tell her, I want to tell her, everything. It’s just hard to get started. “Let’s see if I can help you start. I understand you have a man in your life. Bo, is it?”

My smile is genuine as I think of Bo. “He’s…. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. He’s kind, sweet, gentle and very sexy.” She laughs and I giggle, a little. “I’ve known him what feels like my entire life. We met when we were very young and have always had a connection. He’s been telling me he’s going to marry me since we first met.”

“That’s so sweet. Is that him up there?” She points behind me and I turn my head. A picture of Bo is hanging on the office wall and I smile.

Turning my head back to her, I sit up straighter in my chair. “Yes. That was taken a few years ago. He’s a bit more…. Built now. If you know what I mean.”

She looks down and writes on her paper and then back up at me. “Well, he certainly is a handsome young man. He’s very lucky to have you.”

I look back down at my fingers. Sadness develops within me, and I sigh. “I’m the lucky one. He’s done everything for me, been there when I needed him and I withheld important information from him.” My eyes move up to see her face holds no shock nor any emotions. “I didn’t tell him about the baby. I was scared and everything was happening so fast.”

She lays her pen down and gives me a concerned look. “Why do you think you hesitated telling him?”

My brows crease as I think about her question. “I’m not really sure. I guess I couldn’t believe I was really pregnant, kind of in shock about it, I suppose. Either way, I was selfish or I should have told him. For him to find out after I miscarried was wrong.” I watch as she makes more notes and then gives me a straight look.

“Has he told you he was upset that you didn’t tell him? Do you get that feeling from him?” Good questions, things I haven’t thought about or felt.

“Well, no. He said he was sad that he didn’t know but also told me he didn’t blame me for not telling him. He told me he knew I had a lot going on and was more concerned about me. He told me at the hospital he wants to marry me and start a family.”

“How does that make you feel? I know that’s a cliché question but it’s one that has to be asked,” she says smiling.

I sigh and let out a deep breath. “It makes me feel loved, cared for and that no matter what he’ll love me.” A tear makes its way down my cheek. She reaches over, takes a couple of tissues from the box on the table beside her and hands them to me. I dab at my eyes which are both shedding tears and give her a small smile. “He always forgives me for everything I do. I sometimes don’t understand how he can but he always does.” I sniff and dab my eyes again. “I even killed a man and Bo doesn’t hold any grudges against me. How can he be like that?”

She leans forward, her pen and paper forgotten, and clasps her hands together. “Stormy. True love is unconditional. It takes the bad with the good. I know it’s hard to grasp in your head right now but defending yourself and those you love, even though the act itself is hard enough to fathom, is okay. No one wants to take another life, even if this person was bad, but if you hadn’t don’t that, hadn’t stopped him, you or maybe even Bo wouldn’t be here now. Think about that.” She smiles and hands me another tissue as my tears won’t stop. “As far as your miscarriage, even though you didn’t know the baby yet, or felt life inside you, it’s still a life. Your feelings are warranted in the same way dealt with a death of someone you knew for a long time. No difference and it’s okay to feel that way, normal, natural feelings.” She sits back and gets comfortable. “Everyone grieves differently. Just remember that Bo and everyone else around you are feeling that loss as well. Lean on them for support and help to support them. There may be times you don’t feel like talking about it or even the events around it and that’s ok too. Many say time heals and it does. But the time it takes is different for each of us. However, surround yourself with those who love you. I know with the restaurant you have will keep you plenty busy but don’t forget to take time for yourself, with Bo and your family. It’s easy to get wrapped up in things and then lose yourself in the process.”

Her words hit me so hard and make so much sense. “Thank you. Everything you said makes so much sense. I know it won’t be easy at times and it just seems weird that with just losing a baby I want to try again. Is that weird?” She sets down her pen again, after writing and gives me a big smile.

“Oh, my, no! That’s wonderful. A baby cannot replace another but the fact that you’re thinking about trying is remarkable, but not unheard of. After having two miscarriages myself, even though it was hard and scary, I kept trying because I wanted a child so badly. My husband and I were ready to start our family. I commend you for having those thoughts so soon.”

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