Forgiven (Touched Series #2) (11 page)

BOOK: Forgiven (Touched Series #2)
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“I think it’s time to get out and get dried off, Peaches.” He releases me and I begin floating over to the ladder, careful of my wrapped cast and climb up the stairs. When I get to my lounge chair I pick up the towel laying there and start drying my hair. I watch as Bo grabs his towel and starts drying off. “I’m going to go with Emerson to pay the bar owner a little visit.” My eyes widen as my eyebrows lift, but he stops me before I can speak by leaning over and placing his finger over my lips. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” He removes his finger, replacing it with his mouth kissing me lightly and then stepping back. I watch as he walks to the house and the feeling of fear sweeps through me like hurricane. I have a bad feeling about this.

It’s been four hours. Four hours! Bo and Emerson should have been back by now. No call, no text, no nothing! I check my phone again but there is nothing there alerting me to a missed call or a text. I’ve been pacing the living room for hours, biting my fingernails not knowing what to do and I keep texting him, calling his number only to go directly to voicemail. I check my phone again and make a quick decision, looking through my contacts and then pushing ‘call’. One ring. Two rings and then a click. “Pearl! Pearl, it’s Stormy.”

“Oh, hey, Stormy! I was just thinking about….” I cut her off quickly as I’m frantic with worry.

“Pearl! Bo and Emerson went to talk to that new bar owner. He was seen talking to Ricco earlier and…. Oh, my God, Pearl! They’ve been gone for hours and no word. I’m beyond worried and scared!” I take a deep breath trying to get some much needed air into my lungs after expelling all my fear out quickly, my heart beating so wildly I can feel it vibrating.

“Oh, no! Have you called the police?” Her voice sounds as worried as mine and with good reason.

I start my pacing again. “Yes, but they said they have to be missing twenty-four hours. Oh, Pearl! I don’t know what to do! I’m about ready to go over there and….”

“NO!” She screams cutting off my plans quickly. “Let me look into when the next flight is. I need to be there and you need help. I’ll also call Dad, he’ll know what to do. Where are you?” So many feelings move through me with her words. Fear. Embarrassment. Worry. Anger. But most of all guilt. I’ve put this family through so much all my life. How can they still want to help me or love me? Dammit, quit thinking about yourself! I’m broken out of my thoughts when she speaks in exasperation. “Stormy! Stop thinking so much and don’t you dare go over there without me! Now. Where are you?”

“I’m at your house. Pearl, I’ve been pacing a rut into the living room floor. I’m so beside myself and I don’t know what to do.” I stop abruptly making my whole body jolt. “You don’t know what Ricco is capable of, Pearl. None of you do. He’s…. He’ll….” I can’t even get out the words as my mind jumps with all the possibilities.

“Calm down. Let me get off the phone and make some calls. I’ll call you right back.” My heart is beating so fast, it’s hard to catch my breath. “Stormy.” My focus snaps back to her voice. “We’ll find them. Stay put.” I nod as the call ends and resume my pacing. God, I hope she’s right. Question is, will they be dead or alive?

Chapter Eleven

“Uhhhhh,” I moan as I try to move my hands, my head and body feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck. My memory is foggy and my mind not alert and all I feel is pain running through me. After figuring out my hands are bound, I relax and squeeze my eyes shut tight, wetness moving down my left eye, and it feels swollen. What the fuck happened and where am I? I open my eyes to darkness then turn my head, wincing, and see a small amount of light coming in from a high window, what I think is blood begins covering my eye. The hard floor beneath me makes me even more uncomfortable with my hands behind my back. My heart starts to beat faster as I try to take in air but finding it very difficult to breathe. I can only take and release short breaths but can’t pull in a deep one without pain searing through my ribs and chest. What in the hell happened? My mind begins to remember things, pieces of memories that flash in my head.

“Fucking stay down, asshole!” Ricco yells as he hits me again, this time in the same spot on my side as he did before. “You will give me the money or you, your family and your precious whore will all die.”

We’re walking down the sidewalk, to the bar, and its dark out but I can vaguely see a shadow of a man leaning against the brick wall at the side of the bar. He throws a cigarette down onto the ground and snubs it with his foot. “Tom Barkin?” I hear Emerson ask. No answer. As we get closer the feelings of fear begin to sweep through me. I don’t think he’s the bar owner.

My eye opens and I look over to my right. There lies a man, his eyes open but there is no life in them. I wonder who he is?

“Bo.” I startle when I hear Emerson’s voice and feel his body next to mine. I turn my eyes to him and can only make out his silhouette in the dim light. “Don’t move man, you got it pretty good.” He unties my hands then begins to poke and prod me everywhere.

“Ow, ungh!” I yell as his big fingers push in on my ribs. My eyes close as the feeling of dizziness hits me and I fight to bring air into my lungs. I hear him move around but I don’t open my eyes as I struggle through the pain and labored breathing.

“Found a way out. You be still and I’ll try to be careful with you but I’m not gonna lie. It’s gonna hurt, man. I’ve got to get you outta here and to a hospital.” He lifts me and instantly the dim light turns into darkness.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I hear a faint noise but my eyes are too heavy to open to see what’s making the sound. I hear what sounds like whispers but I feel too groggy to make out where they’re coming from. My body is numb, my breathing a struggle and I feel weightless. My mind stops thinking as I fade back into darkness.

“But he hasn’t woken up in three days. I can’t help but worry. It’s all my fault.” I hear Stormy’s voice and then the sound of her crying. I need to help her, yet I can’t move. What the hell is going on? I feel like I’m paralyzed and start to panic. Beep, Beep, Beep. The sound of an alarm goes off, and it makes my heart beat even faster.

“I need everyone to leave the room. Now!” A man’s voice rings out, and I hear Stormy crying harder. I want to move so badly, take her in my arms and comfort her, but as I try to move I become even more panicked with the feeling that I can’t. “There. Try to stay calm for me, Bo. You’re only making it worse with your struggle to breathe.” Something hard covers my mouth, and I pull in some fresh air. That helps so much and makes me feel better, but it’s still so hard to breathe. “Good. That’s much better. Try to take small breaths and just breathe naturally. Good. That’s it. Nurse, give him the morphine and check his vitals again.” It’s not very long that I begin to feel a bit more relaxed and the darkness returns.

My mind feels a little more alert. My eyes are still too heavy to open. Sounds in the room make me feel like I’m missing out on something, so I lay here listening and wish I could join in. “Oh, yeah! And remember the time that he wanted to give Stormy a gift that cost five thousand dollars and threw a fit over it because you told him no?” Pearl’s voice rings out and then she starts laughing as well as others chiming in. I remember that! I was so upset! It was a beautiful butterfly necklace but how was I supposed to know it was full of diamonds. It was perfect for my Peaches, but Dad said I couldn’t get it. Hell, I was only six, I think.

“Oh, my! I didn’t know that! How cute and sweet.” Stormy’s voice is like a beacon in the night, my heart beating harder as I hear it and I want to hold her in my arms so badly. “I wish he’d wake up.” Now she sounds so heartbroken, so worried and all I want to do is comfort her.

“He will, Stormy. The doctor is very hopeful. Give him some time. Rest is the best thing for him right now, you know that.” Dad’s voice is strong and sure but I can hear Stormy sigh.

“I know. Again, this is all my fault. Everything bad that happens to him is because of me, my stupid mistakes. I just want it to be over, to see his beautiful blue eyes and smile.” Quiet. Damn, why won’t my eyes open? Why can’t I wake up fully? “Why can’t we find him and make him pay for everything he’s done? I don’t care anymore if he leaks the video, my life is already ruined. I only care that it would hurt you and your family, Knox. I don’t care about what it does to me.” No. She can’t be serious! I won’t let her do this or feel this way. I need to stop her.

“Hey! Don’t talk like that. Nothing will hurt my family or me, which includes you, sweetheart. You are in our family and don’t you forget it. We’ll find him and get him locked up for the rest of his life, don’t you worry. It’s only a matter of time. Now we need to concentrate on Bo, getting him well and strong.” Dad is again the voice of reason and thank God for that. He’s right and she needs to understand that we’re all here for her.

I hear a door and then footsteps coming near me. “Glad to see you all here. Nice to have family around him. I’m just going to give him a little something for pain and then I’ll leave you all alone. Let me know if any of you need anything.” A woman’s voice becomes louder and then I feel really tired again. No! I want to keep listening to my family and my girl. It’s the only thing I have right now! My mind becomes foggy and once again I fall into the never ending darkness.

“Yes, please. I love peaches on my pancakes. Mmmmmm.” Stormy’s voice is so clear and sounds so great to my ears. My lids open just a little as my eyes shift towards her sweet voice, but I can’t see very clearly and only can only see out of my right eye, the other being covered by something. I blink a few times and then look again and Stormy, Mom and Dad start to come in clearer. “Dang, this is great. Thanks so much for picking up breakfast on the way over. I think….” She stops abruptly when she turns her head and notices I’m looking at her. “Oh, my God!” She stands, her chair screeching on the floor as she pushes it back abruptly and runs over to my side. “Bo, baby. You’re awake!” The tears are streaming down her beautiful face as she touches my hand, my arm and then the side of my face. My eyes close with the feeling of her soft fingers smoothing against my cheek, and I thank God I can feel it, feel her again. “Oh, don’t go back to sleep. Please don’t leave me again.” She sniffs as I reopen my eye. “There’s the baby blue I remember and love so much.”

Mom and Dad are on the other side of me in an instant, Mom kissing my forehead and Dad smiling. I feel so loved, but I can’t speak. My mouth opens, but nothing comes out. My eyebrows crease as I try to make a sound but nothing. My head turns towards Stormy when I feel her small hand around my upper arm. “Hey, it’s ok. The doctor said it would take a while for you to awaken fully and have everything working again. Don’t worry, try to relax and everything is going to be just fine.” Her voice doesn’t sound all that sure, and I feel like she’s not telling me everything, but I can’t ask to find out. This is so frustrating. I finally move my left hand up, slowly, and point my finger towards my bandaged eye. She frowns and looks over at Dad quickly so I lower my hand back onto the bed and look at him.

“Son. Just know that you’re ok and will get stronger in time. I’ve called the doctor and he will be here shortly to talk to you and tell you everything, okay? Just keep calm. We’re so glad you’re alive and doing so well.” I feel someone take ahold of my right hand and look at Mom, who also has tears in her eyes, but she is such a welcome sight.

“We’ve been so worried but are so thankful that you’re ok. You gave us quite a scare. I think I finally wore a hole into the carpet with my pacing,” she laughs. I start to chuckle but then get tickles in my dry throat and begin coughing, closing my eyes again.

“Here. Bo.” I reopen my eyes and see a straw at my mouth, my lips encasing it quickly and the cold water that invades my mouth is heaven. “Don’t drink too fast or you’ll choke. That’s right. I bet that tastes great.” She has no idea. There’s nothing like Mom taking care of me when I don’t feel well.

She pulls the straw away just in time as the door opens and Dr. Phillip walks in. It’s great to see him and I hope he can fill me in on what the hell is going on with me. “Ah! Our patient has awaken. Great!” He walks over and immediately takes my left hand, looking at his watch and nodding. “Your pulse is getting much stronger. That’s great news.” He looks around at everyone, smiles and then releases my hand and pulls up a chair close to my bed. “I’m sure you have many questions and I have many answers but I know it may be a little bit before you’re strong enough to ask. So, let me help by updating you with everything I know. Sound good?” His smile is genuine as I nod and swallow hard. “Good. Now, what I need you to do is try to stay calm as I explain everything. Can you do that for me?” I nod again becoming unsure. “Okay. You were injured pretty badly, Bo. Your voice should return as your mind becomes clearer and can communicate with your body a little better. You have a lot of bruising on several parts of your body and a broken rib but those things will heal in time. Your left leg is bandaged as well with fifteen stiches from a knife wound. The knife cut into your shin and could have caused some nerve damage so you may need some physical therapy once you’re stronger. Now, the one thing that has me a little more concerned is your left eye. I’m sure you can feel it’s covered with a bandage. Our Optometrist has worked on your eye and I’d be more than happy to have him come in and explain everything to you but….” My heart rate increases as I can hear his voice wavering and I know this isn’t good news. “Bo. The injury to your eye while severe can still lead to some vision but it may not be clear. Sadly that is not guaranteed. I’m so sorry.” I swallow hard with the news. “The cornea was severely damaged which caused the loss of some of the corneal tissue. You may feel some pain, your vision will be reduced extremely or it could go away completely. You could have a reaction to bright lights, have redness and experience some watering. But you’re alive. Your rib will heal and your bruises will leave.” I can only nod and swallow again then I look over at Stormy and see she’s trying to smile but it’s not reaching her worried eyes. I quickly look back at Dr. Phillip as he rises from the chair and pats me on my shoulder, lightly. “You have a great support system here. Use them, let them help you and when you’re a little stronger, make an appointment with Dr. Stevenson. He’s the Optometrist who worked on your eye. I think within a couple of days you’ll be ready to go home. I’m sure you’re anxious. We’ll talk again soon.” He smiles, pats my arm and nods to Mom and Dad, stands and then leaves the room.

So much to take in and I know I should feel grateful to be alive but only being able to see with one eye? The thought terrifies me. My mind is struggling with everything and then I look over to see Mom sitting in the chair on the other side of me, her hand taking mine in hers and the smile on her face as she rubs my lower arm. “Everything’s going to be good. I’m so happy and thankful you’re alive and you’ll see…. When you’re stronger, get some physical therapy, everything will be back to normal again.” I only nod as she stands, leaning over to kiss my forehead and my eyes close to her touch, trying to be comforting. She brushes my short hair back and smiles again. “We’ll be back later. Get some rest.” Her hand releases mine as she steps out from the chair and I watch as she takes Dad’s hand and my eye follows as they walk towards the door.

“Sleep well, son,” Dad says as he opens the door. “We’ll be back later and will bring you your favorites to eat for dinner. I’ll clear it with Phillip on our way out.” I swallow hard and see them leave then look over at Stormy, who has sat down in the chair Dr. Phillip was in previously.

“I….” My voice is really rough and a little difficult to get words out but I need to try.

She grabs my lower arm, softly. “Don’t try to talk, Bo. Give it some time.”

I shake my head. “Ho-w lo-ng?” I manage to choke out.

“Baby, you’ve been here for a week.” My brows raise out of disbelief. “They’ve kept you pretty sedated so you could start healing. You had surgery on your left eye and they tried to repair what they could.” I see the wetness in her eyes as my head tries to wrap around all this news. “I’m so sorry. All of this is my fault.” I shake my head forcefully. “Yes, it is, Bo. There’s nothing you can say to make me feel any better and you shouldn’t try to. If not for me….”

“Ricco,” I say a little clearer but still raspy.

“He’s still out there but your Dad and Emerson have gotten the police involved now. I hope he burns in hell for what he’s done to you,” she says sadly. “Bo, he killed the owner of the bar. They found his body after Emerson told them everything.”

“You.” My throat is dry and she reaches over and brings the straw from the cup to my lips.

“He’s done all he can to me, Bo, but involving you and you’re family…. That’s just wrong and he has to be stopped before…. Before he ends up killing one of you. I can’t let that happen. It almost did happen. I already can’t forgive myself for all I’ve put you through but I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. You’re my life.” She sniffs and grabs a tissue from the table beside me, wiping her eyes and then blowing her nose, quietly. My mind is all over the place, my love for her, the thoughts of not feeling like a whole man and so many things about my worth.

“I…. Take na-p.”

She gives me a small smile. “You rest and get strong. Do you need anything? Anything at all?”

I shake my head slightly. “Time. I need… Need to be a-lone.” Her brows raise and the look of hurt on her beautiful face makes me cringe. “Just a lit-tle whi-le.” I try to give her a smile, but I’m afraid it doesn’t show much.

She rises and nods at me, her smile still not reaching her eyes. “It’s ok, Bo. Time I can give.” She leans over me. Her soft lips press against mine for just a minute, and then she moves back but is still close enough that I can smell her wonderful peach smell. “You get some sleep, baby. I love you. I’ll just be outside the door so you can just let me know when you want some company.” She stands back, looks at me with such sadness in her eyes and on her beautiful face and then turns walking out the door like she’s defeated. I feel horrible, but I need some time to grasp everything. I can still work on the computer. It will just taking a little getting used to only having one healthy eye but can I still be a man for her? The way I used to be? I’m not so sure. My hand hits the mattress and my blood boils. I want to find Ricco and kill him. Not only is he a danger to my family and my girl, but he did this to me. I want to tear him from limb to limb, not giving him any chance to do this to anyone ever again. He needs to be stopped, and I want to be the person to end this. So many emotions hitting me all at once. Fear of the unknown, rage, frustration, weakness, and if I will be the same person I once was. Will our relationship change? Will we be the same together as we always have been? I’m scared.

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

I’ve been sitting outside Bo’s door crying for what seems like hours, it probably has been. The guilt I feel doesn’t compare to how I feel about him and what he’s going through, what he will be going through. I know he’s hurting. I know he’s feeling so many things right now but I don’t know what to do to help him. I’m so tired, having very little rest since I got the call about Bo being at the hospital Thoughts of what happened enter my head before I can stop them.

“Stormy, it’s Knox. Bo’s been in an accident. He’s at the hospital. Ralph is on his way to the house to pick you up.” Fear overwhelms me as I listen to Knox. Hospital? What accident? “Sweetheart. He’s hurt pretty bad.” I sit down on the floor with his words and bring my knees up to my chest as a sob breaks free, my heart racing as a lump forms in the base of my throat.

“Is he? Is….” I can’t even choke out the words and close my eyes at the thought.

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