Forgiven (Touched Series #2) (12 page)

BOOK: Forgiven (Touched Series #2)
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“He’s alive, honey but as I said, he’s hurt really bad. They won’t even let us see him yet.” A cry escapes me and I hold the phone away. “Stormy. Stormy, hang in there for me. Ralph should be there any moment.” I bring the phone back up to my ear and nod as if he hears it. “Do you want Jade to stay on the phone with you until Ralph gets there?”

“No, I….” My head turns when I hear the front door open and Ralph walks in. “He’s here. I’ll… I’ll be there as fast as I can.” I end the call as I stand up and run towards Ralph but bypass him and run out the door. He’s hot on my heels as I get into the car and within a minute we are heading out. I look out my window and wonder what I’ll find when I get there. He has to be okay. He just has to be. I can’t live without him. My heart breaks as I cry all the way there.

I hear running feet and look up just in time to see Pearl coming towards me, sit in the chair beside me and take me into her arms. This does not help with my water works, making them come even harder. “Oh, Pearl. I don’t know what to do to help him, comfort him. I can tell he’s so confused, so upset and I…. I don’t know what to do,” I sob into her shirt.

Her hand rubs against my back but I don’t feel any better. “Oh, sweetie. He’ll be fine, you wait and see. Bo’s strong, always has been. You know he takes after Dad.” She laughs and that does get a little chuckle from me. “I’ll talk to him. You know he always does what I say.” That made me sit up and laugh while I wipe the wetness from my eyes and face.

My laughter dies, and I sigh. “Apart from all the guilt I feel I’m more concerned with him. It would break my heart in two if we don’t stay together over this but he needs a good life, to be happy and not only with good things but with himself. I’m not sure he will be able to do that, Pearl.”

She takes my hand, holding it in her lap and smiles. “Love is stronger and will endure anything thrown its way. Bad things and situations makes it even stronger. He just needs some time, Stormy. Give him that.” She always has had a way to make me feel better. “He has a long road to travel. Healing, therapy and getting used to only seeing with one eye but you know what?” My brows raise with her question. “Bo can do anything he sets his mind to and in that way he’s like Mom, stubborn. But I’m sure there will be struggles. You might think about seeing if he’ll go to counseling. Mom, Dad and I will help convince him that it would be good for him, help him. I’m sure Dr. Phillip knows someone who’d be perfect for him to go see or even come over to the house.”

I sit up straight and give her a huge smile, one that is genuine for the first time in so long. “That’s a great idea! Oh, the apartment! I need to get over there and clean up before he comes home. Maybe move some things around to help him get around better. Dr. Phillip said he will need to walk with a cane for a bit and his vision may make him disoriented and a bit off balance until he gets used to it.” I start to stand but she puts a hand on my shoulder stopping me.

“Hey, no worries there. Ralph and I have already taken care of that. Mom even came over to help out the last couple of days, gave her something to keep busy.” I cover my mouth with my hand when a giggle escapes. “Oh! And I have some news! I bought the bar that was going to open since, um…. Well, since the owner was killed. It’s sad to think of how I got it and I feel kind of bad. He seemed like a good man and yes, dreamy but I think it will be a new adventure and we’ll be business neighbors. Once I get it remodeled how I want, Dad helping me, of course, and I’ll be moving into the apartment that’s on the top level. I’m so excited!”

“Wow! That’s great! You know I’ll help with whatever you need. I can’t believe you’re going to own a bar. Who’d a thought that would happen? And as for my apartment I’m sure it’s probably completely rearranged and immaculately clean then if Jade helped. I’m sorry about the bar owners death.” Pearl nods quickly then we both turn our heads when Mom and Dad walk towards us carrying sacks.

“Ah! Speaking of the immaculate cleaner, here she is,” Pearl states with a huge smile.

Jade and Knox reach us, each carrying sacks, and he gives me a wink, opening Bo’s door and walking in while Jade stops in front of us. “Hey! I only did a little.” She looks at Pearl and sees her questioning look and then at me. “Ok, maybe a more than a little but Stormy, you’re gonna love it.” I smile and nod.

“I’m sure I will, Jade. Thanks so much. You know I appreciate everything you all have done and are doing.” She leans down giving me a kiss on my cheek making me feel so loved and then takes my hand, helping me to stand and then pulling me into the room. I’m not sure I was ready to go in there yet but I plaster a big smile on my face and square my shoulders back. When we walked in I expected to find Bo asleep or upset but he’s sitting up in bed, the TV on, his smile is wide when he sees us.

“Hey! I’m starving!” he yells out. Knox puts the sacks of food on the round table and starts unloading them while Jade sets her sack down beside his and begins taking out paper plates, napkins and plastic silverware. She picks up a plate and starts dishing out a variety of the Chinese food, grabs a Coke and napkin and takes them over setting everything on the bed table then moving the table over Bo. “Oh, Mom! You guys got my favorite! Thanks!” His voice is so much stronger and he actually looks happy.

I look over and he smiles at me, winks and then dives into his food. I start preparing my plate and when he coughs I look back at him. He leans over patting the chair next to his bed and smiles. I nod and finish gathering my food, grab a diet Coke and go over and sit down, balancing everything. He reaches over and takes my plate setting it on the table and then my drink. I eat as I watch him chow down and feeling so happy at his appetite.

“So son.” My eyes shift to Knox when he speaks from over at the table. “You’re certainly in a great mood and your voice sounds so much stronger. I’m glad.”

I look back at Bo and prepare for something to ruin all this happiness when he smiles between bites. “Well, I had a lot of time to think and I’ve decided, I’m not a quitter and this could have been so much worse. I could have been totally blind or left without a limb or even not sitting here right now with everyone I love. I’m not stupid. I know there’ll be some struggles and probably some frustration but I’m gonna get through this.” He leans over and gives me a kiss on my lips causing my insides to flutter. “I have Stormy to get better for.” My heart just melted into puddles on the floor and I lean back in to him and press my lips against his.

“I’m so proud of you and I love you so much,” I whisper. His mouth overtakes mine, and we stop abruptly when we hear loud coughing on the other side of the room. Embarrassed I lean back but the smile on my face can’t be mistaken. We go back to eating, and I take a peek over at the table seeing Pearl staring at me, her fork full of food raised by her smiling mouth, and she gives me a wink. Yeah, she told me so. We have such a long way to go still, but I’m more encouraged now with Bo’s words and actions.

Everyone stayed until pretty late but then as Bo’s yawns become contagious they all bid their goodnight’s leaving us alone. He yawns again, clicks off the TV and pats the bed beside him. “Come, Peaches. Time to go to bed.” I look down at the small bed and the even smaller space he keeps patting and then back up at him. His hand stops and then presses down on the mattress as he moves over a little, wincing. “There. More room for my girl. Come.” Smiling and with excitement I slip off my flip flops and climb into bed, helping to pull up the covers and lay against his shoulder as his arm moves around me.

“We’ll probably get in trouble for this.” I look up at him but only see his bandaged eye. “Isn’t this against the rules?”

His head turns and a frown appears on his handsome face. “Get up.” My brows raise and I climb back out of bed and watch him wince again as he moves over to my spot. “We’re gonna have to change sides. I need to be able to see you.” I nod and smile as I walk around the bed then get in on the other side, resuming our position again and look up at him to see his gorgeous smile. “That’s better. Hello, Peaches.” My giggle comes out quickly but is welcomed. His arm squeezes me and I feel so comfortable. “It’s so good to hear you laugh and giggle. I’ve missed that. When we go home, things are going to be different. I think the near death experience has shown me one of the most important things.” My brow raises as I await his next words, my head raising so I can get a better look at him. “Life. Life is too short and we shouldn’t waste a minute of it.” I don’t think I can ever remove my smile and the feelings that are flowing through me of love, happiness, relief but most of all my heart is so full for my man. “When I get better and I will get better, I want us to get married, have kids. I say we start on the kids as soon as I’m able,” he says while waggling his eyebrows. Now fits of giggles fly out of my mouth but I can’t help it. He squeezes me hard bringing me into his side even closer. “God, I love you so much.” He yawns, closes his eye, and I lay my head back down on his chest, my eyes growing heavy.

Chapter Twelve

“I can do it,” I yell as Dad tries to help me into the wheelchair. It’s been three days. Three days since the doctors told me I’d probably leave soon and with all the physical therapy, the Optometrist visits and all the poking and prodding, I’m so ready to go home. The bandage was removed from my bad eye and just a small patch covering it makes me feel a little better. I want things to try to get back to normal even though I can’t see well through my left eye and may never be able to but I’ve come to terms with that. I need to get used to it and get on with Stormy’s and my life together. I plan on marrying her someday. Someday I hope to be soon. Once I’ve gotten situated in the chair, Dad winks standing back as the nurse proceeds to go behind me and starts to push me out of the room. Stormy is by my side, my hand taking hers and she gives me her beautiful smile. I couldn’t have gotten through all this without her. She’s been my rock.

As we finally roll out of the elevator and out the front doors, the limo is waiting. Ralph standing with the door open to the back seat and Emerson leaning against the front passenger door with his shades on and looking all kinds of tough. I owe him so much. I owe him my life. I’ve been told by Stormy that he’s moved into my room since Pearl has moved into the other spare bedroom, so we have a full house but that’s okay by me, for now. I think right now Stormy needs all the support and help she can get with Ricco still on the loose and me needing some help but that part won’t be for long. Stormy told me last night that they had moved the furniture around in the living room and made room for a weight machine for me to do exercises for my leg. I’m pumped about that as I want to get rid of this cane as soon as possible.

I don’t do too bad getting out of the chair and hop into the car. Stormy and I snuggle all the way home and fuck I’m getting horny. Dr. Phillip said I need to wait at least a few days to a week to get stronger before I ‘engage in any sexual activity’ but fuck that! My cock wasn’t injured. By the time we get into our apartment I’m tired but not too tired to go to bed. I’ve seen enough of a bed for a long time so I limp into the kitchen, getting more used to the cane, and sit down in a chair at the table.

“Want something to drink?” Stormy asks as she walks to the refrigerator.

I laugh, “Yeah, I’d love a beer but with all the meds I’ll just take a Coke.” She winks at me and gets one from the fridge, grabs herself a diet Coke and brings them over, setting mine on the table in front of me and then she sits down across the table. I take a drink and then set my can back on the table keeping my hands around it. I feel like things are somewhat normal, that we’re still normal but yet different. We’ve always had such a strong connection. I think it’ll take more than what’s happened to break our tie. I’m relieved and so damn horny. It’s been too long since we’ve been together, too long since I’ve felt her and too long since I’ve been inside her. “So, when are we having sex?” Her head snaps up, her eyes wide but sparkling. I clear my throat and regroup.
Way to go idiot!
“I mean, when are we having the sneak peek for the restaurant?” She smirks but then smiles.

“I thought with everything that’s happened recently and with Ricco still out there that I’d hold off for a while.” She starts playing with a lock of her hair and I can tell she’s frustrated.

“I don’t think we should wait. I can get around pretty good and I wouldn’t be down there for very long anyway. Emerson will be there to look out for you. I know you want to do it and I think it’s a great idea. Having a private get together, getting the staff ready and letting them test the food out on people before it opens is genius. Dad can give me names and email addresses for some of the more prominent people in town and I can help you with making the invites and sending stuff out on the computer. It will be good for me, give me something to do.” She looks at me almost hopeful but still plays with her hair. ‘Come on. You know you want to.”

“Do you really think it’s a good idea?” She asks shyly but the corners of her mouth trying not to turn up into a smile.

“Definitely! You’re talking in two weeks anyway, right?” She nods a bit more enthusiastically. I sit up straight and waggle my brows at her. “Well, I’ll be a new man in two weeks. I say let’s do it.”

She lifts her can up and I follow suit then we clink them together. “Let’s do it!” She says with determination.

The rest of the day and evening is not inspiring. I get frustrated as I try to do my leg exercises, bump into a chair and a wall when walking with my cane and can’t focus well enough with my one good eye to do work on the computer, not to mention I’m still horny as hell. Finally, I decide to take a bath, no shower for a while so I can hang my leg with the stitches over the side of the tub, while Stormy cleans up the kitchen. Feeling a little more refreshed after I shave, brush my teeth and get into my sleep pants but by the time I get into bed I’m exhausted. I watch Stormy walk into the room, right into the bathroom, and hear the water turn on in the tub again. I lay here thinking what a pair we are, her with her casted arm, and me with only one good eye and a bum leg but then I think how fortunate we are and how lucky I am to be alive and have the love of my life with me. Yep, I’m a lucky son of a bitch. I try to wait up for her but my eyes grow heavy and soon I nod off.

Oh, damn that feels good. My eyes open and Stormy is in between my legs, her mouth covering my rock hard cock and her fingers doing amazing things to my shaft and then my balls. “Ohhh,” I moan. I reach down taking her long soft hair in my fingers, twisting and pulling as she works her magic. My balls begin to tighten and tingle as my climax nears but she releases my cock with a ‘pop’, my fingers slide out of her hair as she crawls up on top of me, sitting up and then impaling herself over my pulsing cock until she is completely full of me. “Damn!” My hands reach out taking her breasts, tweaking her nipples and then squeezing and fondling them as I watch her head lean back. Her eyes close and her breathing gets heavier. She begins riding me, slowly at first and then begins to speed up. I move one of my hands and find her clit, press my thumb against it and starts rubbing quickly.

“Ungh!” The most beautiful sound leaves her as her inner muscles tighten around my cock spurring me into my own release. My hips meeting her moments and my rib protesting, but I fight back the pain. I can tell she’s in her orgasmic state and slows down so I buck my hips enough to pump out the rest of my liquid into her until she finally lays down across my stomach and chest. We’re both panting and trying to catch our breaths.

I stroke her head, my fingers running through her hair as my other hand rubs the silky skin on her back. “That was amazing. You’re amazing. Thank you,” I whisper. Her head turns up, resting her chin on my chest and smiles.

“If I’m amazing that makes you incredible, baby. No doubt that was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had.” She begins to move off me but I put my arms around her holding tight. She look back at me and smiles. “I need to go get a warm wash cloth and clean us up. I think that’s enough exercise for you tonight.”

I bring her up closer, at least my arms are still strong and press my mouth against hers. “I didn’t get any kissing with that though and my lips missed out,” I state still touching her lips. She giggles but then her mouth moves with mine and this kiss was definitely worth the wait. I finally let her up and watch her naked body as she walks across the room and into the bathroom. I sigh heavily and once again think about how lucky I am. Once she comes back and cleans me up, which feels so good it makes my cock hard again, she returns the cloth to the bathroom and then climbs back in bed and into my waiting arms. It doesn’t take very long before I hear her light breathing against my chest. Best night ever.

A few days later I’m working out my legs on the weight machine. My body is full of sweat, but I’m working on my arms in the process and they are stronger than ever. I think I could get used to this. Stormy walks in, carrying bags of groceries, with Emerson right behind her. She stops abruptly Emerson running right into her back, and her gaze travels from my legs up my torso then finally reaches my eyes, hers full of lust. Looks like someone is as horny as I am. Emerson butts her with his sacks. Her head turns to him, smirks and then winks at me as she walks off towards the kitchen. I begin my workout again deciding I may be overdoing it a little and may have to quit sooner than I’d like when she walks back into the living room and sits on the couch, watching me. Emerson then walks through and then out the door mumbling something about the fact that he doesn’t want to intrude, which makes me grin and causes my cock to twitch.

I look back at Stormy and see her tongue sweep out from her luscious lips licking the bottom one seductively and watch her legs push together. “Wanna try something?” Her brows raise and the corner of her mouth quirks up. “I think you’ll like it.” She doesn’t nod, doesn’t blink or say anything, she just stands and saunters over, removing her top as she walks, then her bra flies off and then she almost trips as she tries to get her shorts with her panties down her legs. I have to stifle a laugh at that but almost got up to help her, stopping when she righted herself and finally got them off, kicking them away on the floor. “Well, I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” I don’t even get a chance to move when she’s quickly on her knees and trying to pull my gym shorts off. Thank goodness I decided to go commando today so she doesn’t have to bother with my boxers.

I lift up allowing her to remove them, and my eyes follow as she lowers them down my legs and over my feet, throwing them behind her on the floor with her discarded clothing. She looks up but not to my eyes. She looks directly at my hardened cock and licks her lips again. I lean forward, grabbing her upper arms and her eyes snap up to mine as I lift her onto my lap. “Oh, no. Not this time, Peaches.” As I begin to set her down, she takes my cock into her small hand and helps guide it as I lower her, her body sliding down the shaft with ease. “Ah, you’re already so wet for me, so ready.” I lift her by her hips and then back down again, eliciting a loud guttural moan from her. “She likes this. She loves to ride me, to feel me inside her so deeply, doesn’t she?” Her head tilts back with another moan giving me her answer. I push up on the weight bar with my feet making my cock ram up into her deeper than it was before. Her body begins to shudder as her inner muscles grip me, and I know her impending release is close. She leans down suddenly taking one of my nipples into her mouth, sucking and licking and that makes my hips buck, my feet moving up and down on the weight bar that makes my cock move harder, faster inside her. We both cry out at the same time as we both hit our climax, and she releases my nipple, collapsing on top of me but I still push up into her a few more times, using my hands on her hips to help until I’ve released all that I have inside her.

“God, that was amazing. You’ve gotten so much stronger and I think this is my favorite position now,” she sighs against my chest. Our bodies are both sweaty, our breaths panting when we both turn our heads to the sound of the front door knob moving. “Shit!” she exclaims as she jumps off me, throws my shorts on top of my body and scrambles to get her things, running into the bathroom down the hall. We may need to move the equipment to a more private place.

I can’t help but laugh when Emerson walks into the door, shuts it and when he turns around the look on his face is priceless. “Extracurricular activity. She was just helping me with my exercises.”
Damn, I’m good at thinking fast under pressure!
He gives me a smirk and mumbles ‘Uh, huh’ and walks out of the room.
Ok, maybe not.

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

Two days is the ‘special’ showing of the restaurant, and I’m so nervous. I’ve hired two cooks, who I think are fabulous, two hostesses and several waiters and waitresses. I’ve worked with the cooks with a menu, some they gave ideas for and a few of my own creations. I’m with the cooks now doing trial runs, preparing all the dishes while the staff delivers them to Jade, Knox, Bo, Pearl, Emerson and Ralph, and it seems to be going rather well. I finally get a break and walk out through the double doors of the kitchen and head to the big round table where everyone is sitting until I’m standing right next to Bo. He puts an arm around my waist and shifts in his seat when he pulls me down onto his leg.

“Wow, Peaches. This is the best food I’ve ever tasted. You’ve been holding out on me.” I nervously look at him and then at all the faces around the table then back to him. “Seriously. Your food is going to be a big hit. Best in town, no lie.” I lean over and kiss his cheek as everyone at the table are all remarking how great the food is and then sit back up giving a smile around the table.

“How are the servers doing? I need to make sure everything is perfect,” I ask looking around.

My eyes land on Pearl, who’s swallowing her food, and she winks at me. “Girl, the food is stupendous. The servers have been prompt and courteous and I’ll be a kick ass hostess! No worries!” She smiles and then takes another bite, closes her eyes while humming. “Damn, I could eat a whole pot of this.”

A giggle escapes me and I cover my mouth quickly. I know everything has gone off without a hitch tonight but at the special showing we’ll have some elite people here and the restaurant will be much fuller. I know it can be hard with everyone under pressure. I’m so nervous I feel sick to my stomach. “Hey, it’ll all be great. We’ll all help,” Knox says as he pats my hand and looking around the table. My eyes follow and everyone is nodding and smiling.

“I know. You all have been so great. I can’t thank you enough. I just have jitters.” He continues to pat my hand for a minute, giving me his warm smile, and then goes back to eating. Dang, I hope we have enough food supplies. I stand up and start walking to the kitchen, turning my head to Bo. “I’m just going to check on some things.” He winks at me and then starts talking to his family and I continue into the kitchen. I’m feeling a little lighter with everyone’s words and more hopeful until I walk through the swinging doors and stop dead in my tracks. Damien, one of my cooks, is walking towards the back door with his arm stretched out and holding a huge dead rat by the end of its tail. My hands fly to cover my mouth as his head turns to me, my stomach churning.

“No worries, Stormy. It was already dead and we’ve checked everywhere. There aren’t any others.” He walks through the back door and is gone when Charles, my other cook, walks over until he’s in front of me. He places his hands on my upper arms and gives me a concerned look.

“Uh, Stormy. You don’t look very well. Your face is as white as a sheet. I hate to do this but you might want to take a look at this. I found it next to the rat’s body.” He releases his hold and holds out a piece of paper, my shaky hand takes it, and my heart stops as I read.

One million dollars, whore, or your restaurant will surely close before it opens. Don’t disappoint me.  I’d hate for something to happen to your new business.   

The paper flies out of my hand as I run out the double doors, down the small hallway by the front door and into the ladies room. I barely get into the first stall, raise the toilet lid, fist my long hair into my hand and land on my knees before I expel everything that’s in my stomach. Beads of perspiration form on my forehead as waves of cramps invade me. Dry heaves take over as there is nothing left inside me. The coolness of something wet hits my face, but I can’t seem to open my eyes to see who the warm body is next to me. I release the hold on my hair when another hand takes it from me.

“Baby, are you ok?” Bo’s voice is reassuring and comforting, but my stomach is still turning in knots. “Get her some water, Pearl.” I’m trying to concentrate on the voices whispering in the room, but I start dry heaving again. My hand moving to my aching stomach, and I hear shuffling feet echoing in the small area.

“Bo, you need to see this,” Knox’s voice seems a little louder than the rest but still I can’t seem to open my eyes.

“Not now, Dad. Wait! Mom!” Bo’s hand leaves my hair and another replaces it and more shuffling noises. I barely open my eyes and see Jade kneeling next to me and close them again quickly. Her other hand smooths back the hair from my face and I relish her tender touch.

“It’s ok, sweetheart. I’m here. How’s your stomach? Any better?” I nod slightly but the knots are not gone completely. “Here. Take a few sips.” I feel cool glass up against my lips and open taking a couple of sips of cold water. “Good. Now, Emerson is going to help you up and take you upstairs. Don’t worry about anything down here, we’ll take care of everything. No arguing.”

I only nod again as my hair cascades down around me, and my body is lifted into strong arms. I rest my head against his firm shoulder, my hand covering my stomach and I feel a cool breeze when we begin to move. My mouth presses into his shirt when dry heaves start again, but he doesn’t stop. “It’s ok, girl. I’ve been thrown up on before. Doesn’t bother me.” His voice loud in my ear and his words would have normally made me laugh but there’s no humor in them at the moment. I can tell he’s trying to be careful not to jostle me too much as he walks. Finally, my stomach calms down a bit as we must have reached my bedroom, feeling the softness of the mattress as he lays me down, then covering me with the sheets and comforter. I don’t open my eyes as I turn over onto my side, but I hear his footsteps grow softer as he walks away but another set getting louder, and then I feel a dip on the bed.

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