Forgiven (Touched Series #2) (9 page)

BOOK: Forgiven (Touched Series #2)
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I look back out the front window but I’m not really seeing anything as my thoughts are jumbled with everything that happened, everything that’s happening. “Maybe I should leave. I don’t want to put those I love in danger.” My head turns to him swiftly as I feel his hand cover my casted one, my fingers feeling his warm touch.

“Don’t do that, girl. You’ll only worry the hell out of those people and do you really think that will alleviate the danger for them? No. It’ll only make Ricco want to hurt them even more wanting to find you.”
Shit! I hadn’t thought of that
. “I know your mind is reeling right now and you’re not thinking clearly. Go inside. Talk to Bo. He’ll understand. He knows of the stories of Jade and Knox and what they went through to find their peace and happiness in this world. You know the stories too but let him remind you.”

My eyes then focus on the scenery in front of me and find we are in the parking lot of my apartment. My fingers feel the coolness as he removes his hand, and I look over at him. He’s turned my way and an actual smile is on his face. I think I finally understand him a bit better and my fear of him is completely gone. I unbuckle my seatbelt, turn and grab my bags and open the car door, putting one leg out but stop and turn my head to him once again. “Thanks, Emerson. You’re not so bad yourself.” My smile is genuine as I turn back and get out of the car, hearing his chuckle as I shut the door. My fear is tenfold what it’s ever been before. I feel a little more comforted knowing I have Emerson behind me, protecting my family and me. I can do this. I will do this. It’s not just about me anymore but everyone I love. Time to refresh myself of all my self-defense moves. I have a feeling I’m going to need them more than ever.

Chapter Nine

I’ve been setting up programs for an hour, making notes and setting up new email addresses for the restaurant as well as planning ad’s in the paper, on the radio and other media sites about the grand opening when I hear the front door lock shift and then open. “Bout time you got home I was ready to….” I look up, and my heart stops. There on my beautiful girl’s face is a swollen cheek that’s already turning purple and Emerson’s arm around her shoulder, guiding her in. I’m out of my chair so fast it knocks onto the floor with a loud bang and I run over to them. I gently cup her chin and lift her head up so I can see the damage. “Stormy. What happened?” Her lips part as if to speak but she closes her eyes instead. Instantly, my eyes move up to Emerson, his face telling me all I need to know. “Come. Let me take care of you.” Emerson removes his arm as mine moves around her waist, and we slowly walk towards our apartment door. I turn my head back to the front door and nod at him. “I will be calling you in a bit. Please lock up on your way out.” He nods back at me and turns to leave so my focus returns to my girl. Once I’ve gotten our door unlocked, I guide her to the couch and as she sits I can tell she’s hurting elsewhere as well. I jog to the kitchen, grab a dish towel and lay a bunch of ice there from the freezer than wrap it up and take it to her. Sitting down next to her, I gently place the ice against her cheek and watch as she winces but makes no sound.

“Thank you, but I’m fine, Bo. Really,” she finally speaks softly.

She won’t look at me so I move my face in front of hers and she finally looks into my eyes. “You don’t have to be so strong for me, Peaches. I’m your family and your boyfriend and can take it. Let me be here for you. Let me take care of you.”

She blinks and sighs as a tear drops slowly out of her eye and over her good cheek. “But you’re always having to do that. You know I don’t like having to rely on someone, especially you. You’ve always had to put up with my bad choices, my mistakes and I feel like you pay for them worse than I do. It’s not fair to you.”

I don’t think I could love her any more than I already do, right in this moment. I place my other hand against the side of her face that isn’t injured and look deeply into her beautiful green eyes. “Nothing you could ever do will make me not want to help you, leave you or stop loving you. Don’t you see? When you love someone, you love them unconditionally, no matter what. Everything you just said makes me love you all the more. That just tells me how much of a good girl you are, how loving, sweet and kind. Don’t ever hold back from me, Peaches. Please let me take care of you, protect you and love you. It’s all I know, all I want and it’s what I live for.”

Her lips are against mine before I can think and mine pressing back harder. Without thinking I drop the ice pack, my hand moving to hold the back of her head and a moan escapes her luscious mouth spurring me on farther but finally I come to my senses about the matter at hand and pull away, both of us breathless. “I had to break this up, believe me I didn’t want to, but I need to know what happened. Tell me everything and leave nothing out. I will be calling Emerson after I’ve taken care of you.” I pick up the towel of ice and place it back against her cheek but she doesn’t wince this time as she nods.

“Ricco.” My eyes close as my blood begins to boil and I open them again to see her face full of anger itself. “He pushed me against the car, threatening me again and telling me he will spread the information he has to the media if I leave him. Maybe I should….”

My fingers cover her mouth, her lips still parted as if to speak and I move my fingers quickly kissing those full lips. “No, my love. We can deal with Ricco. Emerson will be getting with Dad. Let them put a plan in motion. My main concern right now is you. Only you.” I kiss her again and feel her relax. Breaking away I give her a small smile. “Go relax. Let me call Emerson and Dad. Let me take care of this, of you, ok? Trust me?” She only nods and I help her get up and watch her leave the room heading for upstairs. I waste no time and decide to call Dad first. Surely, Emerson has already talked to him.

“Dad, what’s going on?” I ask as soon as he answers.

“Son. Everything’s going to be ok. I need you to stay calm and strong for Stormy. Emerson is on it as well as Ralph. They’re looking into Ricco now. The main thing for now is that Stormy not leave that building unless accompanied by you or Emerson. I’m sending him over. He can stay in one of the extra rooms,” he explains.

“I appreciate it, Dad. Really. No worries. I’m taking care of Stormy and I’m trying to stay calm, Dad. What will happen if he releases the videos or any other information? It will kill her,” I whisper, afraid that she will hear me.


“Son. I’m on it. No one will be releasing anything. I promise. The main thing is to keep her safe right now.”

I nod as if he can see me. “How’s Mom? Are you all ok?” I know Mom. She’s probably working out like a fiend trying to get out her stress about this.

“She’s been working out a lot in the gym. You know she’s more worried about you and Stormy then us. She’ll be fine. Look, I’ll be over there today. I have to go over a few things with the contractor at the restaurant. See you soon.” I look at the phone and see he’s hung up.

I make my way upstairs and see Stormy sitting in her favorite spot on the bed looking out the window looking lost in her thoughts. “It’s funny. I thought I’d never have a better life, one that I could respect myself for and now that’s it finally happening….” She speaks softly.

Walking over I sit down next to her, she turns her head and her eyes finally reach mine. “Hey, now. None of that. It’s all going to be fine. We all stand behind you and nothing’s going to happen. Dad’s on it.”

She sighs and then gives me a small smile. “I’m trying to stay strong. It’s just hard. I want Mom to be proud of me again. I want to be proud of me again.” She takes my hand. “I’m lucky to have all of you behind me. I know that. I just wish….”

I look down at our hands and thread my fingers through hers then look back at her sad eyes. “Stormy. You have to begin by forgiving yourself. Once you do that, you’ll be amazed how things will be better. I’ve already forgiven you, a long time ago.”

Her eyes widen and I see a sparkle in them. “How’d you get so philosophical?” she giggles. I bring our hands up, turning them over and kiss the top of hers and watch her eyes light up. “You’re so good to me. I’m so happy that you’re my roomie, my love and my heart.”

“Better not get too used to it. Emerson is coming over later and will be staying in my room for a while. Dad thinks it’s good to have him here for extra protection and I agree.” She looks at our hands and back into my eyes.

“Make love to me, Bo. I need…. I want you. Please.” Her eyes are pleading, and my heart is racing. This is something I’ve wanted, no craved, for so long. My other hand cups her face and her eyes close.

“Are you sure, Peaches? I’ve dreamed about this, for so long, but I want it to be perfect,” I whisper. Her eyes open and the smile on her face isn’t sad anymore.

“I’ve never been more sure, Bo. This is perfect because it’s something we’ve both longed for. There’ll never be a more perfect time.” She moves her fingers from mine and I let her and I watch as she moves her hands to the bottom of her tank top, pulling it up slowly and then over her head. She drops it on the floor, her eyes burning into mine and my heartbeat goes into overdrive. I watch as the top of her cleavage moves up and down heavily with her rapid breathing. My eyes follow as her fingers remove one strap of her bra over her shoulder, then the other and when her hands move behind her back I lick my lips as her bra falls into her lap. She picks it up and lets it drop to the floor. I begin to lean forward, my eyes back on hers, as her hand finds the back of my head, her fingers moving into my hair as my mouth latches onto a nipple, sucking and nipping with my teeth gently, my eyes closing with her taste. “Mmmmm,” she moans and I look up to see her head is tilted back her eyes now closed. As my mouth moves to her other nipple, my hand closes over the one I just lavished, the nipple peaked hard and wet from my mouth. As I suck on one, I squeeze the other, fondling as her moans become louder.

I stop as she sits up straight, her chest rising and falling as hard as mine and her pants coming out rapidly. She reaches over and begins tugging on my shirt, trying to get it off. Her eyes are full of desire as I quickly pull my shirt off from the back and she moves over onto the bed, laying down and trying to pull her pants with her panties off herself. I’m over her in an instant, relieving her of that job, our eyes never leaving each other’s as I remove her yoga pants and panties, moving her smooth legs apart with my body as I lean down, my mouth finding her swollen clit fast. “Ungh!” she moans as her body starts squirming under mine. I place my large hands onto her small hips to steady her as my tongue swirls around her clit, faster and faster then remove one hand so I can dip one of my fingers into her soaked, bare pussy. “Ungh, Bo!” Her hips begin bucking unconsciously against my hand spurring me on more, my cock now harder than a rock and pushing against the zipper of my jeans, aching and longing to be where my finger is. “I can’t…. Bo…. Uh!” I don’t want her to come without me so I stop, her body relaxing a little and quickly get up, unzip my pants and pull them off along with my boxers as fast as I can.

“You’re sure you’re safe, Peaches?” Her head nods shakily, her hands reaching out to me and her eyebrows are creasing down over her eyes that are begging me to hurry. I lay over her, my hands on either side of her beautiful body and lean down to her ear. “I love you, so much. Never forget.” She starts to nod but I thrust into her quickly, not able to stop my own impatience and see her head tilt up pressing into the mattress as her eyes close and her face scrunches. “Am I hurting you?” The alarm in my voice makes her eyes snap open and her face relaxes, her smile beautiful.

“No, baby. Just adjusting to your size, I…. You’re so big, I….” Her hand reaches up and cups my face, her thumb rubbing over my jaw and I savor her touch. “Don’t stop.”

I pull all the way out until the tip is barely inside her and then plunge back into her hard, my body having a mind of its own in its eagerness. Her eyes don’t leave mine this time. As I continue to move in and out her hips begin to meet my every move. My balls begin to tighten as my release draws near and I feel her inner muscles gripping my cock. My liquid squirts into her in slow bursts at first and then as my body begins to shudder with my climax it fills her and my eyes close as I moan her name. When I open them and look down, her cheeks are flush, her eyes closed as her beautiful body shudders with her own release. I lean down, claim her mouth and kiss her with all the love that’s flowing through me. As we kiss I pull out of her, roll off onto my side and wrap my arms around her shaking body, pulling her close to me. I release her mouth, my hand cupping the side of her face and her eyes open half way as she smiles. “You’re the most beautiful and amazing woman on this earth. Thank you. Thank you for being my first, my only.” Her eyes open wide and her smile leaves, her brows crease as her lips part.

“You’re first? Bo. Am I your first?” She whispers.

Nodding I kiss her nose and smile. “Yes. My first. My last. I’ve been waiting for you. Don’t you know you’ve always been my girl? You’re my one and only. I love you, Stormy.” My brows furrow in concern as I watch her chin quiver and tears well up in her eyes. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

She closes her eyes, and a tear slides down her bruised cheek. I start to speak, but they open again and her face softens. “I’m honored but I’m also sad that you weren’t mine. It just reminds me what a fool I’ve been and how much I love you.” My mouth crashes to hers, and I swear I’m feeling tears in my eyes as well. I couldn’t love her any more than I do right now. We finally break away, my thumb rubbing the tears from her face, and I give her my best smile.

“You may have been a fool but you’re my fool.” She laughs and I watch her face light up. “This was your first too, really. Your first with someone who loves you and it was heavenly.” Her mouth comes back to mine and we kiss like it was our first time, all over again.

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

I don’t know what time we finally fell asleep, I only know that in his arms I felt safe and when my eyes opened, the sun is shining through the blinds on the window and I feel more loved than I have since I was a child. Now I’m laying here hugging Bo’s pillow and breathing in his smell as I listen to the noises from outside. Birds chirping, a horn honk and the leaves of the tree outside the window blowing with the breeze. It’s early evening. I can tell by the sun moving down but I could lie here all night.

“Stormy! Your furniture is here for the restaurant. Get that cute butt up and into the bath!” I smile as Bo screams up the stairs so I roll over and off the bed, making my way to the bathroom, bending over to turn on the water and when I stand back up, turning around I scream and put my hand over my heart.

“Dammit, Emerson. Don’t you knock?” My heart is racing so fast I can feel it inching its way up my throat.

“Sorry. Bo was afraid you didn’t hear him and he knows you want to be there to get things set up in the restaurant.” His beefy arms are crossed over his chest but the look on his face isn’t showing his normal rough exterior.

“Don’t worry. I heard him.” He nods and walks away. “Who couldn’t hear him,” I mumble. I close and lock the door, undress and step into the tub, carefully sitting down and rest my head against the tile. Between not being used to living with a man, although Bo and I have been inseparable most of our lives and sleeping together off and on for years, and that mountain of a man living here too, my insanity may win out. Then I think back to making love with Bo for the first time. After all this time, all these years, I can’t believe he waited for me.

Later, while the crews went out to dinner, Bo brought down some sandwiches, bottled water and sodas and set them on one of the tables I just cleaned. I slide in the booth, across from him and look around. “It’s really coming into shape, huh?” He asks as he sets a paper plate with a sandwich on it in front of me and then a diet coke.

“Yes. I can’t believe it’s really happening. I owe your Mom and Dad so much. I’ll never be able to repay them.” I take a bite of my sandwich and close my eyes. I hadn’t realized just how starved I am. When I open them Bo’s just sitting there staring at me. “What?” I quickly lay my sandwich down and pick up the paper towel by my plate and begin wiping off my mouth. “Do I have mustard on my face?”

He smiles and leans across the table, taking my hand and removing the paper towel from it then holds onto my hand. “I think once we’re married he won’t intend on us paying him back.”
“Oh, don’t look so alarmed,” he chuckles. I relax now knowing he’s joking. “I mean when we get married later.” My heart starts racing again and I might be ill. “Stormy, I’ve been telling you that one day I’m gonna marry you. Did you think I was kidding all these years?”

I laugh a little, trying to lighten my own mood, but it’s not working. “Well, um…. No. I mean…. I didn’t think you were kidding exactly, I thought you were cute, but…. Bo we’ve only been, you know, together, one time and we just started living together and we have the restaurant and…. How about we just live in sin? Wait! We’re already doing that.”

“Cute? Hey, don’t get your panties all in a bunch,” he laughs and that makes me calm down quicker, my sigh of relief escaping before I can stop it. “I didn’t say we’re getting married tomorrow or anything, ok, maybe in a few months…. No, I’m just kidding.” Ok, now he’s making me a bit crazy especially when I hear ‘sort of’ after that, under his breath. He laughs again. “Finish eating. Forget I said anything.” His smile is huge as he winks, releasing my hand and taking a big bite out of his sandwich. Oh, my!

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