F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) (12 page)

Read F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) Online

Authors: Sheila Michelle

BOOK: F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1)
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“Oh, God! Who else?” Felicity asked. She
once again looked in Erin’s direction and saw Sloan walk in with
two of his friends. She jumped up and pushed her way through people
over to him. “BAE!” she said as loud as she could, and then wrapped
herself all over him.

“Felicity, hey,” Sloan said, as he tried to
get her off of him.

“What are you doing here tonight?” she

“Well, there wasn’t anything to do. We don’t
have another game until a few days from now so we thought it would
be nice to come here since there wasn’t anything else that was
goin’ on tonight,” he replied.

“Well, you came to the right place, bae,”
she said with a big smile. She looked at Sloan’s friends that were
with him and smiled at them; they grinned back. She looked at
Sloan. “Have you seen who else is here?”

“No, who?” he asked.

“Jackie, Allen, Trina,
Cherie . . . and
” she replied with an eye

He grinned. “Wow. I guess there’s not much
goin’ on tonight because they’re just as rare coming here as I am,”
he replied.

“Well, you’re not gonna dance with Willow,
are you?”

“Felicity. We’re not together anymore. I’m
not with Willow and I’m not with you, and I don’t feel like having
a big fight started in here between the two of you over me,

flatter yourself,
okay?” she said with a smirk.

“Look who’s fuckin’ talking about flattering
one’s self? You’re the fuckin’ queen of it!” he replied.

“Well, I don’t fight over any guy, so you
can do what you wanna do because I always do what I wanna do.”

“And that’s why we’re not together anymore.
Excuse me, now. I’m getting thirsty,” he said.

“And I’m sure it’s not for any real type of
drink,” she replied.

“See you later, Felicity,” he said, and then
walked off with his friends.

“Asshole!” she said, as she watched him walk
away from her, and then walked back over to Erin and sat down.

“So, I saw you talking to Sloan,” Erin said
with a grin.

“Yeah, so what?” Felicity replied with an
eye roll, and then picked up her drink and took a sip out of

Erin grinned even more. “Okay, what did he
say to you that pissed you off?”

“Nothing!” Felicity replied, getting
defensive. “I was just telling him who was all here and that I
wasn’t gonna fight with him with Willow for his attention because
after all, I’m not with him anymore just like how she isn’t.”

“Okay then, so forget that he’s here,” Erin

“I can’t forget that he’s here, Erin. I
rarely see him here, and I definitely can’t forget that he’s here
because Willow’s here.”

“But he’s not talking to her anymore so I
don’t understand why you’re so worried about her.”

“I’m not worried about her; she needs to be
worried about me!”

Erin grinned as she looked around the club.
Her grin dropped from her face. “And you need to be worried about
someone else, too, in fact, more than one person.”

“Who?” Felicity asked.

Walking through the
overcrowded club was Jay with no other than
! And all eyes were once again
on Stacia as she looked flawlessly fierce in a sleeveless black
jumpsuit with a sexy drape in the front of it. The back of the
jumpsuit was a stunner with a huge cutout that exposed her
beautiful, toned flawless back. She completed her look with a pair
of beautiful black leather shoes on that had glistening gold studs
that outlined them. She was also carrying a black clutch that
matched her shoes. Even though she was still not on social media,
she knew all about Felicity calling her a tranny girl and Jay gay,
and she was furious about it, and vowed to get even with her when
it came to what she did to her purse, stealing her lipstick — which
Felicity decided to wear tonight — and trying to ruin her rep as
well about her being a real girl.

“Wow, Stacia can really pick out clothes
that look great on her! That’s a beautiful jumpsuit! I wish I could
wear that!” Erin said.

Felicity rolled her eyes.

. I can
wear that much better than her,” she replied, as she watched as Jay
and Stacia sat down at a reserved table that was on the other side
of the dance floor from theirs. “Oh, did you notice that I’m
wearing the lipstick that used to be hers?”

“Felicity!” Erin said in disgust. “How could
you?! You need to give that lipstick back to her tonight!”

Felicity laughed. “No way,
Erin! She doesn’t deserve it! She probably got another one, anyway.
I like how it looks with my outfit,” she said, since she was
wearing a plunging V-neck crop top with red flowers on them and
short sleeves, along with her tight black pants that slightly
flared out at the hem. She was also wearing a brand new pair of red
stilettos. “
the epitome of sexy. What she’s wearing looks trashy. She
looks like she’s tryin’ to look like some trashy reality star who
thinks she’s a real celeb.”

Erin laughed. “Okay, Felicity, whatever you

Felicity continued to laugh
as she looked around the club. Her eyes stopped cold. “Oh, my God!
What the hell?
What is it
with this night tonight?!”

“What?” Erin asked, as she looked in
Felicity’s direction.

Taylor walked through the crowd as he led
Hunter by hand. His friends Rock, Javon, Jacob, and Chet were also
with him and had girls with them as well. They all went to a table
that was apparently reserved for them and sat down at it.

Felicity shook her head. “And I don’t think
I’ve ever seen him here, either. In fact, I think he said that he’s
only been here once or twice, but coincidentally on days that we
weren’t here.”

“There’s obviously not much going on tonight
since it seems like everyone is showing up here tonight. Sometimes
it can be like this. We’ve had nights like this before where it
seems like everyone we knew showed up here.”

Felicity kept staring at Taylor. “Well, I
don’t recall this many people I know showing up in the same place,
but then again, this is the only teen club in the city so this
isn’t surprising to me.” She got up out of her seat.

“Where are you going? To talk to Taylor?”
Erin asked with a grin.

“Nope, but I’m definitely gonna let him know
that I’m here . . . as well as his friends.”

“Felicity!” Erin said, with a serious look.
“Don’t start any shit, okay? As you can see, they’re all here with
their girlfriends. And you never know about Hunter. This is a club
that we’re in, not at your house, and it’s crowded in here.”

“Hunter isn’t gonna do anything,” Felicity
assured with a grin.

“I’ll go with you,” Erin said, and then got

“Suit yourself,” Felicity said.

They got up and walked through the

Felicity looked towards Taylor’s table as
everyone at his table talked and laughed as if they didn’t know
that she was here. She knew that Taylor was mad at her, but she
wanted him to see that she was here. She tried to make eye contact
with him, but with all of the people in the club standing where she
was, she was unsuccessful. “How about a BFF selfie pic?” she asked

“Sure, but we gotta make it quick because
people wanna get through here,” Erin replied.

“No problem,” Felicity said. She stood with
her back towards Taylor’s table — even though there were people
standing behind her — pointed her phone towards her and Erin, and
took the picture. “Great!” she said. “Let’s head back to our

“Send that picture to me,” Erin said.

“Of course,” Felicity
replied, as she looked at the picture and noticed how Taylor, along
with everyone else at the table, didn’t even notice that she took
the picture. She adjusted it, and then put a comment on it.
BFF Erin and I @MovesNiteclub!
Looks like everyone’s here tonight!
#movingthroughmoves #queenoftheclub #fridaynightfun.
She posted the picture on all of her social media
pages. Seconds later, likes started flooding in. Some even noticed
that Taylor, Hunter, and his friends were in the background sitting
at the table as comments like
Taylor and
Hunter are there!
She laughed.
“Watch out, my ass! If anything, they better watch out for
themselves! There’s security all around here so if they’re smart
they won’t start something they know they can’t finish!”

Erin looked at her. “What are you talking
about, Felicity?”

“Oh, I’m just responding to a hashtag that
someone wrote that says ‘watch out, Felicity’. Like I said, they
better stay the fuck where they all are because I’m the one who’s
queen of this club, and I’ll have all of their motherfuckin’ asses
kicked out of here if they try and start shit with me!” Felicity

“Well, Felicity, you’ve started shit with
them. With all the fuckery that you’ve caused, I’m surprised none
of them have come up to you and has done anything, to tell you the

Felicity glared at Erin. “I
dare them to.” She stared out at the dance floor and noticed
Sloan dancing with Willow
! “OH, HELL FUCKIN’ NAW! NO HE ISN’T!!” she yelled,
practically being heard over the music.

“What?!” Erin asked, as she was startled by
Felicity’s yelling.

“LOOK!” Felicity said, and pointed out to
the dance floor at Sloan and Willow, as it appeared that they were
just having a friendly dance and weren’t all over each other like
she thought they would be.

“Felicity, now don’t go starting shit, okay?
It looks like they’re just dancing like he just met her or
something,” Erin said.

“Well, I’ll get him for this!” Felicity

You said
you didn’t wanna
start a fight in here tonight with a girl over a boy, remember? You
didn’t say that too long ago. Neither one of you are with Sloan
anymore so who cares if he dances with her and who cares if he
dances with you or with some other girl here? You say that you
don’t care but it’s obvious that you do. If you really don’t care
then prove that you don’t —
don’t start
any shit with them

“Well, I don’t appreciate being fucked with
like this! They’re doing this on purpose because they never talk at
school anymore! Now they wanna show up here and dance in front of
me like they’re still together? They need to be taught a

Erin sighed. “And what lesson is that,

“You’ll see!” Felicity replied, and then got
up and appeared as if she was headed out to the dance floor!

“FELICITY! WAIT!” Erin said, as she tried to
push her way through people to get to her. She caught up to her and
grabbed her by her arm. “Where are you going?”

Felicity glared at her, and then looked up
and saw Carson headed their way. “Carson! Hey! Wanna dance?” she

Erin looked at Felicity
when she’d asked him this because out of all of the times that
she’d been here, she has
asked Carson to dance with her.

Carson looked shocked. “Um . . . yeah, sure.
Why not?”

Felicity smiled big! She turned and looked
at Erin. “Be back in a few!”

Erin nodded, and then shook her head. She
stayed right on the edge of the dance floor so she could see

Felicity led Carson by hand out to the dance
floor and stood just a few people away from Sloan and Willow. She
faced Sloan so he could see her as she had her fun with Carson. She
locked eyes with Sloan, smirked, and then wrapped her arms all over

Sloan shook his head. “Already starting
shit,” he mumbled.

Willow looked confused. “What?”

Sloan shook his head. “Nothing.”

Willow stared at him. “Okay. So, what are
you doing after you leave here tonight?”

“Probably going over to Roth’s,” Sloan
replied. “And you?”

“Still undecided,” Willow replied with a
smile. “Maybe we can get together,” she suggested, as Sloan kept
his eyes glued to Felicity. “What are you looking at?” She turned
around and noticed Felicity all bent down as she bounced her butt
on Carson as he laughed to no end. She rolled her eyes. “Of course.
The fuck girl at her finest right there.”

“I thought we weren’t gonna discuss exes
tonight?” he reminded her.

“I know. That’s the last thing I’ll say
about her tonight, even though I can’t a hundred percent promise

“Well, try,” he said, as he kept is eyes on
Felicity. Suddenly, Willow wrapped her arms around him and swung
him around in the opposite direction where she was now facing

Felicity laughed! “Did you see that,

“See what?” he asked, as he still danced
with her as he held her from behind.

“Willow turned Sloan around so he couldn’t
face me anymore! It shows how bad he still wants me and is only
dancing with her to be nice!”

“And do you want him?”

“Fuck no! I wouldn’t be dancing with you if
I wanted him back! He knows I don’t want him back, but he keeps
begging me to take him back; always calling me his bae,” she

“Okay, I believe you,” he replied, but
wasn’t so sure.

The song changed to a club favorite, and the
dance floor got even more crowded than it already was. Felicity
noticed that Sloan and Willow kept dancing, and Jackie and Allen
joined them on the floor. Taylor and Hunter also came out to the
dance floor, as well as Jay and Stacia . . . and they all danced as
if Felicity wasn’t here.

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