F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) (4 page)

Read F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) Online

Authors: Sheila Michelle

BOOK: F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1)
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Erin sighed. “I’m scared for you, Felicity,
I really am.”

Felicity walked over to Betty, her
full-length selfie mirror, and fixed her hair. “Like I always tell
you, Erin, you don’t have to worry about me, just worry about

“Well, what was Taylor wearing a blindfold
for? What kind of freakish game were the two of you playing?” Erin
asked with a slight grin.

Felicity laughed. “We weren’t playing a
game. I didn’t want him to see me do this,” she said, and then
showed Erin a picture that she took of Taylor from his hips on up
to his chin as she satisfied him. “See, you can’t even see his
face, even though I’m sure some people could probably tell that
it’s him if I did show it even though he has on a blindfold.”

gonna put that on social media,
are you? Because you know Hunter will not be happy at all about
it!” Erin said, as she was referring to Taylor’s girlfriend Hunter,
who went an all-girls school.

“Hunter won’t know that
it’s him or me because you can’t see him and you most
can’t see

“This isn’t right, Felicity, and you know

“Well, look what he did
?! He put up
that picture of Jackie and her friends standing down there at my
front fuckin’ door yesterday and my mom ended up getting it sent to
her and then her and my dad confronted me about it — I told you
that. I’m just getting him back, that’s all.”

“Two wrongs don’t make a
right. In this case, this is worse, Felicity. Even though no one
can see his face, he’s gonna know it’s him and someone probably
will know that it’s him as well. And Taylor’s school will
know that it’s
one of their guys because of his uniform, Felicity! And it won’t
take long for them to put it together about you being his neighbor
from across the street!”

“They can’t prove that I actually took this
picture, now can they?”

Erin sighed. “My advice is
not to do it. You already got Jackie after you for the picture you
posted of yourself wearing Allen’s T-shirt while laying in his bed,
and now you got a picture of you blowing Taylor that you’re
threatening to post because he posted a picture of Jackie and her
friends standing at your front door. I’m just saying that you don’t
have to keep this shit going, Felicity. You’re digging yourself a
deeper and deeper hole with everyone by all of this fuckery. Let it

Felicity stared at her. “I’ll think about .
. . just for you.”

“Not just for me,
for you,
” Erin said. She changed the subject. “Are you coming to
school tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”

“You know, people were saying that you
weren’t there today because of Jackie. Is that the real reason? You
can tell me the truth.”

“No, it’s not. I just didn’t feel like
coming today, that’s all,” Felicity replied.

Erin stared at her. She still wasn’t
convinced of her reason. “Well, I’m glad to see that you’re doing
okay. Would you please keep your phone where you can hear it so I
won’t have to worry about you? I mean, I didn’t know where the hell
you were.”

Felicity smiled. She came over to her and
hugged her. “Sorry, BFF. I won’t have you worried like that

“I hope not. Well, I’m off to my job. I
decided to leave school early because I wanted to check to see
where you were. I’ll call or text you later on tonight.”

“Sure thing,” Felicity said with a

After Erin left, she got on
her phone and looked at the picture that she took of Taylor. She
grinned as she wrote the hashtag
along with the
Just got this pic from a friend.
Dunno who this guy is, but he must go to one of those all-boy
military schools
. . .
She laughed at what she wrote, and then posted the picture on
all of her social media pages.




Chapter 6



ours later, Taylor stared at his friends Rock, Javon, Jacob,
and Chet while he danced with his girlfriend Hunter at the Founders
Day Dance. He was curious to know what his friends were all
laughing about as they looked at their phones while standing in a
circle. “Excuse me,” he said to Hunter.

“What, babe?” Hunter asked. “Can we at least
finish this dance?”

He looked at her and smiled. “Of

When they finished dancing, Taylor walked
over to his friends while Hunter went in the opposite direction to
talk to the other girls that were here at the dance. He approached
them. “What’s up?”

“Hey, Tay,” Chet said. “Have you seen this

Taylor looked at it; he tried not to look
shocked! It was the picture of him being satisfied by Felicity!
Even though his face wasn’t shown, he knew it was him. “Damn! That
dude goes here! That’s our uniform!” he said, trying to sound
convincing. “Whose page did you see that on?”

His friends looked at him, and then at each

“Felicity’s,” Javon replied with a huge

we know
you live across the street
from her,” Rock said, with an even bigger grin.

“Yeah, but that’s not me, dude,” Taylor
lied, trying to sound convincing . . . but they didn’t believe him
a single bit. “You know how much that girl messes around with other
guys. How do I know that it’s not one of you?”

They all looked at each other, and then
grinned and shook their heads. They looked at Taylor again, as if
they knew that it was him and was waiting for him to admit it.

“We know it’s you, Tay. Just admit it,
dude,” Javon said.

“It’s not me, man!” Taylor said again,
trying not to get angry. But the more he tried to convince them
that it wasn’t him, the more they believed that it was him.

“C’mon, man. We’re your
We all follow Felitity,
man. Oh, I’m sorry,
. So we know what kind of
girl she is,” Rock said.

All of Taylor’s friends laughed at Rock
saying Felitity instead of Felicity first.

“So, did you get to see those tits, man?”
Jacob asked.

“It’s not me in the pic,” Taylor lied, but
knew that trying to convince them was useless. “Why would I need
Felicity for anything when I have Hunter?”

They all looked at each other.

“You yourself said that Felicity is way
hotter than Hunter, and that if you had a chance to have sex with
her and Hunter never found out, that you would do it in a
heartbeat!” Jacob said.

“That was just talk, man. I didn’t mean it,”
Taylor said. He looked over at Hunter as she smiled at him; he
smiled back. He looked back at his friends as they grinned at him.
He sighed. “Look, guys, this stays between all of us, okay?”

They all laughed!

“I knew it,
man! So, did it feel good?” Rock asked.

Taylor grinned. “Yeah, it did. It was the
best head I’ve ever had!” he admitted with a laugh. They all
laughed and high-fived him as if it was some kind of
accomplishment, and then went back over to their dates.


Taylor paced back and forth in his room as
Hunter sat on his bed and watched him. It was no more than an hour
after the dance. “Um, I have something I need to tell you,” he said
to her.

She stared at him. “What is it, babe?”

He continued to pace in his room as he
glanced towards his window to see if Felicity was staring out of
her window. Her bedroom light was on, but he didn’t see her. He
stopped in front of Hunter, and then let out a big sigh. “I just
wanna be honest with you because you’re gonna end up finding out
about it, and I just don’t want you seeing or hearing about it
before I have a chance to tell you.”

She stood up in front of
him. “Tay, what is it?
Don’t you
tell me what I think you’re gonna tell
me!” she warned, as her voice trembled while trying to choke back

“There’s a pic going around of a guy from my
school wearing this uniform while he was getting a blowjob—”

“AND IT’S YOU, ISN’T IT?!” she yelled.



Meanwhile, Felicity stood
staring out her bedroom window when she suddenly saw
Hunter bolt from Taylor’s house and across the
street to hers as he ran after her!
shit!” she said with a laugh as she jumped down to her floor as if
she’d heard gunshots! She got up a second later and saw Hunter slip
and fall on her stomach in the middle of the street! She grabbed
her phone and took a picture of her!

She laughed as she continued to stay low
while looking out of her window as she watched Taylor helping
Hunter off the ground in the middle of the street as she cried; he
had his arm around her as he led her back towards his house. He
turned around and looked up at her window to find her standing up
as she laughed and waved to him! He shook his head while he still
kept his arm around Hunter, and they walked back inside his

Minutes later, she looked
at her phone at the picture of Hunter laying flat on her stomach in
the middle of the road. She laughed once more as she wrote a
comment before she posted the picture
OUCH! Hunter falls flat running from Tay! Does anyone know what he
did to her that caused her 2 run out in the middle of the street
from him? I hope she didn’t try to kill herself!
. She looked
out her window again and noticed how Hunter’s car was gone. She
closed her curtains and then got back on her phone and laughed as
she posted the picture.

Five minutes later, there was a knock at her
door, but she couldn’t hear because she had her headphones on as
she looked at a clothing site online. She looked up to find her mom
staring at her. She took off her headphones. “What?”

“Taylor’s downstairs. He said he needs to
talk to you right now,” Catherine said.

She tried not to show that she was
surprised. “I can’t talk to him. I’m studying for a test right now
that I have tomorrow,” she lied.

Catherine continued to stare at her.
“Felicity, he looks very upset. Did you make him mad about
something? I’ve never seen him look this upset before.”

“I haven’t done a thing,” she lied. “Just
tell him I’ll call him later on tonight before I go to bed. I can’t
stop studying for this test because it’s too important.”

Catherine nodded, and then left her room and
shut the door behind her.

Minutes later, Felicity went to her window,
opened up her curtains, and saw Taylor glaring right back at

“I’m gonna get you for
this, bitch!”
he said as he angrily pointed
at her, even though she couldn’t hear him since neither of their
windows were open.

she said, as she pointed to herself. She blew him a kiss, and
then quickly closed her curtains. She turned off her phone, and
went back to browsing online.




Chapter 7



elicity strutted down the empty hall almost a half-hour after
first-period classes were in session. As she walked to her locker,
she passed a stray student and turned her nose up at her since she
didn’t know who she was, and continued on to her locker.

Minutes later, she was in a
bathroom stall. She opened the door to
Jackie and her friend Willow staring her dead in the
She knew she couldn’t get away from
them now! She stared back at them as it was clear that they were
blocking her way and were not going to let her out of this stall
until they had a few words with her. “What? What do you want? I
need to get to class,” she said, as if she didn’t know why they
wanted to talk to her.

“Too bad we missed you at your house . . .
and here yesterday,” Jackie said, as she stared coldly at her, as
did Willow.

“I didn’t know you were at my house,”
Felicity lied.

bitch! The picture was
and we know you saw it!”
Jackie said, as she tried to be as quiet as she could.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,”
Felicity said, trying to get them to believe her, but they didn’t
believe it for a second.

“So, were you better than me? Does Allen
have a bigger dick than Sloan?” Jackie asked.

Felicity stared at her. She didn’t say a

“That’s what I would like to know since you
stole Sloan from me because you loved bragging to him about having
a bigger ass and tits than me, as well as being skinnier than me,
among other things,” Willow said, since she used to be Sloan’s
girlfriend their sophomore year.

“He told me your breakup was mutual,”
Felicity said.

“Like hell it was!” Willow angrily

“You may have been the
cause of her breakup, bitch, but you’re
gonna be the cause of mine,”
Jackie warned. She stepped closer to Felicity, practically pushing
her back into the stall.

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