F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) (21 page)

Read F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) Online

Authors: Sheila Michelle

BOOK: F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1)
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“Jay, the guy who’s here just as much as
Felicity, was saying on social media that he believes that Felicity
did that to Stacia’s purse and stole her lipstick.”

“For real, man? But what did she do it

“Jealousy, I guess. Felicity was very
jealous of Stacia that night that Jay was giving her all of his
attention and practically ignored her. I can’t prove it and neither
can he, but we both believe she did it.”

Carmine nodded. “It’s possible, but we won’t
know unless Felicity confesses, that’s if she ever gets a chance
to. Look, I know a lot of fuckin’ shit goes on here, and I have a
club full of fuck girls, but that Felicity seems to be the worst
one out of them all. I’m not saying what happened to her should’ve
happened, but she should not be surprised that it did.”

“I agree,” Carson said.

“Oh, and was Felicity here this past
Saturday?” Carmine asked.

“If she was, I didn’t see her. She told me
the day before that she was taking a hiatus from here and it look
like she did. For it to have been raining outside, it was really
packed in here.”

“Yeah, other staff members told me,” Carmine
said with a smile. “It was a great night. But anyway, you get that
shit taken care of with those cops, okay, bro?”

“Of course,” Carson said.

Carmine looked at his phone. “I just got a
text from a new staff member. He’s having problems with getting
some of the inventory for this week, so I gotta see what’s up. I’ll
come back around here and pick you up to take you back home. Now
I’m glad you didn’t wanna take bring your own car here because
those cops would’ve seen it out front or even in the back; you know
how nosey they are.”

“Yeah, I know,” Carson replied, as he stared
at his phone. “Well, text me when you’re on your way back

“Alright, man,” Carmine said, and then left
his office.

Carson sat back behind the desk and looked
at the state-of-the-art security monitors as he waited for Carmine
to leave. He shook his head since he would’ve seen Sherwood and
Seals talking to Carmine had he not been in the bathroom in the
office. He watched Carmine leave and then picked up his phone.
“Hey, I’m at the club. Look, the cops were just up here questioning
Carmine about Felicity; they caught him outside in the parking lot
before he walked in here. We need to talk.”




Chapter 22



kay, thanks for letting me know. Bye now,” Seals

“What’s up?” Sherwood asked, as they sat at
their desks across from each other at the station. It was Tuesday

“Felicity’s condition is not improving, in
fact, they say that it’s getting worse. They don’t want the media
knowing about it because they don’t want the people who are
responsible to disappear, and of course, we don’t want that,
either. Right now, we have so many suspects and we have more that
we need to talk to.”

“Oh, boy,” Sherwood said. He let out a sigh.
“Well, all we have is a bunch of people who Felicity caused a lot
of fuckery to who knows exactly where they were on Friday night,
but seem to be confused about where they were on Saturday night.
What do you think?”

“I think it was the rain that scrambled
their brains!” Seals said jokingly with a laugh.

Sherwood laughed. “Yeah, you would think so!
I think all of these kids we talked to so far have something to
hide, what? I don’t know. Felicity is the common denominator in all
of these incidents, so someone or a bunch of people wanted her hurt
really bad, or even dead, and if she doesn’t pull through then
they’re gonna get their wish.”

“And we’ll have to hand it
over to homicide, but for right now, we still have a lot of work to
do,” Seals said. She looked at her computer at one of the social
media sites. “You know, I’ve been doing a lot of digging when it
comes to Felicity, and I honestly can’t narrow it down to who she
could’ve fucked with the worst that they wanted to hurt her this
a motive to hurt this girl and to hurt her bad. I just hope we find
the one or ones that actually did it because that’s all that
matters now.”

“Exactly,” Sherwood said. He got up. “So,
who are we trying to talk to today?”

“Felicity’s neighbor from across the street,
Taylor Richards. Apparently, there’s a picture of Taylor in his
dress uniform being pleased by Felicity, but she tries to make it
seem like it’s not her or him. I’ve been looking at some of his
friends social media pages and they’re still talking about,” Seals
said with a grin.

Sherwood grinned back. “And I take it you’ve
seen the picture?”

“It comes up in major
search engines,
your parental controls are off!” Seals laughed.

“My kids controls are on, but mine aren’t!”
Sherwood laughed.

“I don’t have kids so I have no controls
turned on!” Seals said. She pulled up the picture on her phone.
“Here it is.”

Sherwood looked at the picture and grinned.
“Yeah, you can’t tell that it’s him, but you know that’s his school
dress uniform. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when we ask
him about this picture!”

“I can’t, either! I think that’s gonna be
the best part!”

“Well, he’s not expecting
us so
be the best part!”

Seals laughed. “Very true! And he’s
confirmed to be at school today because he clearly took a selfie in
one of his classes with a big smile and everything. People should
really watch what they post on social media, especially when
they’re under investigation, unbeknownst to them!”

“Yeah, really! But we’ll see how much he’s
smiling when he sees us!”

They laughed as they walked out of the
station and headed to Taylor’s school, St. Vincent Military


Taylor stood in the halls between classes
with his friends Rock, Javon, Jacob, and Chet. They talked about
what everyone’s been talking about — who hurt Felicity.

“Man, you live across the
street from her! You mean you haven’t heard
about how she’s doing?”
Jacob asked.

“Nothing at all. My family’s seen media
trucks coming and going, and reporters at the door and everything,
but no one from her family is obviously talking right now,” Taylor

“No one has come to your door?” Javon

“Not that I know of, but if they have, my
parents told me and Tier not to answer it because we don’t know
what happened to her yet, and just outta respect for her family and
all. We weren’t given permission by Felicity’s family to speak on
it,” Taylor replied.

“But you can still say something about her,
at least, since you know her,” Rock said.

“Yeah, I can, but I choose not to, even if
my parents allowed me to. I just don’t know if the media would
twist my words and would make it sound like I know more than what
I’m telling. Usually those people always seen talking to the media
about a case are usually suspect and they know it. They think
talking about a case makes them look like they don’t have anything
to do with it, but in reality, it’s just the opposite,” Taylor

“Man, you’ve been watching too many crime
shows!” Javon said.

“They’re my favorite, but it’s the truth!”
Taylor said with a laugh.

They all laughed.

“Well, who do you think could’ve did this to
her, man?” Chet asked.

“That’s what we would like to know,”
Sherwood said.

Taylor tried not to look surprised at seeing
Sherwood and Seals now standing in front of him. They flashed their
badges to him to let him know that they were cops. He knew how
serious this was. His friends looked at the badges and then at

“I’m Detective Ronald Sherwood and this is
Detective Genevieve Seals. Are you Taylor Richards? Felicity Gains’
neighbor from across the street?” Sherwood asked.

Taylor’s friends stared at him as they
waited for him to answer.

“Yes, sir,” Taylor replied, as he tried not
to sound nervous. “What about it? Why am I being questioned about
Felicity? I didn’t know her like that.”

“Well, a picture that’s all over social
media of you and her having some fun says otherwise, Taylor, and
you know it. So don’t stand here and embarrass yourself in front of
your friends because you know exactly what picture I’m talking
about,” Seals said.

Taylor’s friends tried very hard to suppress
a grin.

Taylor sighed. “I need to get to class.”

“Your teacher already knows that you won’t
be in class today because of us conducting this investigation, so
we can stand here and talk to you in front of your friends and
everyone else, or we can talk in private. Which do you prefer?”
Sherwood asked.

Taylor looked around the hall and saw that
not only his friends were staring, but everyone in the hall,
including his younger brother Tierney. “I’ll talk in private.”

Five minutes later, Taylor, Sherwood, and
Seals talked in a private conference room.

“So, how long have you and Felicity been
neighbors?” Seals asked.

“For over ten years,” Taylor replied, as he
stared down at the table.

“Have you two ever gone to the same school?”
Sherwood asked.

“No. I’ve always gone to private schools,”
Taylor replied.

“Well, you know that Felicity was found by
her parents on Sunday morning in her bed badly beaten, and she
hasn’t been able to talk since the incident. Where were you on
Friday night?” Seals asked.

Taylor stared at her. “Me and my girlfriend
went to Moves along with some of our friends.”

Sherwood and Seals looked at each other.

“Your friends? Were they the ones that you
were talking to right when we came up to you?” Sherwood asked.

“Yes, sir, that’s them,” Taylor replied.

“What are their names?” Sherwood asked, as
he got his notepad out along with his pen.

“Why? They don’t have anything to do with
this!” Taylor said.

“Do you have something to do with it?” Seals

“To do with
?! Look, I didn’t
hurt Felicity, no matter how much she loved to hurt other people.
It was pathetic the way she acted. I had no other involvement with
her other than that day when she gave me oral sex, that’s
I swear
telling the truth!” Taylor said.

Seals sighed. “Well, Taylor, you know that
we have to talk to everyone who knows her and had some kind of
involvement with her. It’s obvious that you’ve seen a lot that has
went on with her since you live across the street from her, and
it’s probably more than what you wanna tell us, but that’s okay.
We’re only concerned with who had some involvement with her that
led to what happened to her.”

“She was involved with so many people and
fucked with so many people that I honestly don’t think that y’all
are gonna find them all,” Taylor replied.

“Well, we’re doing the best that we can,
Taylor. It’s a lot to sort through, so that’s why everyone’s
cooperation is necessary,” Sherwood said.

“I understand. I just don’t wanna be accused
of something that I didn’t do, and I don’t want totally innocent
people like my friends and my girlfriend Hunter being involved in
this investigation,” Taylor wanted them to know.

Sherwood and Seals looked at each other.

“Well, Taylor, I saw on social media that
Hunter was really pissed off about the pic of you getting pleased
by Felicity that she ran across the street from your house and over
to Felicity’s house. She said in a post that she was gonna kill
her,” Seals informed them.

“Hunter had nothing to do with what happened
to Felicity!” Taylor angrily replied. “She wouldn’t hurt anyone!
She forgave me for what I did and everything’s cool between us! If
she wanted to kill Felicity then she could’ve done it on Friday at
Moves, but she didn’t!”

Sherwood and Seals once again looked at each

“Okay, Taylor. So, where were you on
Saturday night?” Sherwood asked.

“I was at Javon’s. He had a party for just
his close friends. It was raining so we decided to just stay
there,” Taylor replied.

“What time did you get home?” Seals

Taylor sighed as he shrugged. “I don’t

“Was it at least past midnight?” Sherwood

“Maybe,” Taylor replied.

“What do you mean
?” Seals

“I don’t remember, that’s why! I don’t
understand why this is so important!” Taylor angrily replied, as
his voice got louder.

“Tone it down, Taylor, I’m not gonna warn
you again,” Sherwood said. “How many times do we have to say that
this is an investigation so we have to ask questions like these. We
wouldn’t ask a question that’s not important.”

“Exactly, so please help us out,” Seals

“I’m being cooperative,” Taylor said.

Seals reached into her bag and got out a
folder. She pulled a picture out of it. She gently pushed it over
to Taylor.

Taylor stared at it. “Yeah? What does this

“Nothing of significance, but it proves to
us that you weren’t lying about being there on Friday,” Seals

Taylor stared at the picture that Felicity
took of her and Erin at Moves on Friday night with Taylor, Hunter,
and their friends sitting at a table in the background. “So she
took a picture of herself with Erin; she’s the queen of

“Did you see her take this picture?” Seals

“No, I didn’t. I wasn’t paying any attention
to her that night. I was still mad at her for what she did to me
and Hunter. Hunter pretty much broke up with me after that picture
of Felicity blowing me, but I begged and pleaded with her to stay
with me, and she said she had to think about it. She did agree to
stay with me, but I was so furious with Felicity that I came over
to her house to talk to her after Hunter left my house, but
Felicity’s mom said that she was studying for a test,” Taylor
replied. “Felicity liked to cause a lot of fuckery, but never
wanted to face confrontations for the fuckery that she caused.”

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