F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) (24 page)

Read F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) Online

Authors: Sheila Michelle

BOOK: F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1)
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“We understand,” Seals said. “And we don’t
want this to happen again because it quite possibly can, so if
there’s someone or some more people that you can narrow it down to
for us then it will be greatly helpful.”

Erin looked at her phone; she shook her
head. “Maybe you might wanna talk to the person who just posted
this pic of Felicity in her hospital bed. This was obviously taken
by the person who attacked her seconds later. That’s just some sick
shit to do! Take a picture of it and then post it and make a meme
out of it. Look at this shit!” she said, and handed her phone to

Seals looked at it as
Sherwood leaned over toward Seals so he could get a look at it.
“Oh, boy,” she replied, as Sherwood shook his head. The post showed
a picture of Felicity lying in her bed and simply said:

“Erin, do you know who this is that posted
this?” Sherwood asked.

“No, I don’t,” Erin replied. “This person
never shows their face and doesn’t use their real name, and they
clearly put down that it was a repost already so who knows where
they got it from!”

Sherwood and Seals shook their heads.

“This social media shit is just out of
control. I wonder what people would do if they just shut all of
this shit down tomorrow,” Sherwood said. “It’s gonna be impossible
to find who the pic originated from, huh?” he asked Erin.

“Yeah, it is. And people like to steal
pictures, too, so it’s not even worth trying to figure out, even
with it being posted this early on,” Erin replied.

“Well, the cops are collecting what they can
from the room that Felicity’s in to see if the assailant left
behind any trace evidence, especially DNA,” Seals said.

“I hope so,” Erin said.

“Well, Erin, that’s all we need from you for
now. If you find out anything on social media or hear anyone at
school talking about what happened here tonight, please contact us;
it doesn’t matter what time it is. You still got both of our cards,
right?” Sherwood asked.

“Yeah, I do,” Erin replied.

Several minutes later, Sherwood and Seals
headed back to the station.

“Damn, it’s been a long fuckin’ day, hasn’t
it?” Seals said.

“Yeah, it has. I’m so damn tired that I
can’t even be tired,” Sherwood replied.

Seals laughed. “You got that right! But,
damn! Someone really wants Felicity dead! If not beating the shit
out of her wasn’t bad enough! She’s lucky that she survived

“To say the least! And did
you notice how that meme said
and not

Seals stared at him with interest. “Yeah! I
did notice that! So do you think it could be just one person?”

“It’s possible, but then
again, we don’t know who wrote it. But when it comes to who tried
to finish the job on Felicity, we know one person that

Seals looked at him. “Who?”

“Stacia,” Sherwood replied.

Seals nodded. “How soon do I forget?! I know
she wouldn’t drive two-hundred miles all the way back down here
since we talked to her today, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t have
someone do it for her.”

“Absolutely,” Sherwood replied. “She’s
definitely got enough money to where she can hire someone to finish
a job. And it just seems a little too coincidental that we talk to
her earlier today and then hours later, someone tries to finish
Felicity off, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, it’s definitely possible she could’ve
had something to do with it, and we still haven’t talked to her
club buddy Jay — or Carson, let’s not forget,” Seals reminded

“Or Carson, you’re right. But for right now,
I wanna forget about everything and just go home and go to

Seals laughed. “I’m with you on that!”




Chapter 25



rin sat at her and Felicity’s usual table on Friday night at
Moves, and she was here when they opened the doors because she
wanted to see everyone who came in here. But she felt very awkward
that Felicity wasn’t here with her, and she didn’t know if she ever
would be with her again. She didn’t feel like being here, in fact,
she didn’t want to be here at all, and she wasn’t here to have fun
for herself or for Felicity. She was here to see if she could find
out who had something to do with what happened to her best friend,
and since everyone at school has been very tight-lipped everywhere
she appeared, she wanted to see if anyone would tell her anything
at Felicity’s favorite weekend spot. As the club filled up fast,
she took in the atmosphere and there was nothing out of the
ordinary from any other night, but something just didn’t feel right
to her. She knew her best friend wasn’t with her, and that alone
made the vibe in here not the same, but there was something else
that she just couldn’t explain, and she was here to search for her
unexplained feelings.

Suddenly, she saw Carson walking towards the
back of the club with a guy that looked familiar to her. She
grabbed her purse and got up to catch him before he went into the
back. “Hey, Carson!” she practically yelled.

Carson turned around, but the guy who was
with him kept walking. “Erin, hey. What’s up?”

“Well, Carson, you know what’s been up for
about a week now. How come I haven’t heard from you, huh? I’ve
tried to contact you about Felicity.”

He stared at her. “Well, I’ve been very busy
here and with school, Erin. I haven’t even been on social media. I
heard about what happened to her and I’m sorry it did, but what do
you want me to do about it?”

She looked shocked! “Talk to the cops about
it! That’s what you can do for starters! They told me they haven’t
been able to get in contact with you, but they’ve talked to your
brother. Is that true?”

He sighed. “Yeah, it is. But, look, I
haven’t talked to them because I have nothing to say about it,
okay? You’re sounding just as bad as my brother about forcing me to
talk to them.”

“And not talking to them makes you look like
you’re trying to hide something, Carson!”

“And what the fuck am I trying to hide,
Erin? Huh? What?!” he asked, as he tried not to get angry.

“Well, I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking
you! You know what goes on here and I don’t believe that everything
that goes on here is what it seems!”

He gave her a look that he’d never given to
her before. “And what the fuck are you tryin’ to say, Erin?”

She slightly gasped. “Look, don’t get mad,
okay? I’m just trying to find out who could’ve hurt Felicity. It
could’ve been anyone!”

“Yeah, you’re right, but don’t look at me
like I’m a suspect! I had nothing going on with her and you are the
first one to know that!”

“Well, what about that guy that I just saw
you walking with, Max.”

“Max? Who’s that?” he asked, as he looked

She looked shocked! “Max Benson! The one
that Felicity told me that she went out to his car and smoked weed
and had drinks with! You were just walking with him a minute ago
when I called out to you!”

“I don’t know anyone name Max Benson, Erin,”
he informed her.

She gasped in shock!

You’re lying
Carson! Felicity told me that you introduced the two of them just
last week Friday!
a week ago! She went off with him on Friday night
and didn’t come home until the next day! She said his name
Max Benson

“And I don’t know why she would tell you
that because I don’t know anyone name Max Benson! How many times do
I have to tell you that?!”

She sighed as she tried to
choke back tears. “Carson,
. Don’t lie to me; I can’t take
it. I need to talk to Max so I can tell him about Felicity and if
he knows anything in regards to it so he can tell Sherwood and

He tried not to tense up when she said their
names because he remembered that those names were on the cards that
his brother gave him. “I gotta go, Erin,” he said, and then quickly
left to go towards the back of the club.

She stayed in the same spot for a few
seconds. “CARSON!” she yelled, and then pushed her way through
people as she followed him. When she got towards the entry to the
back of the club, she was blocked by a big and burly bouncer. She
watched as Carson was on his phone as he disappeared around the
corner. Tears swelled up in her eyes as she slowly turned around
and walked through the club and towards the exit as everything
looked like a blur to her. She walked out and went to her car.

Meanwhile, Detective Seals walked into
Lavish, a twenty-one-and-over nightclub that was ten miles south of
Moves. She was dressed like a patron, wearing a black V-neck top
with long sleeves, and dark blue skinny jeans tucked into a pair of
black leather knee-high boots. She wore her long hair all the way
down, and was in full makeup. Since she looked more like she was in
her twenties instead of her real age of forty-two, she blended
right into the crowd. Almost instantly, she spotted someone she
recognized, and it was a great surprise to see him here because he
was usually at Moves. It was Jay! He danced out on the dance floor
with an attractive brunette who favored Stacia, but she knew that
it wasn’t her since Stacia told her that she wouldn’t be down here
this weekend. She walked out on the floor and straight towards Jay.
She approached him as she stood across from him and right next to
the brunette he was dancing with. “Excuse me? Can I talk to you for
a few minutes?” she asked him, as she danced.

Jay stared at her as he smiled big, thinking
that she was trying to hit on him, but the brunette that he was
dancing with didn’t like this at all.

“Just who the hell do you
think you are, bitch?!
dancing with him! You better find someone else or
I’m gonna knock your head—”

Seals flashed the girl her badge as she
smiled at her!

“Oh, shit!” the girl said, and ran off the
dance floor!

Seals grinned as she continued to dance as
she watched the girl until she was completely out of sight. “Hmm .
. . she must have warrants,” she concluded. She looked at Jay as he
stood in front of her as he completely stopped dancing since seeing
that she was a cop.

“Come on, Jay, let’s finish this dance,”
Seals said.

“How the hell do you know my name?” he
demanded to know.

“Well, everyone knows that you’re the club
king, but the only problem about that is that you’re in the wrong
club tonight, especially since you’re underage. You’re usually at
Moves, which I know is a teen club, so how come you’re not there

He continued to stare at her as he stood
completely still. “What do you wanna talk to me about?”

“Felicity Gains,” she replied, as she still

He stared at her very coldly. “What about
that fuck girl?”

She nodded. “Well, at least you’ve said
something about her that I’ve been hearing more often than I would
like to hear, so we’re already consistent on something.”

“I don’t wanna talk about her because I
didn’t know her like that,” he informed her.

“Well, I’d like to talk to you more about
that, so we can either talk right here or out in the car with my

“And what if I don’t wanna talk at all?”

“Then I’ll have to bust you for being
underage in a twenty-one-and-over establishment,” she informed

Minutes later, Jay was sitting in the front
seat of Sherwood’s car as Seals sat in the back.

“So, Jay Stringer. You’re a
seventeen-year-old senior at Palo Mira High School, correct?”
Sherwood asked.

“Yeah,” Jay replied.

“So, what are you doing at this club since
you know it’s a twenty-one-and-over club?” Sherwood asked.

Jay sighed. “I was just taking a break from
Moves,” he replied.

“But you were going to Moves every Friday
and Saturday until this Friday. What’s up with that?” Seals

“Look, y’all already know what’s up with
that!” Jay replied, trying not to get angry.

“Well, we don’t, actually. It can be for any
reason,” Seals said.

Jay shook his head. “Look, it’s not because
of Felicity Gains, okay?”

Sherwood and Seals looked at each other.
They looked at Jay.

“Why would you not go back to Moves tonight,
Jay? You knew that she wasn’t gonna be there so that was the
perfect opportunity to go there so you wouldn’t be bothered with
her,” Sherwood said.

“She doesn’t have anything to do with why I
didn’t wanna go there tonight. I’m just tired of the place, okay?
I’m burned out on it,” Jay let them know.

“Okay, we understand. So, what was your
relationship with Felicity like?” Seals asked.

Jay sighed. “We only saw each other at the
club, that’s it. We never saw each other outside of the club; we
had no reason to. Yeah, we would talk to each other and send each
other sexy selfies and did a lot of sexting, but that’s as far as
it went with us. When it came to in-person contact, it was only at
Moves, and our fun started and ended there.”

“Well, Felicity seemed to have liked you
more than you obviously knew,” Seals said.

Jay shook his head. “The only person that
girl liked more than anyone else was herself. She was a classic
fuck girl, that’s why I never wanted anything serious with her, and
not once did she say she wanted anything serious with me. She would
always send me sexy selfies and always held sexting conversations
with me when she was with Sloan Avery, and she didn’t care how he
felt so I didn’t feel sorry for her when he broke up with her.”

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