F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) (7 page)

Read F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) Online

Authors: Sheila Michelle

BOOK: F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1)
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Erin slammed on her brakes!

Felicity jerked forward! “What the fuck,
Erin! Why the fuck did you stop?!”

“I’m going back to the club
and you’re giving that girl back her lipstick and saying that
you’re sorry for destroying her purse because I know it was you who
did it! Is that why you wanted another drink when you were only
halfway through with your first one? Huh? And Jay is
your man so that girl
never stole him from you! Dammit, Felicity!”

going back to the club, okay? So
just calm down and drive us to the restaurant,” Felicity

Erin sighed. She then put her head on the
steering wheel for a second. She looked up at Felicity. “Don’t you
have any conscience about all of your fuckery?”

“It’s not fuckery to me. People aren’t
perfect and they need to stop acting as if they are. They do shit
that’s worthy of getting shit done back to them. I don’t think I’m
causing any fuckery because people are always starting shit and it
starts with them talking, and they wanna act like they didn’t start
anything. Like I said, I don’t back down from anyone.”

“That’s a lame answer, Felicity,” Erin
replied. She sighed as she shook her head. “And what did Stacia do
to you that you had to ruin her purse and mark up her bag with her
own lipstick, huh? And not to mention you stole her lipstick, too!
I thought you said that Jay meant nothing to you? Well, you sure as
hell didn’t prove that tonight, now did you? What you did was what
a typical hating-ass bitch would do that feels that another girl
has stolen her spotlight, and you know it.”

“Please. That girl is more
than likely not innocent in the least bit — tryin’ to come to a
club dressed all classy — she’s just trash in a pricy dress with a
pricy bag, but that bag is fucked up now because she shouldn’t have
taken Jay’s attention away from me! That was supposed to be
my time
with him,
not hers
! And he even
said how much we were gonna be all over each other tonight since I
texted him right before we went there and told him that I was gonna
be there. He should’ve kept his promise to me instead of ignoring
me like I wasn’t there just because some other bitch shows up there
that he wasn’t expecting to see. He needs his ass beat, for real.
He’s the type that’ll be married about ten times when he’s older
because he’ll always wanna be married to the best looking bitch he
can get because when one gets too old and ugly for him, he’ll be on
to another one. All he wants is a fuckin’ trophy without knowing
shit about what a bitch is really like. I hope that Stacia bitch
never calls him after tonight because he’s
boyfriend material.”

Erin stared at her. “Well,
I think you’re right about Jay, Felicity. But what you did to
Stacia was wrong.
She’s the one
who got hurt behind all of this, not Jay. You were
obviously so pissed off at Jay that you took your anger out on the
wrong person, and you shouldn’t have done that, Felicity. If you
wanted to do anything with that drink, you should’ve thrown it
face and
marked up
clothes and face with
lipstick and just left Stacia alone. You made her
first experience at the club really bad, Felicity, and it was all
over some damn boy that you yourself said didn’t mean shit to

“Well, that’ll teach
him a
lesson for practically throwing their love-at-first-sight interest
in each other in my face. People do shit on purpose, Erin, and I
believe that’s what they were doing even though they tried to
pretend like they weren’t. Like I said, Stacia is the type that
tries to act all innocent, but all the while she’s turning her ass
up to guys like him while wearing classy dresses and probably
posting a ton of naked selfies of herself and not showing her face.
I’ve never posted any naked selfies and you know it.”

Erin shook her head. “What does selfies have
to do with what you did to her bag? And I really hope you find it
in you to tell her that you’re sorry for what you did and to return
that lipstick to her. You know, that’s not the type of lipstick
that you can buy at a drugstore.”

Felicity looked at the lipstick. “It’s too
pretty for her to have it.”

“So you think you deserve it?”

“Of course!”

“Well, I don’t want any part of this. I told
you what you need to do so if you don’t say you’re sorry to Stacia
for ruining her purse and stealing her lipstick then that’s on you.
I know that I tried to talk you into doing the right thing, so
you’re on your own.”

“Erin, please. You know you’ve stolen stuff

“Yeah, and that was ten
years ago when I was seven years old. My mom found the stash of
candy in my bedroom that I stole from that small grocery store that
had no alarms at the time, and went with me to return it. When we
got back home, she whooped my ass and my dad did as well, and I
haven’t stolen anything since then. I’ve told you that story a
million times, but I’ve
messed up someone else’s property.”

Felicity laughed. “I know you haven’t, but I
don’t consider myself to have stolen this, though, as crazy as it

Erin sighed. “Then what do you consider

Felicity shrugged. “I don’t know. Revenge,
maybe? She took away the time that I was supposed to spend with Jay
tonight, therefore, taking attention away from me — so I took away
something of hers.”

“And how do you justify damaging her

Felicity stared at the lipstick. “She didn’t
deserve to have something so pretty. That’s just another way of me
taking away something of hers that she thinks that she should have,
even though I actually didn’t take it from her. I ruined it where
she’ll never feel the same about it again, and she’ll remember that
it happened at the club where she was dancing with my man so she’ll
probably never go back there or wanna see him again because of it
because she’ll always be reminded of the incident. She could’ve
been dancing with any guy in there, but it just had to be him. You
can’t have everything, and she’s obviously the type that thinks
that she can.”

Erin stared at her. She was at a loss for
words. She shook her head, and then continued on to the

Several minutes later, Felicity and Erin
arrived at the restaurant. It was packed as it usually was on a
Friday night. They got out of the car as they walked towards the
restaurant since Erin liked to go in and get her food and Felicity
just liked to go in so she could show herself off to any potential
boys that were in the restaurant and flirt with them.

“FELICITY!” a boy shouted from the passenger
side of a car.

Felicity turned around, as well as Erin.
“Yes?” she said with a smile. She walked over to the passenger side
of the car; Erin stayed where she was.

The boys sitting in the car — Joe and Reamer
— both went to her school and were in her grade, and she’d seen
them around school a lot, but never talked to either one of

Felicity smiled as she stared at Reamer, who
she thought was very cute. “So what’s up? Did you guys just get

“No, we were just about to leave until we
saw you,” Joe said, as he stared her up and down. “Damn, you’re
fuckin’ hot!”

“Thank you!” Felicity said as if this just
made her night, and then turned herself around so they could see
her whole outfit.

“Sloan must’ve been crazy to let you go,”
Joe said.

“Yeah, he was. And I don’t want him back at
all. It’s his big loss, not mine,” Felicity said. Joe and Reamer
laughed as she walked over to the other side of the car to the
driver’s side window where Reamer was. “So, why are you so quiet,

Reamer was truly flattered.
“Wow,” he said, as he blushed. “The first thing you’ve ever said to
me is
? I
gotta get your number, girl!”

Felicity laughed. “Well, it’s true! Do you
follow me on my social media pages?” she asked.

“Of course!” Reamer replied with a big

“And so do I,” Joe said.

“Well, thank you, both!” Felicity said as
she smiled big at them, but especially at Reamer. She looked over
at Erin as she was now standing on the curb waiting to go in the

“Felicity! C’mon!” Erin said.

“I’m talking right now, Erin! Go on in and
get my usual — you know what it is,” Felicity said.

Erin shook her head, and then went inside
the restaurant.

“And what’s your usual?” Reamer asked.

“Three crunchy tacos with the usual good
stuff on them, as well as their best-selling spicy chicken burrito
and some nachos. Of course, I can’t forget my large strawberry
slushy drink,” Felicity replied with a smile.

“Damn, girl!” Joe said, as he laughed. “How
the hell can you eat all of that food and still maintain a body
like that?”

Felicity laughed as she flipped her hair
back. “Easily. I’m young, beautiful, and have a very fast
metabolism because I’m constantly active. After I eat, I’ll just
take a bunch of selfies and probably do a workout a few hours after
I eat. I never like to just sit around and do nothing, so stay
tuned for my selfies!”

“Oh, we will!” Joe promised.

“I heard that, man!” Reamer said, and then
slapped hands with Joe.

Reamer and Felicity locked eyes again. She
didn’t want to admit it, but she always saw Reamer in the halls at
school, but thought that he wasn’t popular enough to want to have
any association with. She saw just how nice him and Joe both are,
but just didn’t feel like they were the type that were on her level
of deserving her time, but she was starting to feel

“So, are you and Sloan really over?” Reamer
asked her.

“Over like yesterday,” Felicity replied.

Joe laughed; Reamer smiled.

“Well, since that’s the case, can I have
your number?” Reamer asked.

“Of course you can! What took you so long to
ask?” Felicity said, and then gave him her number.

Reamer laughed as he programmed her number
into his phone. He looked at her. “Thanks for giving it to me. Just
to let you know, I like to talk more than text, if you don’t

“Not at all,” Felicity replied. “I
personally think that texting is taking the place of real
conversations. I like to be old-fashioned about some things, but
not everything.”

Reamer and Joe laughed.

“Can I call you tonight?” Reamer asked with
a smile.

Felicity looked around and saw Erin coming
out with the food.

“Absolutely. I stay up very
late on the weekends,” Felicity replied. “And here’s something to
remind you to call me.” She leaned down into the car
and began kissing him

Joe looked shocked, as did Erin! Erin stood
back away from Reamer’s car as Felicity kissed Reamer as if he was
her new boyfriend, while Joe took pictures of it!

Felicity laughed as Reamer had a shocked
smile on his face. “Wow, you’re acting like you’ve never been
kissed before!”

“Not like that, I haven’t! Not even close!”
Reamer said. “Can I have some more?”

“Sure!” Felicity said, and then leaned into
him as they started kissing again. She slowly pulled her lips away
from his because she could tell that he was really into it, and
didn’t want to be standing here kissing him all night as if she was
in a kissing booth.

Let’s go
!” Erin

“Bye,” Felicity said to Reamer and Joe.

“Bye, baby,” Reamer and Joe said in

Reamer kept smiling at her as she waved to
him while walking over to Erin’s car. He then rolled up his window,
and pulled out of the restaurant parking lot.

“Damn, man! We didn’t
happen tonight!
Felicity Gains,
man?! You got to kiss her! She wasn’t interested
in me at all, man! Damn, you’re the man!” Joe said, as they laughed
and slapped hands again.

“Hey, what can I say, man? She’s the hottest
girl at our school. But Felicity is in a class of her own, man, I
can’t explain it. I have to admit that I’ve never talked to her at
school because she just didn’t seem to know that I existed, but she
acknowledged my existence now so that’s all that matters, man!”
Reamer said.

Joe nodded. “But you also acknowledge the
fact that she’s a fuck girl, right?” he asked him in a serious

Reamer looked at him. “Yeah, I do, man. But
she’s got all of these haters out here and she’s not as bad as she
seems, and we both got to see that just minutes ago. Hey, I know
her and Sloan aren’t together anymore, so this is perfect timing
for me to move in on her.”

“And don’t say a damn thing if she moves you
to the side for someone else very soon, man,” Joe said.

Reamer looked at him. “And why would you say

“Because she’s a fuck
man. In all seriousness, I don’t
think you should try and pursue anything serious with her. She may
act like she cares about you, but she only cares about herself. We
both follow her and seen the shit that she’s done this week. And
while you were talking to her, I looked at my phone and at a
picture that Jay — the guy who she’s always all over on at Moves —
has posted showing what she did to some girl’s purse that he was
all into at the club tonight.”

“Let me see it,” Reamer
said. Joe gave him his phone while they were at a stoplight. “DAMN!
Jay’s claiming that Felicity did
?! She didn’t seem upset at all
when she was talking to us. If she was upset about something then I
doubt she would’ve came over to my car if you didn’t call her

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