F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) (14 page)

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Authors: Sheila Michelle

BOOK: F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1)
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About twenty minutes went by and Erin
decided to call Catherine to see if Felicity had called her.

“Erin. Have you been able to get in contact
with Felicity?” Catherine asked.

Erin looked shocked!

?! Well,
yeah! She texted me not more than a minute after I got off the
phone with you and told me that she was okay and not to worry! I
told her to call you right away!”

“Well, this phone has been glued to my hand
and she hasn’t called or text me,” Catherine informed her.

“She told me she was going to,” Erin said.
“Maybe someone called her when I was through talking to her and
she’s talking to them right now.”

Catherine sighed. “I just don’t like the
sound of all of this, Erin. Something’s wrong.”

Erin tried to suppress her
gasping because she didn’t want to believe the worst — that
something was wrong. But she spoke to Felicity and believe that it
was her who texted her, but something kept telling her that the
text didn’t sound a hundred percent like her because after all, she
knew how she wrote in them — and something seemed strange about
this one. “Mrs. Gains, Felicity texted me; it came through
phone, not
anyone else’s. She’s somewhere, and I’m sure she’ll let us know
where she’s at or just show up at your home.”

“I hope so, Erin. I’m gonna call her right
now and see if I can get an answer from her. And if she texts you
again then you let me know right away, okay?”

“Of course, Mrs. Gains,” Erin said. She hung
up and sat on her bed.

Several minutes later, a
text came through on Erin’s phone again from Felicity!
I’m on my way home right now.
She immediately texted her back.
your mom that! She’s worried like crazy about you and so am I! Text
her now and stop playing games because she told me that she didn’t
receive your text about being OK!
She sent
the text and impatiently waited. It came in minutes later.
I will, Erin, okay? Stop overreacting.
She breathed a sigh of relief because this did
sound like Felicity since she would usually tell her to stop

Erin let out a deep sigh as she tried to
figure out if she wanted to wait until Felicity contacted her from
home, or if Catherine would call her and let her know that she was
there. She decided that she couldn’t wait, and decided to once
again go to Felicity’s house to see if she would be there by the
time she got there since she told her that she was on her way

Less than ten minutes later, Erin arrived at
Felicity’s house and saw Felicity’s car out in the driveway . . .
she breathed a sigh of relief! Since she knew that it was parked in
the garage last night, she knew that she had to have been somewhere
once she got back home. She drove up in the driveway, got out of
the car, and walked up to the front door.

The door opened to Catherine standing in it.
“Erin. What are you doing here?”

“I came to see Felicity,” Erin replied.

“Felicity isn’t here,” Catherine informed

Erin tried not to gasp! “But . . . her car
is out of the garage. I just thought that—”

“Her dad moved it so he could get some stuff
out of the garage, that’s all. He’s out looking for her right now,
but he told me to stay here because he wanted someone here with the
twins and for someone to also be here when Felicity comes

Erin lowered her head. “I’m sorry, Mrs.
Gains. She told me that she was coming straight home and I decided
to come here so I could meet her here and find out what happened to
her last night.”

Catherine stared at her. “Erin, are you
being truthful with me that you don’t know where she is? You’re not
covering for her or anything, are you?”

“Absolutely not, Mrs. Gains,” Erin

Catherine nodded. She
looked over Erin and across the street at Taylor’s house. “Has she
been involved with Taylor?
You know what I

Erin sighed. “Can I come in, Mrs.

“You sure can,” Catherine replied.

Erin and Catherine sat at the kitchen

“Mrs. Gains, no one knows Felicity like the
way I do. Felicity likes to have fun—”

“And what’s so bad about that?” a voice said
from the back of the kitchen.

“FELICITY!” Erin and Catherine said as they
jumped out of their chairs!

Felicity grinned at them. She was wearing
the same clothes that she had on last night, but had on a thick red
sweater that purposely covered up the floral crop top that she wore
last night, a sweater that she left in Erin’s car to always change
in and out of when she went to the club.

“I don’t know whether I should hit you or
hug you!” Catherine said.

“Me too!” Erin said.

“I think I’d like the latter!” Felicity
replied with a laugh.

They all hugged, and then sat down at the
kitchen table.

“So, where were you?” Catherine asked.

Felicity grinned. “I was out in the parking
lot with a guy I’d seen and talk to occasionally at Moves,” she

Erin looked at her. She didn’t know whether
to believe her or not because the last time that she’d seen her,
she said she was going to find Carson to get another drink. “Who
was it?” she asked.

“Max,” Felicity replied. “Max Benson.”

Erin gave Felicity a look of suspicion
because she’d never mentioned to her a guy named Max.

“Is he on social media?” Catherine

“No, Mom, he’s not, so don’t go tryin’ to
look him up. I just talked to him outside in the parking lot in his
SUV. It’s a big one so we just got to know one another and I admit,
I had a lot of drinks,” Felicity replied.

Erin and Catherine looked at her.

“You know you shouldn’t be drinking,
Felicity, and he shouldn’t be, either,” Catherine said.

“I know, Mom. It’s no big deal, okay?”

“No big deal?!
Are you fuckin’ kidding me, Felicity, about it not
being a big deal?! Is the reason why you didn’t come home last
night and Erin couldn’t find you is because of you drinking with a
guy you’ve seen occasionally at the club? IS IT?!” Catherine

Erin looked at Felicity.

“Yeah, it is,” Felicity replied with her
head down. “I’m sorry, Mom, okay? I’m sorry, Erin. I didn’t even
see that you’d called me because I was passed out in the back of
his SUV. I literally didn’t wake up until around six in the

“So he stayed in that club parking lot all
night and let you sleep it off because he didn’t want to take you
home in the condition that you were in?” Catherine asked.

“No, Mom. He took me to his house.”

“WHAT?!” Catherine yelled.

“Calm down, Mom,” Felicity said. “As you
see, I’m okay.”

“That’s not the damn point and you know it!”
Catherine said, and then got on her phone. “Todd? Felicity’s here
so you can come home . . . yes, she’s here. I’m talking to her and
Erin right now. Okay, bye.” She hung up and stared at Felicity.
“You’re not going to that club anymore,” she informed her.


“Felicity! Don’t argue with
me right now! I’m
with you! And your dad is gonna be, too, when he
finds out why you didn’t come home last night! You’re lucky nothing
bad happened to you! Who knows what the hell that boy could’ve done
to you!” Catherine said.

“I agree,” Erin calmly said.

Felicity sat shaking her head as she stared
down at the kitchen table. “Uh, yeah, you would,” she said to Erin.
She got up. “I’m going to my room. I need to rest.”

“This conversation is not over by a long
shot, Felicity, and you know it,” Catherine warned her.

Felicity left the kitchen as Erin tagged
along behind her. Once they got up into her bedroom, she shut the
door and locked it. Erin sat on her bed. She removed her clothes
and then got her robe. “I’m gonna go take a shower. I’ll be back in
a few minutes.”

“I’ll be here,” Erin replied.

Several minutes later, Felicity came back
into the bedroom with her loungewear on as Erin stared at her.

“So what’s the real version of what happened
last night, Felicity? I know you didn’t tell your mom the whole
truth down there.”

Felicity grinned. “Okay, you’re right. That
was the mom or parents version of the story, as I always say. But
actually, it was true about us being in the parking lot because I
never like to leave Moves with a guy I don’t know. But we were both
getting hungry from smoking weed, that’s why we decided to get
something to eat.”

Erin shook her head with a grin. “And how
come you didn’t invite me along? I actually had a bad headache last
night and was so dizzy that I had to go lay down in Carson’s
brother’s office on his sofa. When I got up, it was three hours
later and I checked my phone and saw how you hadn’t called or
texted me, Felicity. I searched that whole club for you and even
watched until the last person left. I eventually left and was
terrified that something had happened to you. I even drove by here
last night to see if you did get dropped off here. So was it really
you that texted me earlier?”

Felicity looked at her confused. “No, I
didn’t text you. I just told Max to drop me off here after I
sobered up and my high wore off. I had my phone turned off the
whole time I was with him because I didn’t want my battery to drain
since I didn’t have my charger with me.”

Erin looked shocked! “What?! That doesn’t
make any sense, Felicity! Those texts were from your phone! Where’s
your phone?”

Felicity grabbed her phone off of her desk
where it was recharging, and looked at it. “There are no texts on
here from me to you last night at the club. There’s just the ones
from earlier in the day before we went there.”

“Well, someone was playing with your

“No one touches my phone but me,” Felicity
assured her.

Erin got out her phone and went to the
texts. She showed them to Felicity. “What does that look like right

Felicity shook her head. “Erin, if I sent
them then I’m sorry, but I don’t remember sending them. It was a
weird feeling that I had and I kinda still feel like that right now
so who knows what I could’ve sent, you know? But what I do know is
that we gotta head back to Moves tonight!”



“Didn’t you hear what your mom said to you
downstairs? She said that you couldn’t go back there anymore!”

“She did?”

Erin stared at her. “Felicity, don’t act
stupid. I know you’re not still high off of that weed and alcohol
from last night.”

Felicity laughed. “And that’s another reason
why I had to stay at his house because he was washing my clothes
because they reeked of weed!”

Erin shook her head. “So, how much did you
find out about this Max guy?”

“Not much, I admit. Except that he’s friends
with Carson, and they do go to the same school.”

“Does he have a girlfriend?”

“I don’t know and I didn’t ask,” Felicity
replied with a grin. “Like I always say, if he does then that’s on
his conscience about what we did last night, not mine.”

“Yeah, of course it is. So why am I getting
the feeling that the two of you did more than just smoke weed and
drink alcohol?”

“Of course we did more than
that! We had some great sex, but I couldn’t tell my mom
!” Felicity said with
a laugh.

Erin chuckled. “Well, I’m
glad you’re fine and I have your purse at home; I forgot to bring
it here. But we’re
going back to Moves tonight. Let’s just stay here or you can
come over my house.”

“On a Saturday night? It’s
that we’re
there! Look what happened last night! That was fun!”

“Not for me it wasn’t, Felicity! I didn’t
know where the fuck you were! I mean, one minute you tell me you’re
getting another drink from Carson and then I don’t see you until

“Well, that won’t happen again. It’s just
that Carson and Max were talking when I walked up to him, and
Carson said that Max had some of the best weed and you know I
haven’t smoked any in over six months so I wanted to see what kind
he had, so Max took me out to his car. I was gonna call you and
tell you, but that weed was so good and so was the alcohol that I
just forgot. Sorry, Erin.”

“Well, all of that shit makes you forget a
lot of shit, Felicity. And I don’t know why the hell Carson didn’t
tell me that you were with one of his friends smoking weed and

“Because I told him that I would tell you,”
Felicity lied.

Erin shook her head. “Well, if we’re gonna
sneak back to Moves tonight — and I’m saying sneak back because you
know you’re not supposed to be going there — then I’m gonna go home
and get some rest since I didn’t sleep at all last night worrying
about your fuck-girl ass!”

Felicity laughed. “You
have to
worry about me, you know that! So go on home and get rested for

Erin sighed. “Okay, Felicity.”

They hugged, and Erin left the room.

As Erin drove home, she thought about
whether or not she should go along with Felicity to Moves when she
knew that Felicity’s mom told her that she wasn’t allowed to go
back there. As she sat at a stoplight, an unexplained feeling
overcame her. The light turned green, and it took someone to honk
at her to make her go.




Chapter 16



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