Fantasy Encounter with a Dom (4 page)

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I know this is a lot to ask of you
r Sir. Would he ever consider doing it? I feel like I could trust you both. If you say no or if he does, I understand.

reason why I’ve contacted you is I’ve always been seeking pain/pleasure during sex. And at this point it seems to be the only way for me to achieve climax. Initially, I only thought it was rough sex or play…and possibly it still is, but I want to test my limits. I have tried with Tim, but he is hesitant. My only request is that he be allowed to speak with your Dom, should you agree.

Let me know what you think and we can discuss this further.

K xx


Nervous was not even the word for how Keira felt. There was at least a five hour time difference between the United States east coast and wherever they resided in the United Kingdom.

She tried to keep herself distracted with work
for the remainder of the day. She critiqued friends work and messaged them. Edited the critiques they sent back. Then she went down to make dinner.


“What’s for dinner?” Jake’s little voice asked, as she came downstairs.

“I’m thinking crunchy chicken, beets and mac n’cheese.” She smiled as she ran her hand through his thick brown hair.

“Oh yum.” Lily chimed in. Her little blue eyes, a reflection of her own peered up at Keira. “I loooovee crunchy chicken.”

“I know you do baby.”  Keira pinched her delicate white cheek.

Keira crushed the stuffing and prepared the butter-garlic mixture for the chicken as the oven preheated. After she breaded the finger sized pieces and than placed the baking sheet of chicken into the hot oven. Next she worked on the homemade macaroni and cheese. She boiled and strained the noodles; and than worked on the creamy cheese sauce. Her hands were always skilled in the kitchen and they glided along without effort.

“Hey? So did you hear anything?” Tim came up behind her
, as she stirred the cheese into the cream sauce.

“Not yet. I’ll check after dinner. But
if they don’t agree, I’ve been thinking, I’m not sure I could trust anyone else.” She looked at him cautiously.

“Well, let’s see what they say.”
There was still trepidation in his eyes, but his words soothed her.

“Can you grab the bee
ts? And have the kids wash up, if you can tear them away from the Kinect.” She smiled.

“I’ll try.”
He winked and pinched her butt, which made Keira giggle.


They enjoyed dinner. And after the kids went to bed Keira and Tim settled into their spots, he on his chair and she on the couch with her laptop.

Still nothing.
Shit, I probably scared her away. Probably thinks, who’s this dumb Vanilla think she is?
Keira sighed. She debated with herself if she should send a follow up email. But then again, it was late there. She’d wait until tomorrow. She stayed up late again and worked, as Tim passed out in his chair. Her heart swelled at what he was willing to sacrifice for her.
Here I am worried about his fidelity and he’s going to do this for me.
She put a blanket over him, kissed his scruffy cheek and went to bed-still with that thought on her mind.

In the morning she helped
him off to work; packed his lunch and the kids, like always. She received a peck on the cheek for her trouble and then sent the kids off to school. She went about her normal daily chores: dishes, laundry, dinner prep, and put the pot roast into the Crockpot. She loved her Crockpot for the cold days of January like this. She worked at the table on her grocery list and then cleaned the floors.

She let out a long exhaustive sigh and heated up a second cup of coffee in the microwave. It was nearly ten-thi
rty now but her brain was ready for work. She climbed the steps to her office and sat her bottom in that swivel office chair. She booted up her computer; opened all her normal applications and her Word document that contained her latest novel. She opened her email and sifted through all her Facebook and Twitter alerts, and found a response from Carrie. Tightness occurred at her breastbone and moved to her throat. As she opened it, her hand shook.

Chapter 4



Talked to Sir, and
explained your situation to him. I showed him your email. He’s hesitant that you will be receptive and be able to handle it.  I too have my doubts.


Keira couldn’t go any further and burst into tears. She left her computer; went down the hall and looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She splashed water over her face.
Keira you can do it. Tell them you can.

She reluctantly returned to
the screen.


We’d have to speak on the phone or Skype; we’d need to trust you as well. We’d have to speak about your hard/soft limits and all that. When are you thinking?



Keira felt a little relie
ved, but still she’d have to pass the test of Skype.
I’m no model that’s for damn sure. Not like her. Hmm. I’d need to get into a little bit better shape. I’m not terrible, but I’ve been slacking on my yoga and a little cardio wouldn’t hurt. I just wish I could convince Tim. He’s been putting on weight over the past few years like crazy.
She’d often wondered if part of their issues stemmed from them not feeling attracted to each other anymore. That was one of her biggest fears, because her scars, she could not erase them without surgery.

She tapped out her response



I have to admit I was scared initially because I thought you were going to say no, and I suppose you still could. I know it’s a lot to ask because you two have a relationship and you have no idea how I will react. Hell, I have no idea how I will react. Thank you for at least thinking about giving me/us a chance. It really does mean a lot to me.

m sending you a couple of pictures of me. One is of me with my natural dark hair and the other two are just recent pictures.

I’ve never used Skype, but I have an application on my computer.
I’ll give you my phone number, but remember we are a five hour difference, so I can talk at night after the kids are in bed, which is eight o’clock here or when they’re in school (which is now) and weekends.

I’m thinking March or April vacation for us. We would probably take a week off then
, so that whoever watches the kids wouldn’t have to contend with school.



She gave Carrie her cell phone number and shortly after received a call.

“Hello?” Keira didn’t recognize the number
, but had a strange notion it might be Carrie.

, it’s Carrie.” Her voice was peppered with sweetness. “I know we’ve talked about it in emails, but it’ll be unlike what you’ve experienced before.”

A silence came over the phone and Keira realized she was supposed to fill it. “I know. Is there anything I should do to prepare myself for it
? I plan on exercising and doing my yoga more often.”

“It’s really a mental thing Keira. Not sure you can prepare for it. You personally have to be ready for it.” She paused for a few moments. Carrie’s voice became sharper. “Can you submit your mind and body to the pain for your Master?”

Keira felt a lump in her throat. “I hope I will please him.”
Shit! What did I say? Who said that?

There might be hope for you yet.”

Keira asks a little softer
, “May I ask you, the hard and soft limits? Um, should I email you those?”


“How do I know if I’ve covered them all?”

“We can talk about them if you want, later though.”

“Okay. Thanks. So how does this work?” Keira asked curiously.

ll be in touch on the phone and online between now and then. Exercise is a good idea. I’ll speak with Sir on his instructions and relay them to you.”

, thank you Carrie. I’m sorry I do have to get the kids off the bus soon though. It was nice to hear from you.”

es, you too. Bye”



Keira felt like some of the heavy weight of uncertainty had been lifted from her chest.
She texted Tim at work to call her when he had a free moment alone. She met the kids at the bus ten minutes later, both happy to be home. They charged into the front door and spilled all their things on the tiled floor, as they normally did. Keira began to hang up and neaten the foyer.

She received a text.

‘Make sure you are available for a chat tonight.’ But it wasn’t Carrie and it wasn’t Tim. Her belly did a flip-flop. She’d get to hear his voice tonight.

‘Yes, of course.’
She texted back quickly.


Keira did all the normal things a good housewife should for the remainder of the day—what she calls her chores. Tim never did call her. When Tim came home, she told him she expected a phone call from Carrie’s Dom.

“So you nervous?” He asked her later as she cleaned up the kitchen and the kids brushed their teeth.

“Yeah, would you hate me terribly if I talked to him, alone? I’m so nervous.” She bit the skin clear off her lips.

“Hmm. I guess.”
He didn’t seem too happy about it.

“I spoke with her earlier; honestly I didn’t even expect a phone call from him. I promise to tell you everything.”
She reassured him.

He nodded reluctantly and
left to put the kids to bed.

She kissed Jake and Lily goodnight. Then s
he went upstairs to her office and tapped on the keyboard to wait until the phone call came. She agonized over the wait, but she began to feel rhythm, as she typed her novel. Her phone buzzed and not really thinking she picked it up.

“Hello?” She put her Bluetooth o
nto her ear and didn’t even look down at the display.


Her breath got caught in her throat. She looked at the display. “Yes.” She squeaked out. “This is she.”
He’s on the phone Keira. Pull it together.

“You busy?”

“Um, no. Just typing. Nice to hear from you. It was nice speaking with Carrie earlier.”
Yes that sounded normal Keira.
She willed her heart rate to go back to normal.

“Initially I was going to have
only Carrie speak with you, but I thought I’d better speak with you too, since I'll be training you.”

Gulp. His accent was hot.

“Still there?”

“Yes um
sorry. Your accent it-never mind.” She shook her head.
“What do I call you?” She asked.

Jarred is fine. What about my accent?”

Her face flushed completely and
she was grateful she was on the phone. “Nothing.” Her voice raised an octave.

chuckled. “I like yours too. But when I ask a question, I expect an answer.”

“Sorry, um it was
a thought. I didn’t mean to let it slip out. I-”

Keira.” His voice louder then hers; interrupted her babbled speech.

. I thought it was-I mean it’s sexy.” She said meekly.

He chuckled again.

Great humiliated already
. “So, you called me for a reason?” She hoped to change the subject.

, to get to know you, Carrie mentioned you were struggling with the idea of how much pain you might be able to handle.”

Shit! No please don’t ask me that
. A knot formed in her belly and tightened like ropes.

“Keira?” He prompted.

She breathed and thought about how to answer that. “I want to be honest with you, but I’m scared you won’t want to train me,

“Well let’s start with honest
y. I don’t want to engage in impact play with you if you aren’t ready for it; if you can’t commit to it.”

“Yes, I understand. I would never want to put you in that position either. I don’t think I will know until I try.
Carrie said you read my email.”

, I did.” His voice was so cool and calm. “Maybe that’s where we can start.”

It unnerved Keira a bit
; her pulse jumped. “Ok,” she swallowed. “I guess I could explain it better. I just-I’m a little nervous talking about it.”


“Sort of feels like I’m cheating on my husband. I asked him to let me speak with you alone because I am nervous.” She bit the tip of her nail.

So let’s start with this. Has this always been an issue? You’re inability to climax?”

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