Fantasy Encounter with a Dom (7 page)

BOOK: Fantasy Encounter with a Dom
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“You’re welcome.”
He nodded at Tim.



Tim grimaced as he saw Jarred get Keira from the car.
I used to do things like that. Training’s begun Tim.
He blew out a breath of air as he retrieved the bags from the trunk and tried not to show how much it hurt him. The flight over he doused himself in drinks trying not to think about his wife having sex with another man. He was here now; he had to remind himself that this is what they agreed to. He was doing it for her, for them, for their marriage. He lugged the suitcases and Jarred helped carry the bags as they all made their way to the door.


They were shown to their rooms and told to freshen up. Keira showered and rinsed off the stink of the other man in the plane beside her, she had been trapped between two men, both overweight. Both drunk, passed out and snored.

Keira how are you doing?” Tim asked, watching her as she brushed her hair back down. She kept it dry from the shower.

“I’m okay. Nervous. But you’re really sure.”

“Yes, we’ve talked about this.” He took her shoulders. “I trust you-that you want this and that it will help us. And I’ve talked to Jarred, well whatever his name is. I trust him and I know
do.” Gently he brushed her cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Thank you, I do want this. I want this
for us.” With a fresh dress on, one that Jarred had chosen for her. She walked downstairs; the sound of her heels announced her arrival.

Tim trail
ed behind her.

“I see you’re wearing the dress.”
Jarred met her and walked her across the foyer. The warm glow of a lamp played into Jarred’s eyes; danced inside the pupils and injected light into them. Keira could see copper flecks inside the iris.

She forced her eye
s away from her stare and swallowed. “Yes sir. Do you like it?” Keira spun around slowly to show
and her sinfully long legs off.

He escorted her into the living room.

Carrie was already seated seductively in a club chair; her thick luxurious chocolate brown hair tumbled down her shoulder and some nestled in her cleavage.

“I do, but take it off.
Everything.” He commanded.

Keira’s expression changed to bemu
sement, but did as she was told.  “I need assistance, sir.” She looked at him nervously, still unsure if she could speak out of turn. “With the zipper of the dress, I mean.”  She stepped out of the heels, resting her foot on the chair beside her, scrunching the thigh high down slowly, careful not to rip it.

“Hmm.” A noise came
from the back of Jarred’s throat. “Wait.” He walked around her and sat beside her foot. “Slave.” He called out to Carrie and patted the arm rest next to him. She sat beside him dutifully.

hands still frozen in place; now they trembled. She waited as she was told. Her pecan color hair infused with red highlights hid her fearful face; the tremble on her hands couldn’t be hidden.

“Continue.” He spoke
still firmly, but with less edge and she turned to look at him. His eyes seemed to be smiling, but his lips remained firmly in tact.

He was enjoying this little striptease. Must not disappoint him.

She pulled her hair around to the right side of her neck, because he was sitting to the left, she tried to maintain balance on her one foot. She removed her black stocking; dropped it to the floor and then lifted her other foot to do the same. His eyes transfixed on her, like fingertips grazing across her skin warming her. She stood straight to remove the underwear.

“No, the dress.” Jarred
looked beyond her slim figure, as she stood before him and his sub.

She pulled her hair back into
a bun with the elastic that had been on her wrist and Tim moved behind her, and when his fingers touched her she flinched, so focused on Jarred and Carrie, she forgot he was there. She stood as he unzipped it, waited for him to undress her, but he didn’t. She turned her head to look at him; craved more touch. She blew out a deflated breath and slowly pressed the straps down, nervously. At least if she lay down the scars on her body were less visible. She set her dress down beside Jarred. With her back turned to him she removed the black lace demi-bra. She faced Tim, stared into his eyes; watched his arousal moving inside his pants were he stood. Then her matching black lace tanga underwear, slipping them over her ample hips and down her thirty-six inch legs and dropped them to the floor.

She heard Jarred stand and he came around to see her
up close. Inspection time. “Don’t cover up. Turn around.”


Keira stood there slightly chilly in the rather vanilla looking living room, plush cream carpet, mocha painted walls, with pearl accents and frames of black and whites. Beautiful photographs of his sub she guessed, many had no face and none were completely naked, they were sensual not sexual. She shivered in her vulnerability, shamed by her scars and imperfections. She shied her eyes to the floor; maintained her arms at her sides. Willed them down and not to cover her body, as she’d been told. Before they had left the States Keira was given a short list of grooming instructions, one of which was a complete wax. Luckily she had friends who at least did the Brazilian wax thing, they told her to do it a couple times. The first time they told her would be a mess; her skin needed conditioning…little did they know what kind of conditioning she was aiming for.

Keira you have a beautiful body.” His words surprised her. She barely met his gaze through her tiny lashes. “You’ve been working hard, like I’ve asked.”

“Yes.” Her voice whispered
out shakily.

“You will call me Sir, understand.”

“Yes, sir.” She focused her eyes on his, as they bore into hers and connected like a rope drawing her into them. She couldn’t look away if she wanted to now.

“Carrie what do you think?” He motioned to her.

“Yes, I think she’s followed your instructions. I like her ink. You never mentioned that before.” She squatted down to peer at the one on Keira’s ankle.

It was a rose that coiled around her ankle. It was the most recent one she had done of the three. One of the red petals seemed to pull away from the
bud. Another was at her hip and Keira flinched as Carrie’s hand brushed the butterfly tattoo in almost complete profile; colored in pink, purple, orange, red and yellow. The last was at the center of her back right below her neck. A black circle with an almost compass looking design, however it looked more like blades of a dagger sticking out and at the center was yin and yang. Carrie’s fingers trace along that one as well.

“That one I drew.” Keira
said. “It was my first one.”

“Nice. Can you pull your hair out?”
Carrie asked.

had returned her hair to its natural color as well, under Jarred’s instruction. Something she did almost every winter. With kids it was difficult to keep it up. She pulled the elastic out and replaced it on her wrist. Her fine hair tumbled down softly along her shoulders and around her breasts. It tickled at her bare back. She ran her hand through it a moment.

s down.” Jarred commanded.

“Yes, s
ir.” As she looked down her straight fine hair fell further along her bust line, and grazed her nipples. The floral scent of her hair wafted around her.

“These legs sir
.” Carrie squatted.

. I see what you mean.”

felt like a piece of meat at that, moment ready for slaughter. Unsure what the purpose was. She shifted in her spot as nerves took over.

Jarred came over to Keria and tipped her chin up. “And beautiful eyes too.”

“Sir um, may I ask what’s the plan?” Keira braved and asked.

A smile graced his lips and he turned to Carrie.

“Let’s do something fun, sir.” Carrie’s hand reached up rested on his shoulder.

“What do you have in mind
, little one?” He asked Carrie.

“Get on the floor!
All fours.” Carrie commanded.

Keira’s heart pounded fiercely, but did as requested. Keira’s hair splayed out on the floor before her as she knelt and she couldn’t see anything. She felt exposed and humiliated
She swallowed. Still no one had touched her. She willed her heart rate to subside and her breath to cooperate. It seemed like she stayed there an eternity.

“Let’s go out tonight. You like to dance. Right?” Carrie said it more like a statement.

Keira nodded. “I um-I’m not sure what to wear.” Her eyes moved from the floor to Carrie’s perky face in front of her.
How does she do that? Turn it on and off like that?

“I’ll take care of that.” Jarred said,
he stood to her left. He extended his hand for her.

, I couldn’t sir.” She looked at him now and with a shaky hand in his firm one- stood.

He had a genuine smile. “Humility and beauty.”  He handed her off to Tim.

Tim’s arm wrapped protectively around her naked body. “I love you.” He whispered into her ear and she leaned into him, as he directed her back upstairs. He laid her down and stripped his own clothing off. He’d patiently waited the whole time for her body to quench his need. “Keira I want you on top.”

She nod
ded and smiled as she rolled over him, her hair spiraled around her. She gently, slowly lowered her slit over his erection. His hands rested on her ample hips and rolled across her cream body to her breasts as she slid up and down. He was so revved up from the sight of her on display that it didn’t take him long to climax.

“Yes, Keira.” He groaned, as he
pulled her tighter to himself and his come pulsed inside her pussy. “I love you. You’re so beautiful.”

he reveled in the moment; however she was unable to orgasm.


Keira cleaned herself up and put on jeans and a thin sweater. They all piled back into the sedan to go out for lunch and dress shopping. The local shopping center was an outside venue. And despite it being spring the weather was rainy and chilly. Keira clung to her leather bomber as the wind picked up her lavender pashmina.

They entered a small café and settled into small bistro type chairs that grated across the rusted orange tiled floor as the men pulled them out. They ordered and Keira enjoyed the display of affection between Carrie and Jarred throughout the meal. It reminded her of when she and Tim first dated. Like they couldn’t compliment or look at each other enough. Keira crossed her leg and ran her foot on the underside of Tim’s calf; tickled the back of his knee.

He gave her a naughty look.

She giggled and returned her gaze to Carrie and noticed Jarred’s eyes were intense
, as they watched her. She shifted in her seat, unsure if she’d done something wrong. She went to freshen up in the bathroom and half expected Tim to follow her with the eyes he had given her.


“Keira.” Jarred’s voice shot through her like ice, as she reached the door to the bathroom.

She looked over at him
nervously. “Yes.”


“Yes sir.”

“You are my sub this week. You will be obedient.”

Gulp. All week?
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry I was unaware that I- should I tell Tim?”

“I will talk to him.”

“What do I do? Sir?” She looked at him unsure of this role and what she was supposed to do in it.

“You will see, you will be punished.”

She bowed her head.

This wont be one of those times, but in the future.”

She lifted her gaze to meet his.

“I’ll be clearer.”

She nodded. “Thank you sir.” She couldn’t help but smile
in relief.


They ate lunch and it was considerably quieter. Carrie pulled Keira outside when they were done. She itched to peer through the windows of beautiful dresses and shoes.

“Look at this one. It would look great on you. Blue to match your eyes.” Carrie insisted.

“I have so much blue. Besides it’s too much.” Keira nearly fainted at the price.

, you’ll try it on. Carrie has great taste.” Jarred stood behind them.

dragged her into the boutique, pulled it off the rack; shoved her into the changing room before she could say no.

The dress was a satin blueberry slinky number that was
completely ruched. It reached to her mid thigh. It had a one inch band strap that formed a V in the back. The strap started to the left of one breast and went over the back attached at the center where the V formed and then met again at the front at the other breast.

Keira came out and was aroused at the looks that she received from all three of them.
Tim’s mouth hung open; he looked like he wanted to tear it from her body. Carrie’s lips spread wide with glittered eyes to match. Even Jarred looked like a predator with steely eyes. She went to the three-way mirror to see it shimmer under the lights of the boutique.

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