Fantasy Encounter with a Dom (15 page)

BOOK: Fantasy Encounter with a Dom
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“You alright?” Jarred asked her and touched her hand
, as she moved the meal around on her plate.

“Yeah.” She looked up. “Just can’t believe we’re leaving tomorrow

Jarred squeezed her hand.
The check came over and he snatched it.

Keira giggled
, as she reached for it, and Jarred warned her with his eyes. She turned her head down. She needed no reminder, her ass still hurt.

Chapter 14


Before they left the house in the morning, Keira went downstairs to speak with Jarred and Carrie. “We never talked about payment.” The words sounded cheap and foreign, as they came out of her mouth. “I feel like nothing would be enough I-”

Carrie stopped her. “Keira we
’ve talked about it and we don’t want anything.”

Keira tried to protest.

“Tell you what. If you write a book about it and make tons of money we expect
royalties.” Jarred teased. It looked cute on him.

“Carrie could write one too, we’ll write them from two perspectives and sell them separate and as a box set.” Keira smirked. “Really I don’t know what to say.” She said seriously.
Than she began to cry and was unable to rein the tears in. “I’m sorry.” She whispered into Carrie’s shoulder.

Carrie had come over
to hug her, comfort her. “We’ll be in touch still. It’s not the end.”

Tim came down with the suitcases and they all piled into the sedan and the ride
was quiet, too quiet. Keira looked outside on the gloomy grey day. She wondered if the weather was a reflection of her heart or if it was the other way around.
Why do I feel so sad? I hardly know them.  I hardly spent any time with them, but I feel such a connection.
She twisted her fingers together, as she tried to think of anything but the flight. She didn’t want to cry again. She’d feel like a fool.

Tim took her hand an
d squeezed it.

She turned and smiled back at his radiant smile. A shiny bright spot within the dismalness of the day.

“Hey, I’m excited to get you home. I’m sure the kids miss us.” He winked.

“Yeah.” A huge grin overtook her face, as her heart ached at the thought of them. “I miss them so much too.” And a tear burned at the corner of her eye. They had only been able to talk here and there a couple times. They seemed busy, and happy, but ending a call was always hard. Lily would always ask when they were coming home. Last night she was able to give her the news that it would be today. Keira wiped the frozen tear from the corner of her eye.

They pulled up to the terminal and they were dropped off at the door. They said their goodbyes and this time Carrie’s eyes spilled tears, which in turn sent Keira back around to sobbing this time.

“We’ll be in touch.” Carrie whimpered.

Keira nodded.

The men smiled and shook their heads.

“Jarred,” Keira took a chance to not call him sir. She stood before him; puffy- eyed. “Really thank you for…for taking a chance on me. For everything. I-” Her lip trembled unable to continue.

He rescued her and pulled her in for a hug, one of his arms around her waist and one around her neck. “You’re welcome. You
were a very good trainee, angel.”

Her arms went around him and she allowed her nervousness and remaining ten
sion to release into him.

“Thank you for saying so.”
She whispered into his ear.

They released the embrace and Tim said his goodbye
s and they left for their gate. Keira carried a bag and grinned, as she thought about her kids. It was a long walk to their gate and they hurried along. While she and Tim waited at the gate they found for once their silence wasn’t awkward and that they didn’t need to fill it with unnecessary words. He wrapped his arm around her and she nuzzled into him as they sat there, waiting.

The flight was much the same, they both enjoyed a drink and
Keira giggled as Tim tried to be frisky on the plane. His hand was almost in the crotch of her jeans.

“Stop.” She spoke in a whispered hush. Her face
was pink from the drink and she giggled.

“It’s a long flight.” He insisted
as his hands still roamed.

“Stop.” She shooed him away. She stood to go to the bathroom and he grabbed her butt and she let out a yelp. Which drew everyone’s attention and she turned crimson.

He apologized when she returned still mortified and they behaved for the remainder of the flight,


Chapter 15


When they settled in at home and the kids were back into the swing of school and Tim into work, they found their place together. They made their own contract upon finding some online. It was a lesser D/s relationship, stipulated specifically for the bedroom. He had told her that he loved her playful and aggressive come-ons, so that would be allowed to remain.

One night after the kids were in bed and she finished up her nightly bed routine with the kids, he
pulled her hand to the bedroom and handed her a box.

She opened the black box and gasped when she found a
silver one inch collar. “Tim?” It had a small rhinestone heart that dangled off the front beside the o-ring.

“And these.” Tim gestured to the bed. Tim told her that
Jarred had helped him find a site to purchase the leather straps and implements that Keira enjoyed.




He finally finished the work on the house, all the little projects he had been neglecting. And they made their own little love dungeon in the basement. He also surprised her with something she had been wanting for a long time. A sex swing.

Keira found herself falling in love with her husband all over again.


As for Carrie and Jarred, they still speak and have kept in touch. But Keira has realized that time she was blindfolded, was like the first time with Tim all over again. And she’d be forever indebted to her longtime friends for that.



This book would not be nearly as accurate or clean as it is without the help of both Carrie Anne Ward and Paige Matthews. Both have read, reviewed, expressed opinions, and yes—I will be forever grateful for that. Thank you so much for not only your help, but support, kind words and just encouragement to write and complete this book.


To read either of these wonderful authors’ works please check out their blog sites and follow them on Twitter.


Her ‘Taylor Made Student’ is referenced in this book is on her blog as well other tantalizing erotic reads.
She is published with her first book ‘Devour Me’ on Amazon:
Links to Suzy Ayers books



Cristal Blue – Sweat Valentine Treats #1


Sweet Treats – Sweet Valentine Treats #2


Taken by a Truck Driver



Turbulent Heart


Coming soon

Peach’s Diary (erotic short story to follow Sweet Treats)

A Fantasy Book~Elements – The Before World Series ~ Sara’s Awakening (Book 1)


Author links:

My website
(which has free reads and excerpts)

Amazon Author page






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