Fantasy Encounter with a Dom (12 page)

BOOK: Fantasy Encounter with a Dom
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His hands slid up the insides of her thighs and then on
e hand rested as the apex. His thumb ran along the inside of her leg and pussy and it taunted her.

She tried to buck and move.
Please, oh god, please.
Her head rocked back and forth, as the binds kept her from moving freely. She whined and tears stained the mask.

He relented and slid a finger inside, which caused her to sigh out in relief, then two fing
ers, and than came the moans. His thumb bumped her clit with each slow movement in and out.

She licked her lips and whimpered
, “Please, sir.”

He picked up the pace and added another hand on
top which increased the pressure and pleasure.

She alternated between breathless
inaudible words and shrieks, as her body inched closer, as her flesh warmed, as her cheeks turned pink. As her orgasm took hold, her breath became frozen inside her for a moment.

“Come for me Keira.” Jarred’s voice pierced her thoughts. She had forgotten where she was, who it was, but her body didn’t care.

Her body clenched and every muscle within her did. “Oh god!” Her chin pressed to her chest for a moment before she let it fall back again. “Oh my god, thank you.” She kept repeating that phrase until she let the sleepiness of the endorphins take over.

The mask was removed and Jarred sat there and smiled at her. “Feeling better?”

“Yes.” She said weakly and flushed. She saw Tim in the corner; however he seemed to be smiling as well.




Tim was smiling, though his thoughts were splintered with bits of jealously that he was unable to be the one to bring her to that fantastic orgasm she so desperately needed. He enjoyed watching her, listening to her, smelling her. Her face contorting into beautiful ecstasy, even under that black satiny mask he could see that. Tim did as Jarred had said, he watched what he did. Jarred seemed to adjust his hands to suit what Keira needed in the moment. And he was right, the mask heightened her arousal level, not that she needed it.
I wonder if it helped her relax.
His thoughts wandered, as he hoped that her thoughts were that it was him.

The entire scene was arousing and Jarred did specifically speak with him before and asked him permission of sorts. Tim felt
more at ease with him now. Jarred was becoming his mentor and even Carrie was sweet answering any questions he had.



Somewhere along the way, Tim had cancelled their hotel room and they had become permanent fixtures at Jarred’s house. Keira made breakfast most days, she enjoyed that she could please and repay Jarred for his hospitality at least.


After breakfast that morning Carrie took her turn to teach Tim some basics in the basement. Asking Tim what he’d like to try out, practicing on the correct way to hold the different implements, how to use them, and where to administer them properly. Safety lessons as it were. Keira and Jarred joined them shortly after. Jarred stayed back and allowed Carrie to continue her lesson. She being a switch means she is also a Domme, although normally her submissives are women. However, her lesson did not go into more then just verbal discussion and positioning.


Keira watched Jarred from the corner of her eye; there was a sparkle, something there, an admiration maybe. Although Jarred’s arms were crossed, he seemed fully at ease to let Carrie be in control, almost relishing it. Keira saw Jarred turn to her and quickly she shifted her vision away.
I should be paying attention.


That afternoon when they entered the dungeon Keira found herself strapped up like an offering on an X, at the pole.
The St Andrews cross.
Her nerves rattled when Jarred left her because his eyes weren’t on her, reassuring her. When he returned she felt a sense of calm.

But then his demeanor changed, harder
, and her heart nearly stopped at the swaying leather tails in front of her open vulnerability. A flogger, she’d talked about it with him on the phone.
Please take it easy on me.
She was uncertain how her body would react.

His hand first touched he
r pussy; she was becoming more familiar to that, more at ease. He backed away, his sleeves were rolled up like this job would take a toll on him; not her. The first one bit hard at her sex and she screamed out.

“Breathe.” Words whispered in her ear.
Carrie’s words.

She hadn’t realized she wasn’t.
Am I?
Her eyes closed and she felt her body drifting away from her. She leaned her head back into the X.
Focus Keira.
She opened her eyes, determined she stared at him. Ready for the next blow, another scream, but then she wanted it again. Her eyes narrowed, as her lust began to take over. She could feel her sex dripping now.

“Little one
, what do you think?” He asked, as his hand rubbed her and the tingling sensation made her legs quake.

She moaned in need of him, for more, for
pleasure now. “Please, sir.” Keira pleaded.

you got your treat yesterday.”

She bowed her head, s
addened by this news. “Yes, sir. What can I do to please you? Sir.”

“I’m going to spank you.”

Keira’s mouth curled up, she couldn’t help it. She tried to fight it. “Yes, sir.”

He saw her and she hope
d he wouldn’t take it out on her ass. He released the cuffs from her ankles and then her hands. They had pinched her skin and she rubbed that pain away. She still had the nipple clamps on and he took them in his index finger and lightly tugged, her knees bowed, as she cried out.

“Please, sir.” The light pull sent her head swirling, as the pain seared through her chest
and sent a shot of pleasure straight to her pussy. His other hand gripped her hip, as she leaned on him to steady herself.

“You alright?”

“Yes. Weak in the knees, sir.” As he released the chain, she fixed her posture and pulled back. She hadn’t expected that question from him.

“No spanking bench for you then.”
His look was determined.

Her eyes fell and she tried to hide her disappointment. She stood th
ere and watched him walk over; sit on the massage table. “Come here. Tim, you too. Come watch.”

She walked over unsure what he intended. The cold concrete
on her bare feet pulled her back from the plateau she had been on. She stood before him and he patted his leg. She bit her lip.

“Keira, over my knee.” He commanded.

She awkwardly tried to figure it out. He let out a sigh and grabbed her right hip; shoved her into position. Shifted her body slightly, aligned her to his. Drips of her arousal dropped onto his perfectly crisp pants, she could feel the tickle, as they left her lips. He hadn’t even started. She grinned ear to ear, as his hand grasped her flesh.

grabbed it harder now. Then a crack hit her ears before her body registered the pain. Her body jolted, as the leather strap of the belt blazed a hot track of pain straight across her butt.
When did he take that off?

The excitement built again with each
additional hit, he broke in between for a tease, to feel her soaking pussy. And then one last
Thwat! –
which landed just below her butt, on both her thighs.

“Ahh.” She clenched
her arms around his leg with the hurt that throbbed and pulsed through her pain receptors. She pressed her cheek against his leg, forced her tears to stay away, but her face reddened as the arousal took hold of her. His hand rubbed the welts and it made her squirm. The pain was relieved and somehow lessened, almost like he was kissing them away.

ay. You can get up. Come here.” He said, as he helped her. “Do you know what that punishment was for?”

“For omitting the truth sir; for not telling you I had sex with Tim.”
She was on his lap, but her bottom still hurt with a vengeful sting. She spoke hiding in her curtain of hair. She repeated what he had told her before he started.

He pulled her from her
quiet place after a moment, tugged her chin to make her face him. “Yes.” His firm hand molded to her cheek, so soft, gentle and caressed her. He put his arm around her and her face rested on his shoulder.

He smelled nice, different then Tim. Spruce, piney but not
a car freshener scent. It was subtle and almost sweet. She allowed her eyes to close as she calmed her breath, until his hand came so close to her skin. It hovered over her pert nipple, the heat radiated from it. She sucked in a breath and her head moved instinctively, as she moaned. Her forehead pressed into the crook of his neck and her body turned into him, which in turn forced his hand to touch her. She gasped. They were still tethered by the chain, by the nipple clamps. Tender. Her whole body was wrapped in a second skin that tingled like pins in needles, it wanted, needed, and called for attention.

He slid her body back on the
massage table and laid her down. His eyes were intense still as he attached each leather strap to her wrists. Then a blindfold was put over her eyes.

She bit her lip nervously as the black satin closed her eyes into darkness
; unable to see Tim, Carrie, or even Jarred. Her body shivered, as hands traced her every curve. He started at her cheek, down her neck, her clavicle, to the center of her cleavage and around each breast. She whimpered, as he taunted her flesh. Next he moved to her soft belly and caressed her skin, across her belly button. Over to her hip, as he traced her pelvis and then moved back inward to her mons. The pressure was just enough to make all the goose bumps crawl out of their hiding places.
Oh god, is Tim going to watch? Is Carrie?
Two fingers then slid down the wet crease and parted her open; her mouth opened in synchronization. A slight breath spilled through her mouth. Knuckles gently rubbed on either side of her hidden clitoris and coaxed it out. She moaned and rolled her head.

A drop of wetness sat precariously on the tip of her hardened nub. Reflexively
pointing out to him now and a firm pressure from his digit on her clit made her jump and then groan in agonizing need. A need for release. Two fingers slid inside her sopping wetness.


“Mmmm.” Keira’s legs moved up to hold him in place, to force him further, deeper. Sighs and exhalations of moans escaped her pleasured, half-covered expression.

The room was so
quiet; the only sounds were that of her own breath in a rapid pace of anticipatory need and his slow and steady one.  Then she heard the sound of his pants, his zipper, the sound of the material, as it slipped from his legs to the floor and then his underwear. Then the unmistakable sound of a condom wrapper. She wondered what he looked like in that moment, imagined it. She licked her lips and wriggled her wrists bound out to her sides. The scent of leather, a musky basement, her own arousal, she smelled it all on a hyper-alert level, blindfolded. His hands ran from her knees down her thighs; as his body pressed her legs apart. She felt the warmth of his hard dick pressed to the vertex, it taunted her, she ground her teeth as her pussy clenched. All the muscles tensed at the mere closeness. The tip pierced the opening and she felt the mushroom head expand inside; flare as he pulled it back.
Jesus. Stop teasing me.
She felt a tug on her already swollen and tender nipples from his hand on the chain, she fought to cry out. But her mouth opened and her face contorted into a grimace. The fire of the pain was quickly replaced with pleasure, as he slowly dipped inside her slippery folds. A long moan escaped through her, in a nasally tone. She was reminded of her bound wrists, as she tried to wrap her hands around him. It hurt her heart that she couldn’t feel the closeness she craved, she needed, she wanted. She dared not say anything. Grateful for the blindfold, for her eyes would have betrayed her.

His full weight was on her, and his length teased at her cervix; tantalized it. His hands brought her legs up and she gasped
, as she felt every thrust, deeper, longer, stronger, then the last. He was breathing heavy, excited,
excited by me?
Slowly she felt her cervix melt under the punishment he was inflicting on it.

“Please, I’m so close.” She said in a decibel that barely registered a whisper.

He grunted and gripped the flesh on her thighs harder; she imagined the mark it would leave.

“Ahh!” She cried out
, as her body took over and she felt an orgasm quake from inside her womb and radiate down in a gush of warm fluid.

“Oh, fuck!” He thrust four or five more ti
mes; forced his hot seed and it splashed into the condom, trapped inside.

“Tim?” Keira
whispered and smiled. She recognized his voice the instant he said those two little words.

Tim removed the blindfold and
Keira’s entire face lit up. Tim was sweating and leaned over to unbind her wrists. “Hi honey.”

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