Falling For Disaster (17 page)

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Authors: K. Sterling

BOOK: Falling For Disaster
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“Finn, please!” Jamie whimpered as his feet curled around Finn’s calves. Finn tried to drink the ragged plea from Jamie’s lips as his fingers slipped out and Jamie moaned into his mouth. Finn quickly coated his pulsing length with lube and positioned himself at Jamie’s entrance.

“I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you, Jamie,” Finn whispered as his head fell into the corner of Jamie’s neck. He pushed forward and held his breath as the head of his cock slipped past the tight ring of Jamie’s ass and he paused as Jamie squeezed tight around him. “You’re everything,” Finn breathed against Jamie’s skin as his hand slid easily into his hair. He immediately missed the long strands as his fingers curved around Jamie’s scalp. Jamie relaxed and Finn groaned as he was pulled forward. Jamie felt so hot, smooth and tight as Finn slowly slid deeper. Jamie arched under Finn and his heels dug into Finn’s ass.

“Oh, God… So good,” Jamie moaned as his fingers dug into Finn’s back. “More!” He begged as he clenched and Finn hissed as his hands wrapped around Jamie’s ass. He flexed and thrust deep and Jamie gasped as his head fell back. “Don’t stop,” he panted and Finn growled as he drove hard, pushing them toward the headboard. Jamie screamed his name as Finn bit his shoulder. Finn’s head snapped up and he froze.

“Sorry!” He whispered loudly before dropping a kiss onto Jamie’s skin and prayed he didn’t leave a mark. Jamie’s fingers twisted in Finn’s hair and his face was pushed into the corner of Jamie’s neck.

“Don’t be sorry. I’m yours, do whatever you want,” Jamie urged as he wrapped his legs around Finn’s waist. “Scratch your name into my skin, I don’t care,” he insisted and Finn would have laughed at the burst of bright joy that filled his chest if he wasn’t sunk to the hilt in Jamie’s tight heat and just about out of his mind. Finn rolled his hips harder and faster and groaned in delight as he bit and sucked hard. “Fuck, yes!” Jamie rasped as he wrapped his hand around his shaft and stroked.

Finn was lost. He bit, clawed, sucked and thrust relentlessly as Jamie undulated beneath him, sobbing and begging Finn for more. Finn’s skin felt like it was on fire as beads of sweat rolled down his back and chest as he drove into Jamie. His nerves flared as the pressure steadily built in his balls and pushed into the base of his cock. He felt Jamie buck and twist before his shoulders came off the bed and he froze. The muscles gripping Finn’s length clenched and Finn thrust deep as his balls pulled tight and pressure rushed up his shaft. He gasped for breath and his lungs locked as his nerves contracted. Everything became light and heat rushed through his body as Finn’s nerves exploded and he screamed Jamie’s name as come burst from his cock, deep in Jamie’s ass. Jamie arched and hissed as Finn’s come flooded his passage and they convulsed and shuddered as they clung desperately to each other.

It was several moments before Finn could control his body enough to raise his head and find Jamie’s lips. They kissed slowly, tenderly as their breathing settled into a normal rhythm and their bodies cooled. Finn hummed softly as Jamie’s fingers trailed up his back.

“We’re a mess,” Jamie sighed. “Want to go swimming?” He asked and Finn raised his head and frowned at Jamie.

“Someone could see us,” he said and Jamie’s lips pulled into a sly grin.

“You’re the biggest, ugliest girl I’ve ever met,” Jamie said and Finn snorted and tried to ignore the pricking of his pride as he rolled onto his side.

“This is different,” he argued and Jamie rolled onto his side and propped his head up with his hand.

“You’re right,” he agreed. “The pool is only a few feet away and there aren’t a million chiggers waiting to attack us,” he added and Finn glared at him.

“We aren’t miles from the nearest house and surrounded by trees,” he said and Jamie rolled his eyes.

“It’s fine.” He patted Finn’s chest patronizingly. “It’s ok if you’re scared,” Jamie said soothingly and Finn knew he had no choice. He groaned as he rolled and sat up. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and marched to the curtains and flung them aside. He paused as his eyes scanned the dark beach beyond the patio. It was a clear night and he could see nothing but empty expanses of sand and an endless ocean. “Are we just going to stand here until the sun comes up?” Finn jumped as the words tickled the back of his neck and he cursed under his breath as he pulled the door open.

He felt Jamie’s hand push against his lower back and Finn cursed louder as he stepped out onto the deck. His head swung in both directions, making sure it was still clear before he tiptoed quickly to the edge of the pool and jumped in. It was like bathwater and Finn moaned happily when he surfaced.

“See. That wasn’t so bad,” Jamie said loudly as he walked casually across the deck. Finn’s brows pulled together as Jamie pulled the kitchen door open and disappeared inside. A second later, bright light filled the pool and Finn gasped and swam for the side. “No, you don’t,” Jamie warned as he walked out of the house. He had two large white robes in one arm and two towels draped over the other. He dropped them on one of the lounges before he strolled to the edge of the pool. “Anyone that gets close enough to see us would be trespassing,” he said as he sat. His legs dangled in the water as he swiped at his phone.

A moment later Ray Charles filled the air and Jamie set his phone on the bench before he turned and slid into the water. He reached for Finn and began to sing softly. Goosebumps covered Finn’s skin despite the warm water and Jamie’s body wrapped around his. Jamie’s voice was smooth, rich and deep and it slid through Finn, intoxicating and soothing as Jamie’s hands kneaded the muscles of Finn’s shoulders and back.

“Holy shit,” Finn slurred as his neck went limp and his head fell onto Jamie’s shoulder. “You’re incredible,” he murmured as his eyes became heavy and he stopped caring about everything that wasn’t Jamie, his hands or his drugging voice.

“You know we’re going to have sex in this pool, right?” he asked softly and Finn shook his head lazily.

“Probably not,” he mumbled drowsily and Jamie laughed softly.

“We will,” he insisted. “You can’t say no to me,” Jamie said and Finn snorted.

“I might,” he warned and Jamie’s lips rubbed against his ear.

“You won’t,” he breathed and Finn shivered. Jamie nibbled at Finn’s earlobe. “And you won’t when I ask you to marry me,” Jamie whispered and Finn’s lips curved against Jamie’s skin.

“If you’re so confident, you should ask me now,” Finn said. Jamie’s head pulled back and his eyes were wide as they met Finn’s.

“I don’t want to move too fast for you,” Jamie said as his hands slid around Finn’s jaw. Finn shrugged.

“We already know I’m going to say yes,” Finn said as he pulled Jamie’s face to his.

“Oh, my God!” Jamie gasped. “Are we…” He laughed against Finn’s lips then shook his head in disbelief. “Are you sure?” Jamie asked and Finn traced Jamie’s lips with his tongue before he replied.

“I was sure when I thought you were a criminal and we’d spend most of our lives as pen pals,” Finn said. “I’d be out of my mind if I said no now,” he murmured as he nibbled on Jamie’s lower lip. Jamie’s arms closed tight around him and Finn laughed as Jamie spun them.

“I can’t believe this is happening!” He exclaimed and Finn held on tight and promised himself he’d never let go.

“Neither can I. But I’ve decided to just go with it,” he said and he could feel Jamie’s heart pounding against his chest.

“I promise you won’t regret it, Finn. I love you so much,” Jamie whispered and Finn nodded.

“I know. I love you too, Jamie. More than I ever believed was possible.”



Three Years Later…


“I’m probably going to get a head cold,” Finn grumbled to himself as he shut off the car and eyed the walkway to the front door. The skies had opened up and it was raining so hard, he could barely see the door. It had been cold and rainy all day and despite Jamie warning him and suggesting he wear something more sensible, Finn had stubbornly stuck to his Converse. They were soaked and he already felt chilled and fuzzy-headed. But Finn could see glowing shapes through the car’s windows and he knew they were the windows of his and Jamie’s home. Jamie was in the house and he would have cooked something warm and comforting for Finn. It was Friday and they could spend the whole weekend in front of the fire. Finn sighed in longing as he tried to see the house through sheets of water.

Finn nodded firmly. Just a quick sprint through a hurricane and he was home. Jamie was waiting and would help him warm up. Despite his cold, wet feet and soggy clothes, Finn’s body tightened and heat bloomed in his groin. He said a quick prayer and forced the door open against the wind and driving rain that tried to keep him trapped inside the car. Finn hit the Lock button on the key fob then quickly shoved it in his pocket and pulled his jacket over his head as he tucked his messenger bag under his arm and dashed up the paved steps. As soon as he made it to the porch, Finn uncovered his head and shook his hands, trying to warm them and make them functional enough to pull the door open.


Finn’s brow’s pulled together and he spun and his head ducked as he searched for the source of the tiny, pathetic sound.


He set down his bag and went to the steps and squinted into the rain, searching the lawn and bushes.


It was becoming more insistent and Finn couldn’t help but feel a little anxious as the tiny voice eluded him. He continued to scan then his eyes narrowed and his lips pulled tight when he spotted the pitiful source of the tortured cry.

Huddled under the birdbath, ducked behind Finn’s ironic angry gnome was a wretched looking kitten. Finn shook his head as he stepped back and was reaching for his bag when it made the most miserable sound Finn had ever heard. His shoulders sagged as he turned and looked back. It stared at Finn with giant grey eyes as it shivered then flinched when the sky became bright. A second later there was a tremendous crack of thunder and the kitten pulled itself into a tiny ball and Finn dropped his bag and threw his hands up in defeat.

“Motherfucker.” Finn said loudly as he pulled his jacket back over his head and rushed down the porch steps. “If I catch pneumonia because of a fucking cat, I’ll…” He gasped as his foot slipped and Finn found himself face down on the lawn. He looked up and the cat blinked at him, possibly in sympathy. Finn got his knees under him and crawled the last few feet. He pointed at the cat and gave it a stern glare. “I swear, if you bite or scratch me, you can drown for all I care,” he warned and the cat remained very still. Well, aside from shaking like a leaf. It was still as Finn’s hands reached for it then stretched and leaned toward Finn at the last moment and he jumped. Then, it jumped and ducked. “Sorry. Trust issues,” Finn mumbled as he reached again.

This time, he quickly scooped the kitten into his hands and tucked it under his coat against his chest. It immediately burrowed into his sweater and Finn said a silent thanks for not getting clawed to death.
he thought as he got to his feet. Finn carefully ran back to the porch, cradling the soggy bundle as he grabbed his bag. He pushed the door open and tossed his bag on the floor. Finn shook his shoulder, trying to free his arm from his coat and the kitten squeaked and Finn felt its tiny claws hook into his sweater.

“Jamie! Help!” Finn yelled as he turned and searched for a pair of gloves or a mask to protect his face.

“What?” Jamie’s voice was full of concern as he rushed into the foyer. His eyes were wide as he searched Finn for an injury or explanation.

“Get it off!” He gasped as he pulled his coat open and pointed at the tiny torture monster. Jamie laughed as he stepped closer.

“It seems you’ve got some cat on you, “ he murmured as he reached into Finn’s coat. Finn rolled his eyes and pulled his head back in case it went insane and attacked. “And you’re soaked and covered in grass stains,” Jamie stated unnecessarily. Finn nodded and shook his hands again, they were starting to sting as they warmed up.

“The rescue didn’t go as smoothly as I planned,” Finn mumbled then gasped as the kitten refused to let go and climbed closer to his face. “For fuck’s sake, Jamie! Get it before it bites me!” He begged and Jamie shook his head and laughed softly as he attempted to gently pluck the kitten’s claws from Finn’s sweater. It was ruined, no doubt. Which was a shame. The soft grey cable knit cashmere was one of his favorites. And the kitten’s, apparently. It got its head trapped beneath the shoulder of Finn’s coat as it tried to escape Jamie’s efforts to remove it.

“Let’s get the coat off,” Jamie said softly and Finn nodded and tried to remain calm despite his certainty that as soon as his coat came off and it was exposed, the kitten would unleash its tiny rage. Finn took a deep breath.

“Ok. Count of three, alright?” He asked and Jamie game him an impatient look.

“Seriously, Finn. It’s a cat, not a bomb,” he said and Finn didn’t appreciate his exasperation.

“You don’t know what this is capable of,” he muttered as he turned so Jamie could peel his coat off the vacant shoulder. Jamie snorted as he went to the other side and Finn held his breath as Jamie’s fingers peeled the collar away. The coat slid off and Finn stretched his face away and squeezed his eyes shut.

“Oh, my God, knock it off,” Jamie sighed and Finn opened his eyes to find him shaking his head slowly. “Look at it! It’s so tiny and it’s shaking!” He whispered and Finn twisted his head trying to look at his shoulder.


It scrambled onto Finn’s shoulder and huddled into the corner of his neck. He gave Jamie a panicked look then flinched as ice-cold fur rubbed against his neck and his shoulder began to vibrate as a soft rumbling sound filled his ear.

“Jamie!” Finn whispered urgently but he didn’t seem to hear. Jamie’s head tilted and his eyes misted over and became wide.

“Aaww, Finn! It loves you!” Jamie announced and Finn shook his head.

“No. No, it does not.” Finn said sternly and Jamie nodded as he pushed Finn toward the living room.

“You’re both soaked through and freezing. Go stand by the fireplace while I get you some dry clothes and towels,” Jamie ordered and Finn was too happy to comply.

“Perfect. Get a bag or something to put this in,” he said as he gestured at his shoulder. Jamie swatted his arm and Finn’s lip pushed out.

“Stop. It’s tiny and helpless. I’ll put a towel in a basket and it can sleep in it,” Jamie said as he strode from the room. Finn glared at Jamie’s back before he turned his attention back to the parasite that had attached itself to his sweater.

“Hear that? You get a basket and a towel!” He whispered with forced enthusiasm and he carefully poked it. The rumbling got louder and Finn knew enough about cats to know that that was a happy sound. He gave it a quick pat and it nuzzled against his neck and purred more.
Good. Make it very happy and maybe it will get off,
Finn thought. He carefully lowered himself until he was sitting by the hearth and angled his shoulder toward the fireplace. He carefully placed his hand on the kitten’s body and it practically melted against him. The purr was so loud Finn was afraid it was going to kill itself. “Settle down,” he murmured as he toed off his shoes.

“Here you go,” Jamie said cheerfully as he came in carrying a pile of clothes and a stack of towels.

Finn’s body became warmer when he spied Jamie’s favorite pair of sweatpants. Clearly, Finn’s perilous kitten rescue was a turn-on. He watched as Jamie emptied the magazine basket and tucked a folded towel into it and set it by the fire. This time, the kitten only protested a little and Jamie was able to lift it off. As soon as it was curled in a tight bun and purring in the basket, Finn took the change of clothes into the bathroom. When he emerged, wearing sweatpants, a long-sleeve t-shirt, a hoodie and thick wool socks, Jamie had the basket in his lap and was spoon feeding the kitten. Finn refused to smile and sighed heavily as he dropped onto the floor next to Jamie.

“I wasn’t sure what to feed it, so I heated up a little of the chicken stock I made yesterday,” Jamie said softly and Finn shrugged.

“It seems to enjoy it,” Finn said as he watched its tiny pink tongue greedily lapping up the stock. Jamie tuned to Finn and his eyes were large and he made his lip quiver as his head tilted.

“Can we keep it, pleeeease?” Jamie begged and Finn groaned.

“Jamie, I hate cats!” He argued. Though he wasn’t so sure he hated
cat as he watched its hair become fluffy and shiny as it dried.

“But it’s adorable and it loves you,” Jamie said and Finn knew it was useless. He looked at Jamie out of the corner of his eye.

“Fine. But only if you take it to the vet and make sure it doesn’t have rabies or multiple personalities,” he stipulated then offered his cheek. Jamie kissed it obediently and sighed happily.

“Look at us! Our little family is growing!” He said and Finn rolled his eyes.

“We can have the cat but we will not be cat parents,” Finn stated and Jamie nodded in agreement and turned his attention back to delivering spoonfuls of stock.

“Actually, I was planning to talk to you about that,” Jamie said as he raised the corner of the towel and dabbed at the kittens face. “Do you think we might be ready to consider adopting?” He asked and Finn’s heartbeat became heavy and slow and he felt dizzy. Finn had noticed Jamie staring at babies and toddlers and he was hoarding birth announcements and baby pictures from friends and family. Finn had been expecting this.

“Like, from the pound?” Finn asked. Just because he was expecting it, didn’t mean he had to make it easier on Jamie. Jamie elbowed him and Finn made an exaggerated gasp and rubbed his arm.

“No, Finn. Like a human child,” he said and Finn chewed his lip thoughtfully. Jamie set the spoon down and turned to Finn and grabbed Finn’s hands. “I’ve got so much more time on my hands now. I’m telecommuting, so I’m always home. It gets lonely here while you’re gone. And I’m going to be way too old to have kids soon,” Jamie explained quickly. “If that’s something we decide to do. I know I told you we’d do whatever you wanted,” he added and his eyes were deep and fragile as they poured into Finn’s. He shook his head slowly.

“I don’t think I want to adopt, Jamie,” he said softly and he saw a quick flash of disappointment. Finn squeezed Jamie’s hands as he leaned closer. “I was thinking we could try surrogacy, with our own sperm,” Finn said and Jamie’s eyes flooded.

“You want a baby-baby,” he breathed and Finn nodded.

“I want us to experience everything. I want to have ultrasounds and a shower. I want to see it born and know that it’s a piece of us,” Finn said and tears streamed down Jamie’s face.

“I love you so much!” Jamie sobbed as his arms wrapped around Finn’s neck. Finn had to wait for his throat to unclog and his voice to work before he could speak. He held onto Jamie as he breathed him in.

“I love you too,” he whispered hoarsely. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Finn said. He tried to swallow and his throat burned and a chill had him pulling Jamie closer. “Unless you want to be a single cat dad, I need to take something and get under a blanket. I think I’m getting sick,” Finn announced then groaned as he stretched and his body ached in response. Jamie frowned as he pressed his hands to Finn’s cheeks and forehead.

“You’re really warm,” he said as his eyes flicked over Finn’s face before he sighed. “I was hoping it was because of me. I was looking forward to rewarding you for rescuing our cat,” Jamie said and Finn raised his shoulders in a weak shrug.

“I said I was sick, not dead. We can still do that,” he said and Jamie shook his head before he got to his feet.

“No way. You’re not getting me sick too. We have responsibilities now,” he said as he pulled Finn to his feet and led him to the sofa. “Lay down and I’ll get you some tea and soup,” Jamie ordered and Finn sighed as he dropped onto the seat cushion.

“We’ve had a cat for ten minutes and our sex life is already over,” he complained as he turned and fell back on the pillows. Jamie snorted.

“Shut up. We had sex this morning and we’ll have sex again as soon as you stop having fevers,” Jamie said as he unfolded a blanket and covered Finn. He leaned down and kissed his forehead. “I’ll be right back with your tea and soup,” he said softly and Finn grabbed his hand.

“Thank you,” he said then kissed the back of Jamie’s hand. Jamie’s lips tilted into a soft grin.

“It’s just soup and tea, Finn,” he said and Finn shook his head.

“No, it’s not,” he argued. “You’ve given me everything, Jamie. You gave me an entire life and I’m happier than I ever imagined I could be.” His voice cracked and Finn knew it wasn’t because of the fever or the way his throat was feeling more raw by the minute. It was Jamie. Somehow, the man that Finn thought was going to be his worst nightmare had become every dream Finn had ever had, come to life. He was Finn’s best friend, lover and the perfect husband. And one day soon, he was going to be an amazing father. Jamie dropped to his knees next to the sofa and began raining kisses all over Finn’s face.

“Why do you have to say something so perfect when I just said that we needed to avoid sex? I shouldn’t even be kissing you like this,” Jamie complained and Finn sighed wearily.

“It’s a burden, being this perfect. It’s no wonder you’ve never been able to resist me,” he said and Jamie laughed into Finn’s hair.

“I can’t. I have no self control and I can never say no,” he admitted and Finn smiled as he slid his hand around Jamie’s back and kissed his neck.

“I’m so glad you didn’t,” he whispered.

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