Ever After (49 page)

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Authors: Heather McBride

BOOK: Ever After
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“Thanks, sheep are in you know!” I smiled at him, as he stood in front of my bed. I never heard him come in the room. The whole vampire thing of just popping in still baffled me. He looked so adorable, in his black turtleneck and faded jeans. He pulled off his knit hat and leather jacket and sat down on the edge of my bed.


“It’s really snowing out there.” He grinned, rubbing his hands together to warm them up.


“I never heard you come in?” I tilted my head to the side.


“Do you ever?” He smirked.


“You’re going to have to teach me how to do that you know!” I teased but really meant it.


“Oh I will one of these days. Sara was too busy talking on her cell phone to notice me slip in the front door.”


“Figures, she’s probably talking to a boyfriend of hers no doubt.” I wrapped my hands around my neck and pretended to choke myself.


“Anyway, how are you feeling tonight? You look beautiful.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek.


“Pretty good, Doc stopped by to give me my uh…” I shrugged nervously, feeling weird about the whole craving blood thing. “My unit of supper shall we say?”


“Don’t be bashful; it’s normal, you are simply completing the changing process that’s all.” He looked over at my nightstand at the sugar cookies Gran had baked for me earlier that day. “I see Gran’s been baking?” He eyed the rich buttery pile of cookies.


“All day, she knows I still eat regular food, so she made my favorite. Every Christmas Eve she and I would make up a huge batch of them. I couldn’t stop her today; dad said she had the kitchen smelling of cookies when he got up this morning. I think she froze some for me to take when we leave.” I laughed.


“May I have one?” He batted his long eyelashes at me seductively then looked back at the cookie plate.


“You may. Mr. Darcy you may have whatever you like!” I winked at him giving him a coy smile; he tilted his head and looked at me with a wicked grin of his own.


“Well now that’s quiet an offer.” He gave me an intense stare. “But I’d better stick with baked goods for today!” He picked up a snowflake shaped cookie with white icing and sprinkles, and took a hearty bite. “This is really great!” Oblivious to the piece of icing stuck to his cheek.


“Uh… you have some icing on you!” I laughed. “An iced vampire!” I giggled.


“I do?”


“Yep let me help you with that.’ I was the one giving the wicked grins now. I leaned over and kissed his cheek right next to the tiny dab of icing. “Right there it is.” I smiled. “You are sweet.” I winked at him.


He pulled me closer and kissed me. I was lost in emotions, my head spinning. William’s kisses were intoxicating to me. Each time he kissed me, I seemed to forget my own name. His lips were smooth and gentle as he kissed me deeper; he wound his hand up into the back of my hair and pulled me closer.


I put my own hand into his thick shiny black hair, it felt so soft. I was feeling things I had never felt before, and I loved every minute of it. He and I had very little time together lately, so this made my head spin.


“We should stop now.” Will’s voice broke the mood of the moment, he like myself was breathless. He sat back and closed his eyes, and ran a hand through his hair, trying to compose himself. “I don’t’ want to lose control or anything here,”


“What? Why?’ I snapped, annoyed he had stopped at all. I smoothed my hair back into place and sat back against my pillows dejected.


“It’s just Corrine…”He sighed, taking a deep breath he seemed to be deep in thought, or in pain I wasn’t sure which one.


“You drive me mad. God you do, I just don’t want to cross the line here. It’s not the right time; you are just now getting better. I also believe in being honorable with you. You mean the world to me and I want to do things the right way. I might be old fashioned, but hey I am over 100 years old don’t forget!’ He smirked.


“Oh, well ok I understand that.” I shrugged my shoulders. I was use to other guys, who only had one thing on their mind, and Will was definitely not one of them at all.


“I want us to be married someday, or at least I hope you will say yes when I ask you.” I was speechless, I mean I knew we both wanted to marry each other someday, but we never really talked about it.


“You really do?”


“Of course, are you kidding me? I love you more than anything in this world and would do anything for you. To marry you, and have you as my wife would make me the happiest guy in the world, or vampire in the underworld however you want to look at it I guess.” He laughed.


“Well, it’s just that I’m sort of a mess, I didn’t really figure you wanted to deal with all my issues.” I looked down, thinking of the very hard last year for me.


“You’re no mess, you’re my angel, and you’re beautiful and smart and so amazing. You are all I have ever wanted, all that I have searched for all these many years. That day by the river was the best day of my life, aside from your injuries of course. I looked into your eyes and found the love and joy I had been missing.” He smiled as he spoke to me.


“I have never looked into another person’s eyes and felt that, especially after I became a vampire. I only ever saw fear and sheer terror, definitely not love. I know I have loved you in another time, as corny as that might sound, but I know it’s true.


“You are my soul mate; to try to live my life without you in it would simply be futile.” He leaned in again and softly kissed my cheek.


“I feel all those things too, William. I always have. I couldn’t imagine life without you, and I don’t want to.” He pulled me into his arms and hugged my carefully.


I leaned my head on his arm so happy and so at peace it was amazing. He pulled back for a second and reached into his pocket. In his hand, he had a small black box. He looked up at me to see my reaction. I covered my mouth for a minute in shock, I sat there speechless.


“Yes it is exactly what you think it is.” His blue eyes sparkled with happiness seeing my obvious shock. We had only just been discussing getting married; I never dreamed he would propose tonight.


“Oh William.” I squeaked out, unable to say much else. I knew I should have expected this, him being the hopeless romantic he was, but I really wasn’t.


“Now as I have seen in countless movies over many… many years. I do believe it is customary to get down on one knee for the next part of this.” He winked at me as he indeed got down on one knee directly in front of me.


“Uh well yes it is.” I said, my voice shaking.


Will took my shaking hand into his own as he knelt before me. He could have been right out of a fairy tale, with his wavy black hair combed neatly to the side. His stunning blue eyes and his perfect cheekbones would deem him a sure fire prince charming to any red blooded American girl. I felt light headed as I watched him.


I admired him as he carefully took the ring out of the ancient looking black box, with ornate carvings on the side. This was no ordinary diamond store ring; this ring had been in William’s family for centuries and passed down to each generation. The huge diamond was set amongst a circle of brilliant red rubies. It was like nothing I had ever seen before in my life. I stared at it in amazement.


“Corrine Elizabeth Whitmore, I have loved you since the day I met you. Would you do me the honor becoming my beloved wife? I want nothing more than to share my life and my love with you forever.” I sighed; his words were touching and heartfelt.


I could see his eyes glisten as he too was overcome with strong emotions just as I was. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I didn’t bother to wipe it away. My heart was so full of love for this man kneeling before me. Nothing in this world mattered now, everything faded away, as I looked into his eyes.


“Yes William, I would love to marry you. I want to share my life with you and all my love forever.” Will slid the heirloom ring onto my finger, it fit perfectly.


“Gran helped me sneak out one of your rings, so I could get this one the right size.” I had to laugh, so Gran knew Will was going to do this all along. It made sense her wanting me to get to bed early tonight, she was so sneaky.


“It’s so beautiful, how long has it been in your family?” I held out my hand letting the diamonds catch the light from my pink lamp.


“Century’s or so, too many to comprehend really. It was made in Italy. I can’t tell you the year off hand.”


“I have never seen anything so stunning!” I beamed.


“I have,” he got up and sat next to me again, he looked into my eyes and kissed me passionately.”


“Oh you!” I smacked his arm playfully.


“I was going to wait and have a romantic dinner and music, but it hit me, that this moment, just the two of us here was the right time to ask you.”


“This was perfect; I didn’t need dinner and music. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.” I laid back into his arms happily. “I love you.” I whispered.


“I love you too Corrine and always will.”


The rest of the evening we watched the classic Christmas movies,
It’s a wonderful life
The Grinch who stole Christmas.
We both agreed Sara was our own personal Grinch this year. I fell asleep in William’s arms after the last movie. I heard Sayann check in on me. Will told her I was doing fine. My room was locked down after 9 pm and only Gran and Sayann could get in with their keys.


Doc was taking no chances with Leo making all the threats he had against us. It also wouldn’t be too good if dad popped in and saw William in my room. He did really like him, but he was still my dad and I was his only child it wouldn’t be good for that to happen.


Various Followers’ were guarding the outside of the house at all times. I felt bad for them being out in the bitter cold and snow. I had forgotten though, this weather did not bother them. They were all full bloods and immune to freezing, unlike Will and I were as half bloods.


































Chapter 37




I woke up early Christmas morning to a huge breakfast. Gran had Sara’s new chef up at 4 am to get breakfast ready just for me. I bet that guy really hated me by now. I was amazed at all the food, which I couldn’t possibly eat. A tray of eggs, bacon and buttermilk pancakes sat on my nightstand waiting for me. Cinnamon rolls and croissant’s dipped in chocolate filled a small plate next to that.


A tall glass of milk and orange juice was on another tray. Gran was first to wish me Merry Christmas, after Sayann and Will had already done, since we all had been up for an hour. Will changed clothes in my bathroom to appear to dad as if he had just arrived. Sayann helped me dress and gave me my painful but very necessary serum injection before dad came in.


“Merry Christmas kids!” Gran bubbled, dad was right behind her; I rubbed my arm and forced a smile, as Sayann had just got done with my injection.


“Christophe (Sara’s chef) brought enough for all of you to eat. I figured it would save Corrine from coming all the way down to the dining room this morning.” Gran patted my hand.


“Quiet a spread Gran; you could feed an army here!” Will teased as he eyed my plate alone. I had no idea how much more food she had being sent up here.


“Hi sweetie, how are you this morning?” Dad asked giving me a kiss on the top of the head.


“Oh I’m feeling really good dad, are you staying to eat?”


“I wish I could, but I need to run down to my office and fax a couple of contracts into a client in Japan. I will be back shortly though ok?”


“Sure, but make it quick!” I smiled at him, hoping he was not noticing how pale I was. I had not had time to put any make up on before they all came into my room. Dad shut my door, and I noticed Gram staring at the huge oak tree just outside my window.


“Ask Roth out there in that oak tree, if he might like to hop in and join us for a little breakfast.” She laughed.


“Oh him.” Will groaned. “He’s supposed to keep a low profile, but no doubt he smelled the bacon and couldn’t help but look in here. He may be a full blood, but he defiantly has not lost his taste for human food.” Will walked to the window and un locked it.


“Roth hey, you want to eat with us?” He yelled. I shivered as the cold wind blew in, along with some snowflakes. “Oh and Gran saw you, so for future reference try to hide yourself better ok!” I heard Roth yell back he couldn’t help it, and that bacon was his weakness, he would be inside in a minute.


It was cozy as we all sat around my room, eating and talking. Will was quick to announce our engagement, as if they hadn’t seen the massive ring on my finger already. I knew dad had not seen it, as my hands were under the blanket when he came in earlier. Everyone was ecstatic for us; Sayann admired my ring along with Gran.

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