Ever After (47 page)

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Authors: Heather McBride

BOOK: Ever After
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The snow was letting up as the morning wore on. Emma and Sayann came into my room later bustling about readying me for the trip home. Emma was dressed in a black turtleneck and a long jean skirt; her long auburn hair pulled into a tight bun on top her head. I smiled thinking how she looked like a school librarian I once had, not a vampire.


Sayann looked much like me, in her faded jeans and an old Green Day t –shirt. Her long silky black hair was pulled into a simple ponytail. She could have been any girl in my classes at Harvard, she would fit right in. I was still amazed at how they appeared to be so normal. If I did not know, what they all really were. I would never have guessed just by looking.


“Ready for the trip?” Emma asked cheerfully, as she pulled out a suitcase to help me pack. “Doc wants to leave in an hour, so we need to get going.”


“Oh ok,” I said stretching out slowly, my body was still sore from the long hellish night in the woods. I winced as my neck felt really stiff. I put my hand on the heavily bandaged spot on my neck. I tried to forget about Todd ever biting me, but it was hard sometimes.


“Are you ok?” Sayann asked placing a hand on my arm, concern filled her dark eyes. “I can get Doc to give you something for the pain?”


“No I’m ok, it will go away, the pain meds make me tired, and I hate that.” I sighed.


Will woke up at the sound of our voices; lately he seemed to sleep more than he was awake. He slowly got up blinking hard. I got a glimpse of the boy he had once been, as he gave me a boyish grin and a wink.


“What’s going on?” He asked his voice husky from sleep.


“Time to go sleepy head. Doc’s asked us to get ready for Corrine to return home.” Sayann smiled.


“Oh, I forgot we were to leave today.” I looked down at my hands to hide the concern in my eyes that I knew Will would see. It was another thing on a list of many that I noticed about him. His once magnificent memory was getting worse by the day.


“I still don’t think this is a very good idea. I think we should go back up to Maine and set the fake clinic up and have your dad come there.”


“No, we haven’t enough time Will.” Emma sighed as she pulled out a shirt for me to wear.


“We haven’t much choice, and her father is not going to wait any longer. This is something we just have to do and get it over with.” Will grumbled as he picked up his knit hat, and shoved it on his head.


“Of course.” Was all he said, as he got up and walked over to me.


Our eyes met and as usual, my mind went blank. I wanted to swim in the deep blue of his eyes; they reminded me of the clear ocean waters I had seen as a little girl. I could lose myself in them, and forget all we had to face in the near future. I knew he could put me in a trance with his vampire abilities but this was not a worry for me.


It was indeed a trance he had me in, but it was one of true and unwavering love and devotion. I could feel it and see it in the way he stared deeply into my eyes, into my very soul. I closed my eyes as he leaned in and kissed me. I heard Sayann sigh as she watched us, but I didn’t care. I was not embarrassed by our affection, and I knew Will wasn’t either.


“I hate to bug you love birds, but Doc said for you guys to be ready to go in an hour.” Roth’s smooth voice broke into our little world. “Another snow storm is moving in, and he wants to get Corrine home before it hits.”


“Roth you have the worst timing!” Will snapped, shooting him an annoyed look.


“Well sorry, but we do have places to go ok” He winked at me, making me laugh. I noticed Sayann watching Roth silently. I had a feeling she was checking him out, maybe those two would work out someday?


Roth looked like a typical college football player, tall, spiky blonde hair, perfect skin. I expected those two to be interested in each other soon. I saw Roth look at Sayann, and she quickly turned away, if she could have blushed, she would have right then I’m sure.


“I’ll be down stairs, waiting. Oh and Will, Doc has some stuff to talk to you about before we leave so come on with me.” He waved Will to follow him. Will kissed me again and followed Roth out of the room.


“Let’s get you dressed then, Corrine.” Emma held up a shirt and jeans. “It’s really cold so we better dress you in layers.”


“Ok,” I shrugged. I felt nervous now, as the time to really leave the safety of the coven house was upon me. I knew I was safe here, but at home, I was not so sure. The many times bad things happened to me, they happened there. I knew the coven would be protecting both Will and I, but I still worried.


“You ok there?” Sayann saw my tense face.


“Sure, just nervous I guess.” I frowned.


“Don’t be, Doc has this all under control, you will be safe and so will William. The coven is ready to protect you both.” She gave me a warm smile.


“Yes Corrine, let Doc, and Pratt take care of all that; you focus on yourself for now ok dear?” Emma patted my knee.


“Ok,” I smiled. “I will try.” It was hard to be convincing but I had to try.


I knew they were all trying hard to make me feel safe and I owed them that. I knew in a short time I would be home, and have to face dad and Sara once again. I was not worry about dad, he would be happy to see me. I really couldn’t wait to see him, it had not been that long but the past week had been stressful to say the least and many times, I never thought I would see him again.


I was dressed and ready to go now, it was a long and painful process Emma, and Sayann helped me get my jeans and a sweater on. I was stronger, but after being in bed so long my legs were a bit shaky.


“How are you ladies doing this morning?” Pratt’s voice made me look up as Emma sat me down in the chair next to the fireplace.


“Very well dear, Corrine’s is ready to go.” Emma smiled lovingly at him.


“Very good, we are about ready to go down stairs as well. Doc is finishing up some phone calls and then he will be ready to go. I have the car waiting in the garage, it is warming up.” He looked out the window and shook his head. “The weather is going to turn again. We need to leave soon, so we can get Corrine home before the heavy snow comes in.”


“Oh we will be ready.” Sayann smiled as she folded up some of my clothes and put them in my suitcase.


“Doc and I do need to speak with all of you shortly, before we leave though.” The change in his voice was drastic.


The issue we needed to talk about could not be good, whatever it was. I could see his eyes get darker, as he said it. This was just great another stupid complication, just what we needed. I was really starting to think I was jinxed or something.


“Doc will help me to explain it, as it concerns his brother Leo and the Dark coven. I feel you all need to understand what we have to do right now.” I sat silently with the others now waiting for Doc to get here. Will, Roth, Taylor, and Riley came in a few minutes later. Will sat next to me and took my hand.


“Doc and I spoke with the other coven members earlier this morning, not all of them are involved per say, but as Followers they are at risk.”


“Risk?’ Roth blurted out; Taylor elbowed him in the ribs.


“Let then tell us when Doc gets here man, hang on ok!” Taylor scolded.


“Fine.” Roth was ticked off at Taylor now.


“Easy you two, Doc’s on his way up here now.” Pratt sighed as he sat down by the window.


He seemed tired, if that were possible since he was a vamp. I knew he and Doc had been under immense pressure, it had to be wearing on them somewhat. The tension was thick in the air, as nobody said a word. I knew Leo had to have been making threats or something, it would only make sense after Sayann and I escaped and Roth killed Todd.


Doc came in, a very tense smile on his face. That told me all I needed to know. This news he had, the “
” we had to discuss was not good at all.


“Ok… glad we got you all together here. Corrine, how are you this morning?” He asked.


“Doing really well Doc.” I faked a smile. I felt Will squeeze my hand gently.


“Wonderful, I am happy to hear that.” He looked at all of us then at Pratt. “Well, best to get on with it then I suppose.”


“Yes, let’s get this done, the weathers going to get worse shortly Doc.” Pratt frowned, again looking outside.


“I have been in contact with Leo and the Dark coven elders. It seems they are not willing to allow for peace between the covens. I tried my best to talk some sense into Leo, but as usual he is violent and irrational.”


“What is he saying?” Will’s strained voice cut in. He was holding my hand tighter now, and I wiggled it free. He quickly apologized to me, and looked back to Doc.


“He’s hell bent on revenge, the past events have complied, and he has been building up his hatred for me and my coven. Vincent’s death, at my hand, Todd’s death at Roth’s hand and the fact Corrine and one of his own Sayann, escaped him as set him off.” He sighed.


“Leo has wanted to hurt me and make my life a living hell ever since I refused to join his coven long ago. I have tried to avoid him and his coven for years. The whole issue with Vincent, really set things off. I regret the day I turned him He promised to abide by the Followers code, but as we here all know he did not.” He took a deep breath, before he went on.


“I believe the reason he became Leo’s favorite was because he was linked to me. Leo always felt he might have some hold on me if he had Vincent in his coven. The fact he wants William back with the Dark coven worry’s me greatly.”


“Why does he want William back so badly, if you don’t mind me asking Doc?” Sayann innocently asked. I knew she did not know all the details of the complicated relationship Vincent had with William.


“Well, it’s simple. William is the last blood link to Vincent that Leo has. Leo as I said he viewed Vincent has his favorite and possible successor, so now he wants the closest thing to him that he can get, and that is William. It seems Vincent was being groomed by Leo to be the next head elder, when Leo moved on to Europe.”


“Both evil.” I muttered to myself, but messed up and said it aloud.


“Yes Corrine, evil in the worst, most powerful sense I’m afraid.” Doc said sadly. A frown creasing his perfect pale face.


“Leo also mentioned you when we spoke. He feels you should be destroyed. I think I have told all of you this at one time or another, that he hates half bloods. The Dark coven hunt’s them. Leo feels they are a disgrace to all vampires and should not be allowed to live. The only reason he tolerates William’s half-blooded status, is because he is one of Vincent’s creations. Any other half bloods they come upon are simply highly desired meals, as we know from the McClain’s loss in Europe.”


“When will the McClain’s arrive?” Lydia asked, looking to Pratt, as he was the connection to them.


“They have decided to join us later, when we get to New Orleans. They feel stopping here will serve no purpose while we are busy with Corrine’s family and so on.”


“New Orleans?” Lydia gasped; she voiced the shock we all felt.


I couldn’t imagine why on earth we would go there at all. I thought we were going back here to the coven house, and just telling dad I would be up in Maine. I looked at Will; his face was tense and pensive. New Orleans held many dark and painful memories for him. It must be something major for Doc to return. I knew they still owned and maintained a massive old plantation house there, but had left it decades ago.


“Yes, it seems we have to return, and there is no way around it. Leo wants to meet with me and the other elders, but he will only do so in New Orleans. He has made threats, that if we ignore his request he will come to Cambridge and destroy all humans even remotely linked to all of us. I know many of you have human family members, some very far removed from your selves but family none the less.”


“This is insane; he is dictating where we go, and basically our lives!” Roth snapped.


I got a chill thinking of creepy Leo and his band of troll’s roaming the Harvard campus, killing innocent students. I knew he would do it to. Sayann told me every threat he made was carried out, if he did not get it way. I could see by the look on Doc’s face, he of all of us knew it very well. Leo was not one to toy with. To do so would have grave consequences if not deadly ones to say the least.


“Leo has no compassion or remorse for killing humans, he didn’t even have compassion when he was human so he’s just worse now.” Doc sighed rubbing his eyes.


“My God” I whispered. “We have to do something; he might kill dad and Gran plus all my friends!” I was nauseous now just thinking of it.


“That is unthinkable, this guy is a maniac!” Riley said as he looked at Doc. “I can’t believe you guys are even related!”


“Me either Riley, he is evil now. In the time of our boyhood, he was good and rarely got in trouble.” He said sadly. “I don’t know this man now, and I haven’t for a very long time. Leo has become cruel and sinister, even the other elders of the Dark coven fear him, from what have heard.” He looked at Sayann and nodded.

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