Ever After (48 page)

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Authors: Heather McBride

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I knew she had filled him in on all she knew about Leo and the coven. Sayann was a fully-fledged Follower now and she tried to give Doc any information that might help protect us from them.


“Leo has told me that if I wish to avoid a massacre in Cambridge we must return to Louisiana to the old coven mansion. He says he will arrange a meeting of the elders to discuss our extreme differences. I’m not sure why he will not meet us here, but the Dark coven is strong in the deep south, so I gather he feels safer there. I do know many of the Dark ones stayed there, when he moved up here following me.”


“Do you really feel he will negotiate with you?” Will shook his head. “I don’t see him sitting down over coffee and writing up a treaty Doc, don’t tell me you believe he will.”


“No, I highly doubt he has any intentions of peace treaty with us. I honestly am not sure what to think of it all. I do feel he is probably trying to set us up, so we will be on guard the entire time we are down south, to be sure.”


“Do you truly think he would kill all these people if we don’t go?” Sayann asked as she was biting her nails, nervously.


“Honestly I would be shocked if he killed as many as he says, he might kill a hand full of people we know or care about. Leo is many things, but stupid is not one of them unfortunately. If he did a mass, killing here it would expose all of us. It would be much like the seventeenth century and the very late eighteenth century, when vampire hysteria set in.” Doc sighed.


“I’m sure you all already know of the dark day’s when humans lived in fear of the dreaded vampire. Groups devoted their lives to hunting and killing suspected vampires. I know I list many good friends during that time, and some were not even really vampires. The hunters deemed them guilty by association. It reminds me of the senseless murders during the Salem witch trials. It was all so violent and cruel, a very sad time indeed.”


“Yes, I remember hearing of that time. I was in France of course but we heard of the horrific tales of torture of those poor women.” Pratt shook his head sadly.


“Yes, well Leo will not begin something like that and bring it on his own kind. I feel the other elders in his coven would eliminate him themselves if they even thought he might expose them.” Doc picked up his coat, as he got up. “So to avoid trouble here, when Corrine’s holiday is over we will depart for New Orleans directly.”


“Will Corrine be strong enough for all this travel?” Will put his arm around me protectively. I knew he was worried I would have a re lapse, but right now I felt perfectly fine. I was a bit shaky on my legs but that was because I was in bed so long.


“Oh indeed, she will fine. I think we can actually complete the changing process in New Orleans. I am very happy with how strong she has become so quickly, very impressive.” Pratt reassured Will. “She will be stronger than you in a few days’ William, if we don’t get you lined out soon.” He winked at Will; he just rolled his eyes ignoring h












The plans had been set in motion. Doc and Pratt had organized the coven to move to New Orleans. Doc and Pratt would stay at the main house while I visited my father. Lydia, Andrew (her husband), Emma, and Roth would also stay. Riley and Taylor with the other ten coven members would move on ahead of us, and over see the old plantation house being opened up and ready for our arrival in two weeks.


I knew the house there was huge, and that it was built in the 1780’s. Will had spent his early days after leaving the Dark coven there. Doc had said up until about twenty years ago, the coven would spend their winters there, and leave Massachusetts. The grounds surrounding the house had had other homes on it. The other coven members lived in them, as they did not all live in the main house with Doc, Lydia and her husband Andrew.


The Dark coven’s main home was only twenty miles from there. Leo and Vincent were causing major trouble on their last visit, so Doc reluctantly closed up the grand old house and moved the coven permanently.


It was so strange to be home, the whole house was decked out in Christmas lights. I think dad had gone off the deep end when having them put up. I was pretty sure the crew in the space shuttle could probably see our house from space this year.


I tried to be cheerful for dad and Gran, and not eat anyone (
not a joke ok
). I caught myself eyeing the Fed Ex guy, the day after we arrived when I signed for some packages. It wasn’t because he was hot either. I was craving human blood more and more each day. Pratt or Doc stopped by each evening, to drop off the goods (
). It made being around humans, mainly my dad and Gran easier. I would never hurt them, but to smell them made me edgy and grumpy not to mention hungry.


Christmas was very quiet, normally dad had tons of his and Sara’s friends over for a huge holiday party, but he cancelled it this year. This annoyed Sara, ever the socialite; her plans for a snowflake dinner and dance were dashed. Dad told us he felt we needed a family Christmas, and wanted to keep things quiet since I was still recovering.


I was happy to hear that. I spent many hours talking to dad, while we visited. I loved him so much, and was so glad we got to come for a visit. I knew this time of year was hard for him, and I wanted to be here and spend time with him. Sara bellowed for the whole day when dad told her the party was off for this year.


I knew she hated having me in the house. I could hear her complain to her friends on the phone about it. She hid it well, and acted like the ever-loving concerned step mommy, when dad was around. When he wasn’t, she gave me dirty looks, and asked when I would be going back to Maine. She reminded me of a pouty three year old.


Christmas eve, they fought like cats and dogs. Dinner was just me, Gran, dad and Sara. It was a delicious meal, and my roast was very rare. Gran winked at me when she brought out my plate herself. It was so nice to not have to hide what I was becoming from her.


Dinner was rather quiet, Gran had told me earlier dad and Sara had a major fight before they got to the dining room. It seemed to me they were fighting all the time and I had only been home just over a week. I wondered what was going on with them. Gran said they had been at each other all fall, and it had got worse just a month ago.


Dad had been told she was having an affair with her yoga instructor for the last six months. I was not surprised, that would be just like her to do that. I had thought she was messing with her tennis instructor last summer too, and I bet I was right! How many private lessons does one chic need, I mean get real.


It was snowing heavily that evening after supper, it felt so cozy in the house. I wished dad and Gran goodnight. Sara had already gone to her room, thankfully. I wanted to have a hot bubble bath and read.


William was coming over in an hour or so. I made the long trek upstairs and I cursed every step. Sayann would be in my room to help me. Dad had hired her through Doc to be my nurse while I was home this time. I heard voices just down the hall and stopped to listen.


“So you cater to her? She is home for one week and you cancel
our holiday plans? Do you know how long it took me to organize the snowflake ball John?” Sara was ranting from the sitting room at the end of the hall where my room was.


I slipped out of my room and placed and ear to the vent on the floor. This was an old house and most conversations could be heard through the air duct vents in the floors. The voices carried very well. I learned that at an early age when trying to find out what dad and Gran were getting me for Christmas or my birthday.


“Sara don’t be so callous, this year is very special. I was not even sure we would have Corrine still with us, after the diagnosis. Doc said it has been a miracle that she has pulled through. I wanted this holiday to be just us.”


“We have an image to keep us John, we are society, and people expect us to have the big parties and events each year.” She argued.


“No Sara, you have an image to keep up, one you have tailored yourself might I add. I only work to keep up my family business that my Grandfather started. I don’t nor have I ever set out to be the king of east coast society.”


“It’s good for you to net work, and these party’s are perfect for that.” Her voice hit its typical high-pitched squeak; she always did that when she was upset.


“Corrine needs a quiet environment, not a house full of social blood suckers!” He laughed. “Oh those are you friends, sorry I had forgotten.” I was proud of dad he was being a real jerk to her, I loved it!


“You vile man!” Sara hissed. “You jerk!” I was happy he wasn’t letting her run over him. I had watched her for so many years bully him, and boss him around, this was just great.


“I’m a jerk now? Well how refreshing, if protection of my ill only child from too many holiday guests makes me a jerk well then so be it.” He shot back.


“Corrine has just had one of the toughest years of her life. I think she deserves some special treatment and joy right now. You might try to show her some compassion for once Sara. In all the years we have been married, you have acted like Corrine is a house guest that has over stayed her welcome!”


“I have not. I have tried to be close to her but she is just so odd. I can’t relate to her at all.”


“No of course you can’t, because she would never act like your ass kissing socialite friends daughters, now would she. I have seen them at the country club, being paraded around by their mothers, doing just what they are told. Corrine is a free spirit an individual, and it kills you she is confident in herself.” I smiled, direct hit for dad he was really on a roll here.


“If that’s what you want to call it, where I come from it’s being rebellious and unruly,
an individual. I asked her lots of times to go with me to the club or shopping and she blows me off. Like I have the plague or something.”


“Fine, I do agree she shut you out as she got to be a teen, but you never tried to understand her interests. Corrine loves painting and music, and art in general. I do recall you never complimenting her on her artwork. I only recall you telling her to get the paint off her nails, because it would stain them.”


“Well it was only true, she use to care so little for her appearance back then.” She added sarcastically.


“She was only a child for God sakes Sara!” His voice was raised, and he was really getting angry.


“Just stop with all this now, I fully intend to make Corrine’s visit here as happy and pleasant as I possibly can. Doc told me she needs no stress and minimal exposure to lots of people, since she can’t fight off viruses and so on. They will be taking her back to Maine to begin her physical therapy in another week. If all goes well Doc said she might get to come home for the summer, or do the semester of her senior year in France as she always wanted to do.”


“Well, I heard Doc talking to Gran the other day, and he said she is still touch and go as far as her recovery. Is it wise for you to be thinking she is going to be just fine?” The sarcasm in her voice was clear.


“Enough of this talk. I have things to do.” I heard him walk out of the room and slam the door hard behind him.


I had known their marriage was in a rut for a few years now. I really started to see it my freshman year at college, after Todd’s attack. I was home all the time after that of course so it was hard to miss the fighting. I could feel the tension in the room all the time.


I got to the point I avoided them both when they shared the same breathing room. Dad was taking more business trips and working late in the city. I now knew why, he was avoiding her. I blew off their fight and spent an indulgent half hour in the bathtub. I cringed a bit as I thought back to my lowest point in this very room.


I had almost taken my own life right here. I was so lost and lonely then. William had rescued me in many ways that fall day by the river. I never imagined I could find someone like him, and I don’t mean the whole vampire thing either. He was so caring and kind, and loved me with everything he had inside him.


I got out of the bath, and quickly dried off. The room’s always seemed to have a chill; due to the fact, the house was well over 100 years old and very drafty.


I loved this old house though, drafts and all. My mother had chosen it, when he and my dad first got married.


Dad said they were so in love despite the fact it needed well over $97,000.00 in repairs and renovations he bought it the day they looked at it. It made her happy and he had always tried to keep her that way. I hoped to keep the house in our family forever. I knew dad had in his will, all of it went to me, and I would keep it that way.


I put on my pink sheep pj’s and curled up in bed to watch some TV. I knew that outside somewhere one or more of the Followers guarded the house. Leo could not be trusted, and Doc worried he might try to kill or William. They took turns watching for the dark ones, waiting for them to make any moves.


“I like those pajamas.” A smooth low voice made me jump, as I got lost in an old episode of Desperate Housewives.


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