Ever After (50 page)

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Authors: Heather McBride

BOOK: Ever After
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Roth being… well Roth began to tease Will right away. He referred to me as the ole ball n chain and they teased each other all morning long. Dad came in an hour later; we were all still sitting around talking. To my surprise, he had known all about Will’s intentions to ask me to marry him. I should have known, since Will was old fashioned, he asked dad for permission first to do so.


I found out Will had actually asked him for permission when we were here a few weeks ago, before Todd kidnapped me. I had no idea he had done that. Dad shook Will’s hand and kissed my cheek happily. He seemed very pleased with our engagement.


“My baby is growing up already.” He sighed wistfully.


“Don’t worry Sir; I will look after her you will never have to worry.” Will said confidently.


“William you are a good young man and I trust you will do that.” Dad patted him on the back. “Plus I don’t mind getting a son in law, I couldn’t have asked for a better one I don’t think.”


“Thank you.” Will looked a bit red in the face.


“I think you and Corrine will be very happy together.” He laughed then. “I would really hate to have to shoot you if you if you made her… unhappy.” We all laughed at that, it was dad’s typical odd sense of humor coming out.


“I’d hate that too!” Will agreed quickly, laughing as he grabbed a warm cinnamon roll, it was the last, so Roth gave him a dirty look.


Sara invaded our little gathering only a few minutes later. I should have known she would track us all down sometime today. She was dressed in tight red, dress that made her fake boobs look like they might pop out at any given moment. I remembered when she got them. I was about 10 years old. I was so embarrassed when my friends asked why my step mom was getting all these
get well soon
flower deliveries when they came over to my house to play.


I told them all she had a rare virus. I had to help wait on her too. Dad had been called out of town at the last minute and asked me if I would help Sara while she recovered. It was a nightmare; she had me doing everything for her.


I was surprised she didn’t have me wipe her stupid butt too! I sat there looking at her knowing the silicone was bobbing around in each side of her chest, it was just gross if you ask me. Gran had told me she got lip injections just a few days before I got home. I began to wonder if any of her parts were real.


I figured the lip thing was for her precious snowflake party that dad had cancelled. Gran said she asked her if a spider bit her mouth or she had a bee sting the day she got home from her plastic surgeon visit. I loved Gran’s nasty little comment she threw at Sara, it was so funny to watch her act all-innocent when she did it.


“Merry Christmas all. So this is where the party is this morning?” She forced a fake smile must be the Botox! I now noticed she had her teethe bleached too, they looked a scary shade of white.


“Just having some breakfast, why don’t you have some.” Dad forced a smile; I knew he was being nice to her because I was in the room.


“Oh it does look good, what a lot of food.” Sara said as she picked up a piece of cantaloupe.


“It does” I heard Roth say very softly, as Will and I sitting next to him were the only ones who heard him say it. He was sting on my Hello Kitty beanbag chair. He looked so funny, all 6 feet of him scrunched onto the girly pink bag. He looked like a handsome robber in his black ski jacket, black knit hat and faded jeans and boots. His eyes were locked on Sara’s manufactured chest.


“Shut up idiot!” I heard Will whisper to him, shooting him a dirty look, he smacked Roth in the back of the head playfully.


“What!” Roth whispered loudly.


“You know
, mind your manners!” Will scolded. Whispering in his ear. Gram nearly busted out laughing as she watched them. Dad was talking to Sara about the dinner plans, so they were unaware of the comedy act in our corner of my room.


I noticed Sayann looked peeved as she watched Roth, watching Sara’s 98% fake body in her very inappropriate holiday dress. I had suspected she might have a crush on Roth, ever since I woke up and watched her looking at him. Roth was oblivious to her stares and kind compliments. I decided I would pull him aside and clue him in, that Sayann liked him. I wasn’t one to play matchmaker, but with Roth, some things just had to be pointed out.


We all made small talk while Sara was in the room, she seemed to emanate tension. Dad excused himself not but 15 min later, he never even bothered to make up a reason for leaving, he did tell me he would be back later though. Roth was heading home, he and Sayann went out into the hallway following dad. Gran was all excited, she was going to check on how our Christmas dinner was going, and she had the staff working on it all day.


“Doc and Pratt will be here at 2pm to check up on you Corrine. I forgot Doc called to tell me that early this morning.” Gran added as she headed for the door.


“A house call on Christmas? That’s going to cost us!” Sara sneered, as she wiped her mouth on a Santa clause napkin. Everyone in the room ignored the comment. I was surprised when dad came back in briefly.


“William, I do hope you and your family can join us for dinner this evening?” Dad looked expectantly at Sara daring her to object to his invitation.


“Of course Mr. Whitmore, I’m sure they would love to have dinner with all of you tonight.”


“Very good very good, then we will see all of you here at 6pm?”


“Yes sir we will be here.” Will nodded politely. “Thank you.”


“See you then. Corrine I will be up later dear, when Doc gets here.” He added before he left. I watched Sara glare at his back as he walked out of the room, she did not know I was watching her. Her eyes then fell back on me, enemy no.2.


“You’re looking well today Corrine.” She didn’t smile as she said it. I saw her freeze as she saw the giant diamond on my left finger.


“What on earth is that?” She gasped, grabbing up my hand and inspecting the ring. “Is this a…” she looked at Will than at me in shock. “Engagement ring?”


“Yes” Will said proudly. “I proposed last night and thankfully she said yes!”


“Well goodness, I had no idea you two were so serious. “You all are very young don’t you think thought to be committing yourselves to such an adult thing?” I could see she was practically drooling over my ring, I bet she wanted to rip it off my finger and run. Sara was a major jewelry hound; anything that sparkled drove her insane.


“We feel very confident we are ready for this, but thank you for your concern.” Will said dryly.


“Well a congratulations is in order. I guess we have a wedding to plan don’t we Corrine dear, how exciting!” I was shocked. Sara was seemed actually excited about all this, who knew she was really human….maybe. I saw her eyes light up at the thought of another social event to plan.


“We haven’t set a date yet or anything, were waiting to get the all clear from Doc before we do all that.” I quickly added.


“Oh yes of course, but do let me know when you’re ready to plan, we will go see Lottie Sanders in New York. She is the best wedding planner. I know her well, so unlike everyone else we won’t have to book her a year in advance to get her to do your wedding.”


I wanted to tell her I knew what I wanted, and no uppity social snob was planning the biggest day of my life. I just took a deep breath and sucked it up, it wasn’t worth fighting about.


“That sounds great; I will let you know when we set the date.” I faked a happy;
you’re the best step mommy in the
smile. I hoped she would leave soon, and go Botox something already.


“I will call her tomorrow and have some sample books sent over, you all need to get a theme in mind and so on.”


“Great, thanks Sara that will give us some ideas I’m sure.” Fake, that’s was what I was now. My cheeks hurt from fake smiling for so long.


“I will see you two at 6 then. Oh Will, your mother is coming for dinner I hope. I have some ideas for the ceremony I want to run by her.”


“Yes, she will be here.”


“Oh that’s grand I have been dying to meet her. I see her around town a lot; she drives that vintage Mercedes 211 right?” Sara asked.


“Yes, Doc gave it to her for her birthday five years ago, it’s a classic.” Will added.


“I would love to know where he got it, they are so rare. I would love to get my hands on one of them.” I hid a smile knowing Doc had in fact bought that car brand new when it was first on the market.


“Well, I can talk to Doc or you might ask him tonight. I’m sure he could help you track one down if you like.” Will said as politely as he could.


“I will do that. I had better go. I have some calls to make and then make sure we have the table set for all of our guests tonight.”


I was amazed by how freakishly friendly she was. I thought maybe it was the holidays, or she saw Roth checking her out, or maybe she was planning to try to clean dad out with a divorce, who knew. I waited until she went on down the hallway before I spoke aloud.


“What in the hell was that?” I rolled my eyes and flopped back onto my pillows.


“Uh… maybe aliens took over her body last night in her sleep.” Will teased.


“Hey that might be it, I thought vampires didn’t exist, who’s to say alien’s don’t, you know?” I smiled.


“Hmm never met one, I don’t think anyway but you are right, vamps aren’t suppose to be real either.” He laughed as he looked out the window; the snow was letting up finally.


“I can’t believe she wants to help plan the wedding and she didn’t even get mad when dad invited your whole family over for dinner tonight.” I shook my head. “I think she’s up to something really.


“Like what?’


“I don’t know, she wants to stay on dad’s good side all of the sudden, so she’s got something to hide or something planned. I’m keeping my eye on her that’s for sure.” I sighed and took a sip of my milk.


Will and I snuggled up and spent the afternoon watching movies, and watching the snowfall. I wished we could go sledding as we did last winter. Roth had called and said they were heading over to the hill, and wanted us to go. If I had felt a tiny bit stronger I would have gone, but Gran would have kicked my butt if I tried, and so would dad. I was happy though, warm, and cozy with Will just relaxing before the big Christmas dinner later on.










































Doc and Pratt arrived shortly before dinner as Gran had told me they would. I knew they needed to make sure I was doing ok, as they did every day. Lydia, Andrew, and Emma came along with them. Will had gone home and hour ago to change clothes; he was to arrive with Roth and the other cousins shortly.


The snow was getting heavier as the dinner hour grew closer. I worried Will would be late or not make it. I knew better, Roth would be driving his giant Hummer; no snow would keep him from a good home cooked meal. Gran was in her glory, as she directed all the kitchen staff, and saw to the meal preparations.


I knew she had been baking her pies herself though. Gran never let anyone do the pie baking for any holiday meal. It had been that way since I could remember. She and Sara had many battles over that. Sara liked to bring in highly skilled dessert or pastry chefs, but Gran would threaten her if she dared to do it.


Sayann was an angel and helped me get ready for the party. I wanted to look really special tonight. It seemed the past few months all I got to wear was pj’s or hospital gowns. I was so over that. It was nice to have a friend caring for me and helping me.


Dad had a home nurse set up when we arrived. Pratt was quick to tell him Sayann was specialized in caring for recovering cancer patients, so dad cancelled the one he had hired. It was critical I be kept away from any “
” medical professionals. If they saw my temp chart or heard my heart rate, they would be calling Ripley’s believe it or not and the National news. I could see the headlines now “
” that would be just great.


Sayann helped me out of the bathtub, although I could walk now, we had to be careful since I was still wobbly on my feet. We washed and curled my hair and put some make up on to give me some “
” color. I found the perfect red dress to wear just right for the holiday dinner.


It had a beautiful satin bow’s on each shoulder, and a matching shawl to go with it. I wore the diamond earrings and heart pendant dad had given me for my Christmas gift just that morning. I of course had on my engagement ring, which I would never take off for any reason. I knew this night was going to be perfect, as long as Sara chilled out.

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