Ever After (22 page)

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Authors: Heather McBride

BOOK: Ever After
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“Stay calm Corrine, be strong for the next few hours, and remember the pain killer unit has a pump.” Doc spoke softly to me. “If you feel a pain attack coming push the button and you will have pain relief, nobody will even know. Any medical questions I will handle, so don’t worry about that at all.” Doc’s voice was calm and collected as usual, he was always in control.


“I’m just worried he’s going to tell I don’t look to good. I mean he knows me pretty well. Lydia and Libby did a great job, but I’ve lost so much weight.” I looked at my skinny white arm and shook my head in disgust.


Doc laughed at my concern, which surprised me.“Well obviously, you have not looked in the mirror have you? The changes you have made, have given your skin the customary vampire glow of perfection, you look rather stunning.” Doc said looking at William, who nodded in agreement.


“You look great Corrine, really the makeup added just enough color to your face, your father will not suspect a thing.” Lydia said smiling at me.


I smiled back, and then looked to William. I felt better now; at least I looked like I was getting better. I noticed then that William had the exact rich shade of black hair his mother had. I wondered if Sara was coming, she would die when she found out Lydia was Will’s mother. I fully expected that if she did come, she would probably pull Lydia aside and ask who her plastic surgeon was.


I nearly laughed aloud with that thought. Even Doc who was suppose to be Williams “
” looked maybe forty if that, probably more like thirty five. He was a very young looking and really handsome. He looked like an actor, with his perfect sandy blonde hair and striking green eyes. The entire coven was insanely good looking; it really amazed me when I stopped to look at each one of them.


My father arrived only an hour late due to the flight delay. Sara was along with him but Gran could not make it due to a minor cold. I saw the car pull into the driveway, and I was promptly tucked into bed, and dressed in a standard issue hospital gown. Libby was dressed as a nurse, and several other coven members were dressed as hospital staff and patients.


It seemed they actually were having fun pretending, which made me feel better. I hated to think I was messing up any of their quiet lives, with all this. I lay down and tried to look relaxed. I thumbed through a magazine as the TV ran in the background. It was hard to act casual, as if I wasn’t in the care of an entire coven of vampires. It wasn’t exactly “normal”.


“I’ll have to go sweetie.” William said softy as he kissed my cheek lovingly. “I wish I could stay but it wouldn’t look right with me being here, your dad might flip. He’s already freaked out by all this.” He sighed and shook his head.


“Yeah your right. He still thinks you are in Cambridge, at school right now.”


“I’ll be just upstairs in the “
” area if you need me.” He grinned.


“Ok I will see you when he leaves. I love you.” I squeezed his hand.


“Ok, I love you. Be tough ok? It will all be over soon.” He kissed my cheek again, before he left the room. I waited as Libby led my father and Sara into my room not long after Will left. It was suppose to be an upscale treatment center, so my lavish room fit the scene.


“Corrine!” My dad’s excited voice made me jump, as I quickly put down the magazine, I wasn’t really reading. He hugged me tight. I hid the fact it hurt due to my stupid bruised ribs. “Oh I worried about you so much. I called Dr.Parker daily to see how you were doing.” I could see his eyes as he scanned my appearance, he slowly smiled. “You look great this place is really making a difference for you.”


“I feel really good, much better really.” I forced a happy grin; he took a seat next to my bed and held my hand. I watched Sara look around the room, she seemed to be looking for something, and I couldn’t imagine what.


“Corrine it’s so good to see you.” Sara said with a forced smile. “We have all been so worried about you at home, and your friends call all the time and some of your professors from school too. You might call them; they would love to hear from you.”


I could see it was killing her to be so nice to me, but dad was watching her so she was pouring it on thick. I was amazed to see her pull my cell phone out, and the charger cord, along with my pink overnight bag. “Gran packed these for you; she sends her love and will visit as soon as she gets over her cold.” I was shocked at first; but when she said Gran packed the stuff, I was not so much. Sara would never be so thoughtful.


“Thanks so much for bringing it all. I had to be rushed off so quickly I could not pack even a sock.” I forced a weak smile as a twinge of pain edged down my back. I discreetly pushed the button in my hand for the pain meds.


“How Gran’s cold dad? Is she getting better?” I knew Gran was actually fine just the sniffles, she just could not bear to fly down with Sara. She did her best to stay clear of her. I had called her the night before and she was fine, just missing me. Doc had been keeping her posted on my recovery since I arrived in Maine. She knew every detail of what was going on.


“Quiet a place they have here, you seem comfortable.” Sara said sarcastically as she eyed the plush surroundings. She ran her hands over the satin bedspread and raised her brow. “Very nice.”


“A lot better than the state run mental hospital.” I smiled winking at dad. I was not really joking though. I had not forgotten when Sara was going to have me sent there after Todd’s last attack, when the doctors thought I might become a vegetable for life.


Libby stayed in the room with me. She adjusted my IV lines silently, and she sat back down watching me. If she saw I was having trouble, I would sniff once and she would move dad and Sara on for a tour of the “


“Mr. Whitmore, Dr.Parker will be in to speak with you shortly they are currently on rounds.” I smiled at Libby, she was so professional.


Dad and Sara never suspected a thing as they waited. The years she spent as a nurse in Florida helped her now, as she dealt with patients family’s all the time. I wasn’t feeling too bad. I was feeling pretty confident the visit would go smoothly. I hoped Doc wouldn’t take too long though, I was running out of things to say. I was really hoping Sara wouldn’t have come. Dad made small talk and asked how the food was and if I had met any of the other patients and so on.


I nearly choked when a wheel chair occupied by one sneaky vampire named Taylor came into my room. He was being pushed by none other than Roth, dressed as a nurse’s aid. It was all I could do not to break out laughing, as I looked at Taylor in a hospital gown and blue robe.


Roth looked so funny in scrubs. He had a wicked grin on his face as he winked at me, his green eyes sparkling, he knew I was about to lose it. Libby quickly turned to look at my chart covering her mouth to hide a laugh. After she pulled it together, she turned around and resumed her professional attitude. I knew it was hard for her, with those tow jokers around.


“Mr. Roth, Ms. Whitmore has guests right now. Taylor will need to come back later to visit please.”


“Oh I’m sorry. Taylor here just wanted to stop in and say hello to Corrine for a second if that’s ok?” Roth said calmly.


“Hi Corrine, how are you today?” Taylor smiled innocently at me.


“Uh… I’m good, glad you stopped by Taylor, are your parents visiting today too?” I couldn’t think of anything else to say on the spot.


“Yeah they will be here later.” Libby gave him a quick dirty look. “Well I better go. I have therapy in a few minutes, see you later.” He smiled and waved as Roth pushed him out the door. I was so going to kill those two later, what a bunch of dorks they were. I had to admit they did a good acting job, dad and Sara never suspected a thing.


“Well then, have a good day you two.” Libby quickly ushered them out, and seemed relieved to see them go. I figured they would hear it from her too, later on.


“Well it seems you have some admirers here Corrine.” Sara said as she watched Roth’s butt as he wheeled Taylor out the door. I couldn’t believe she was doing that right in front of my dad. I looked at him but he was watching a news blurb on TV as CNN was on. “Has William been to see you at all here, or are you two broken up?” I couldn’t believe she was asking me this after I nearly died and was suppose to be trying to beat cancer. I should have expected it from her.


“Sara really.” Dad hissed. “That’s not why we’re here, to ask personal questions, that’s between those two.” Dad snapped giving her a dirty look shaking his head.


“Well… I just figured that when things got difficult, he might not stick around to support Corrine. I didn’t want to see that happen to her.” I so wanted to tell her he was just upstairs and never left my side, and never would.


“He calls me every day so things are fine, and I’m not into that Taylor guy either, he’s just a friend to me here.”


“Well then ladies enough of that.” Dad shook his head. “So Corrine any idea how long Dr.Parker plans to keep you here?” Dad asks, as he hold’s my hand. I tried not to give Sara the evil eye. “I’d love to have you home for Thanksgiving at least. It’s not right for you to be all the way up here during the holidays. If you are doing so much better, perhaps Doc will let you come home for a few days?”


“We will have to ask. I haven’t thought about it much really. I just take it a day at a time.” I smiled nervously.


A knock on the door saved me from any more questions about returning home. Doc walked in, as confident and in control as ever, dressed in the traditional white doctor’s coat. He smiled at dad and Sara as he looked over to me and nodded. He was definitely cool under pressure.


“Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore, so good to see you here today we have been waiting for you.” He said shaking my dad’s hand and nodding to Sara.


“Good to see you again Dr. Parker, we have been looking forward to visiting for awhile now.” I could hear an edge in dad’s voice. He was still annoyed that he had to wait so long to come and see me.


“Yes, I apologize for the delay Mr. Whitmore, but with many of these new treatments we like to keep the patient in a sterile environment and cannot risk outside infections. The common cold for example, well it could destroy all our progress with Corrine, so we are a bit strict on visitors.”


“Oh… well I understand. I would never want to jeopardize Corrine’s recovery in anyway. I just can’t thank you enough for overseeing her care. You and the staff here have worked wonders for my daughter.” Dad squeezed my hand and smiled as he spoke.


“We do our best. This is a new clinic and we are still laying the ground rules and such, but we are pleased with the progress of the few patients we do have so far.” Doc opened my chart and adjusted his glasses (which he did not need, they were only props to make him appear older). He began to give dad the medical report on me. It would make them happy and buy us more time to figure out my real situation.


“If you would please step into my office, we can discuss Corrine’s treatment plan in more detail, and let her rest some.” Doc opened the door to my room, not really giving them an option even though he just asked them to go to his office.


“Very well, I do have some questions for you.” Dad said as he kissed my cheek. “Be back to see you after the meeting sweetie, ok?”


“Sure dad, I’m just going to hang out here.” I smiled and grabbed my cell phone, acting as if I was going to call some friends, which I was not.


I was tired now, and glad I didn’t have to listen to the medical bologna Doc was going to be feeding them. I was happy to see dad but was so worried he would get suspicious of the clinic and my “
”. I closed my eyes and tried to take a short nap before they got back.


I wanted to see William so badly, but I knew he had to wait to come down and see me. I was almost asleep when they came back from Doc’s office. I pretended to be asleep, as they became quiet when they saw my eyes closed. I could tell they were arguing about something, no doubt related to me.


“Well I can’t imagine what this miracle treatment is. I think this place is just too good to be true.” Sara complained. I was glad Doc wasn’t with them.


“Sara, Corrine’s thriving here. Dr. Parker’s confident she will be able to come home for Thanksgiving if she has no more setbacks. I’m not moving her now. He told us it was too dangerous and I’m not going against what he says. I will not chance her recovery because you think this place costs too much. Why you worry about money I will never understand anyway!” Dad snapped as Sara was getting under his skin as usual.


“It’s insane John, they charge an arm and a leg here. They have satin bed sheets, in a hospital! That is crazy! I saw the insurance reports the other day. I’m only thinking of you dear, you work so hard for what we have.” Dad blew out loudly.


“Sara, you are
thinking of me. You are thinking of the addition you want on the kitchen you do not use, or that new silver BMW at Pillions dealership you’ve been eying. Dare I forget your next fur coat from Niemen’s! Don’t lie to me. Corrine’s never been high on your priority list and never will be, so save your breath and my nerves.”


“You are wrong about that. I just do not like this place, we should take Corrine home, and put her in the local hospital is all I was thinking!” I could hear her tap her fake nails on the dresser, she always did that when she was mad.

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