Ever After (24 page)

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Authors: Heather McBride

BOOK: Ever After
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Pratt returned to France very disappointed, but he kept the serum and brought it back with him to do more studies. He believed it had some sort of use and he just needed to find out what. The serum proved to be his last ditch effort in Emma’s treatment. He had studied it very little at his home lab, but felt it may help her.


The serum stopped the destruction of her cells and pushed the venom to change her system, making her a half-blooded vampire. I knew the story and I hoped he had enough of that serum left to help Corrine. The only thing that worried me was Doc said because of her cancer the serum might not have the same effect it did on Emma. I had to hope it would, without Corrine my world meant nothing.


I didn’t want to even think of my life without her, and I knew deep down I would not live one more day if something happened. Corrine said I had shown her life was worth living, but honestly, she had shown me the same thing. I only existed before her, not finding very much joy in being alive, if that’s even what the case is. Being alive for a vampire is not the same as it is for humans.


That’s really bad thing when you are immortal believe me. I was facing centuries of nothing but loneliness. I had given up on finding someone I could connect to or love. I had resigned myself to a solitary life except for interacting with my coven. Corrine’s love was a lifeline to me, I needed her love, being without her was not an option for me now.






































Back to Corrine’s Point of View”




I pretended to be asleep, as I watched William looking out the window. He was deep in thought as he watched the snow falling. I knew he was worrying about me, he watched nearly every breath I took as if it might be my last. I wanted to reassure him I could make it through this, but if I said that, I would be lying.


I could feel myself slipping away, very much like the night Todd nearly killed me. I remember it like it was just yesterday, it was burned into my memory. I had lain there in my own room, in my own bed, bleeding to death from the cuts Todd put on my wrist. He had meant for it to look like a suicide, so he would not be implicated, and still get his revenge.


I remember with each second I felt like I was floating outside my body, leaving it. I was feeling the same way now as I lay here and more so with each hour that passed. I tried to fight it, but I didn’t know how. I couldn’t stand to leave William, but I was so weak and tired I wasn’t sure how long I could keep this up.


I knew I was dying now, it was a fate I had thought I had beaten, but it was 100 times worse. I had only wanted us to have a future together, somehow some way. I knew me being sick might cause problems, but never like this. I never thought it would end my life.


“You’re awake?” He said softly.


“Yeah, I get tired of sleeping all the time.” I sighed sadly. “I know that sounds stupid, but it’s true.” I knew all about Emma Pratt, and I really was hoping I could be like her and survive a botched up transformation. My mind was filled with thoughts of this woman who had survived, and I prayed I could do what she did.


“So you know Dr.Pratt? Is he nice?” I asked William, he walked over to my bed and sat on the edge and took my hand.


“Yes, he’s really a great guy, and very smart. He lives to do research and medical studies.”


“What about Emma, do you know her?” I leaned against his arm as he scooted next to me. I laid my head onto his chest.


“I don’t know her really well, but she’s nice, and they have a child together.” I was speechless at that bit of information. I had no idea any vampires could have children. I never asked, but I had assumed they couldn’t.


“I remember Doc saying that.” I shook my head. “A child how is that possible for vampires?” I gasped loudly. I guess William could see my shock, as he blushed slightly.


Will took a deep breath. “Well yes, but only between half blood and human or a half blood and full blooded vampire. That’s why I was so hesitant to…. uh.” He looked down a bit embarrassed. “
… Corrine. I couldn’t risk losing you if you got pregnant, and you being sick too.”


I smiled laughing a little bit. “Why William, I thought it was only because you were a true gentleman!” This time he smiled and laughed.


“Ok… well I am, but I had your health in mind too, but believe me I wanted to give upon the gentleman act several times.” He playfully kissed my nose.


“Me too!” I giggled, hugging him. “It still amazes me all the details of vampire life, I still have a lot to learn.”


“Yes, and I will teach you all you need to know.” He gave me a warm smile. I felt sleepy now and curled up next to William as he rubbed my back and I drifted off to sleep. I desperately wanted to believe I could become a half blood like Emma and William. I prayed Dr. Pratt could do for me what he did for Emma.


The morning brought a cold bitter wind, which was causing white out conditions as the snow was blowing and drifting over the roads. The woods surrounding the house were blanketed in heavy snow. Ice had coated the branches of the trees and the power lines as well. The massive stone mansion was now running on generators since two power lines snapped due to the heavy ice.


The scene outside my window was beautiful, despite all the damage the ice had caused. It reminded me of the day Will, his cousins and me went sledding last winter, and Will told me he was a vampire. I would never forget that day as long as I lived, it reminded me that Will and I could overcome anything.


I wished now maybe I could go back to that day sometimes, but not to change my decision to stay with Will. I wished I could have gone to the doctor and gotten treatment for my headaches. Maybe I could have prevented it from getting so dangerous and terminal. I knew it was pointless to waste time thinking about that. I knew Will would be by my side no matter what, and if there was any way, we could get me through this we would.


Doc came in after Libby had brought me my breakfast tray. I nibbled on my toast as he and William spoke. Will sat in the armchair next to my bed, looking stunning as always. I admired his muscular arms as he wore a perfectly fitted white t-shirt and faded jeans. He could make a paper bag look hot as far as I was concerned. I smiled at him as I thought all this; he turned and winked at me as he felt my stare.


“What?” He asked his brows raised, he was about to bite into an apple.


“Nothing, just thinking.” I smirked.


“About what?”


“Paper bags.” I grinned wickedly.


“Why on earth are you thinking of that?” He looked confused.


“Never mind.” I sighed; I was amused at the confused look on his face. He always wanted to know exactly what was going on, it irritated him when he didn’t. Doc chuckled at us as he flipped through my charts. I had forgotten Doc could read my mind…I blushed.


“Well kids Pratt will be here in two hours. His plane landed one hour ago and Roth’s taking the Hummer to pick him up due to all this snow and ice. I think he and Emma will only be an hour later than we actually expected them.”


“Corrine’s doing better; maybe she won’t need anything more if she keeps doing so well.” Will announced. I could tell he was worried about what Pratt was going to do to me. Honestly, so was I.


“Yes, she is doing well right now, but she’s on a high dose of pain meds. I can’t keep her on them much longer, or they will damage her system. Her heart rate is getting even faster and her blood pressure is unstable, so we must take action.”


“I was hoping Pratt wouldn’t have to do anything to her, it just worries me not knowing what’s going to happen.” Will said in a low voice.


“I understand Will; we all care about Corrine and don’t want to do anything drastic. I smiled at them, it felt good to know the coven members all felt I belonged, and wanted me here even though I was still basically human and not a vampire. I just hoped this Dr. Pratt could perform a miracle for me, and save my life. We all sat and waited for Roth’s Hummer to come barreling down the snow covered drive, with the man who was going to try to keep me alive.


















Chapter 8


Dr.Pratt’s Arrival


Doc was busy preparing his charts for Dr. Pratt to review as we waited. The feeling in the air was tense and laced with much anticipation, over the doctors arrival.


“I want to stay while he examines her, is that ok Doc?” Will asked hesitantly.


“Yes, that’s fine he will not mind, but you don’t have to guard her. He is one of the best medical minds in the country. Pratt can be trusted to do everything in his power to get Corrine through this Will, you don’t need to worry.”


Will nodded as he sat down and flipped on the TV again. Doc looked at his watch. “I have to go down to my office for a second, and grab some things then make a few phone calls. Pratt will be here shortly, and I will bring him on up right away.”


Doc proceeded to tell me to get some rest, as Pratt would have to do some tests on me. Will grimaced at the fact, as he hated anyone doing anything to me that might cause me more pain. I tried to rest and ignore the fact that I had no idea what the next day or so would hold for me. I had been lucky the last few hours as the pain meds Doc had been giving me were working.


I drifted in and out of sleep again thankful to be getting any at all. I heard voices on and off, people coming in and out of the room. I turned over and could see William, dozing off in the love seat next to my bed. I was about to try and sit up, when it felt suddenly like the room was 120 degrees. I could feel the old gut wrenching feeling in my chest, and I knew the break I had been getting from the pain was now over.


I gasped and hung my head down trying not to panic. I tried to do the Lamaze breathing, like I had seen on that TLC show, A Baby Story. I felt stupid but I was trying to hold it together here. I slowly opened my eyes, and the room appeared empty, I felt scared that William had left me alone. I looked at my heart monitor and it was going crazy, I gripped the sheets. It felt like my heart was going a million miles an hour; this was probably it for me.


“Corrine… Corrine” Will’s voice was in my ear suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me so I wouldn’t fall over. “Breath love, breath damn it now Pratt just got here, don’t you die on me, don’t you dare.”


Will’s words were harsh, but he broke through my hysteria and I forced myself to try to slow my breathing down. The pain in my lungs was like hot steel vice clamping down on me, daring me to try to in hail, promising me more pain if I did. I felt an oxygen mask slipped over my face, as someone stroked my hair back off my face.


A low smooth voice, one I did not know spoke to me softly and reassuringly. “Corrine, I’m doctor Pratt. I’m here to help you. I won’t hurt you; we are going to get you better, now. Please try and be calm for me if you can.”


I could feel him take my hand and he counted out loud telling me to breath with him. I was amazed at how quickly I calmed down, the heart monitor slowed to a safer rate. I felt him lift my arm gently; he seemed to be looking it over. I didn’t care what he did at this point; I just wanted the pain to end.


“This will help with the pain; it will just sting for a second.” I felt the needle prick my skin, but it was nothing compared to the hell I had just went through. Pratt’s voice became muffled for a minute as the drug he had given me began to take effect.


“It’s a sedative; she will throw herself into cardiac arrest if she has another episode like that.” Pratt’s said in a hushed tone.


“My God”, Will gasped as I felt him take my hand again.


“It’s ok Will, Pratt has her under control.” Doc tried to reassure him, as he squeezed my hand nervously.


I could feel myself moved, blood taken from me as I assumed the examination had begun. I was basically out of it, so none of it hurt. I knew it was all something that had to be done, so Pratt could figure out how to help me. I really wanted to sleep though, each time I drifted off, I was moved.


“Well Pratt, what do you think?” Doc asked. I could hear chairs scooted as they all sat down.


“She’s weak, very weak and that’s no doubt caused by the cancer, that’s still active in her body. It concerns me very much, as she is weaker than Emma was. A war is what is going on in her body. The cancer’s trying to take over, and so is the venom, they are clashing with each other.” I could hear Pratt take a deep breath. “She is stalled out in a mid transitional phase, it’s extremely serious. If we can keep her alive and push her body over to complete the change, she will become a half blood like Emma and William. I am just concerned her system may not be strong enough to hold up that long.”

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