Ecstasy Times Two Plus Three [The Dakota Dynasty 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (8 page)

BOOK: Ecstasy Times Two Plus Three [The Dakota Dynasty 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Candice said, “It wasn’t something we planned to have happen. Believe me, none of us saw what was coming, but once we were in the thick of it, we couldn’t turn back.”

As though to put veracity to her words, she stepped up to Dylan and kissed him on the lips, then walked over to Bulldog and kissed him.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to dry my hair and get ready for the supper rush.” She looked at Lydia. “Do you want to come with me? I’ll explain this insanity called my life to you while I get dressed.”

“I’d like that very much.” Lydia looked at her brother, then at Bulldog. “Not in a thousand years would I have guessed this one.”

She followed Candice to the bedroom. When she got there, the first thing she noticed was that along one wall was a king-size bed pressed alongside a queen-size bed. The combined beds would be comfortable enough for half a dozen people to sleep. Or have an orgy on.

“Yes, that’s our bed,” Candice said as she unknotted the sash to her robe. “There’s where Bulldog, Dylan, and I sleep every night. Bulldog’s to my left and your brother is to my right. As you might guess, I sleep between them.” She opened a bureau drawer and extracted a ruby-red thong panty. “We live here because nobody in New Oslo can tell that we’re all living in the same condo. Thank God your family’s got money. There’s no way I could pay for the renovation.”

“That’s how you got the money to buy The Cattleman’s Paradise? My brother?”

“Yes. The bank would never have given me a loan that big, but once Dylan gets set on something, it’s impossible to dissuade him. He paid for it, but I’m paying him back. He says he doesn’t want the money, but I’m insisting on it.”

Candice stepped into a pair of denim short-shorts and buttoned them, then from another drawer extracted a red bra. As Lydia watched her dressing, she tried to imagine her in the arms of Bulldog and her brother. Candice was every bit as curvaceous as Lydia, though she weighed a little more. It was a ripe, feminine body that two men could simultaneously enjoy, Lydia decided.

Just like Lydia’s was.

The thought made her shiver. Was it actually possible to have a loving relationship with two men at the same time? That appeared to be the case, but still…

“Are you thinking of trying what I’ve got going?” Candice asked. “I’m in love with your brother and Bulldog. Make no mistake about that. But sometimes it’s a real pain having to hide the fact that I’m in love with two men. I mean, let’s face it, do you think staid New Oslo is going to tolerate a
ménage à trois
in their midst?”

“So you’ve got to keep your love hidden.” It was a statement from Lydia, not a question. To her, it sounded like a dreadful condition to be in.

“Kind of like that Beatles hit, ‘You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away.’ You see, I was at work when all the guys there started watching the movie
The Dukes of Hazzard
on TV, all of them ogling that blonde girl in her halter top and Daisy Dukes. That’s when I decided that would be the uniform at Paradise for the waitresses. They like looking at a pretty girl, but if they knew that every night I go to bed with two men, and as often as not make love to both of them at the same time, they’d boycott Paradise in a heartbeat. I’d go from being the pretty hostess they like to flirt with, to the town slut nobody would be seen talking to.”

Lydia thought it must be terrible to be in a
ménage à trois
love affair. What could be worse than living with a secret that would get a woman ostracized?

“I guess I don’t understand this condominium thing,” Lydia said, watching as Candice put on a blouse and began rolling up the tails to tie it into a halter.

“Since its private property, Dylan’s only going to sell the other units to people who are cool with our living arrangement,” Candice explained. “That way we can come and go, and nobody knows that the three of us are living in the same condo. We’re going to be
selective on who moves into this building.” She turned away from the mirror and looked straight into Lydia’s eyes. “So, you’ve got some sweeties, I’m guessing. I don’t suppose you’d tell me who they are?”

Lydia shook her head, then combed fingers through her hair. “No. I’m sorry, but I can’t.” She closed her eyes, wondering whether she could live with such secrets. “I’m so flippin’ confused right now I can’t see straight.”

Candice laughed softly and patted Lydia on the shoulder. “Falling in love with Bulldog and Dylan is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. Every time I think of the hassle of having to keep it a secret, I think about how much I love those men, and how much they love me, and then I thank my lucky stars for how I’ve been blessed.”


* * * *


After a night spent staring at her bedroom ceiling, Lydia went to the office the next day physically and emotionally exhausted. She was aware that there was a decade difference in their ages, so she didn’t know Candice Olssen very well. But she knew her well enough to never have suspected her of being adventurous enough to be the central character in a
ménage à trois
love affair. And it was equally surprising that her younger brother was one of the points in that triangle.

It wouldn’t have surprised me so much if Dylan had two women fawning over him, but for him to share a woman with another man? Not my brother!
Sitting in her office, she shook her head and closed her eyes for a moment.
But Dylan
sharing his woman with another man. Bulldog and Dylan are both so frickin’ alpha male it’s amazing they can tolerate being in the same room with each other at the same time.

“Actually,” she said aloud, but softly, to herself in her office, “they tolerate being in the same woman at the same time.”

Vague images of what it would be like to have both Nick’s and Caleb’s cock in her body simultaneously slithered across the surface of Lydia’s mind, and she shivered. What could be better than having Caleb’s cock in her pussy, and Nick’s cock in her mouth?

Lydia shook her head to chase away intemperate mental images. This wasn’t the time to let her mind wander onto forbidden territory, she told herself.

Nick’s going to want to fuck me in the ass.

The thought had come to her unbidden, and when it did, she flinched as though given a shock by a cattleman’s electric prod. Lydia was not a backdoor virgin, but it was something she hadn’t done since she was twenty, and she’d only allowed it because her boyfriend at the time had a woefully undersized penis.

She tried to remember the young man’s name, and couldn’t. She couldn’t even conjure up a good mental picture of his face. All she could really remember clearly, and with no small amount of disdain, was that he had a very small erection, and that he came very quickly. In their three months together in college as a “couple,” he’d never once given her an orgasm.

But Nick and Caleb had made her come. They’d made her climax sitting in a crowded tavern in India. They’d made her come repeatedly while standing up, getting righteously fucked against a soda machine. Oh, yes, Caleb and Nick had given her orgasms aplenty!

Dearest self, if you keep thinking that way you’re going to have to frickin’ finger-fuck yourself. Masturbating in your own office during work hours is against company rules. Show some maturity, please, dear self.

Sitting at her desk, Lydia gave some serious consideration to masturbating into a quick and, no doubt, rather unsatisfying climax. But then, to her supreme pleasure, her willpower seemed to grow a spine. She squared her shoulders, took a look at her wristwatch, and realized that it was nearly time for her conference call with the London office, and told herself for the nth time that only very stupid women would get involved, consciously and willingly, in a
ménage à trois

But Candice Olssen’s not a stupid woman, is she?


* * * *


Lydia had hardly finished with the conference call to the London office when her desk phone buzzed, and Nick’s voice came through the small speaker.

“Lydia, do you have a moment?” Nick asked. “Our new interns are in the office today, and I’d like to introduce you to them.”

“I’ll be right there,” Lydia replied.

Every summer the company hired on interns whose chief task was to do the petty, time-consuming tasks and research projects that the executives didn’t want to do. Consequently, Lydia liked having interns at the office. She stepped into Nick’s office, pleased that she wouldn’t be alone with him. Since her wickedly intemperate behavior on the plane, she had done everything she could to
be alone with either Nick or Caleb.

There were three young men standing by his desk. Lydia pegged them all at around twenty-two years old, and, if they were typical interns for New Oslo International Initiatives, fresh from getting their bachelor’s degree from some prestigious college or university. They’d also be connected by blood or friendship to someone doing serious business with the company.

“Ms. Amberson, I’d like you to meet Heath, Ian, and Sebastian,” Nick said.

“Pleased to meet you, ma’am,” Heath said, stepping forward with hand extended. His accent was British and very upper-class.

“It’s good to meet you. We don’t stand on formality here. You can call me Lydia.”

Ian and Sebastian introduced themselves, and Lydia shook their hands. The young men were impeccably dressed and exuded an aura of old money and fine breeding. Lydia decided she’d find out later how they were connected to the company. Internships were only given to the young men and women who could somehow benefit the company by who they knew.

Caleb knocked on the open door, then stepped in. When Lydia looked at him, she felt her heart do a summersault in her chest. He was always a handsome man, but he was particularly enticing in well-washed Lee jeans that hugged his trim hips and taut buns, a red and black checked shirt, and black cowboy boots.

“Anybody in the mood for lunch?” he asked. “Lydia, let’s take the interns to The Cattleman’s Paradise. I think the company can afford to buy the new guys some sizzling steaks.”

“Not for me. I’ve got too much to do,” Lydia replied. “You men can go without me.” She saw the disappointment in Caleb’s eyes. “Without me you can have a manly lunch and tell those stupid jokes you know I don’t like.”

“We’ll keep it clean if you come along,” Nick said quickly. He put a hand over his heart. “Scout’s honor.”

Lydia laughed, told the interns to believe only half of the stories they’d be regaled with over lunch, then stepped out of the office, wishing like hell that she could ignore the fact that being in the same room with Nick and Caleb had caused her panty to cling moistly to the lips of her cunt.

Chapter Seven


Nick was standing in his office, staring out the window, ostensibly watching the traffic moving by several floors below on the streets of New Oslo. His eyes were open, but he wasn’t seeing the cars or the new construction underway, or even the oil rigs with their pistoning arms that were making him a wealthy man. He was trapped inside his own mind, lost in his memories of Lydia. Had any woman in his entire life so thoroughly entranced both his mind and his body?

No, he thought, of course not. Lydia was in a league all of her own. A true one of a kind. A one and only.

A thousand times he wished he’d never started that silly, erotic game at the hotel tavern in Mumbai, where he’d pulled the D/s routine and she’d gone along with it, responding just exactly as he’d hoped she would. That’s when it all got started, when the work relationship evolved into a sexual one.

But somewhere along the line, his heart got involved. That was something he hadn’t expected. And it damned sure was something he hadn’t intended.

It was the worst luck he could imagine.

Every time he saw her at the office, it felt like someone was stabbing him in the heart with an ice pick. Every time he closed his eyes, her face flashed across the surface of his mind. So beautiful, so sophisticated, and at thirty-five, at the absolute height of her beauty. She didn’t realize that, thinking she was old, but Nick knew better. She was more beautiful now than she had been at eighteen or twenty-five. Like wine, she’d only gotten better with time.

I never, ever should have touched her. Damn, I’m old enough to know that only idiots have office romances. And she’s a damned Amberson! I work for the company her family founded. What a complete fucking idiot I am.

He turned away from the windows and glanced at his wristwatch. It was twenty minutes to five. At exactly five, he intended to close and lock his office door, get into his Cadillac, and drive to The Cattleman’s Paradise. If ever there was an evening where he needed several glasses of whiskey on ice, this was it.

The whiskey will be delicious, but what I really want to taste are Lydia’s kisses.
The thought made him smile.
And her pussy. She’s so responsive and she loved it when I went down on her.

He was a little surprised to find himself walking out of his office, as though he didn’t know where his feet were taking him. Lydia’s office door was partially open. He went to it, feeling foolish and adolescent. He was a sophisticated man of means who had been a member of an exclusive D/s club in Dallas, a man who had known more women sexually than he could count or remember. He told himself he was no teenager, but he felt like one.

Lydia was on the telephone with her back to the door, looking out the office window, so she did not realize that she was no longer alone. Nick paused a moment, looking at her hair and remembering what it had felt like against his palm as he stroked its silken softness as she gave him fellatio on the plane. A shiver went through him, and he felt his cock begin to harden. When he closed the door, Lydia spun in her chair to face him. Her expression showed her surprise.

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