Ecstasy Times Two Plus Three [The Dakota Dynasty 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (10 page)

BOOK: Ecstasy Times Two Plus Three [The Dakota Dynasty 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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While holding the skirt of her dress up to her stomach, Caleb looked into her eyes and replied, “We’ll never know until we try.”

Then, still looking into her eyes, he leaned forward and flicked his tongue over her clit.

“Fuck,” Lydia said in response. And, not able to think of anything more precise to describe her emotions, she followed it up with, “Oh, fuck.”

Chapter Eight


Lydia did not resist when Nick grabbed her by the chin and turned her face toward him. Resistance and sound judgment were impossible when Caleb slipped a single finger into her slit and began caressing the smooth front wall of her pussy as he sucked the erect nub of her clit between his lips. Kissing Nick while Caleb tantalized her most sensitive nerve endings created an exquisite chaos in Lydia’s soul. She wanted to stroke Caleb’s hair as he worked a second finger into her pussy, but the necktie prevented that. Being thwarted by having her hands tied behind her back only elevated her desire for forbidden pleasures.

They’re going to make me come.

It was an awareness that brought with it equal measures of anticipation and dread. The imminent climax threatened to be strong enough to make her feel like she was going to simply explode. Not necessarily a bad thing, as Lydia knew. But having Caleb and Nick adding to their I-owe-them-in-the-climax-ledger-of-life wasn’t exactly what she wanted, either. After all, the last time she felt guilty about being on the receiving end of their lusty attention without providing a quid pro quo to even the scales of orgasmic justice ended up causing her to be on her knees aboard a 747, sucking their cocks while a stewardess looked on with undisguised envy.

Lydia believed in karma. The trouble was, sometimes karma could be a bitch.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. They’re going to make me come. I’ve got to tell them to stop.
She wrenched her head to the side, ending her kiss with Nick.
Now tell them to stop.

She felt like she was being devoured. Literally, not just figuratively, devoured.

They’ve got a lot of faults, but if you tell them to stop, they’ll stop. Say the goddamn word!

Lydia moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue and said softly and slowly, and with great sincerity, “I’m going to come.” These were not the words she had intended to say.

She did, as stated, climax. Almost the very instant the last word escaped her lips, her body began to tremble and the climactic convulsions swept over her, making her shiver and shudder. Throughout the contractions, Caleb continued to caress her pussy with two fingers as he sucked on her clit. When she began to shake, Nick turned his attention to her nipples, sucking on one and then the other, drawing the flesh deeply into his mouth with a strong vacuum as the waves of pure, raw emotion swept through her.

“Stop,” she said when the last spasm had subsided, and the powerful orgasm had run its course. “Please. I can’t take any more.”

Her chin was on her chest, and a fine sheen of perspiration glowed on her skin. She was breathing deeply. Her breasts, with the nipples moist with saliva, trembled as she gulped in air. She was simultaneously horrified at her own inability to resist the men who gave her so much pleasure, and overwhelmed at the awareness of just how much raw, forbidden passion she was capable of experiencing with Nick and Caleb.

The necktie knotted around her wrists reminded her she had a fetish she hadn’t known she possessed until these two men entered her sex life, and in doing so, turned everything she thought she knew about herself upside-down.

In a whisper, she asked, “Will you untie me now?”

“Are you ours?” Caleb asked.

“Forever and always?” Nick added.

Lydia, knowing that she could not live with such a secret, and knowing that New Oslo would never turn a blind eye toward her
ménage à trois
love life, shook her head. Half-sitting on her own desk, her body was aglow in postorgasmic warmth.

“It would never work,” she replied after several seconds of silence. “It just wouldn’t.”

“Obviously, we haven’t convinced you yet,” Nick said. “And since it’s my necktie around your wrists, I’m the one to decide when to remove it.”

He put a hand on her shoulder and began putting downward pressure.

“On your knees,” he said, his tone commanding without being elevated in the least. “It’s clear you have much more to learn.”

With everything she thought she knew about herself in utter disarray, Lydia sank to her knees in her own office. She imagined what she looked like, with her dress unbuttoned to expose the front of her body, and her hands tied behind her back, on her knees with two stunning specimens of alpha males standing before her. The mental image that sprung to mind made her tremble with taboo lust. She had never before truly been enraptured with sucking on a man’s cock, but with Caleb and Nick, all the old rules were thrown out the window, and new standards were set. She was salivating with anticipation.

With Nick and Caleb now in her life, everything had changed. Simply everything.

“I’ve got to get out of these boots,” Caleb said as he took a step backward.

Lydia watched him sit in her desk chair, then cross his legs so that he could remove his boots. She would have continued watching him disrobing, but Nick combed his fingers through her hair, then tightened his hand into a fist. She felt strands of hair being tugged firmly against her scalp as he brought her face to the crest of his cock.

“Suck,” he said, his tone dictatorial, his behavior simultaneously brutish and yet erotically dominating.

As the plump head of Nick’s cock forced her lips apart, then slid over her tongue, not stopping until it was wedged threateningly against the opening of her throat, Lydia wondered how many women her handsome lover had played the Dom for. In an instant she resented every woman who’d ever experienced the eroticism of being tied up by Nick. She hated every woman who kept in her most secret memories the sound of his voice when he commanded, “Suck.” She hated all those women who had come before her because, as she was just now beginning to understand, she wanted to be his first. She wanted to be the first submissive to give herself totally and completely to this strong, dominating man.

Forget romantic fantasies of what can never be. He can have his choice of much younger women. You’re not Nick’s first, and you sure as hell won’t be his last.

Lydia tilted her head back on her shoulders to look up at Nick. When she did, Caleb stepped into view. It was the first time she’d seen him completely naked, and the full extent of his masculinity made the breath catch in her throat. His cock was every bit as big and thick as she remembered it, but without any clothes to hide portions of it, the throbbing flesh seemed greater in length and girth somehow. Lydia knew this wasn’t true, but logical conclusions in no way diminished her body’s instantaneous reaction as fresh cream flooded her slit.

I’m going to get fucked by that cock.

She closed her eyes. She tried to tell herself that a woman of her position in society, highborn and insulated from conflict and discomfort from the start, shouldn’t be on her knees, with her hands tied behind her back, in the company of two men who, she was quite certain, intended to fuck her mouth.

Except she
that woman.

And even if she couldn’t admit it, she was right where she wanted to be. Bound and helpless, and with Caleb and Nick, exactly as she desired. She could never admit this to anyone, least of all to herself, but as she got her knees settled more comfortably beneath her and Caleb tapped the head of his cock against her cheek while she sucked on Nick, Lydia’s clit began to pulse with her accelerating heartbeat. Even though she had only moments earlier climaxed, as she turned her attention from one lover to the next, she began to wonder whether or not it was possible to experience so much pleasure, just from sucking cocks, that it was possible to climax.

“Suck his cock,” Nick said, forcibly pulling Lydia’s head back on her shoulders to dislodge his cock from her mouth. “Do it right, because from now on, you belong to us. You’re ours.”

Lydia gasped when Nick pulled on her hair, forcing her to take Caleb’s thick cock deep into her mouth, and keep it there. Lydia had read novels where there was an element of D/s sensuality in it, but she’d never dreamed that she would ever become enmeshed in such a relationship. As Nick dictated her forward and backward movements, she could sense him becoming more of a Dom with each passing second.

He pulled her back far enough to get Caleb’s flesh out from between her lips. Bending low so that his face was only inches from hers, he said, “Admit that you’re ours now.”

I am theirs


With his free hand, Nick flicked his wrist, spanking Lydia’s breast on the side to cause the mounds to wobble. Lydia gasped, more in surprise than pain. When he spanked her breast a second time, he did it directly over her nipple. Her skin tingled erotically from the contact, and Lydia realized that she was with a master Dom, a man who could walk the tightrope between pleasure and pain.

“Never,” Lydia said again, quite certain she would get a forceful response.

Nick held her head in his hands and pumped his hips, forcing his cock to the back of her throat, then pulling back so that she could whip his slitted tip with her tongue. He fucked her mouth several times before once again almost throwing her at Caleb.

“Say it, Lydia,” Caleb said in a growl. “Let’s hear your confession. Say that you’re ours and always will be.”

He’s learning from Nick how to force me to submit. He’s becoming a Dom.

The instant Nick released the hold he had on her hair, Caleb entwined his fingers in her tresses to hold her securely. As he held her head tightly, his cock pressing so snugly against the opening to her throat that she was on the verge of choking, Lydia struggled to control her natural impulses.

“Suck my balls,” Caleb said, withdrawing from her mouth, then pulling her close again.

With the throbbing shaft of his cock against the side of her face, Lydia turned her head to the side and sucked one of his testicles between her lips. As she nursed on the orb, she could hear clothes being unceremoniously dropped to the floor.

Now they’re both naked.
She released Caleb, then lavished his sack with wet licks.
This is what I wanted. I just didn’t know it.

“Get her up,” Nick said. “Bend her over the desk.”

Lydia was grabbed by the upper arms and hauled her feet. She barely had the chance to glimpse at her Doms in all their naked glory before she was turned around and then once more forced to bend at the waist, only this time her breasts were naked when they came in contact with the smooth desktop.


* * * *


Nick took a step back to give himself a better, more complete view of what was happening. Had his cock ever been harder? Had his blood ever been hotter? There wasn’t a single thing about Lydia that didn’t excite him, that didn’t impress him, that didn’t trigger in him a response that his willpower could barely control.

Her face was turned away from him, her ebony hair a swirl of silk over the desktop. Her breasts were pressed against the wood, the mounds billowing outward to the sides. He looked at his necktie surrounding her wrists, and a drop of pre-cum formed at his slit. Her garter belt was a bit of feminine frivolity that made his balls throb with tension and the need to release their cum.

He watched as Caleb gathered Lydia’s dress and pushed it a little more beneath her wrists, then grabbed his cock by the shaft and guided it to Lydia’s pink-lipped slit. He rubbed the knob up and down over her lips for a moment, then pushed forward. Delicate tissue parted, separating to accommodate the plump crown of Caleb’s cock.

“Ohhh,” Lydia sighed as her body was penetrated.

Had Nick ever seen anything more erotic than watching Caleb’s cock slide into Lydia’s pussy? The only possible vision more erotic than that, Nick decided a moment later, would be to watch his own cock sinking deep into her warm, welcoming body.

Even though Lydia’s pussy was very slick, it took four revolutions of Caleb’s hips before he had buried all of his cock into her slit. Once the entire length of his shaft was glistening with her cream, Caleb pulled back, hesitated for only a moment, then thrust his hips forward. Nick watched with unblinking eyes as a lean, masculine torso smashed against tautly round feminine ass cheeks. He saw how the sharp edge of the desk bit into Lydia’s pale skin, and how the entire desk seem to rock slightly to the side, despite its considerable weight.

This was not gentle, heartfelt lovemaking. It was a harsh, physical, dominating fuck, and forty seconds after Caleb had first shoved his cock into Lydia, she let out a high-pitched, keening cry of ecstasy and cried out so loudly it surely would have been heard by the secretaries and receptionist had they been at their stations, “I’m coming!”


* * * *


I’ve got a cock inside me and I don’t know who’s fucking me.

It was the awareness that she didn’t know whether it was Nick’s or Caleb’s cock that was pistoning in and out of her cunt that sent her over the edge. When the orgasmic contractions began and her cunt tightened around the thick, manly flesh that filled it, she heard herself shout, “I’m coming!”

The contractions were stronger than Lydia could ever remember, though she couldn’t be certain this was true, since every new sexual experience with her lovers brought with it unprecedented satisfaction. In a hazy, almost trancelike mental state, Lydia understood that she was in a world she no longer commanded. Born into great wealth, and having expanded on that fortune with her own skills and abilities, she was accustomed to being a contemporary version of an American princess. But princesses didn’t get their hands tied behind their backs, and they didn’t drop to their knees to give blow jobs to two men. They didn’t get fucked in their own office, and if they did have sex, they at least knew the identity of whose cock it was driving deep into their body.

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