Ecstasy Times Two Plus Three [The Dakota Dynasty 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (12 page)

BOOK: Ecstasy Times Two Plus Three [The Dakota Dynasty 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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I wonder how many times they’ll make me come?
She smiled at the unspoken question.
With Caleb and Nick, it’s not a question of if I’ll come, only how many times.

The guard at his station smiled politely when Lydia entered the front lobby. It wasn’t unusual for the senior executives of the company to put in long hours, so Lydia’s return to the office didn’t cause so much as a flicker of concern on the guard’s face.

As the elevator began ascending, Lydia put her hand into the pocket of her suit coat and felt the small, plastic bottle of lubricant.

Getting fucked in the ass by either one of them is going to hurt like hell.
A smile faintly curled the outer edges of her mouth.
With them, there’s a very thin line that separates ecstasy from agony.
Across the surface of her mind she pictured herself wedged between their powerful bodies, one of them filling her slit with his incredible cock, the other plundering her ass.
If not tonight, then soon. Even if I have to ask them, I will. I want it. I want to know what it’s like to have both of them inside me, taking me in ways no good woman should want.
Her smile broadened.
Being a good woman is a highly overrated virtue.

The elevator doors opened and Lydia stepped out into the reception area. Her office was to the right. The door was open, and she could see Nick half-sitting on her desk. Caleb was standing deeper in the office, looking out the windows down at the scant traffic of New Oslo.

As she walked to her office, Lydia’s stride hurried so that she was almost jogging. She was once again aware of the movement of her breasts, but now she also felt the scissoring motion of her thighs, and the fact that she wasn’t wearing panties.

“If you guys don’t kiss me this instant,” she said as she entered her office, “you’re both in big trouble.”

It was not a request she had to make twice. Nick grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into his chest, then wrapped his arms around her and planted a kiss on her lips that stole her breath. As she kissed him, Caleb moved behind her, standing close enough so that she felt the hard lump of his cock pressing against her buns through his jeans and her skirt.

“Nice,” Caleb said as he worked his hips from side to side. “No panties.” His hands slipped around her body to cup her breasts. “No bra, either. Good.” He pinched her nipples lightly, and Lydia felt her passion escalating rapidly. “This is going to be a special night. One you’ll never forget.”

I can’t wait to feel them inside me.

She was still kissing Nick when Caleb pulled her arms behind her back. A moment later she felt the bite of stainless steel digging into her wrists, heard several metallic clicks, and realized she’d just been handcuffed.

Bondage again. I so flippin’ love the forbidden with these guys.

Caleb put a woman’s silk scarf around her head to blindfold Lydia.

“This is different,” Lydia said, smiling, certain she was about to be the absolute center of the sexual universe. “You men are—”

The mouth that claimed hers was masculine, demanding, making words impossible. Lydia opened her mouth as a tongue sought entrance. Hands roamed her body, caressing her breasts through her blouse, raising her skirt to fondle the naked cheeks of her ass, and the rapidly moistening lips of her pussy.

“Put her in the chair.”

It was Nick who spoke, and he did so in that commanding timbre that so thoroughly established him as an experienced Dom. This awareness made Lydia’s clit tighten and begin to throb with her pulse.

Tonight isn’t going to be making love. Tonight’s going to be all about fucking. I’ll probably have bruises to hide in the morning.
The thought did not cause unhappiness. Quite the opposite, in fact.
I’d be the envy of every woman in New Oslo if they knew how good I’ve got it.

Lydia did not resist as she was pushed and pulled around her desk, then made to sit in her wheeled chair. She felt scarves being wrapped around her ankles to secure them to the legs of her chair. Now she was blind and completely defenseless against anything that Nick and Caleb wanted to do to her.

“Let them in, but keep them quiet.”

Again, it was Nick who had spoken. It took a moment for the words to register in Lydia’s passion-fogged consciousness.

Them? What the fuck is going on?

“Wait. Wait a minute, Nick,” Lydia said, keeping her voice down, though she couldn’t keep the rising panic from coloring her tone. “You can’t do this to me.”

“The hell I can’t,” he replied, then chuckled softly in the faintly teasing manner that, up until that very moment, Lydia had always enjoyed.

Lydia heard her office door open and close. Her heart was pounding in her chest now, and visions of being blackmailed or publically humiliated exploded like fireworks in her mind.

How stupid could I have been to trust those men? Why didn’t I see this coming?

She heard footsteps. The word “them” indicated there was more than one person who had entered the office after she’d allowed herself to be blindfolded and put into bondage. Lydia envisioned the shame she’d bring to her family once they found out the kind of woman she had become.

“Exactly as I told you,” Nick said. “Nothing more, but certainly nothing less.”

“Don’t do this to me,” Lydia whispered. “Please. What do you want me to do? Beg?”

“Relax, my darling,” Caleb said. “Everything’s fine. Nick and I came up with an idea that we think just might amuse you, that’s all. Enjoy yourself.”

Lydia found that with the blindfold on, her other senses became more acute. Though the carpeting in the office was plush, she could hear footsteps. But how many people were there? At least two new people, she was certain, but there seemed more than that.

“Who is in this office?” She had tried to sound authoritarian, but didn’t manage it. She tested the handcuffs and found them to be secure. She’d be handcuffed until Nick or Caleb unlocked them. “Whoever has come into the office, I’ll pay you serious money if you take off the handcuffs and leave right now. I’m an Amberson. My family’s worth billions.”

“Shhh,” Nick shushed. He was standing several feet away, Lydia could tell, and to her right. “You need adventure in your life, and that’s exactly what Caleb and I are doing. Providing an adventure. One, I suspect, that you’ll never forget.”

The way that Caleb had tied her ankles to the back legs of her chair caused her pelvis to be thrust forward. Lydia felt her skirt being raised, slowly pushed up her thighs. When she tried to slide her hips back in the chair, she found she couldn’t. Nick’s skill at being a Dom had once again become glaringly evident.

She felt strong hands briefly squeezing her breasts then unbuttoning her blouse. From what she could tell, there was one man on his knees in front of her, and one on either side of her.

Man? Lydia suddenly realized that the gender of the new people in the office with her, people she couldn’t see, was not necessarily male. They could just as easily be female, and this sudden awareness made the breath catch in her throat. She wasn’t in the least bit into that whole I-kissed-a-girl-and-I-liked-it fad. She was only now beginning to accept the fact that it turned her on to be the only woman in a
ménage à trois
romance, so adding a lesbian twist to her newfound fetishes was definitely out of the question.

Three things happened simultaneously, and when they did, the startled cry of pleasure that burst from her throat shocked her. At the exact same moment, warm, wet mouths closed over her nipples to suck on them, and yet another mouth pressed against her pussy, then sucked lightly on her clit.

The jarring awareness that she had a mouth on her cunt, and two more pleasuring her breasts—and, more importantly, that she didn’t know who the people were, or even their gender—created a sensation in Lydia that was both passionate and panicky.

“Look at her. Look at the flush that’s come to her face.” Nick’s tone was pleased, and Lydia silently damned him for it. “She’s going to come like a firecracker.”

“Firecracker?” Caleb said. Lydia could tell that he was standing very nearby. “Hell, she’s going to come like a stick of dynamite.”

“I hate you,” Lydia said. “I hate both of you.”

“I’d believe you,” Nick replied, “if there was even the slightest bit of credibility in your tone. Since there isn’t, I’m guessing that Caleb and I are correct, and that you’re lying through your teeth.”

“I still hate you,” Lydia said, trying the impossible by attempting to ignore the hot mouths sucking on her nipples, and the third mouth that seemed particularly adept at the art of cunnilingus. As her clit was being sucked on, she felt a finger sliding between the lips of her pussy. “I hate you…and I’m going to come.”

This time, Lydia really didn’t want to have an orgasm. She was so completely and thoroughly out of control of this situation, that she felt the only possible avenue of action to take was to refuse to respond in the manner that Nick and Caleb obviously wanted. Unfortunately for Lydia, her body had a rather different take on the situation, and how to react to it.

“Fuck!” she gasped when the contractions began, the single, coarse word echoing off the walls of her luxurious office as her voluptuous, bound body bucked and trembled through the spasms. When the last of the waves of pleasure washed over her, she whispered, “Wait. Stop.”

“Switch now,” she heard Nick say. “Exactly as I told you before.”

She heard movement and realized that the anonymous people surrounding and pleasuring her had all changed positions. Whoever had been so skilled at sucking on her clit was now kneeling by her chair to the right. The person—and she still was unclear as to the gender of that person—who had been sucking on her left breast was now kneeling between her thighs.

“Resume,” Nick said, his Dom tone enticing to the senses. “At least two more orgasms, I believe, is in order before you’re allowed to leave.” He chuckled softly. “But don’t worry. You’ll all leave with a smile on your face.”

“This can’t be happening to me,” Lydia whispered as, to her enormous satisfaction and intense horror, she felt her clit being sucked on once again.

The fact that she didn’t know who was pleasuring her so intimately added shame to her satisfaction.

Chapter Ten


Lydia looked at her wristwatch and tried to tell herself that patience was a virtue. But why did time have to slow way the flippin’ down whenever she knew she was going to see—privately—Caleb and Nick?

It was ten thirty. She was anticipating having lunch with them at noon. No. Not noon. She could push it up to eleven thirty on the excuse that they wanted to miss the noontime rush of customers at The Cattleman’s Paradise.

That knocked a full thirty minutes off the separation. Every minute of separation spared with a minute of ecstasy shared.

I’m so flippin’ in love. It’s no use in denying it.

But this thought did not come without more fearful ones. After all, the last time she’d been with her men, they’d handcuffed her, tied her to her office chair, then had three people suck on her nipples and clit until she climaxed three times. She’d been bound and blindfolded the entire time, so she didn’t know who the three people were.

I’m sooo making it easy for Nick and Caleb to blackmail me. My family would flippin’ freak if they knew the nasty sex life I’ve suddenly got because of my men.

But no matter how hard she tried for self-opprobrium, she couldn’t really picture either Nick or Caleb blackmailing her. They were tough men, but they weren’t criminals. And if they were trying to blackmail her for sex, that simply wasn’t going to work. What could they demand of her that she wouldn’t voluntarily do?

With a smile on her lips, Lydia reached into the pocket of her silk jacket and curled her fingers around the small plastic bottle of Astroglide personal lubricant. Her eyes closed as though of their own volition, and she tried to imagine what it would feel like to have her forbidden passage breached by either of her lovers.

How much cock can a woman hold in her body at one time?

The fact that the thought even entered her head shocked Lydia. It wasn’t the kind of question she’d have asked herself prior to Nick and Caleb having entered her sex life in the bold and dominating way in which they had.

What’s more important? Is it length, or is it thickness?

Alone in her office, Lydia felt a blush creeping up her throat and cheeks. These were not the type of questions she’d ever figured she’d ask of herself. Except she
that type of woman. She was asking those questions of herself because they were suddenly quite relevant in her life.

Caleb’s got a cock like a family-sized kielbasa. Nick’s longer, but he’s not quite so thick.

She closed her eyes, clenching her hands into fists, fighting against her own impulses which suddenly seemed foreign to her as she sat in her office.

I’m not a flippin’ size queen. I don’t measure a man by his cock. A good man is a good man. A bad man is a bad man. The size of his cock doesn’t matter.
She felt rather good about thinking this, though her attitude somewhat changed when she thought,
Fortunately for me, I’ve got two men, both hung like horses, who are mine and mine alone.

The intercom on her desk buzzed, and her secretary announced through the small speaker, “Ms. Amberson, I’ve a Mr. Stanislowski from Moscow on the line for you. Do you want to accept the call?”

“Yes,” Lydia said quickly. “Thank God.”

“Pardon?” The secretary’s tone was filled with concern.

“Just transfer the call,” Lydia replied sharply. She had no intention of explaining just how important it was for her to have something to distract her thoughts. And then, remembering her manners, she added, “Thank you, by the way. You’re a lifesaver to transfer that call.”

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