Ecstasy Times Two Plus Three [The Dakota Dynasty 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (4 page)

BOOK: Ecstasy Times Two Plus Three [The Dakota Dynasty 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Caleb watched as Nick took her by the wrist and forced her hand down to his crotch. He, too, was sporting a formidable erection inside his slacks. He groaned when she squeezed his cock.

When Caleb released Lydia’s wrist, he noticed that she did not immediately take her hand away from his cock. He got off the barstool, then slipped off his jacket so he could hold it in front of himself.

“We’re done with games,” he said, looking down at Lydia, his gaze drinking in her astonishing beauty. “I didn’t plan for this to happen, but there’s no way any of us can turn back now.”


* * * *


I’ve made a mistake, but I haven’t yet done anything unforgivable.

It was not a particularly gratifying thought for Lydia to have, but it gave her a glimmer of hope that her actions hadn’t been thoroughly damning. She tried briefly to tell herself that the only reason she had publically lost her panties and climaxed powerfully was because of the martinis, but she knew that was a self-justification without basis in fact.

When she got off the barstool, she felt her breasts moving inside her blouse. Having been voluptuously curvaceous since her teen years, she never went out of the house without wearing a bra. To feel her breasts moving now, the nipples erect and tingling from the caresses they had so recently received, kept Lydia’s lust aglow.

They escorted her out of the tavern and to the elevators, each man holding his suit coat draped over his arm, and touching her at the small of the back as though to guide her, or keep her trapped between them.

They’ll pounce when we get in the elevator.

It was another thought that didn’t exactly satisfy Lydia because she was not certain whether getting pounced upon by two gorgeous men was necessarily a bad thing. But when the elevator doors opened, three Mumbai businessmen got on with them, so they simply stood at the rear of the car in silence.

The urge to run the instant the elevator doors opened on the twenty-third floor was powerful in Lydia, but she suppressed it.

“Gentlemen,” she said, distinctly aware of just how tall and muscular the men were when she walked with them on either side of her, “I am not allowing you into my room.” She was really quite pleased with the calm yet firm tone she’d managed. “I’m sorry if that disappoints you, but that’s just the way it is. What happened earlier is something I think we should all forget.”

“Like hell,” Nick said softly, but with conviction.

Lydia watched as he took her pink panties out of his pocket and brought them to his nose. He inhaled as they walked toward their rooms.

“You’re too passionate a woman to come just once and call it an evening.”

“You’re angry with me, and I must confess, you have every right to be. I led you on, and now I’m going to let you down.” She searched for the right words that would make them understand she never meant to be deceitful. “I never meant for this to happen. I won’t blame you if you hate me for this.”

They reached her suite of rooms and stopped. She turned to face them directly, with her back to the door. For a moment she was emotionally overwhelmed by their size, and by their controlled fury.

“You do hate me, don’t you?” she asked. “I’m sorry. I truly am. But I’m not letting you into my room.”

“Leave if you have to,” Nick said, his gaze icy. “But not before I get a good-night kiss.”

Lydia gasped and immediately looked left and right down the hallway, relieved to find that the three of them were alone.

“I would if I could,” she replied. “But I’m weak where the two of you are concerned. If I give you a kiss, I’ll want another and then another and then I’ll be lost once again, just like I was downstairs in the bar.” She squared her shoulders and once again was reminded that her breasts were unencumbered. “You can’t come into my room.”

Nick looked over his shoulder, then back at Lydia. There was a predator’s gleam in his eyes when his gaze went up and down over her voluptuous figure, and a shiver went through her. She flinched when he grabbed her wrist.

“You won’t let me into your room? Fine, but this hallway is a little too public for my tastes.”

Directly across the hallway from Lydia’s suite was an alcove where the ice machine and several soda machines were. Lydia tried to resist them, but when both men took her wrists and pulled her into the alcove, their strength and determination was much greater than her own. There was also, much to her chagrin, a fierce tingling in her clit at being manhandled by Nick and Caleb.

“You shouldn’t,” she said as they turned her around and pushed her backward, each man holding a wrist and pinning it to a soda machine at shoulder level. “We can’t—”

The statement ended when Nick cupped her chin in his hand, then slanted his mouth down over hers in a kiss that bordered on the brutal. It was a powerful, claiming kiss, and though Lydia tried to not be aroused by the dominating way these men were behaving, her libido was spinning furiously out of control. Fresh honey oozed to the lips of her pussy, and she had an emptiness in her cunt that she was certain could only be filled by these men.

Simple kisses had never before aroused Lydia so thoroughly, so deeply. First Nick kissed her, then it was Caleb’s turn. She’d always enjoyed foreplay and the act of kissing, but kissing a single man couldn’t compare to taking turns kissing these two. As Caleb thrust his tongue into her mouth, he unbuttoned her blouse with his free hand. Lydia felt her skirt being lifted, and a moment later, as she sighed into Caleb’s mouth and sucked on his tongue, she had a finger slide deeply into her slit.

Scream! Someone will come and this nightmare will end! They’ll have to stop if somebody comes!

But they kept kissing her. She could hardly breathe much less scream. Her clit burned with passion, and she wondered whether she was creaming so much that the feminine nectar would actually dribble down her thighs.

Lydia was being bombarded by an overload of sensations unlike any she had ever even imagined much less experienced. She was kissing Nick, loving the way it felt to have his tongue dancing with her own, when Caleb’s warm, wet mouth fastened on her left breast, sucking lustily on her nipple. As this was happening, Nick’s free hand was pumping two fingers between the lips of her pussy.

The climax hit her without five seconds of forewarning. Powerful orgasmic contractions gripped her, and her knees buckled. She would have fallen to the floor had the men not kept her wrists pinned tightly against the soda machine. As though from a great distance, Lydia heard a strange, almost squealing noise, and it took her a couple seconds to realize that she’d made the sound herself while kissing Caleb.

It seemed as though every muscle in Lydia’s body had suddenly gone lax the moment her climax ended. She turned her face away from Caleb, breathing deeply, utterly disoriented and wanting desperately to make sense of her thoroughly intemperate behavior.

“Oh, God,” she whispered as Nick moved so that he was standing directly in front of her.

“Not God, just me,” Nick said through teeth clenched with lust.

Lydia looked down and was shocked to see Nick’s long, thick cock jutting angrily out through the fly of his slacks, looking starkly pale against the black fabric.

“Keep holding her,” he said to Caleb.

Nick grabbed Lydia by the knee and raised it, forcing her left leg around his thigh. Lydia felt helpless but without fear. With her wrists still held tightly against the soda machine, she experienced the forbidden sensation of bondage for the first time in her life, and heat blossomed in her pussy because of it.

She felt the plump head of Nick’s cock against her pussy a moment before he straightened his legs, impaling her thickly and deeply, but not with the entire length he possessed. Lydia let out a cry that was both surprise and passion as she felt herself opening for Nick, his cock forcing delicate tissue to expand and yield. Balancing precariously on one foot, Lydia raised up on her tiptoes as Nick retreated almost completely, then came charging at her a second time. On this invasion, Lydia was thrust backward hard against the soda machine, and she was overwhelmingly aware that she had taken all of Nick’s cock into her body, and that she’d never before been stretched and filled so thoroughly.

Lydia’s passion had been aroused to a fever pitch, so she was very wet, and despite the size of Nick’s erection, his cock moved smoothly between the lips of her pussy. Again and again Nick slammed into Lydia, his shirtfront with the powerful chest muscles beneath pressing against the trembling mounds of her breasts as he labored to give her everything he had.

Lydia looked at Caleb and knew with certainty that soon his cock would be in her, and that there was nothing she could or would do to stop him.

I’ve got one man’s cock inside me, and I’m looking into the eyes of the man who’s going to fuck me next.

She’d never before felt so ravaged, so savaged, or so desired, as she did standing unsteadily on one foot as Nick threw a fucking into her the likes of which she could hardly comprehend. Wealthy and much sought after, the men who were welcomed into her bed were usually shocked and a little overwhelmed, and frankly grateful, that a woman of her beauty, wealth, and social stature would have sex with them. And, they being rather in awe by such a woman, she was invariably treated with the proverbial kid gloves.

But with Nick and Caleb, it was different. Diametrically different. They were men who took what they wanted, and be damned should anyone say differently. These were men who made the world conform to their wishes rather than limit themselves to whatever they were allowed. They took what they wanted. They didn’t beg for scraps to be tossed to them.

I’m going to have bruises when this is over.

She tried to move her arms away from the soda machine, but the men holding her wrists kept her arms at the level of her shoulders. She was trapped, held in bondage by powerful hands instead of handcuffs, and the emotions this evoked were so powerful that she could feel, with each pounding thrust of Nick’s torso slamming against her own, and then her hips striking the soda machine, another wrenching orgasm approaching.

Each time Nick reached full insertion and Lydia was catapulted backward against the soda machine, his chest struck her quivering breasts, and the breath was literally forced from her lungs. Again and again Lydia was catapulted backward, her lush and feminine body being buffeted by Nick’s lean and masculine one.

Now I know what it’s like to get fucked.

The thought of getting “fucked” instead of having some man making love to her was sufficiently erotic to send Lydia’s senses swirling out of control. She felt the tightening within herself and was amazed at the speed with which she was losing all control over her emotions and senses.

“Fuck!” she gasped, shocking herself at the coarseness of her own language. “I’m going to come.” She looked straight into Caleb’s eyes, knowing that his cock would be filling and stretching her pussy as soon as Nick’s wasn’t, and added ambiguously, “Fuck me!” Even she wasn’t certain who the last sentence was directed to.

Her pussy was flexing, clenching at the pistoning cock filling it, while Lydia trembled through a marrow-deep orgasm, when Nick plowed his cock full-length into her sheath and let out a low, earthy growl. Lydia knew he was releasing his lust deep inside her, and despite the physicality of the sex she’d just received, she smiled dreamily, her muscles turning to jelly.

When Nick had emptied himself in Lydia, he released her leg but continued to lean against her, his chest heaving as he breathed deeply from his labors, his cock still inside her though not nearly as rigid as it had been seconds earlier. Lydia was certain she would fall to her knees if the men hadn’t continued to hold her.

“Stand aside,” Caleb said in a tone of voice that suggested violence should his command not be instantly followed.

Lydia issued the softest of mews when Nick’s cock was no longer filling her, but the sensation of emptiness was short-lived. Hardly had Nick taken a step to the side and disengaged himself in the most intimate of possible ways, when Caleb moved into position in front of her. Grabbing her behind the knee, exactly as Nick had done, he spread her legs apart, positioned himself properly, and then practically lunged at Lydia.


The sound of the single, obscene word rang off the walls of the alcove, and it was difficult for Lydia to comprehend that the woman who had spoken it was none other than herself. She simply wasn’t a crude or vulgar woman who used such language. But she was.

I’ve got one man’s cum inside me, and now I’ve got another man’s cock in me.

If Lydia had thought that getting fucked by Nick was physical, then what Caleb threw into her was borderline savage. Though the men were both tall and muscular, Caleb was taller and more powerfully built. When he thrust into Lydia, she was lifted up onto her tiptoes, and when his chest slammed against her and knocked her backward against the soda machine, the breath was forced from her lungs in a loud gasp.

Lydia felt the heat of Caleb’s breath against her cheek as he labored at both pleasuring himself and her. She squeezed his neck more tightly, loving the way it felt to be penetrated so thoroughly, so deeply, and only then did she realize that her wrists were no longer being held by the men.

“Fuck me,” she said between pummeling thrusts of his torso. “Fuck me hard, my darling.”

You could fuck me to death and I wouldn’t protest.

Such words couldn’t be spoken to a man like Caleb without the speaker suffering—or profiting, depending upon one’s wishes—mightily. Lydia, in a surprisingly emotionally detached manner, was conscious of the sound of her own gasps as the breath was forced from her lungs each time she was smashed against the soda machine and her body was plundered with almost savage force. She was aware of being lifted off the one foot she was balancing on each time Caleb invaded her with the entire length of his cock, and then seemed to try to drive his flesh even more deeply into her by straightening his legs. She was aware of the clanging of metal as the soda machine rocked and swayed on its moorings each time she was catapulted backward against it. She distinctly felt a powerful hand cupping one cheek of her ass, squeezing tightly.

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