Duffle Bag Bitches (9 page)

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Authors: Alicia Howard

Tags: #Novels

BOOK: Duffle Bag Bitches
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Mack’s aunt kept him for the money that the city paid for the loss of his mother, sister, and baby brother. She ran through that money fast, stunting with all her friends in a five year time span. He was fourteen by this time and she was depressed and strung out on dope from fucking up that money. As soon as he found a way to move out he left and never looked back.

They were still laughing and slap boxing in the lobby heading to the elevators. They never saw Zane at the counter. Until he yelled “Aye, where ya’ll been?” He asked like he was they daddy.

“Nigga, none of your damn business, did we ask where you and the clerk went?” Shannon couldn’t stand him going on a date with that busted bitch.

“Hater.” He smiled

“Whatever.” She wasn’t hating, that bitch was ugly.

Zane was about to say something when Mack cut him off and informed him what had taken place. He was glad to hear that things were going smooth being he thought the game had changed. They all took the elevator up to their rooms and Shannon was unlocking her door when Mack said “Sis, lunch tomorrow on me.” He enjoyed her company.

“I wouldn’t miss it big bruh.” She said and closed her door.

Zane looked at both of them real strange and followed Mack in the room and called Dallas.

Zane rapped on the phone with Dallas, he schooled him on how shit was shaping up. Dallas was happy to hear that things were going according to plan, he hated when shit was off track cause when there is no order; muthafuckas can lose their life real fast. He always taught his team to follow orders cause one faulty move could cost you your life.

Dallas didn’t give a fuck who it was, if they moved funny style on the squad it was an order to put their ass down right then and there. He wasn’t into torturing niggas, he lived by the ride or die code and if he found out you wasn’t a real rider he domed you right then and there for the world to see.
His crew ain’t to be fucked with.

His family was one you could never leave. Once you were in the only way out was death. He had to do it this way because letting a muthafucka walk means you allowed them to talk and talking leads to indictments, life sentences, and death in numbers. So to avoid that issue you ride or die for the Duffle Bag Crew.

Zane got off the call glad to share the news with his boss. Mack had been on his phone caking with some bitch but he jumped off the phone. “Bruh, how the boss holding up?” He asked as he grabbed his jacket to leave.

“He good now that we gone be bringing this paper in real soon.” Zane spoke like he had issue with Mack.

“You cool nigga?” Mack could pick up on hoe shit a mile away.

“Yeah man I’m good.” He raised his voice.

“Aye, nigga what the fuck is up with that shit?” Mack was pissed.

“Man nothing go on where you going.” Zane waved him off.

Mack was about to chew his ass out but he was thinking about this lil’ light skin thick booty bitch that was waiting for him to dick her down so he headed for the door thinking she gone suck all the stress out of me.
He had his hand on the knob.

“Why you ask her to lunch nigga?” Zane hated that he was feeling for a woman he never even kissed.

Mack chuckled ‘cause he knew this was what that shit was about and he had to admit he was shocked. Zane was known for fucking hoes and passing them right along to the next nigga. “Shannon, she’s cool man she reminds me of my sister I lost. I just like her company.” He was now looking at his confused friend who was hurting because he had just questioned his dude over a bitch.

“That’s what’s up nigga.
I’m out of order, that ain’t my bitch to be questioning you fam, enjoy your night my dude.” Zane had to check his self.

“Look fam, I know you and I been watching you peep lil’ mama, so why not just step to her? Dallas ain’t fucked up about us dating within the crew as long as it doesn’t affect business.” Mack wanted to see his dude happy at least once in this life. Zane had everything a nigga wanted but he never had love.

“Man you know that square shit ain’t for me. Even if I wanted to do it I would fuck it up some way.” Zane needed to clear his mind and stop thinking about this woman.

“Well nigga you know best but don’t sweat it if you ain’t gonna act on it.” Mack hit the door never hearing him say.

“I am scared of love.” He was glad no one heard the words that left his mouth.

Cash had Jay at his crib again for another night and he was elated. He could tell he had this woman’s full attention, but she didn’t have his. His mind wondered what his niece had to talk to him about. Jay saw the tension on his face “What’s the matter daddy?” She was shocked that she really cared.

“It ain’t shit baby.” He grabbed her and sat her in his lap.

She looked in his eyes for the first time and realized they were hazel gray.
She wanted to know his story and what he was really about. She hoped something he said would cause her to do the job she came to do because right now she was in love with the enemy.

He looked at her “What you thinking shorty?” He asked.

“Shit.” She lied.

“Yes you are so speak on it.” He demanded.

“I just want to know who you really are Cash?” She looked away from him.

“I am Cash baby.” He put his swag on.

She just looked at him like he was playing games and she was stupidly about to fuck over her crew for a nigga whose government she didn’t even know.

“I am Sincere Williams; I am the nigga that many don’t like because I’m getting money. I have been hustling since I was ten years old. My ole man was a hustler that got killed right before my eyes. The nigga could have domed me too but he didn’t, just told me if I feel some kind of way about what he did to get at him when I got grown. Just say I grew up about a month later and took over the hood. Niggas didn’t like that shit, but they respected it and got down with the cause. I don’t love hoes. I fuck them. The only people I bring here are bitches. That’s me boo.” He felt weird talking to this woman like he’d known her forever.

‘Sincere, I like that name.” She smiled.

“Really? I hate it.
People think that I’m soft when they hear that’s my name. I started going by Cash, only a few people know my real name so feel special lady.” He smiled at her.

“I do feel special, but I think it’s time for me to go back to my world before I get too comfortable.” She was honest for the first time.

“Can I trust you?” He asked her.

“With your life.” She was cold blooded for that shit she thought.

He tapped her on her ass “Stand up shorty!” She got up and he stood up and began to walk down this long ass hallway. He got to a door that had a touch screen on it, his hand was the key. The door came open by sliding it back into the wall. He entered the room. “Are you coming?” She was scared as hell not knowing what the room held.

“Yeah.” She walked in and thought she would pass the fuck out. Each wall was made of money that was held in place by glass. She had never seen any shit like this in her life so she couldn’t even find words. He knew that her mind was blown for real. “So, what were you saying about getting comfortable?” He asked.

“I was just saying this isn’t my life so I should go.” She was getting light headed being surrounded by so much fucking money.

“You can be comfortable here or wherever you like shorty.” He was dead ass serious.

“You don’t even know me like that.” She tried to ignore what he was saying.

“You don’t know me either but you’ve been here for two days. If I wanted to kill you I could have, and your people wouldn’t have known where you were.” He schooled her ass real fast.

“Why you show me all of this shit dude?” Jay was confused as fuck, those racks were about to make her come.

She started to walk out of the room, but he jumped in front of the door once she was on the other side. “I want you baby, for real, I can give you everything you want and never had.” He was holding her now.

“Let go, why would you do that for a woman that you don’t even know?” She knew it was time to shake this; it was too much for her.

“To show you I’m for real about all the shit I am saying, but if you want to go I will let you.” He was begging now.

“I want to go to bed,” she said.

“So you want to give this thang a try for real?” He felt like a kid in a candy store.

“Yeah baby, let’s do it.” She didn’t know what she was going to tell her crew to hold them off this man, but she would have to do something. She wasn’t about to let this meal ticket she had in the palm of her hands go, not this time.

She thought back long ago when she first got down with her team. A man she loved dearly was moving major weight. He was a great man when it came down to providing for her, but he never fully loved her the way she needed to be loved.
When her crew decided to make him a target she was down with it. The love she had for him is what caused her to be ok with killing him. No matter how much she confessed her love it didn’t move him.

He would always tell her that words had no meaning, but when he would talk to her about his children and baby’s mother she realized where the love she had been seeking was. She always asked that he keep it real with her; he just never did, and even when she was hurting it didn’t seem to matter much to him.
When the time came to take him out she never even hesitated, in her heart he was already dead.

Now she was with a man that was promising her everything she had been asking for. She wasn’t about to miss out on that, she would face the music when the time came; but for now she would enjoy the moment.

Three weeks later…….

Dallas was pissed with the crew because they hadn’t made the move he needed to be made and most of all Jay was M.I.A. Shit was really fucked up. Shannon was in a bad place because the last time she spoke to Jay she was right on track. They didn’t know what was going on with her.
Her number had been changed and no one had heard from or seen her; not even her mother and that wasn’t her style at all.

Dallas called a group meeting because shit needed to change drastically. Everyone was in attendance at the meeting; Zane, Shannon, Mack, Nisha, Jasmine, and Tone. Tone was waiting in the wings along with Jasmine and Nisha but the call never came and the crew that was out in the field came home. Truth be told, Tone never went out to lay on a muthafucka because he wasn’t built that way.
He wasn’t a ladies man but rather subdued, only coming to life during sex and when it was time to kill. Dallas always kept him in the cut until he was needed.

Dallas walked around the office warehouse looking dapper as always. He had a meeting with his hoes earlier that day to see where their heads were and if they were still loyal.
These were not average street walkers, these hoes were wearing red bottoms on their feet, diamonds graced their necks and wrists, and they drove expensive cars, and lived in a luxurious home. Looking from the outside you would have never guessed how these women made their living, and because of their lifestyle they all remained loyal to Dallas.

Now he was meeting with the Duffle Bag Crew and they were in some deep shit. “Family,” Dallas always greeted them that way at important meetings.

“United.” They all chimed in, it was the crew’s mission statement. To them the word held so much weight there was no need to say any more.

“We have a target that we can’t seem to touch. Is this true?” Dallas scanned the room to see who would speak up.

“No one is untouchable.” Zane spoke.

“Well, why are we here talking instead of counting money?” Dallas walked over to his chair.

“We have a traitor in the squad.” Mack stated.

Shannon’s eyes bulged out of her head thinking how dare he, but the thought was broken by Dallas saying “I think we do.”

“What the fuck you trying to say?” Shannon was pissed.

“Who the hell you talking to girl?” Dallas stepped close to her. Zane’s body movement told Dallas he didn’t like that.

“You!” Shannon stared him in the eyes and Mack and Zane smiled. This was why both men loved her so much because she never bowed down to anyone, not even Dallas.

“What the fuck I said, was your girl is M.I.A. and she was the person luring in the target. Now she up and disappears into thin air.” Dallas loved Shannon’s G code. He was smiling on the inside; he just didn’t let it make it to the surface.

“How the fuck do you know she ain’t dead?” Shannon was over heated now.

“If she ain’t, she will be.” Dallas was so serious.

This caused Jasmine to chime in “What the fuck you mean she will be?” she asked.

“She has violated this family and no one gets away with that.” He looked at her to make sure she comprehended what was said.

“This some bullshit!” Jasmine wasn’t about talking about killing her bestie.

“”It’s her own fault; she probably got greedy and said fuck us.” Nisha jumped in.

“Bitch fuck you!
This shit yo’ fault.
If you hadn’t fucked up your money we would have been good for a while.” Jasmine couldn’t believe this bitch.

“You all called me first, this is true Jasmine, but no matter how good you were when money is in the field you go get it.” Dallas schooled her.

“I am out this bitch.” She walked to the door to leave looking back to see if Shannon and Nisha were coming with her but neither one budged. This made her look at them in a different light. She pulled the door open and Dallas told her “You can leave this meeting if it’s too personal for you, but you can’t leave this family alive.” She let the door slam on his words.

Shannon was just as pissed as Jasmine but she couldn’t leave Jay to the wolves. Nisha didn’t give a fuck; she was all about the money. She was with whatever it took to get what she wanted which was the money.
That was the only reason she signed up for this bullshit and nobody was going to stand in her way. Shannon asked, “Dallas send me back. Let me find her. Give me a week, better yet I will find her and that nigga; one week please? If I don’t fix this then shit is out of my hands and we move on the new target in the N.Y.

Dallas knew all he needed to know about the nigga in N.Y.
He could get him at any time and he wasn’t planning to put a bitch on him. The nigga was a homo thug so he was just going to have Zane befriend the nigga then lay him down and take his money. The nigga was a major stunner. He ran his mouth too much and let every muthafucka know where he laid his head so the nigga was easy. He knew giving Shannon the week she was asking for wasn’t an issue, plus he knew her G-code.
If he didn’t give it to her she was damn sure to take it anyway.

“If I grant you this week to look for your friend what will you do when you find her?” Dallas was curious.

“If she on bullshit she as good as dead.” Shannon wasn’t on that bullshit; she was pissed with Jay right now. But she at least wanted to hear her out even if she did have to air her ass out.

Mack and Zane’s head whipped in her direction because they couldn’t believe their ears. It was wild how money could fuck up a friendship. Dallas liked Shannon’s answer but he needed to know why she was willing to rollover on her friend like that.

“Why?” He asked her hoping that he didn’t have to kill her ass where she stood.

“If she chose a nigga over me and left me for dead, then she’s already dead to me.” Shannon was dead ass serious.
She was hurt in her heart by this shit Jay had pulled. She wanted to believe that the nigga kidnapped her friend and was holding her hostage, but she knew that it just wasn’t the case this time around.

Dallas was good with the answer she gave; he felt the same way. “Cool, you have your week.
Only a week nothing more, and after that I am going to find them and their both dead. Deal?” He stretched his hand for them to shake on it.

Shannon lit a cigarette and looked at his hand “Deal!” She never shook it. She walked out with Nisha in tow. She was lost in this game; she was about the money not the life.

Dallas had to laugh at this woman that was after his own heart, she was all woman but she moved like a man. That turned Dallas on in so many ways, he thought about all the women in his crew and how they moved; Shannon was in a league of her own!

Zane and Mack watched her leave loving her strength. Dallas broke their thoughts, “Mack I want you to go back to South Carolina with Shannon.” Dallas spoke to him like his mind was somewhere else.

“Zane.” Dallas was cut off by Zane “I know you want me to go befriend this ole fruit bag ass nigga. I’m telling you now that I’m going in like I’m looking for a N.Y. connection not on no homo shit. So if dude flip before he show me his crib I swear you won’t see a dime of that nigga money cause I will kill him on the spot!” Zane left the warehouse.

Mack and Dallas watched him walk out. Dallas threw his hands up in the air, “What the fuck is this, get pissed and walk out on Dallas day? I am just trying to get money without killing a muthafucka from my own crew. Damn is that too much to ask for?”

Mack knew that Dallas was a good dude that tried to look out for everyone in his crew. “Dallas man, they not mad at you, shit just off track with the girls because they’ve always been down for each other and right now Jay got shit looking real fucking suspect.” Mack was trying to comfort his home boy.

Dallas looked at him trying to take his words in asking, “Zane, why he tripping?” He shook his head.

“You know he hate bitches and you always sending his cute ass out when niggas on that funny style shit. Plus he in love.” Mack had to laugh because he was feeling Zane’s pain.

“I know he is, that’s why I sent you with Shannon and not him cause I don’t want love to get him or her killed.” Dallas went to the back of the warehouse that led to his home. He needed a drink. Mack let himself out; he had to go get Shannon so they could catch the red eye as soon as possible.

Jasmine was over this shit and she was looking for a way out. She wasn’t really sure how she was gone make this shit happen cause Dallas let it be known from day one that you can’t leave this family no matter what. She never thought that she would want to leave, but shit had changed so much in such a small amount of time. She just didn’t know what the fuck to do. She was still holding on to a nice piece of change, but it was far from enough to relocate her family to a place where Dallas couldn’t find her.

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