Duffle Bag Bitches (8 page)

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Authors: Alicia Howard

Tags: #Novels

BOOK: Duffle Bag Bitches
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Jay had his whole member slippery and juicy, making sure her mouth, lips, and face were wet. Pursing her lips tightly together, she slurped his penis into her mouth like a spaghetti noodle while going down his shaft. She sucked on the tip of his penis, sliding her lips up and down him while pressing her tongue on the underside of his penis. Cash had never met a woman that could make him cum giving him head and he didn’t want tonight to be any different. “Ok shorty I-I-I-I am aggghhh goood!” She didn’t give a fuck what he was talking about she had three days to make this nigga trust her. She sealed the deal when she took both of his testicles into her wet mouth and rolled them around on her tongue.

“Ohhh shhhhittt!” he yelled as he busted all over her breasts and chin. She watched him shake and tremble then asked, “You ready to hit this pussy?” Bad as he wanted to he said “No baby let’s go to sleep. Please!” He grabbed her into his arms as if they had been together for years. She felt some kind of way about the feelings she was feeling for the enemy.


Shannon woke up on the couch in Zane’s arms. She didn’t know what the hell was going on because she was hella drunk when she got back to the hotel. The last thing she remembered was Jay leaving with ole boy Cash. She pushed Zane and startled him, causing him to reach for his hip where his gun was. She reached for the piece she planted on the side of the couch when she first got there.

“Girl what the fuck is wrong with you?” Zane fussed because she had caused him to pull a weapon that he knew that he wasn’t gone use.

“Nigga why are you here holding me and shit?” Shannon had the gun drawn on him as well, but for one reason only, to guard her heart.

“You a crazy ass bitch!
You asked me to stay here with you since your home girl went with ole dude.” He was shaking his head knowing that he should have gone to his own room.

“Boy stop it, I would never…” She had to think about it.

“Yeah shut the fuck up your crazy ass did.” He put his gun away.

She lowered hers, she hated this nigga, he thought he was the shit and she was ready to be done with this lick so she could get away from his ass. “You shut the fuck up and get out of my damn room.” She opened the door.

“I am glad to leave this muthafucka!
Call your girl to see what the progress is so we can be done with this shit.” He slammed the door on his way out.

Dallas was calling his cellphone as he walked into his room “Yeah!” Shannon had Zane pissed off.

“Wow, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Dallas asked.

“Nothing man, just ready to get this money and be out.” He huffed

“The clerk bitch acting up?” Dallas laughed.

“No. Shannon’s crazy ass.” Zane said.

“Shannon, what she do?” Dallas knew that nigga was sweet on her.

“Man it ain’t nothing, she just loopy as hell, it’s nothing.” He assured him.

“Cool, how we looking right now?” He knew Zane was lying but he didn’t care what the nigga did with his personal life, he was about money.

“Aye Jay on that nigga, she went with him last night.
I told Shannon to check in with her before I left her room this morning,” Zane assured him shit was going well.

“Left her room this morning?” Dallas laughed because he was the silly type nigga that loved to have fun and joke around.

“Nigga, cut that shit out it ain’t what you thinking fool.” He loved Dallas, they had been friends for years and he learned a lot from this man but the main thing was loyalty and love. If he could think of one person he would hate to lose; it would be Dallas.

“If you say so pimp.” He joked some more.

“Go head on with that shit.” Zane had to laugh this time.

“Keep me posted.” Dallas threw the boss face back on.

“Yup.” Zane ended the call.

Shannon had been calling Jay’s phone ever since Zane left and was getting no answer. She thought a few of the calls were sent to voicemail but knew that wasn’t the case so she kept trying to call. After about ten back to back calls she gave it a rest throwing the phone on the couch.

As she was pacing the floor hoping Jay was okay her phone began to ring. She snatched it up fast “Jay.” She failed to look at the caller ID; if she had she would have known it was Jasmine and Nisha on three way.

“What’s hood bitch?” Jasmine chimed.

“Shit.” She was glad to hear from them just disappointed it wasn’t Jay.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Jasmine said with her big sister hat on.

“Nothing man, Jay left with the nigga we trying to press and she’s not taking my calls.” Shannon stated.

“Bitch she good, she a big girl trying to get this money. I am down to three bands.” Nisha was careless.

“Bitch shut the fuck up! That’s on yo’ dumb ass.” Shannon was pissed.
She didn’t like the fact that Jay was out there alone.

“Girl don’t trip, she gon’ call you.
It’s still kind of early and you know her ass sleeps late.” Jasmine said silently praying for her friend.

“Ya’ll stupid. She’s good, this is what we do. Remember you’re ready to die.” With Nisha saying that Shannon hung up. Her mind wasn’t about to let Nisha’s negativity set in.

She began calling Jay a few more times, but it was no use because she didn’t pick up. Zane sent Mack to find out what was going on as him and the clerk bitch went to lunch. Mack was banging on the door while Shannon was on the other side hoping it was Jay. “Finally you came.” She opened the door to Mack looking like Zane was right she is crazy as hell.

“Zane told you I was coming?” Mack was hoping she wasn’t crazy.

“Hell no, boy bring your crazy ass in here.” He looked at her like ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black?

“Whatever, so what’s the word with your girl?” he asked.

“I don’t know I have been trying to reach her; she’s not picking up,” Shannon told him as she walked the floor.

“What you haven’t talked to her? It’s four o’clock the next day, she don’t know that nigga like that or do she?” Mack was tripping.

“No, she don’t fucking know him and she wouldn’t move like that!” Shannon fussed. She really didn’t know what the fuck to do. All she could do was keep calm and wait for her to answer.

“Well if you trust her like that we just have to wait.” Mack said.
He trusted his whole squad so he had to put the new woman on the same page.

“Yeah thanks for understanding Mack.” She said as she kept trying Jay’s phone.

Mack didn’t know what to do, he didn’t want to tell Zane yet because he would call Dallas and this didn’t look good. Hopefully she would show up soon or at least call. “Aye, babe would you like to go get a bite to eat since we’re stuck waiting anyway?” He asked.

Shannon looked at him and thought “Hell, why not?” She headed out the door without saying a word and continued to hit redial on the phone. He followed behind her shaking his head wondering what kind of trouble these women were gonna bring.

Jay was on the other side of town having the time of her life. She knew that she was on a job but something had changed between the thoughts she had when she came to this city and what she was feeling now. The man that she was here to set up was sweet, loving, caring, sharing, and fun. He was really into her and begged her to spend the day with him. He had bought her so many things she never had before and there was just something about him that said this wasn’t just for show, it was for real.

Shannon had been blowing her phone up like crazy. She knew the crew was looking for her she just wasn’t ready to be found yet. For the first time she felt that she had something she never had before, real love. No man had ever been this nice to her so how could she just throw it all away?
She didn’t want to rollover on her family either.

She knew that it was time to call Shannon; it would be unfair to rollover on her crew being they were depending on her to fry the big fish. She was sittin’ fancy with Cash as he talked on his phone; a call he had to take. He’d been ignoring his phone all day as well. It had been a long time since he found a cool woman that he like spending time with. He didn’t know why or where she came from; he was just glad she did.

“Baby, I’m going to the ladies room.” She tapped him as she was walking away.

“I’ll be right here when you get back baby!” He said smiling.

“Promise.” She felt like she was in high school again. Once she was in the restroom she pulled the phone from her purse seeing she had maxed out on text messages, voicemails, and incoming calls.

She dialed the number hoping Shannon wouldn’t answer the phone. Just her luck she picked up on the first ring.

“What?” Shannon was pissed.

“Girl, what’s wrong with you?” Jay tried to act as if she didn’t know.

“Bitch really, for real?” Shannon looked at her phone wondering if the bitch was smoking dope or something.

“I don’t know why you tripping out. I’m here to make the nigga trust me right?” She asked.

“Yeah.” Shannon had to agree with that.

“I only got three days right?” She couldn’t believe how well she was lying.

“This is true.” Shannon knew her girl was doing something in the team’s favor.

“Well, let me work and quit blowing me up.” She was playing this shit off so good she shocked herself.

“My nigga, so what we got so far?” Shannon was glad she was safe more than anything.

“I know the nigga got that dough to blow, hell he spent ten bands on me already.” She boasted.

“Get the fuck out of here bitch, I know you got me something with your greedy ass.” Shannon joked, her girl was pulling this.

“Bitch I got you, let me go back to work, we at a fancy restaurant.” She told her.

“You lucky bitch!
I am stuck dealing with these two fools.” Shannon complained.

“Who you calling a fool girl?” Mack asked with his face full of food.

“Who is that? Mack’s crazy ass?” Jay thought he was a cool dude.

“Yeah and he need to shut up.” She fussed.

“You shut yo’ ass up.” Mack bit his burger.

Jay laughed at them arguing like they had been knowing each other forever, “Girl, let me get back to setting this nigga up. I’m going to hit you in the morning.” She said still trying to convince herself.

“You’re staying another night?” She was shocked because this was not like Jay to be this comfortable with a new nigga.

“Three days, well two now right?” She was putting it on thick.

“Get money boo.” Shannon’s heart was feeling funny about this, but she had to trust her girl.

Jay ended the call more confused about the situation then she was when she first called. She knew that she had to get her mind right, she didn’t know this nigga for real. What she didn’t know was that there was a bitch in the bathroom stall listening to her every word and wondering who it was Jay was laying it on. Jay walked out never noticing her as she headed back to her table to finish her meal.
She didn’t realize that the bitch was tipping behind her to see the nigga she was with. The bitch almost died when she seen Jay kiss her favorite uncle.

As the duo began to leave the place the young lady called her uncle’s phone. He picked up on the first ring because it was his favorite niece, the the daughter he never had.

“Baby, who you love?” He asked her.

“You!” She responded at eighteen the same way she did when she was four. Her mother had a drinking issue and her uncle always looked out for her and the fact that he didn’t have children didn’t hurt either.

“What you need babe?” He was forever buying her shit and because of that she was spoiled.

“Nothing, I need to talk to you in person.” She never really talked this way and it caught him off guard.

“You good or you need me to come now?” He asked not wanting to end what he was doing.

“No, meet me tomorrow.” She said

“Cool.” He was glad he wanted to spend as much time with this woman as he could.

He was on cloud nine; he didn’t know what it was about this woman that had him so open. She was sexy as hell and the black Vera Wang dress he got for her was blessing her body right now. If he had things his way he planned to make her his main woman. Cash hadn’t felt this way in years and loved every moment of it; nothing was going to stand in his way of making it a permanent feeling.

Shannon and Mack had made it back to the hotel. They were laughing and talking shit about how Jay had the nigga coming out of his pocket for her.

“That nigga is a sucker tricking off on a bitch he just met last night in a strip club.” Mack was dying laughing.

“Hey, what can I say my nigga got that STL swag!” She was proud of her girl.

“High five on that cause I got these country hoes wilding out here.” Mack popped his collar.

“Fool, get yo’ bitch ass on.” Shannon joked with him.

“Watch your mouth girl.” He pushed her. It was something about her that made him feel like a big brother. He liked it because all his family was dead. They were headed to a family outing while he was at his aunt’s house sick with the chicken pox when they all died in a six car pile-up caused by a high speed chase.

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