Duffle Bag Bitches (10 page)

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Authors: Alicia Howard

Tags: #Novels

BOOK: Duffle Bag Bitches
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She was in her box smoking that kush blunt like it was some reggie. She was tripping hard when her thoughts were broken by her phone ringing “Who the fuck is this?” She hated numbers she didn’t know and was feeling some kind of way with the shit that was going on right now. Her trust was at an all-time low.

“It’s me sis.” Jay said.

Jasmine’s mind was blown. This hoe was calling like she hadn’t been missing for almost a month. The most fucked up part is she calling like she good when Jasmine would have bet her life that the nigga had did some foul shit to her home girl. She just knew that this shit had gotten her friend put in a box.
She wasn’t trying to hear that shit Dallas was talking about, saying she rolled over on her crew, but it seemed like he was on to something.

“J-J-Jay is that you?” She stuttered ‘cause her brain was scrambled at the moment.

“Yeah bitch, what’s good fam?” Jay was talking like shit was still on track and nothing was wrong.

“Jay, are you high on something more than weed ma?” Jasmine had to ask because it was the only muthafuckin’ way that someone’s mind could be this fucked up.

“Bitch, no!” She had a nervous laugh like she knew shit wasn’t cool.

This shit pissed Jasmine off to the highest level. “Bitch, are you out of your fucking mind calling me like there ain’t a fuckin price on your head?” She asked her.

“Price on my head, what the fuck you mean?” Jay had lost her mind from all the great sex and shopping sprees she’d been indulging in.

“Yes a fuckin’ price, what the fuck you think this is? A muthafuckin’ game! You could have fucked over me, Shannon, and Nisha if this was a lick we got on our own. We with Dallas’ team now! It’s blood in blood out and I guess you was planning to pay with our fuckin’ lives!” Jasmine was hurting in her soul.

“Jazz I’m sorry but you don’t understand.
I was going to go along with the plan; I just couldn’t once I got to know Cash.
He’s a great man that gives me the world and loves me for real. He even wants to get married and have a baby. I know I should have just kept it real with ya’ll and told ya’ll to move on to the next target. What do you want from me? I’m in love.” She pleaded her case.

Jasmine’s mind was spinning “In love, he a good dude, marriage, and children.”
This hoe done bumped her head somewhere she couldn’t be this heartless, or could she?

“Jasmine, you understand right? You have a husband and children.” She knew that Jasmine’s family was her soft spot and she trying to get back in her good graces.

“First thing, bitch don’t try to use my family to win me over. Secondly, you a trifling, low class, no counting, sorry ass, desperate bitch that chose dick over family!
That’s sorry. I knew that you were sorry, but got damn I never knew you were out here that bad. Lastly, don’t ever call me again cause you dead to me. Once Dallas reaches you and that nigga neither of you will be able to ever blow a spit bubble again, so I guess you can count breathing out as well.” She slammed the damn phone down so hard it shattered.

She was so hot you would have thought she invented hell. She knew two damn things for sho’ she had to do; contact Dallas to let him know that she was sorry and that he was right. She needed to inform him the game had changed; it was time for the team to fuck this issue with no grease so they could move on with their life.

Jay was hurt in her own way even though she had no room to be. She just assumed that Jasmine would have her back on this no matter what. Now that this was not the case she felt that the crew didn’t love her, they were just using her as bait. She just knew if they could see the man she saw they would just let it all go. Jay didn’t know what she was going to do, but this time she was choosing herself and love first. With Cash gone to meet his niece she was finally able to take a long bath and clear her mind.
She hoped that one day that her friends would understand that her heart just got in the way.

Little did she know, after Dallas lost Jakia he had a soft spot for love. Had she stepped to him correctly he would have taken her views into consideration ‘cause sometimes real love forms in the strangest place and he would’ve never stood in the way of that. His favorite saying was ‘it’s not what you do it’s how you do it’, and at this point Jay was out of order.

Cash was pushing a white V8 Vantage Roadster with white leather. He was a dope boy that flossed the way he made his money by pushing a white on white. No matter what type of ride it is, all his cars were that way. He had been blowing his niece off for a few weeks now, but he didn’t mean to. He just couldn’t help it, Jay was putting that pussy down on him like she was serving crack. She was his pusher and he was hooked on her. It was mind blowing to him that he had just met this woman and fell head over heels in love with her. He knew that it was possible, hell he had seen niggas walk away from their wife and kids for a certain kind of bitch. Cash just thought it would never happen to him, he thought those niggas was suckers to fall for a bitch that fast.

Now here he was allowing the bitch to shop as much as she wanted. All his other hoes were mad as shit, but not enough to stop waiting until he found a way to fit their dumb asses in. Jay was the sweetest woman he had ever met. She cooked, cleaned, and the sex was mind boggling.
Just the thought of fucking that bitch made him bust all in his pants. The way she was fucking and sucking this man should have been fucking illegal. There wasn’t gone be shit that stood in the way of keeping her around if he could help it.

He pulled up to his mom’s house where his niece was waiting for him. She didn’t even allow him to park before she jumped in the car “Let’s ride!” she wore the most serious look he’d ever seen on her pretty face and it bothered him. He pulled off hitting the highway so they could just ride since that’s what she wanted.

“Unc’, how have you been?” she asked like he was living with some type of terminally ill disease and she was waiting for him to soon die from it.

“I am great actually this is the happiest I’ve been in years.” He smiled at her still wondering what was running through her mind.

“What’s got you so happy?” she was hoping that he wasn’t still seeing the same woman she overheard in the bathroom.

Cash began to smile as he thought about Jay “I think I found the one Mariah.” He was still cheesing hard.

“Who is she Cash?” Mariah asked and the fact that she called him Cash made his stomach turn into a bunch of knots. It was just something about the way she said it.

“What did you call me Mariah?” He was pissed more so because of the way it made him feel.

“I mean who is she Unc’?” She rephrased her question.

“Jay, her name is Jay and she just moved here from the STL. Looking to start her life over she ran into a nigga like me at the club and I jumped down on her and now she’s mine. I never felt this way about a woman Mariah.” He was in a daze as he talked.

“Well, what about me?” Mariah was somewhat jealous and pissed that this woman not only had him open but was here to set him up.

“Mariah you know that you my number one queen, but I will tell you this, get ready to share me with queen number two ‘cause I’m gonna ask her to marry me.” She couldn’t believe her ears.

“Marry her, you don’t even fucking know this hoe?” She was thinking damn them STL bitch’s pussy must be made of gold.

“Why the hell are you cursing and calling her out of her name Mariah? You haven’t met her yet and once you do, you will love her just as I do.” He sounded so sure about the shit that spilled from his mouth.

He looked at his Rolex like he had some where to be then at Mariah. “What was it that you wanted to talk to me about girl?” She didn’t know what to say, she wanted to tell him about the bathroom call she overheard, but she just couldn’t bring herself to break his heart. She knew that Cash always had bitches use him for his money. Now that he felt like he found love who was she to take that from him. She could never do that to him, but she planned to bring it to this bitch as soon as possible.

She didn’t know what to tell him now that he was all happy and shit so she threw herself under the bus. “I’m pregnant!” She really was and the nigga who did it wasn’t an upstanding guy, he just wasn’t ready to be a dad. Now that she was knocked up he was playing her ass shady talking out the side of his fuckin’ neck saying the child ain’t his and truth of the matter was; it might not be.

Cash was speechless he didn’t even want to think about her fucking and damn sure not having no baby. He didn’t even have babies yet and he was hurt “Why ma?” He had taught her how to be safe because he knew he couldn’t stop her.

“He said that he loved me and that he would always be there for me.” She felt better now that she could talk to someone about it.

“I guess he don’t now, right?” Cash was slowly dying inside trying to hold his tears in.

“No he don’t!” She began to cry. “That’s why you have to be careful who you let in your life.” She sniffled.

“I will be careful don’t worry about me, I’m always one step ahead of the game.” She thought not this time, this time you sleeping with the devil.

She was getting sleepy. “Unc can you take me back to Big Ma’s house?” She needed to clear her mind and rest.

“Sure love, but we not done with this baby thing. What are your plans?” He needed to know where she stood on the issue.

“I am having this baby Unc, ain’t no man gone make me murder a child that didn’t ask to be here.” She was pissed now.

“Cool, slow your tone down shorty cause I ain’t put that baby in there, you feel me?” She hated when he talked shit but he was right.

“I know this.” She was ready to get out the car; Big Ma’s house was a few blocks away.

“Just know that this baby nor you will want for anything.” She whipped her head toward him as he pulled in the drive way. She never understood why this man was so good to her. Of course she was his sister’s daughter but she wasn’t about shit. She always wanted to ask him so what better time than now.

“Why do you love me so much?
I know I’m your niece but you love me no matter what I do right or wrong.” She needed to know before she exited the car.

He stared out the driver’s side window for a while he could remember the day like it was yesterday. “A few months before you were born me, yo’ daddy and our home boy Pop was kicking it on that corner right there. Your daddy and I had just jammed up a nigga spot a few weeks before. We all were chopping it up and smoking loud. A black Chevy with tinted windows rolled up on us real slow like. When the nigga up that thang we all took off running. I thought we all were good until I realized Bebop; your daddy wasn’t behind me. As I ran back to the corner a nigga was out the whip dumping a round into his body. I reached for my heat and domed the nigga and his crew peeled off after they saw the nigga head explode.” He stopped talking like he didn’t want to go on.

“What happened next?” She needed this closure; she’d been trying to get the whole story out of her mom for years.

“I walked up to Bebop and he was still moving. I heard the police closing in a few miles away. I didn’t know what to do or say, I was looking in the dying eyes of my best friend and brother-in-law. He said “Leave me here I’m already dead.” I was trying to tell him no, but with the little energy he had he pushed me off him so hard blood began to spill from his mouth and nose but even with that he managed to say, “Go. I have to have someone here to take care of my daughter.” I looked at him with tears falling from my eyes. He held up his fist for a pound to know my word was bond. Once our fist connected all the life left his body and I took off running from the crime scene.”

Mariah was crying her heart out by the end of the story. He was too, but he did it for her. She needed to know the truth; her dad was a great man that wanted nothing but the best for her. And Cash gave her just that.

She was getting out of the car feeling brand new, and she knew that she needed to get close to Jay. She wasn’t about to lose her uncle too.

“Hey can you come get me tomorrow to crash at your crib? I don’t get much rest here.” She lied.

“Sure thing boo you can meet my lady and ya’ll can go find you a nice place of your own out there by me!” She was shocked and excited to be getting her own crib.

“I love you Cash.” She chuckled.

“All the ladies do.” She watched the only man she really loved drive away and knew that she had to do whatever it took to keep him around.

Dallas held the phone listening to Jasmine run the dime down. He knew it even though he was hoping he was wrong. “Jasmine I’m sorry. I wanted to be wrong.” He had to tell her how he felt.

“I wanted you to be wrong too.” She had sadness in her heart.

“I know this gone be hard for you but the crew got to head down there and lay them down and take the money like we planned.” Dallas knew she understood that Jay was as good as dead too.

“It’s not gone be hard to kill someone that’s already dead to me. Call me when it’s time to move.” She hung up. Dallas loved the gangsta in these women.

“Hello!” Zane chimed. He was in a good mood today; he knew he had to go to New York and link up with this ole homo thug ass nigga. So he decided to get him three of the baddest bitches his city had to offer for a night of fucking. And oh yes they did the damn thing. This nigga was feeling himself this morning and Dallas knew it.

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