Duffle Bag Bitches (13 page)

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Authors: Alicia Howard

Tags: #Novels

BOOK: Duffle Bag Bitches
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“No.” Zane assured him.

“Is she sitting up and talking?” Still being quite sly with his tone of voice.

“Yes.” Zane said.

“Well send the hard headed bitch home. The condition she’s in will only slow you guys down tomorrow.” Zane thought Dallas had a hand in the ass whooping Nisha had received. He just couldn’t see some man whooping her ass like that without robbing or raping her.

“Dallas, man why?” Zane hated when Dallas touched a bitch. She could never tell he did it and would even go to him for comfort. That’s when he would explain that if she had followed the rules she would have been safe. Dallas made them think the rules were to protect them not control them.

“A hard head makes a soft ass and I bet you that ass is tender right now.” He was dying laughing after making this statement.

“You’re a fucking sicko dude.” Zane hung up.

Zane walk back into the room and everyone was talking while Nisha was asleep. The pain meds had finally kicked in.

“How is she doing?” Shannon was holding her hand as she slept.

“She’s doing great actually. They just want to keep her overnight for observation. She can leave in the morning.” She told him.

“Cool, Dallas wants me to send her home. He said he don’t want her hurt any more than she already is.” He lied and he hated it but he couldn’t drop the dime on his boy.

“Aww that’s so sweet of him.” Jasmine chimed. Mack and Dizzy shook their heads because they knew better.

“Yeah that’s him. Heart as pure as gold.” Zane lied again.

“Well we going to stay, you guys can go and get things all situated for tomorrow.” Shannon told him.

“You’re staying all night?” he whined unwillingly.

“Yes she is lover boy “Jasmine teased. She was loving all the love she saw on this man, it reminded her so much of her husband. Jasmine knew that he would be on her mind until her feet touched down in St. Louis.

“Cool, ya’ll let’s shake.” He was pissed because there was something that he wanted to taste on that woman.

“I’ll make it up to you daddy.” She rubbed his chest and gave him a light kiss on the lips.

“Oh girl, don’t do that daddy shit.” He had to close his eye for a minute.

“I’m gone whoop yo ass!” Mack fussed at Shannon. “Rub somebody else. Man get your ass out of here.” He pushed Zane out the door. Jasmine and Shannon watched and laughed at them.

The men exited the hospital just as fast as they entered. The day was still young with a lot of planning left to do. The crew was on a time limit and itching to act a fool. Zane, Mack, and Dizzy walked into the hotel, the clerk Miesha was working second shift today. She spotted Zane and his crew coming through the door she called, "Zane can I speak with you for a minute?" She had an attitude.

"What’s good ma?" He was short with her.

"I just want to know why you trying to play me!" She huffed as if he owed her something.

"Look boo I dig what we had but it's over now." He began to walk away. His crew was at the elevator waiting for him.

"I'm pregnant!" She yelled out.

"So." He kept walking, the fellows eyes almost popped outta there heads.

"What the fuck you mean so?" She barked.

"Bitch just what I said!" He was now standing face to face with her. She had pissed him all the way off. Mack and Dizzy walked back over to the counter where Zane was because they knew he was about to slap the shit out of her.

"So that's how the fuck you gone to play me Zane?" She had the heart of a lion knowing damn well he would beat her ass.

"Look I'm gonna tell you like this. That ain't my baby; you and I both know it. Stop bullshitting yourself. But if you decide to play this game I will take the blood test. And when it comes back negative you can kiss my ass." Mack was shaking his head.

The clerk stood there crying because he was right. She was pregnant and the baby didn't belong to Zane. She had been sleeping with this other guy too and he wasn't trying to hear this baby crap that she was talking either. She then decided that she would blame Zane. She looked at him and mumbled "I'm sorry."

"You should be." He walked to the elevator and never looked back at her.

The trio had everything in motion. The move tomorrow would be so sweet. Zane was wrapping up a call from Shannon where she informed him of Nisha’s status. He gave her the details on Nisha’s flight and told her to make sure she was on it. She took down the information then ended the call.

Mack was still tripping off Nisha getting beat up. It just didn't seem right. He blurted out, "That shit with Nisha was crazy right?" He shook his head.

"Dallas set that shit up man." Dizzy knew what time it was.

"Get the fuck out of here man. Why would he do some crazy shit like that?" Mack laughed.

"He did it to teach her hard headed ass a lesson." Dizzy schooled him.

"No way, he's not that fucked up man." This shit made Mack mind wonder.

"Yes, he is just that fucked up and sometimes these bitches just have to learn the hard way." Zane confirmed Dizzy accusation.

Mack was completely blown away by what he was learning from talking to his friends. He realized that this game was not to be fucked with. You better know what the fuck you’re doing if you plan on being a part of this crew and if you didn’t Dallas would damn sure teach you. The night was growing old. The men headed to their rooms to rest up for tomorrow. Shit was in motion and Jay and Cash were not ready for what they had in store for the two of them. Zane thought of the heavy equipment they had, and it caused him to cringe. He was just glad he was a part of this team and not on the other side.

Jay had a sleepless night, thinking about all the shit that had taken place in a matter of a few months. She didn’t mean for shit to go this way. She never thought she would ever roll over on her own people. She had to ask herself what kind of woman was she really. She knew that her days were numbered. The only thing she could do to make this shit right was to come clean like she promised Mariah she would.

Jay stood in the mirror looking at the beautiful woman that stared back at her. Who was she? She was dressed to kill in a black sequined Aidan Mattox dress; black Sedaraby pumps from Neiman Marcus, and her neck and wrist were frozen with VVS diamonds. She didn’t know the woman that she was looking at. She had stolen someone else’s life and fucked her family in the process because she was too selfish to let it go.

Jay walked into the living were Cash was standing. Cash was so damn fly. He wore a black Giorgio Armani blazer, a black and gray button down, gray Armani slacks, and black gators to top it all off. She touched him on the back, letting him know that she had entered the room.

The Maybach was waiting out front for them. She felt like a princess and a dirty bitch all at the same time. Tonight her fate would be decided. Jay promised herself that regardless of what happened she was gonna enjoy the moment. They arrived at the Blue Marlin on Lincoln Street.
The place was plush. She had never dreamed of eating in a place like this, it was too far out of her reach but here she was. Jay was living a lie that was too good for a person like herself.

Cash could see that something just wasn’t right with her. He just didn’t know what. He decided to let it go, assuming that she would feel better once she ate. The waitress catered to their every need. She was familiar with the way Cash tipped and was glad she had him on her ticket tonight. The meal was quite good. It started with fried green tomatoes served with a chipotle cream sauce.

For her entrée Jay had creamy shrimp and lobster linguine with shitake mushrooms. Cash had the Chef’s Selection fresh Mahi Mahi, topped with shrimp and crabmeat with garlic mashed potatoes and sautéed green beans. Jay was playing with her food and Cash was trying to break the ice at the table with small talk.

“Baby what’s wrong? Are you home sick? If you are I will fly you there whenever you’re ready to go.” He was willing to do anything to make her happy.

“I’m good love.” She tried to lie. Hell she didn’t have a home to go to. If her feet touched St. Louis she was dead.

“Well why are you acting like you lost your best friend?” He was trying to make a joke not knowing she really had.

She looked across the table at this wonderful man. “Cash I need to come clean.” She told him.

Cash sat straight up in his chair. “Come clean then.” His heart was hurting already and he hadn’t even heard what she had to say.

“When I came here, I came for the wrong reasons.” She was beating around the bush.

“What the hell did you come here for Jay?” He hated when people bullshitted.

“I came here to kill and rob you.” She spit the shit just as she promised she would.

“Why?” What did I do to you?” He was appalled by that shit.

“Nothing, it’s just what my crew and I do to make a living. We just teamed up with a group of men that do the same thing. They were already laying on you. They just couldn’t get close and that’s where I came into play.” She was glad she got it all off her chest.

“So what now?” He was bleeding internally behind the news.

“Nothing, I fell in love and fucked my team over for you. I’m sure they will be gunning for me sooner or later. I won’t blame you if you kill me. I’m going to get it one way or another.” She didn’t give a fuck no more.

“I don’t know what to do.” Cash said as he called the waitress to bring the check. The waitress came fast with the check. She knew that the five hundred dollar tip was hers. She smiled as they exited the restaurant.

The ride home was like going to a funeral. Cash didn’t say shit to her. He stared out the window the whole time. The ride seemed a lot longer than it did when they were going to the restaurant. The car pulled up in front of the house. The driver opened the door. She looked at Cash as she stepped out, “You coming?” The driver closed the door back. He had been given the orders to drop her off at the house and take Cash to the airport. When shit got real in his world, he took the red eye to Vegas to clear his mind and make the decisions that needed to be made.

She didn’t know how the man moved so strong but he did. Cash had six armed guards waiting in the house. They had been ordered to keep her in and everyone else out. He made it crystal clear that his niece Mariah was to go home.

Jay was terrified. She didn’t know when she would see daylight again. She had made the bed so she had to lay in the muthafucka. She had thought she was going to be able to hit the safe and leave. Cash had changed the code so it worked on his or her hand but with these niggas posted outside that plan was dead.

Cash peeled away from the house, never noticing the two black corvettes park up the street from his crib. They weren’t out of place; this area was made of money. Zane and Mack were in one car and Shannon, Jasmine, and Dizzy occupied the other. They watched the couple’s every move tonight. They weren’t sure why Jay was left home alone or why the guards had magically appeared. None of that really mattered because Dallas’s plans didn’t change for no muthafucka, it was now or never.

There were two men posted outside the driveway leading to the house. They weren’t heavily armed from the looks of it. Shannon and Jasmine jumped out the Vette acting like two bitches coming from the club. They staggered towards the two men who were engaged in conversation. One of the men spotted Jasmine. Her thick body was hugged by a latex cat suit and of course she was wearing red bottoms. It was the only shoes to wear when blood was going to be shed.

Niggas will be niggas on guard or not. Pussy is a weakness for ninety percent of them.

“Damn ma can I go with you?” He was thinking. She was a bitch with her own money living out here.

“You talking to me daddy?” She turned her sexy up on his dumb ass. He was walking towards her. He never even noticed that Shannon had the red beam aimed at his head. She pulled the trigger quick. He never felt the desert eagle blow his brains out. Jasmine watched his body drop to the ground. She stepped over him walking toward the house. The second guard aimed for her but he wasn’t on point because Dizzy domed him from the back.

Now that the outside goons were down, there were four more to take out plus Jay- but not before she showed them where the money was. Shannon walked up the pathway, and the man asked “Ma’am can I help you?” Shannon didn’t respond, but Jasmine did.

“No, you need help!” She sprayed the place hitting the two idiots that were covering the grounds. Dizzy lived for the kill; he had the 12-gauge shotgun ready. He had crept back to the main entrance and blew the man talking on the phone’s head clean off his fucking body. The last man saw the nigga’s head explode and it made him throw up. He tried to run but he caught a bullet to the knee cap. Dizzy was toying with him. He loved seeing a bitch nigga sweat.

The nigga was trying to crawl like he was really going some fucking where. Dizzy hit him again blowing his arm off this time. The man begged. “Fuck nigga just kill me already.” Dizzy loved his heart.

“Aye you gangsta! I like that! Too bad it ain’t gonna save your life today.” He turned the nigga’s face into mincemeat.

Jasmine was placing the small door bomb on the door. They all stepped to the side as it blew the lock off. Dizzy yelled at Zane “Let’s move!” Zane and Mack where already past the corpses that were laid out. They had pulled the two that were at the driveway and in the yard and tossed them behind the tall bushes that hid the yard from the neighbors.

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