Duffle Bag Bitches (16 page)

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Authors: Alicia Howard

Tags: #Novels

BOOK: Duffle Bag Bitches
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“Call Nisha on three-way.” Shannon said. She was sleepy as hell.

Jasmine conferenced Nisha in on the call. “Hey.” She sounded as if she was still sleep and high.

“This bitch Shannon is on the phone too.” Jasmine told her.

“What’s the word?” Nisha asked.

“Dallas wants us to be at the warehouse at five p.m.” She stated.

“I hope he got that money.” Nisha was woke now.

“Yeah Zane told me its payday.” She confirmed.

“That what I wanted to hear.” She was happy now.

“Bitch why he always calling you and telling you shit?” Jasmine asked.

“He didn’t call me. I was at his house and when I woke up to leave he told me.” Busting Jasmine’s bubble.

“Woke up!” Nisha yelled.

“Leaving?” Jasmine said.

“Yeah.” Was all Shannon said.

“Hell no bitch, you gonna tell us what happened and why you’re sleeping at Zane’s house and shit.” Jasmine said.

“Right.” Nisha cosigned.

“I will school you hoes later I need all ya’ll to know that he my man now.” She hung the phone up on their nosy asses.

Jasmine made a memo to kick her ass later. She ended her call with Nisha and planned to get her day moving. She prepared herself for the argument she would have with her husband in order to leave the house. All this moving was new to her husband and he was getting tired of it. He thought she was cheating. She kept telling him that she wasn’t, but he wasn’t buying that shit. She had to do what she had to do though, duty called.

Cash had linked up with Aja for lunch. He wanted to pick her brain to see if she knew about the streets movement around her city. They went to Houlihan's, which was located in the lower level of the mall. She came looking like she was going to the club in black skinny jeans, red half shirt with double C’s on it, oversized shades and a Chanel bag. She was fresh to death, Cash thought. She was fucking with a major player.

Aja greeted him with a hug. She felt good in his arms even though she wasn’t as thick as he liked them to be. He pulled her seat out for her, and this was new to her. The men around her way didn’t move like that.

“I see you date them go getters by your attire.” He joked with her.

She laughed, “I am the go getter.” She put him on game without telling her business.

“Oh really? So you know who to go to if a nigga need to move them thangs?” He began picking.

“I might.” She was sly about the shit. “Why?
You need a connect here? I thought ya’ll was getting it down there.” She was picking his brain this time.

He had to half lie, “I’m the man in my city, and some niggas down my way got to hating and touched my cheese when I was out of town on business.” She looked at him like he was a narc.

“Really.” She wasn’t impressed with his story because you couldn’t pay most people to fuck with her crew.

“I don’t know you. Why would I have to have to lie?” He lied again.

She couldn’t read him so she wasn’t about to talk business with him. She would run his street name by Vicious and see what she knew about dude. She changed the subject and enjoyed her lunch. She liked this dude, he seemed pretty cool. Hell she thought, Sean was cool too and boy was she wrong about him. She decided that she wasn’t taking any chances with this Cash dude. She walked a very fine line. She knew she had too much to lose and her sister’s trust would be the first thing to leave if she fucked up.

They parted ways. Cash felt a little closer to his target thinking who ever she was down with might just be the people he was looking for.


Zane had managed to get Dizzy’s crazy ass out of his house. He even went to pick the nigga up when he owned a damn Benz. This dude was weird as hell but he was family and Dallas wanted him there. It was Zane’s job to make it happen. Something had to be going on because Dallas usually didn’t press Dizzy much, so for him to ask for his presence it was major.

“I don’t know why I gotta come.” Dizzy got in the car bitching. He needed to get his ass out that house living like a hermit crab.

“Man just come the fuck on.” Zane was not about to let this nigga get on his nerves today. Not after the night he had.

“Aye man don’t be talking all reckless to me.” Dizzy was extra today.

“Nigga.” Was all Zane said and he shut the fuck up. He was crazy, but not crazy enough to fuck with Zane. He rode with his headphones on like the music in the car wasn’t on. Zane looked at him and shook his head. He wondered if that nigga mama drank or did drugs while carrying him or maybe she dropped his ass when he came out. It was four fifteen so they headed to the place to be.

The women were in route as well. They all rode in Nisha’s new whip. There was no point in having all their cars going to the same damn place. They all talked a little shit. Shannon told them about her night with Zane and how they got to the point of fucking in the first place. Nisha felt like she had missed out on all the good shit. She was still a little emotionally torn but she tried hard not to let it know.

She wasn’t fooling anyone though, if somebody moved too quick she jumped. She would get back to her old self sooner or later. It was her own fault she stepped out in the line of fire in a city she didn’t know shit about. It was a fool’s move. The ride was smooth and they pulled up about five minutes after Zane and Dizzy.

The women jumped out the car. Nisha asked “Where Mack crazy ass?” No one told her Mack was dead.

Everyone just looked at her like she was crazy Shannon said, “He’s dead.” Nisha wasn’t ready for the words that left her friends mouth.
She walked away from the crowd heading toward the building. Zane felt bad for her, he knew that Dallas had played with her mind.

Dallas opened the door greeting everyone with a hug. When he got to Nisha he held on to her, “I am so glad you’re better boo. That shit had me spooked to think one of my girls got hurt.” Zane almost laughed. Shannon could smell bullshit coming from his mouth.

“Yeah I am better.” She held him tight.

“You see why I make rules? I don’t want this world to hurt you.” He looked in her eyes.

She hung on to his every word. The man was good at what he did. “You’re right daddy.” Those words let him know she was sold to the highest bidder, him. And from there on out she would forever do what he told her and exactly how he told her to do it.

The whole room watched the stage play that Dallas was putting on. Nisha felt like she was protected in his arms and there wasn’t shit anyone in the world could tell her from there on out, Dallas was her hero. That bought her mind back to life. She needed someone to comfort her and no one had until now.

The man released her and told her to sit at his desk making her feel like a queen for the moment. Then he got right down to business. “I want to thank all of you for the hard work you all put down for your family. The news is still talking about the damage ya’ll caused. The pigs so deep down there right now they making it hard for them niggas to eat.” He was proud of his crew.

“A half a million was bought home everyone here will get fifty thousand before you leave. Twenty-five thousand will be deposited in the trust fund I am building for each of our retirements. What we do is not meant to be a long term job. I suggest you trouble your brain for something you would like to invest in within the next year cause this shit is short lived.” The women were with that because they didn’t want to live the rest of their lives this way.

Zane and Dizzy were used to it. They already had money in their trust. Dallas was a business man in every way. He would forever make sure his family was straight, not just for today but forever.

Dizzy was here so he had to show his ass. “So what happen to this Jay bitch that fucked the crew and caused Mack to lose his life?” The feeling in the room became dark.

“That’s why I called you all here. I’m glad you made it Dizzy.” Dallas spoke.

“I don’t want to be here so it better be good. I could have gotten my money at some other time.” He let his feelings be known.

“I am glad to see you too Dizzy.” Dallas fucked with him.

Dizzy waved like man go on with that bullshit. Dallas laughed, “Well let me make my point so Dizzy can get back to his busy life.” The room filled with laughter because everyone knew that nigga wasn’t going to do shit but go home and play his game.

“I want the crew to stand and give Jay a round of applause.” She came from the back looking flawless. No one clapped. The room was lost with what was going on here.

“I guess you all mad at her right?” Dallas asked.

“Hell yeah.” They all began to fuss about how she should be dead already.

“Cool it ya’ll.” They were still fussing.

That’s when Dallas barked, “Shut the fuck up!” The room stopped moving but the heat was still heavy in the air. They had to hear him out because shit was crazy right now.

“Jay did not rollover on her family, everything she did, I orchestrated it.” The room was really lost now. “I needed her to play this part without anyone getting in her way. Jay has been down with me before the rest of the women started. Nisha how do you think I knew to kidnap you to get money out of West?” Nisha looked dumbfounded. “I just thought you watched me.” She stated.

“No, Jay lead me to you baby.” Dallas knew that this was a lot to swallow.

“So she was never in love with Cash for real?” Jasmine asked hoping she wasn’t because she missed her friend terribly.

“Hell no! I was doing my job. I’m sorry it had to be this way but it was a sure fire plan. And I won’t take the blame for Mack’s death, that was my dude. Shannon what have you always asked when we pull a smooth move?” Jay spoke for herself this time.

“Are you ready to die?” Everyone in the room knew that in this line of business you could lose your life. The crew couldn’t believe that Dallas’s slick ass had them all fooled. This nigga was the master of the mind.

“See she risked her life for all of us. The nigga’s niece even overheard her talking on the phone to you Shannon. She could have been dead after that. The nigga was so in love that his own niece couldn’t bear to break his heart and dime Jay out.” He informed them.

“That’s the little girl we saw you with.” Shannon stated.

“Yes, she befriended me to see where my heart and head really was. I gamed her young dumb ass too.” Jay was proud of her work; she just wished Cash was dead.

“Damn you’re a cold-blooded ass bitch.” Jasmine gave her a hug “I missed you. Shannon and Nisha ran over and hugged her too.

Dizzy and Zane laughed, “You a grimy ass nigga Dallas.” Dizzy had to say that shit since he knew everyone was thinking it.

The world was good again, their girl was back in the family fold and the money was right. Nisha was feeling brand new again with a different outlook on life and how she would spend her money. Zane walked over to Shannon and kissed her.

“Hold up my man, what you doing kissing one of my girls?” Dallas teased knowing damn well they were a couple now.

Zane pointed to Jay, Jasmine, and Nisha “Those are your girls right there, this right here is my woman.” He held Shannon tight and they all laughed.

“I know that shits right! I’m happy for you bruh. I wanted you to the have her the day you fell in love with her.” Dallas let that slip on purpose.

“When did you fall in love with me?” Shannon looked up at him.

“The first day you walked through these doors.” Zane admitted.

“Aww.” The crew chimed.

“I just love black love.” Dizzy said. Everyone just shook their heads cause he was just too damn silly.

“Now that we have things all squared away I want everyone to know that in three weeks we hit New York. Nothing hard this time, it will be like taking the sweetness out of a sugar cane.” Dallas laid down the law.

Two waiters came in the room. His last statement was their cue to enter the warehouse from the main house. One came in carrying a tray with six envelops on it. He served each member their pay. The other carried glasses of champagne for each member. After the bubbly was served Dallas raised his glass.

“Thanks to the Duffle Bag Bitches, our family is complete. In three weeks we cause damage in the Big Apple. Last but never least, nor ever forgotten, salute to Mack our fallen warrior. We miss you my nigga.” They all let their glasses tilt to let some slip out for the lost homie.

“Let’s toast to New York and a man gone too soon.” They all touched glasses and yelled, “To Mack.”

Things were in full swing with the music was jumping and the girls were talking shit and teasing. Even Dizzy was in chill mode working on the game in the warehouse. Shannon was sitting on Zane’s lap. Dallas was on a business call, and Jay and Jasmine were talking like they had lost each other for years. Things looked real good from where Zane sat. They had some cool music playing but Zane needed to here that new Yo Gotti.

“Get up boo.” Zane told Shannon.

“Where you going? You leaving?” She asked.

“Not without you, just going to my car to grab a CD.” He told her.

She moved out of his way so he could go the door. Dallas ended his call. “See she already got you in a thong. You got to explain your movement and shit.” He loved to talk shit with his people.

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