Duffle Bag Bitches (7 page)

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Authors: Alicia Howard

Tags: #Novels

BOOK: Duffle Bag Bitches
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“Nice to meet you Shannon what a beautiful friend you have here.” He was mesmerized with Jay.

Shannon made a joke. “That bitch ain’t all that.” They all laughed.

“She all that and then some.
Come sit and have whatever you all want, on me.” He assured them. Candy went back to her number shaking her ass. Shannon texted Zane “We going in.”
He texted back “Get money!”
Then he informed Mack on what was shaking.

Candy was still trying her damnest to get this man’s attention and the shit wasn’t working at all. Shannon sat there sipping and chopping it up with Cash’s right hand man Bang. This nigga was sexy. Five eleven, shoulder length dreads, slim muscular build and all his bottom teeth were dipped in gold. He had it going on but she wasn’t about to sleep with the enemy. It was cool to talk with him to pass time though.

Jay was on her job. She moved close to Cash, “Baby tell me how you got a name like Cash.” She asked like she was clueless.

“Hey baby what can say? I am made of money.” He boasted, not knowing he had just signed his death warrant.

“Oh really, and your woman let you come out alone?” Now Jay was leaning in so that her breasts were all his eyes could see.

Candy was shaking her ass hard on the side of his leg and it was so funny to Jay. She was irritating the hell out of him. “Aye shorty we had fun tonight go on down there and work the room and get some of that money.”

“But I thought I was going,” he cut her ass off fast before she could say anything else.

“No baby go on do yo thang, I’ll catch up with you some other time.
That’s my word.” He just wanted her ass to go away from him.

“Promise?” This child was so sad it was shameful.

“Scout’s honor!” All his friends burst out laughing cause he always said that when he was lying.

She finally took the walk of shame down to the main floor and he felt bad about what he did until Jay said, “Where were we?” He whipped his head back around.

He looked at his watch “I would really love to get to know you better. We can go back to my crib.” He said.

“I don’t know you like that; you could be crazy or something.” She was tickled on the inside as she ran game on that nigga.

“Baby you have my word I will not so much as touch you unless you want me to.” He was staring in her eyes seriously.

She looked at Shannon, “I am not going with you, and I’m getting sleepy drinking all this liquor.” She was nowhere near drunk, her alcoholic ass.

“Bitch you ain’t shit.” She pretended to fuss.

“You a big girl you can handle yourself.” Shannon lived for the fat jokes.

“I got your big girl hoe” Jay laughed.

“Yes you thick and sexy just the way I love em boo, so please let me spend some time with you outside of here.” He begged which was something he hadn’t done in a while and he liked it.

She looked at Shannon again than back to him “Ok daddy let’s move.” He hopped off that seat as if she was going to change her mind and he was not about to let that happen.

Shannon sent Zane another text “We on the move.”
He texted back “We watching and two steps behind ya’ll”.
Shannon smiled at the text. There was something seriously sexy about her new partner. Maybe she would find out one day but now just wasn’t the time.

Cash and his crew escorted the ladies outside not watching the niggas that were following close behind them. If Zane wanted, he could have domed this nigga right there; but that shit wasn’t going to get him what he was after so he played the shit according to plan. Jay and Shannon began to walk away from the crew. Cash saw her going another way “Damn boo that’s how you gonna do me?” He asked hoping not.

“Be easy, I’m walking my girl to her car.
Is that cool with you?” She asked.

“Aye baby it’s yo world I just want to know you that’s all.” He had put his player card up.

“I will be right back so don’t leave me.” She laughed and switched away. He watched her with square love in his eyes.

“Never.” He meant the words that left his mouth, she just didn’t know how much yet.

They walked to the car talking “You comfortable with this boo?” Shannon asked her.

“Yeah I’m good, I can handle this. We didn’t come this far to throw the towel in now.” Her heart was beating so hard that she was expecting it to fall out her chest at any moment.

“You know I got to ask “You ready to die?” Shannon handed her the mini three eighty to clip to her bra.

“I’m always ready to die. So much that I will do any and everything to live.” Her heartbeat was returning to its normal rate.

“In that case get money!” Shannon hugged her and watched her friend embrace Cash.

Jay and him got in his car and peeled off. Some of the niggas he was with headed home and the others went back in the club for more groupie love.

Zane stepped up behind Shannon, “She can handle this. Ya’ll been doing this for a long time on ya’ll own and we with you now. She got a GPS on her so we know where she at all times.” Zane told her.

She looked back at him “How you get the GPS on her?” Shannon wanted to know.

“Skull bow clip in her hair, you would never know it’s there.” He assured her.

“Does she know she got it on her?” She wondered if Jay left her in the dark on this.

“Nope cause in this game you never know how people gone move or jump ship.” Zane knew this would piss Shannon off.

She turned to face him. “She would never do that shit!” She was hot.

“I know but we still can’t take chances.” He was trying to help her deal with this but his boss didn’t play no games or cut any corners.

“What now?” Shannon asked. This was her first out of town mission.

“We wait for her to tell us when to move.” He saw sadness in her eyes and it brought pain to his heart but he didn’t understand why. He just wrapped his arm around her, “Let’s go home boo.” He couldn’t believe he said that.

“Home?” Shannon looked at him.

“Girl you know that meant the hotel.” He pushed her away from him playfully.

They hopped into the car making their way to the rooms. Mack had picked up a honey dip after Jay shook with Cash. The hotel was very quiet as if every soul there was sleeping. They made it to the room where Zane was.

“Are you sleepy?” Shannon asked.

“A little, why?” he needed to know.

“I know I’m not gonna sleep much and I was wondering if you wanted to keep me company. Talk, watch television; whatever, just to keep my mind stable.” She needed him right now. As much as she hated to admit it he was all she had in this city.

“I don’t think I should, it’s late babe.” His mind was telling him to kiss her but he refused to listen to his thoughts.

“Please.” She let that slip from her mind and out of her mouth.

“I will… just never say please again.” She was breaking him and he didn’t like it.


Jay was across town with Cash in the rich folks’ neighborhood. It was only a fifteen minute drive to Irmo, South Carolina from the club. The man was definitely getting that real paper. As they pulled up to his house, Jay thought to herself this nigga lives in a mansion. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

He parked his ride and hopped out. “Come on mama this is it.” She got out walking very slow. “What’s wrong baby?” He asked her.

“You live here alone?” She asked in shock, her mind was blown.

“Yeah baby I told you they don’t call me Cash for nothing.” He was feeling himself. He grabbed her by the hand, “Girl come on, you good with me.” She followed him this time.

They entered the most beautiful place she’d ever seen in her life. The outside had nothing on the inside. He lived at 105 Cedar View Drive. It was a custom built, all brick, four bedroom home.
It had three bathrooms all complete with garden tubs, and the whole third floor was dedicated to a man cave. The living room had a gas fireplace and lead into the kitchen which was furnished with top of the line stainless steel appliances. His backyard was just as stunning with a full patio and outdoor cooking area, a Jacuzzi and an in-ground pool.

The place was way more than Jay was expecting.
Cash broke her thoughts on the house by handing her a glass of wine. “So what you think of the place?” He loved to wow women with his home.

“I must say you have done very well for yourself.” She looked around once again.

“It’s cool.” He said shocked that she wasn’t acting like a groupie. Little did he know she was, it just didn’t show on the surface.

“So why did you bring me here or do you bring all women here?” She asked, assuming he did.

“Cause you seem different. Am I right?” He leaned close to her.

“Yeah I’m different! There is only one me.” She said slyly walking over to his sectional.

They talked for what seemed like hours. He was a very interesting man. If they had met under different circumstances, she would have loved being around him, but life didn’t always work like that. Some people were born with money, some worked hard to get money, but in her case some people just took what they wanted.

The man seemed to be clueless to what was happening around him and he trusted so easily. That’s the worst mistake any hustler could ever make. Just cause the bitch’s body was banging and her face was pretty, it didn’t make her less dangerous, and in fact it made her more dangerous. But as usual, men thought with their dicks and it fucks them over every time.

They ended up falling asleep on the sectional, but she later woke up to small kisses on the back of her neck. She had to admit that they felt very good. She knew that she would have to give up some pussy, and hell, she needed it anyway. Once he saw she wasn’t gone stop him he asked, “Would you like to go to bed?” He wanted to lay her body down and do it right.

“Sure baby.” He loved the way she said that.

His room was beautiful. It was cream and gold with a Jacuzzi and steps that lead to a California king bed. The wall had a sixty inch flat screen television mounted to it. This dude had impeccable taste to be a bachelor.
Jay walked up the steps and began to come out of her clothing exposing her nude body. He sat on a gold loveseat that was directly under the television. He watched her get comfortable, he loved her body in every way, and healthy women were his biggest weaknesses.

She crawled around on his bed.

“Come here daddy or are you just gonna watch me all night?” She asked.

“I could watch you for the rest of my life.” He walked over to the bed and climbed in. He began to caress her body like he was examining a Picasso painting. She moaned lightly and he loved it, it caused his tongue to take over where his hands left off.

He licked her chocolate nipple as if he were licking Godiva chocolate. He licked every inch of her body until he reached her cream filled center. He stared at her chocolate center as if it was a masterpiece. She smelled sweet, and he hoped she tasted the same way. The warmth of his breath caused her body to shake a little bit. He was panting like a dog that hadn’t had a drink in a while. It was beginning to make Jay sick. She had to say something, “Boy you gone eat this pussy or put it on a glass display”. She had to laugh at herself, and he joined in with the laughter.

“Oh you got jokes right? Let’s see if you’ll be laughing after this.”
Gently he pinched her labia together so that they mimicked lips. He softly kissed those lips, just like they were the ones on her face. He could blow a woman’s mind with that little trick cause most didn’t understand that men were born with one mouth but women on the other hand had two. She was going crazy from the small kisses “Aaarrgghh hummm boy” she said looking down at him caressing the top of his head. He began to French kiss that pussy using his tongue and spit causing that thing to get nasty wet.

“Noo hummm uhggg yeess!” Jay screamed. She was cumming but he didn’t care cause he had just begun. He wanted to make sure that every part of her pussy was touched. He used his tongue to trace the letters of the alphabet on that pussy. Jay’s body was shaking so bad that he knew if he didn’t let her go she would pass out and he wouldn’t get what he really wanted; to feel inside of her.

She was squirming in his arms as held her, letting her get her mind together. He knew the skills he had so he didn’t give them out often, especially not to slim women. He only fucked them but they could never be his woman or wife. Jay began to kiss his lips. She was sliding her tongue in and out of his mouth and caressing his rock hard penis. She was ready to feel him inside of her but she had to taste it first. “Feed me” she whispered in his ear. Upon hearing that, he felt like he went blind cause the whole room went black.

When he got his mind right, the thick goddess had her lips wrapped around his nine inch penis sucking it like a Hoover vacuum on low. She grabbed his shaft and started licking all over his penis. The head was the most sensitive part, and she was licking like it was her last meal. She wanted to show him he wasn’t the only one with skills, hers were on point too. He was trying to keep the moans from falling out of his mouth but they failed him. “Aye baby mmm hold on girl.” He tried to bark orders.

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