Duffle Bag Bitches (3 page)

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Authors: Alicia Howard

Tags: #Novels

BOOK: Duffle Bag Bitches
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Jasmine exited the car still a little pissed off with Shannon. It all faded away when Shannon yelled “Love you sis!”

Jasmine looked back at the car, “Love you too bitch.” She had to smile as she walked away. She loved her family because she was taught to love her own blood no matter what. Their mom wasn’t gonna have it any other way. She was the kind of woman that opened her heart and door to anyone in need, and she taught her children to do the same.

Jay loved the love that they had between them and that’s why she fucked with them like she did. She dropped Shannon off at her crib around the corner from Jasmine’s. Now she was finally alone with herself to think. She had a hundred thousand dollars that she could put to great use. She lived with her mother, and she knew it was time to move on but she wasn’t ready to live alone. She had no children and no real nigga that was about shit. Just a few that she tried to show love to even though they wasn’t worth the air she breathed. She knew all that would change one day. God sees the good and no matter how you live your life He always knows your heart.

She knew that she would just sit on her money and stack it as they worked with this nigga Dallas. He seemed cool as a fan so she knew that they would end up being great friends real soon. She drove the old beat up car to her peoples’ house so he could take it to the chop shop.


Dallas was very impressed with the four women that had graced his presence that day. He felt that they were perfect for his crew plus he liked having bad bitches around. It just made his day to see a bad bitch put in work like a man. It was the respect that she had to have for herself to realize that she was more valuable than what was between her legs.

Some women didn’t know much outside of their pussy. Some even think it makes the world go round, but the truth of the matter is it really has no more value than a dick. Niggas just get so moved by the feeling that pussy gives them that it causes some of them to lose their minds.
That’s where his girls came in to play; they would lay on a nigga and learn his weakness. Not all niggas are moved by pussy, some niggas like loyalty, respect, time, and tenderness. Same bitch, different nigga.

That was the thing about Dallas. He was born to sell sexuality. He was almost famous for getting money. He was a rare breed, not many men could do the things he did. He had a way with women that caused them to love and respect him. He sat in the chair with his squad still in the room. He watched Zane from afar. He knew the young man’s mind was blown by the way this woman made him feel. Zane was a player in every way and had women falling at his feet. He had broken many hearts; so many women loved and hated this one man. He wanted to love but never found anyone that was worthy. They all were the same, wanting him for his money or good looks. He hated that because it was never about his character or personality, it was always about what he had to offer.

Dallas could tell that his mind was spinning, "Aye! Zane… my dude why you so quiet over there?” He asked.

"It ain't nothing fam just thinking that’s all." He tried to play it cool, but he wasn’t fooling Dallas one bit.

"You sure about that pimp?" Dallas asked as if he didn't already know.

"D why you sweating me?" Zane was becoming irritated. He already didn’t like the way he felt. Now this nigga was all in his ear with some bullshit.

"Damn really? Shorty you in your box about something I did?" Dallas asked, knowing good and well that this shit had nothing to do with him.

"Look man I'm just thinking, you ain't did shit I just got a lot on my mind." He assured Dallas.

The rest of the squad looked on as the conversation took place. Dallas could see that his boy was out of it today so he let it go. Dallas began to address the whole squad, "Listen up I want ya’ll to understand what has happened today. I opened the door to a new world of money. There are only so many places that we as men can get into, and when we do enter it's always with force. The four women that came here today will allow us to go places that we may have never gotten to go because as ya’ll know you catch more flies with honey." Dallas schooled them.

Zane was in his box as he exploded, "Man we don't need them hoes! We were doing this shit before they came along, now we need they help?" He was pissed.

The whole room was quiet. No one had ever seen him act this way. Dallas on the other hand knew what all this was about so he played it like a G. "I know how you feel about adding new people to the family. I'm just asking that you trust my judgment this one time." They knew the boss didn’t need Zane’s approval even though he acted as if he did.

"Whatever. Do what ya’ll wanna do. I’m outta here. I've got shit to do!” Zane huffed and walked out the door.

The door to the warehouse slammed shut. Zane was so hot that he didn't know what to do with himself. He never felt so funny about working with bitches. He would even pick up money from the prostitutes that worked for Dallas. He was in his feelings because this was all too much for him to take in. This woman was probably not even tripping off what he was doing so he wondered why he couldn’t get her off his mind.

He started his car, and the radio was playing "Words” by Bobby V. This song was always his jam. But today it was just too much. He couldn't believe all the emotions that lived inside of him. Something about this one woman had awakened something inside of him that had been dead for so long. Zane knew nothing about love. He had been on his own since he was ten years old and came from a broken family. His mother was mentally ill and his father just didn’t give a fuck. He was often hungry, dirty, beaten, and cold. He was the baby of his family. All his older brothers and sisters went on with their lives as soon as they could, never bothering to look back to see if he needed anything. He began hustling at the tender age of thirteen because there was no other way for him to survive in the jungle. By the time he was sixteen, he was making twenty thousand a week but that was just the start of his hustling. Now he brought in fifty to a hundred grand a week. He had never loved no bitch in his muthafuckin life and he damn sure wasn't about to start now.

Nisha was on cloud nine with the little hundred thousand dollars. She was splurging. She bought a new car, clothing, and got her hair done. She got something for the children and gave her mom a little piece of change to keep her off her back. Nisha bragged a lot about how she was getting money. All her little girlfriends wanted to be down. She would lie to them saying that she would look out for them knowing good damn well that shit wasn't happening. She just liked to make muthafuckas think she had them.

Truth be told, now that the squad was working for Dallas she nor any of the others ran shit. Nisha would soon learn this. She was enjoying the little bit of money that she had left but she was starting to run low and it was time to look for a new lick.

She decided it was time to call her girls, so she picked up the phone and dialed Jasmine’s number. The phone rang for a minute. "Hello," Jasmine stated into the phone.

"Bitch what’s good with you boo?" Nisha said cheerfully.

"Shit, at home with my family." Jasmine was always iffy.

"Aye we need to contact Dallas about a new lick or we need to hit the club to find out who’s holding that paper.”

“What the fuck you mean?” Jasmine looked around the room remembering that she was in the room with her husband and kids. She was about to yell out how much money Nisha had. She looked at her husband, “Baby this that dumb bitch Nisha, I’m gone take this in the other room so I won’t mess up ya’ll movie.” He just shook his head. She exited the room ready to blow this bitch down.

“Please tell me that you didn’t spend all that money Nisha!” Jasmine hated when people wasted money.

“I got about ten bands left.” She said that shit like that was a lot.

“You spent that much fuckin money on what? I heard you were out there bragging about the money you getting but I didn’t know you was also being stupid.” Jasmine’s mind was blown.

“What the fuck you got to do with how I spend my fuckin money? Hell, I should have got more than everyone else! I was the one fuckin the ugly ass lame nigga not you hoes.” Nisha was pissed because she hated when people called her stupid even though she knew it was often true.

“Bitch if you don’t pump your muthafuckin brakes we gone have a fuckin issue.” Jasmine gritted her teeth because she was trying to change her life and her temper.

“Look, are ya’ll ready to get this money cause we don’t have time to be sitting on this little bit of money no fuckin way! We trying to be rich!” Nisha sounded stupid saying that now that she had fucked up so much money.

“I’m gonna holla at the girls tonight and see where their heads are. You just gonna have to play it easy with your ten little bands.” Jasmine laughed and hung up. She had to admit that stupid bitch was funny at times.

Jasmine called Shannon “Hey sis” Shannon picked up.

“Hell wish I was as happy as you.” Jasmine stated. This always made Shannon wonder why her sister was often unhappy when she had everything she could ask for. Her husband loved her crazy ass no matter what and she had four beautiful children. Now that they were getting money, besides lying to a great man she couldn’t put her finger on the issue at all, but out of love she asked “What’s the matter boo?”

“Nothing sis, I told you I’m getting help for myself to save my family.” Jasmine was serious and Shannon loved that quality in her.

“Well then bitch what’s good with it?” That caused Jasmine to laugh. She knew that her and her sister didn’t get along all the time but when they did, Shannon could be a damn fool.

“Man are you ready to hit another lick because I think we need to lay low for a while, they still looking for West’s killer.” Jasmine was shook knowing that she was the person that they were in search of.

“Sis it ain’t no rush for me. I’m still holding seventy-five so I am Gucci for real.” Shannon told her.

“Aye man, click over and call Jay.” Shannon didn’t know what Jasmine was tripping off cause she knew that her sister didn’t waste money like that but she did what she was asked to.

Jay must have been on the phone because Shannon had to dial her line a few times before she got her. “Shannon what the hell you blowing my damn phone up for with your skinny crack head ass?” Jay loved to talk shit. She was a Cancer and that’s what they do.

“Bitch your momma a crack head.” Shannon joked even though she knew that Jay didn’t play no games about her damn momma.

“Hoe fuck you with yo fluffy ass momma, why the fuck you call me to play games?” Jay loved this girl, crazy and all.

“Hey bitch, don’t talk about our momma fluffy like your ass slim!” Jasmine and Shannon both double teamed her ass.

“Oh let me find out this some tag team shit!” Jay laughed at their silly asses.

“No ya’ll, for real, let’s cut the bullshit. Ya’ll ready to do another lick or what?” Jay was just as shocked as Shannon was at the words coming out of Jasmine’s mouth. She knew how her best friend was with money so she was wondering where this was coming from.

“You broke Jazz?”

“Hell no, you know fuckin better than to ask me some shit like that.” Jasmine almost got pissed but she played it cool.

“Well why the hell are you asking us this?” This time Jay and Shannon was on the tag team mission.

“Man this bitch Nisha is down to ten bands.” Jasmine said shaking her head like they could see her.

“Ten bands!” Both yelled as if their ears were playing tricks on them.

“Yeah she called me with her chest poked out talking about how she should have gotten more money than the rest of us anyway because she was the one fuckin the nigga.” Jasmine informed them of their conversation.

“Fuck that ratchet ass bitch! She better be glad that she not fuckin broke for real like she was before my brother started fuckin with her dumb ass.” Shannon was pissed at the balls of that bitch.

“I know that shits right sis.” Was all Jay said. She didn’t like to do a lot of talking; she would just fuck you up.

“I know ya’ll think that’s that bitch fault, but she family and we can’t let the hoe dry up,” Jasmine said. It kind of shocked Jay and Shannon, but the next move was just as shocking. “Fuck it I’ll call Dallas when we hang up and see what he holding for us.” Jay never did that so they were wondering what had moved her then.

“Really!” Jasmine and Shannon were back on the tag team.

“Yeah I will handle it unless one of ya’ll want to do it.” She said ready to pass the torch cause this wasn’t her anyway.

“No do your thang boo just tell us what we got to do.” They all said “One Luv!” and hung up.

Jay didn’t think twice about what she just did, it was what it was and the time was now or never for her to step up to the plate and make it happen. Even if it was Nisha’s dumb ass that had them needing money so soon.

Ring… Ring… Ring… Dallas was an early bird to have his hand in so much shit. It was barely nine fifteen and that nigga was in the bed. “Hello.” He whispered in a low sexy voice that made you think he was doing one of two things, but she was calling about business so all that was pushed to the back of her mind.

“Hey D, this Jay the silent killer!” This caused him to laugh and wake up a little more.

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