Dreams Come True (2 page)

Read Dreams Come True Online

Authors: Bridgitte Lesley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Life, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Dreams Come True
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David climbed in to his van and drove straight over to the hotel.  The words of the song were going over and over in his head.  He didn’t want her to be gone tomorrow.  There was something about her.  Something drove him to meet with her.  And it was not a mere thank you.  There was so much more involved.  She had literally touched his heart and made him feel emotions that he had never felt before.  It wasn’t the play or the music.  It was her.  He walked in to the night club.  He looked at the woman on the stage.  It didn’t look anything like Amanda.  He took a seat and ordered a drink.  He smiled as he looked at her.  She wore a sexy little pair of shorts with long boots.  She wore a glitzy gold top.  She wore a black wig and she had a lot of make-up that she wore.  She didn’t look like the same woman.  She finished her first set and disappeared to the back of the venue.  David walked over to see if he could speak to her and was turned away.

David took a seat again.  He watched her as she performed her routine.  She looked at him and smiled and nodded.  David smiled and raised his glass.  He looked at his watch.  It was getting rather late.  He watched as she finished her set and disappeared to the back.  He didn’t
get up.  He waited and waited.  He soon saw her walking out.  She once again looked like the woman that he had originally met.  No one in the club recognized her.  David got up and walked over to her.

“Hi.”  She smiled and spoke quietly.
“I had to come and say thank you.”
“David.”  He smiled and nodded.
“Can we get out of here?”  He chuckled as he put his hand at the small of her back and they walked out.
“Fancy a cup of coffee?”
“I would love a cup of coffee.”  He smiled and looked at all the cars.
“Following me?”
“I am.”  He walked with her to her little sports car.  He smiled as she hopped in.
“On your tail in two minutes.”  He walked over to his van and hopped in.  He followed Amanda. 

Amanda drove to the nearest coffee shop.  David
climbed out of his van and walked over.  He held the door for her and she climbed out.  He held her at the small of her back as they walked up the stairs to the coffee shop.  They both walked in and took a seat.  David smiled and ordered their coffee.  Amanda smiled and looked at David.
“I am trying to tie things up. You have a daughter.  Victoria.”
“I do.”
“Do you normally do things like this?”
“Like what?”
“Meet other women when the wife and daughter are at home?”  David chuckled.
“Gosh no.  I am not married.  I am a single parent.  Her mother couldn’t deal with motherhood and walked out on the both of us.  Victoria wasn’t planned. We were hardly dating.  The past catches up eventually I guess.” 

Amanda smiled and looked at David.
“You have a daughter who is.  What?  Sixteen or seventeen.”
“Sixteen going on seventeen.”
“And you aren’t married.”
“No.  I never wanted to marry her mother.”
“So you slept with.  The woman.”
“You slept with Yolanda.  She has your child.  And then she leaves.”  David nodded.
“Something a little fishy about that story.”
“It was the first time.  My first time.  Not hers.  Kind of backfired in my face.  Nine months later her mother and father were at my door.”
“Forcing you to marry her?”  David nodded and sipped his coffee.
“Pretty much.”
“So you moved in together.”
“No.  I was still living at home.  She had the baby.  My folks paid all the bills.  When she had the baby.  She moved in with the family.  We put her in her own bedroom.  So that I could get to see my daughter.  And one day she was gone.  She just up and left.” 

Amanda nodded.
“And never came back.”  David nodded.
“Never.”  Amanda nodded.
“I am not a Mummy’s boy.  I was seventeen.”
“I see.”  David nodded.
“Kind of judging me here.”
“Who brought up this stimulating conversation?”
“Actually.  You did.  And all I wanted to do was say thank you.”  Amanda nodded. 

“Is that your full time job?  Entertaining?”
“Look who is judging who.  No that is not my full time job.  I don’t do jobs.  I entertain because I enjoy it.  There is no need to discuss my life. Thank you.”  David nodded.
“This conversation is going nowhere.”  Amanda nodded.
“Enough said.”  She put up her hand and the waitress brought the bill.  She took out her purse and put a note in the bill folder.
“I invited you for coffee.  Let me.”  Amanda looked at David as she pushed the bill folder across the table. 

“There is one thing that will never happen.  I will never.  And I hope you are listening.  I will never allow anyone to walk over me.  I will never sponge on another.  And I will never rely on anyone.  I do not judge.  And I will not be judged.  Not by you.  Not by my family.  By nobody.  I live my life as I see fit.  If others do not agree with my choices.  They can be damned.  Thank you for the thought of taking me for a cup of coffee.  As for tonight.  We make choices.  Often to help others.  I felt it my duty to g
et up there and do that for them.”  David nodded.
“I didn’t mean.”  Amanda smiled.
“This is why I do not date.  Because I am seen as an easy little target.  Just another little singer. A brainless bimbo.” 

“I didn’t say that.  I didn’t
mean to imply.”
“David.  No.  This is not what I do for a living.  But this is where you will find me on a Friday evening.  Making sure that other people out there get to enjoy an evening out.”
“And the other evenings?”
“Home like any other person is likely to be.”  David nodded.
“I am sorry.  This is the first time that I have ever done this.”
“Done what?”
“Invited a woman out for coffee.”
“So you do the pubs.”
“No.”  Amanda got up and smiled.
“Thank you David.”  David got up and walked out with Amanda.
“This turned out all wrong.”  Amanda smiled. 

“How did you wish that it would turn out?”
“I.  I.  Uhm.  I wanted to thank you.  And invite you out for a meal.”
“To say thank you?”
“No.  Let me just say this.  I rather like what I see.”  Amanda smiled.
“Thank you David.”
“Amanda.  I have never dated.  I made a big mistake.  Yes I have been judged all my life.”  Amanda looked in to David’s eyes.
“I’m sorry.  I should never have been so short and sharp.”  David smiled.
“I guess history is history.”  Amanda smiled.
“What I should have said was well done on being such a responsible parent.  And I mean that David.”
“Thank you.”
“No I really mean that.  It could not have been easy.”
“No.”  Amanda smiled and put her hand on David’s. 

“Don’t carry this around like baggage.  Don’t let it bog you down.  Yes we all have a past.  We all have that history.  You can be proud David.  Not every person can say they raised their own child single handedly.”  David smiled.
“And here you are.  Standing around.  When you should be at home with your little girl.”
“My folks took her home.  I am going to go and fetch her.”  Amanda smiled.
“I kept you.  I apologize.”
“Gosh no.  I was enjoying every minute.  You are a fantastic entertainer.”  Amanda smiled.
“Thank you.”  David nodded.
“If.  If I did ask.  If I asked you to go out for a meal.  Would you?  Is there the slightest chance?” 

Amanda smiled and nodded.
“I am very wrapped up in work Monday through Friday.  Friday evenings I sing.  But other than that I am free.”  David nodded and smiled.
“So is there a glimmer of hope?”  Amanda smiled.
“You should have got up and walked out on me.”  David smiled.
“This was my first date.  Ever.”  Amanda chuckled.
“Don’t give me all your secrets in one night.”  He chuckled.  They slowly walked over to her car. 

“Are you dating
, Amanda?”
“Did you just swear David?”  David gurgled with laughter.
“No.  I don’t date.  First of all.  I have two different lives.  When I walk out of there no one knows it is me.  That is my stage persona.  Yes people at school know who I am.  Because of Nicola.  Other than that.  I live a very quiet life.  I don’t date.  Never have.  My job comes first.  Sometimes I bring work home.  But not always.  This is a whole new vein of conversation David.”
“I love listening to you.  You are so.” 

“Direct.  To the point.  Bordering on rude.  I know.  My mother likes to remind me.”
“No.  I wasn’t going to say that.  I was going to say fresh.”  Amanda gurgled with laughter.  David chuckled.
“I would like to see you again Amanda.”  Amanda smiled.
“David I am such a hard arse.”
“No you aren’t.  Would you like to go out some time?”  Amanda smiled and nodded. 

“Slight problem though.  The school holidays are upon us.  And I am looking after a little somebody.”
“Yes.  That little monster.  How would you feel if you came over for lunch or something.  Maybe on a weekend?”
“I can ask the folks to look after Victoria.”  Amanda smiled.
“Look.  I don’t live around here.  I live an hour’s drive away.  And I would like both you and Victoria to join me.  There are reasons for that.”
“I need a chaperone?”  Amanda chuckled.
“I will have Nicola with me.”  David smiled and nodded. 

“Can I meet you for breakfast?”
“I would love to.  But I can’t.  We are leaving tomorrow morning.  But what about joining me for lunch?”
“We could.”  Amanda smiled and nodded.
“Come casual.  Wear jeans and sneakers.”
“I am sure.”
“And just where am I going?”
“Head out of town.  When you see the sign that says ‘Thorpe’, take the off-ramp.  Drive for fifteen kilometers and you will see a sign that says ‘Vet’.  Take a left and you will find me.”
“I will do that.  What time?”
“Any time from twelve.”  David smiled and nodded.

“Thank you.  Have you just invited me out on a date?”  Amanda chuckled.
“Hell yes!”  David roared with laughter.
“You are just as bad as me.”
“No.  I am a lot worse.  David what you see on the stage is not me.  I am terrible.  I am a bad conversationalist.  I don’t do this chitty chat thing.  But yes.  Maybe that can be our first date.”
“And how many will there be until I get to know you and sweep you off your feet?”  Amanda smiled.  She looked at David.
“Who knows?  Maybe you have already worked your charm.”  David smiled.

Amanda unlocked her door.  He held it open.  She leaned up and kissed his cheek.
“Will I see you tomorrow?  Don’t ditch me.”  David smiled and leaned forward and gently kissed her on the lips.
“Tomorrow is a date.”  She smiled as she hopped in the car.  She opened her window.
“Is there anything you don’t eat?  Allergies?  Vegetarian?  Vegan?  Anything?”  He roared with laughter and shook his head.
“Quite normal.”
“Blessing!”  He chuckled as she drove off.  He waved and watched as she waved. 


David walked over to his van.  He was smitten.  He loved everything about her.  He climbed in to his van and smiled.  His heart was beating at a fast pace.  His hands were perspiring.  And he felt good.  He whispered to himself.
“I have fallen in love with you.  I don’t know how I managed to play that guitar.  But something happened.  The way you walk.  The way you talk.  Everything about you.”  He shook his head and drove to his parents’ home. 

He quietly walked inside.
“Dad!”  He grinned.
“Hey Dad!  And where were you?  You have red lipstick on your cheek!”  David roared with laughter.
“I went to go and say a proper thank you.”
“You saw Amanda Rose!”  He chuckled.
“She is a lovely young lady.  She is just the same as you and I.”  Victoria chuckled.
“Dad did you see how she moves!”  David grinned.
“Darn.  That was amazing!”  David chuckled and nodded.

Mary and Tom both looked up as he
sat down.
“Coffee?”  He nodded.
“Yes.  Please.”  Mary walked out of the lounge and David smiled.
“So where were you?”
“I went to go and say thank you to Amanda.  I didn’t realize she stepped off of one stage and straight on to another.  I had to wait.  Sorry I am so late.”
“You saw her singing?”  David nodded.
“As in wow!”  Victoria sighed.
“Gosh she is such a lady.  Did you see how smart she looked in that suit of hers.  And her heels.  But she still danced.”  David grinned and nodded.

“Victoria.  Tomorrow.  You and I have been invited out for lunch.”
“Yes.  Amanda invited you and I.  Because Nicola is going to be with Amanda for the school holidays.”
“So Nicola is going to be there?”  David nodded.
“Are you and Nicola friends?”
“Yes of course.  She is a straight A student you know.  Did you see how old her Mom and Dad are?”  David smiled and nodded.
“Same as Gran and Granddad.”
“Yes.  Well.  There is a big age gap between Amanda and Nicola.”
“Huge.  As in.  How old is Amanda?  So she must be in her twenties.  About twenty two or twenty three.  So about seven years.”  David smiled and nodded.
“Something like that.”

Mary walked through with their coffee and sat down.  David sipped
at his coffee.  Tom looked at him.  David smiled.
“So we are going to their house for lunch.  That is nice Dad.  We have never done that before.”  David nodded and smiled.
“I don’t know how I coped tonight.  Honest.  I wonder how Mrs. Jackson is doing?”  Victoria chuckled.
“Did you see Nicola sprint?  As in whoa!”  David roared with laughter.
“When the teacher said we must sing.  I almost died on the spot.  And then we all sang.  Oh that was magic.  And when we sang that second song.  That was kind of amazing.  All those noises and things.  Did you see how Amanda was sort of leading us so that we knew what to do next.  The noises.  And then we sang it again.  And when she introduced Mrs. Henderson, and you, Donald and Mister Chase.  And then all of us.  Gosh I felt like a movie star.”  David roared with laughter and nodded. 

Mary smiled.
“When she walked up on to that stage I did not know what to expect.  But when she started to sing.  Gosh.  She was amazing.  She gets to people you know.  She had everyone eating out of the palm of her hands.  Even we were standing singing and dancing.”  Victoria grinned.
“Gran we were only supposed to sing little snippets.  But we all sang.  To both songs.  Those sound effects were hilarious.  Even Amanda made sounds.”  They all grinned.
“She was punching the air for certain sound effects.  And then she would sort of bounce her hand up and down then we knew to keep it a little quieter.  And then she raised her hand and then we knew to get louder.”  Tom chuckled and nodded.
“I think everyone is going to be talking about that for a good few years.”  David smiled and nodded.
“She is a true performer.”  Mary smiled and nodded.  She looked at David.  There was something different about David.
“David?”  David smiled. 

“David?”  He looked at everyone.
“Things might just change.  For the better.”
“Meaning you go through life.  You do the general plod.  And one fine day you get to meet someone.”

Victoria nodded.
“I know what you mean Dad.  Someone who kind of plonks you on the head and you feel as if you are on a buzz.”  Mary smiled.  She looked at David and he chuckled.
“Exactly that Victoria.”  He smiled and looked at Mary.  His eyes were sparkling as he spoke.
“Star struck.”  David nodded.
“Stumbled in to something that I thought would never happen to me.”  Mary smiled and nodded.

“Right young lady.  You and I are going home.”  Victoria got up.
“Like a puppet on a.  String!”  They all roared with laughter.
“Thanks for coming with us.”  Tom smiled.
“Oh we enjoyed it immensely.  My son and granddaughter.  Super stars!”  David roared with laughter.  Victoria gurgled with delight.  David smiled as they walked to the van and hopped in.

“Can we go past their house?”
“Who’s house?”
“Nicola.  They live two blocks away.”
“We can.”  He drove as Victoria directed him.  He slowed down and smiled.  Amanda’s sports car was parked out front.
“So that is where we are going.”
“No.  Amanda doesn’t live there.”
“And where then?”
“That we will find out tomorrow.  You and I need to wear jeans and sneakers.”
“For lunch?”
“Yep.  Comfortable.”  Victoria chuckled.
“You know Dad.  If I had a Mom.”
“Which you do.”
“Nope.  Gran is my Mom.  If I had a Mom I would like someone like Amanda.  She is beautiful.  Did you see her up close?”
“I did.”
“Gorgeous with a capital G, Dad.”  David chuckled and nodded.
“So you would have her for a Mom.”
“I am okay with that.  Thanks Dad.  So when will that be?”
“Can I let you have the date a little later?”
“That would work Dad.  And I can be a flower girl.  Uncle Charles will be your best man.” 

David chuckled.
“I better speak to him some time.”
“I think you should.  We should start thinking of that guest list.  So far I count six guests on our side.  And five on Amanda’s side.  Because she has a brother too.  He is younger than Amanda but older than Nicola.”
“Yes.  So in total that is eleven.  But we can work on that.”  David grinned. 

“So what do you think about Amanda?”
“I like her a lot.”
“Dad cut the crap.  You are besotted.  I saw your eyes when you walked in.  And you didn’t walk in.  You floated.  And the little comment.  You only find true love once Dad.  And when you do you have to grab hold of it.”  David smiled.
“I am glad you have ears Dad.  That smile could cause a serious injury and whip the top of your head right off.”  David roared with laughter. 

“Just remember Victoria.  The person on the stage is the other persona.”
“Oh Dad.  Of course.  That is the showmanship.  Deep down she is like everyone else.  But she is rather quiet.  Nothing like Nicola.  Actually.  When she walked up on to that stage she looked really business like.  Dressed like that.”  David chuckled and nodded.
“But when she started to sing.  She became Molly.”
“Whoa!  Mister Walter was like shell shocked.”  They both chuckled.
“She has such a lovely voice.  I didn’t want her to stop singing.  None of us did.”  David chuckled and nodded.

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