Dreams Come True (5 page)

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Authors: Bridgitte Lesley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Life, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Dreams Come True
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Victoria and Nicola ran in with the biggest of smiles.
“The horse buck you and send you home?”  Nicola grinned and chuckled.
“Well.  As we got to the stables.”
“Which you never reached.  A stable is a stable.  And a shed is a shed.”
“Now you see.  We were almost at the stables and then Uncle Jimmy rode up on his four wheeler.”
“Naturally.  To come and see what the noise was.”
“It gave a tiny little backfire.”  David hid his smile.  He had heard the backfire earlier.
“And then we went on the four wheeler and Uncle Jimmy and us went to go and check on things.”
“What kind of things?”
“Now don’t blow a gasket.”  Amanda rolled her eyes.
“What now?”
“The reservoir.  The pipe sort of sprung a leak.  So Uncle Jimmy is trying to fix that.”
“I will send Doctor fix it down to Uncle Jimmy.  By the time Uncle Jimmy fixes the leak we will have a pond to swim in and no water in the house.”

David grinned.
“Shall I?”
“If you could.”  He grinned as he walked out and followed the girls.  He walked down to the reservoir.  The water was gushing from the pipe.
“Uncle Jimmy?”  Jimmy looked up and put out his hand.
“David MacGuire.  Can you bring me two clamps and a piece of pipe?”
“Sure.”  Jimmy ran up to the shed and came out with the clamps.  David quickly broke the pipe and put the piece of pipe in the middle of the two ends and clamped the two ends to the pipe.
“Should do it.”  Jimmy chuckled.
“The glue I used last time sort of came unstuck.”  David chuckled and nodded.
“What is your hourly rate sonny?”
“Mine?”  Jimmy nodded.  David gave the figure.  Jimmy took the cash from his wallet and gave it to David.
“No I don’t need this.”
“Everybody needs the green stuff.  And we all have an hourly rate.”
“I would have had to call the mend it man in the morning.  I don’t have a handy soul when it comes to this kind of thing.”
“Well you can always call on me.”
“Good to know.  This your little one?”
“She is.”  Jimmy smiled and nodded.
“My Granddaughter is the same age.  Should be here in about a week.  Bless the peace and quiet.”  David roared with laughter. 

David smiled as he walked off with Victoria and Nicola.
“Funny that Dad.  Everyone is going to come here.  Right here.  On this ranch.  For their school holidays.”
“Amazing.”  Victoria grinned.
“It really is.  I wonder if they know how to play Bingo?”  Nicola grinned and looked away.
“And do you know what?”
“What is that Victoria?”
“Nicola can swim every morning.  And every evening.”
“And does she go to bed at six?”  Nicola chuckled.  Victoria grinned.
“Just mentioning.  Should you want to change your mind.”
“Change my mind about what?”
“My up and coming school holidays.”  David chuckled.  They walked in to the house and straight in to the kitchen.  Amanda smiled as she took the banana loaf out of the oven.

“Goodness!”  Amanda smiled.
“A few minutes to cool off.  If you would like it warm or cold.  Up to you.”  David smiled as he looked at the enormous loaf.
“How many minutes did you say?”  Victoria gurgled with laughter.  David took the money out of his pocket.
“Your Jimmy paid me.”
“Good for him.  The right rate?”
“I can’t keep this.”
“Did you fix it?”
“Sure did.”
“Well then put it in your wallet.  Services rendered.”
“Yes of course.  He would only have someone come in and fix it if you didn’t.”
“Well it will never come loose again.”
“Stick around.  Jimmy loves glue.”  David roared with laughter and nodded.

They all sat down as Amanda started slicing the loaf.  She put it on the table on a bread board.  She handed everyon
e their little plate.  Nicola took the butter from the fridge.  David smiled as they all sat around and had coffee and their slices of loaf.
“Running a little late at the moment.  So supper will be a little late.”  David smiled and nodded.
“I will make supper.”
“Really?”  Nicola chuckled.
“Sandwiches?”  David grinned.
“Toasted.”  Amanda chuckled.
“Now that is what I like.  A talented man.  Who can wield a spatula as well as a hammer.”  David grinned.
“Ooh I will be out of this kitchen when the supper is made.”  Victoria chuckled.
“Dad cooks and I do the dishes.”
“Very good for healthy clean hands.”  Amanda chuckled and nodded.
“Over the weekend I give my housekeeper a bit of a break.  But during the week I run out of time.”
“You have a housekeeper and a cook?”  Amanda chuckled.
“Victoria she is one and the same.  Sometimes she drags me out of bed and marches me to this table.  Feeds me.  And shoves me straight out of that door.”  Victoria gurgled with laughter.  David chuckled. 

“Sometimes I run out of time.  I never know what is next.  My clients schedule their appointments.  But sometimes it is a little op and sometimes it is
a little sweet talking.”  Victoria smiled.
“How did you know what to do with the sheep?”  David smiled.
“Amanda is a Vet.”
“A Vet!  Goodness!”  Amanda chuckled and nodded.
“You are as bad as your father.  Did you not see the sign that said Vet?”
“Yes but we didn’t know that this here is the Vet.”  Amanda smiled and looked at David.
“And the plumber.  Uncle David did a super duper job.”  David chuckled.  Amanda sat back and smiled.
“I think that is me done.  Saving space for the toasted sandwiches.  Now just what do we expect to see on these toasted sandwiches?”  David chuckled.
“When everyone has evacuated the kitchen I shall put thought to the meal.”  Amanda chuckled.
“Oooh so complex.  Dad do you need help?”  David chuckled.
“I might pull in the stragglers to assist.”  Nicola roared with laughter.
“We shall straggle.”  Amanda chuckled.
“Now if you get nibbly the banana loaf will be under the dome.  Feel free to help yourself.”  David smiled and nodded. 

“Dad.  Can I show you something?”  They both looked at Amanda and then at David.
“Are you girls hiding something?”
“Noooo.  We would never hide anything.”  David chuckled.
“Would you excuse us?”  Amanda chuckled and nodded.
“Don’t rush.  If I am not here I am feeding the injured.”  David smiled as they walked out.
“And just what are you going to be showing me?”
“Shhhh.”  David chuckled as he walked.  They walked in to the shed.
“What am I looking at?”  Victoria smiled and they walked over to the corner.
“Kittens?”  They all went down on their knees.
“Oh my gosh!  She just had another.”  David chuckled.
“Run and call Amanda.”  Victoria ran to the house.
“Aunty Amanda!”  Amanda chuckled.
“Dad says you must come.”  Amanda smiled and ran out with Victoria.

They walked in to the shed.  Amanda smiled and went down on her knees.
“And why are we hiding her?”  Nicola smiled.
“Do you think Mom will let me have a kitten?”
“Dad would have a cadenza.  So what we do is you both choose which pitch black kitten you would like.”  David chuckled.
“And they live here.  That way everyone has the best of both worlds.  Now Patsy.  Take care of them all.”
“So we can really keep them all?”
“Well Patsy has been here for a very long time.  And I do like to keep the rats and mice down.  Yes of course we can keep them all.  So who is who?”  David smiled.
“Can I pick them up?”
“Patsy won’t mind.”  He picked the first one up.
“A boy.  And he has a little white spot on his foot.”  He picked them all up.
“Well sorry ladies.  The little young man is mine.”
“And he came out first.”  Amanda chuckled.
“Aren’t they beautiful.”  Everyone nodded.
“So Dad has the little man with the dot.  Are you sure that is not Tippex David?”  David chuckled.
“It is a spot.  Spot the man.”  The girls chuckled. 

Victoria smiled.
“Can I pick one up?”
“I am sure you can.”  She gently picked the kitten up.
“Oh Dad.”  He smiled.
“So small.”  David smiled.
“Any marks?”
“On her chest.”  Nicola chuckled.
“Not one of them is pitch black.”  Amanda chuckled.
“Very close.  I am going to leave you all for a while.”  She got up and David smiled.
“Did well Patsy.” 

Amanda walked off and walked up the drive towards the surgery.  She walked inside and went to go and feed the animals.  She smiled at the puppies.
“Pretty amazing.  Patsy just had her four kittens.  Gosh they are gorgeous.  And so little.  Real little beauties.”

David quietly walked inside and listened.
“How are you doing Phyllis?  Come here sweetheart.”  It was all quiet.
“Nicola is going to have a friend over for the week.  That is going to be so nice for her.  I am going to have such a busy week.  And this week I am going to do my gig but I am going to drive over and come straight back.  I really don’t enjoy staying over.  But this week I had to.  And I am glad I did you know.  And I am glad I met David.  I haven’t ever had a friend like that.  And he is a man.  I haven’t ever had a boyfriend.  I mean a boy.  Friend.  Oh you know what I mean.  And he is rather good looking.  Actually he is very handsome.  He has a lovely voice.  All gravelly and sexy.  And good to look at.  I wonder what he thinks about me.  I wonder if he has thoughts like that.”

David smiled and walked closer.  He stood behind Amanda and put his arms around her.
“He does have thoughts like that.  I think you are gorgeous.  And I think you stay away from the city because you are actually scared of meeting someone like me.  I am going to tell you what I think.”  Amanda smiled and nodded.
“When I first met you I saw this business woman.  She was so beautifully dressed.  And I lost my little heart to her.  Then she started to sing.  I still didn’t have a clue as to who you are.  All I could see was the beauty inside and out.”  Amanda smiled and nodded.
“You can compare me to the boy next door.  I don’t have this.  I don’t have the money which you do not flash about.  But I do know I have feelings for you.  Feelings that I have never experienced before.  And I know you are afraid because you have the same feelings.”  Amanda nodded.
“And I think you should put Phyllis in to her cage because she is turning blue the way you are squashing her.”
“Oh!  Gosh!  Sorry Phyllis.”  She put her in to the cage.  She scooped a few pellets in to a tub and put them in the bowl.

She closed the cage and looked at David.
“Why do you hide?”  Amanda nodded.
“It is not really hiding.  I don’t like the city. I don’t like the people.  And.  Well.”  David smiled and pulled her in to his arms.
“And if you meet the right man you want him to want you.  Not the money and the things that you possess.”  Amanda nodded.
“Like you.  I want a somebody like you.  You didn’t know who I was or where I was from.  But yet you still came.”
“Nothing would have stopped me.” 

“David would it be a lot to ask you to be my friend?”
“Oh my angel.  I want to be your friend.  Not for what you have.  But for you.”  Amanda nodded and smiled.
“When everything is back to normal.  Would you come and visit on the weekends?”
“Yes.”  Amanda nodded.  He kissed on the top of her head.
“Remember when I said I want to take you out on a date?”  Amanda nodded.
“I actually want to date you.  Have you as a proper girlfriend.  But we will work on the girl.  Friend.  And when we get to know each other just a little more you might find that you want me as your boyfriend.  And I am hoping for that.”  Amanda smiled and nodded.
“Have you fed everyone?”
“One more.  But I need to check all the doors and windows first.”  David chuckled.  He looked down and Amanda looked up.  He kissed her on the nose and she chuckled.  He let her loose.

She checked the windows and the door. 
She put the latch on the door.
“What are we feeding?”
“A little person who only comes out at night.  But if she gets a fright she jumps all over the place.”  David chuckled.  She opened the cage and took the little Galago out of the cage.
“Oooh she is gorgeous!”  David took her from Amanda.  There was a quiet little tap on the window.  He slowly walked to the window and Victoria and Nicola both sighed and smiled.
“And what is wrong with you young person?”
“She has a sore finger.  I had to either amputate or stitch it together.  I chose to do the stitching.”  He looked at the tiny little bandage.
“Goodness that is a big bandage.”  He walked over to Amanda and she put a bowl of fruits in to the bowl.
“Night sweetheart.  I am sorry I had to wake you up.  Your berries are here.”  David put her in to the cage and tried to put her in to the little bed.  She clung on to David. 

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