Dreams Come True (10 page)

Read Dreams Come True Online

Authors: Bridgitte Lesley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Life, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Dreams Come True
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Amanda smiled.
“Do you need a hand when you do this job?”
“Not so sure anyone will want to work with me in the evenings.”
“I will ask Dad if he won’t join you.  He can pass spanners and things.  Then I will take his van.  He won’t mind.”
“Could work.”
“I think.”  They both looked at Nicola and she gurgled with laughter.
“If you don’t mind.  I would like to table the next suggestion.”  Amanda grinned and nodded.
“We can go with you.”
“Nice try.  But no.  But ten points for trying.”  David chuckled.
“If he left it till the new year it would not happen.  The minute they accept the quote you kind of put it in your budget.”  Amanda nodded.
“Which is right.”  David nodded.

They finished their meals and got up from the table.
“Tuck in time.”  Nicola chuckled and nodded.
“We have done so much today.”
“We have.  It has been a lovely day.”  David nodded and smiled.
“Well I am off to have my shower.  Meet you all in the entertainment room.  First want to go and see how those babies are doing.”  Amanda smiled.
“No looking at the boot room.”  David chuckled as he walked through. 

David walked in to the so called boot room.  It was a sun room just off the lounge.  He looked around and smiled.  It was a gorgeous room.  He walked to Patsy and her kittens.  He went down on his knees
and admired the little kittens.  Amanda walked through and got on her knees.
“Which means I have you for a while.”
“If you would like.”
“I would like.”
“Amanda it feels as if I have known you forever.  I feel as if I have suddenly found my home.”  Amanda nodded and smiled.
“I don’t want to push you too fast.  But I do.”
“So what is it then?  Fast or slow?”  David smiled and put his arm around Amanda.
“I think we have eased in to this nicely.”  He leaned forward and took possession of Amanda’s mouth.  He kissed her with hunger and passion.  He slowly pulled away.  He looked at Amanda and pulled her in to his arms.
“I am claiming this room.”  Amanda chuckled.
“So embarrassing.  The dump yard.”
“Not that bad.  But this is my domain.”
“All yours.” 

Amanda looked at the kittens.  She turned and looked at David.
“David it isn’t often that someone finds a person that they are compatible with.  Someone that they are comfortable with.”  David nodded.
“I feel that way.  I don’t feel as though I have just met you.  We seem to mesh together nicely.”
“Just remember I am the boy next door.”
“And I am the girl next door.  Money is nice.  Possessions are nice.  But that isn’t love.  That isn’t what makes you feel good.  It does.  But I think you know what I mean.”  David nodded and smiled.
“You don’t think that I am after what you have?”
“No because you didn’t know what I have.  The things that I have are unimportant.  Where we are concerned.  David I would like you to stay for the week.  Get to know the real me.  See if you really like me.”
“Oh Amanda.  How can you say that?”  Amanda smiled and nodded.
“Would you stay the week?”
“I certainly will.”
“Thank you.”  David chuckled and got up.  He pulled Amanda up. 

“Bath and telly.”  David chuckled.
“The day has flown by.”
“It has.  But a very eventful and fruitful day.”  David nodded and smiled.
“The whole weekend.  Normally I don’t even get a call over a weekend.  So it is rather quiet.  And all of a sudden I have a flow of cash coming in.”  Amanda chuckled.
“David how do you work?  You obviously bank every cent.”  They walked to the lounge and both sat down.
“I have a goal which I have to achieve.  That pays the van and the house and school fees and things like that.  I push to achieve the goal.  I bank everything.  I tried to get ahead.  I did.  So I am one month ahead.  If I have a bad month I have that to lean on.  A bit of a cushion.”  Amanda nodded and smiled.
“I know what it is like to struggle.  I really threw caution to the wind.  I bought the ranch.  I bought my car.  And I opened the surgery all at the same time.  I had nail biting months.  Then things started to happen.  I got the ranch operating with minimum staff.  I even did some of the work myself.  I started with the veggies.  I got the biggest order I have ever seen.  Well things changed.  I started pumping the money in to the ranch.  Oh I pushed.  I paid the ranch off.  That eased things.  I still pay my car.  I have a lot more staff.  I have the shop.  And the surgery is rather busy.” 

David almost whispered.
“This place is paid up?”  Amanda nodded and smiled.
“Yes.  Now all I have to pay are the day to day things.  I don’t have to stress anymore.  The shop was a good investment.”
“I need to see that shop tomorrow.  Tom tells me he gets everything there.”  Amanda chuckled and nodded.
“Tomorrow.”  David smiled and looked at Amanda.
“I am talking future here.  Because I have already set my mind as to what I want.”  Amanda looked at David and smiled.
“What would you do if you were in my shoes?  Sell or rent the house out?”
“You bought that house years back.  So your monthly mortgage is minimal.  If you had to rent it out you would probably get about four times that.  Which would ease things for you.  You would probably be able to pay the house off in a couple of months if you took the full rental and pumped it in to the house.”  David nodded.
“So we keep it?”
“We keep it.”  David smiled and nodded. 

“I have to sort something out for Victoria.  I haven’t made any plans.  I was listening to her talking today.  Nicola was telling us she is going to be studying.”  Amanda nodded.
“David I am going to make waves here.  Down the line do you see us as a permanent feature?”
“I do.”
“I mean permanent for life.  Grow old together.”
“Yes I see that.”
“Well then I want to step in boots and all.  Victoria might have a mother.  But she doesn’t have a Mom.”  David nodded.
“May I take over in that department?”
“You may.”
“David I need your word that you won’t go in to a frenzy and interfere.”  David chuckled and nodded.
“Are you going to get her working on the ranch?”
“No.  She will be joining Nicola.”  David stared.
“My angel I don’t have that kind of money.”
“Mister MacGuire what did I just say?”  David smiled.
“Okay.  Settled.  You do that.  But I need to know the amount.  Because I need to raise the bar a little.” 

“David.  I don’t pull punches and I do not procrastinate.  We are going to make changes overnight.”  David nodded.
“Even if things turn a little sour.  Which they will not.  I would like you and Victoria to move in.  Make this your home.  You have your room.  Victoria has hers.  When we are ready we can.  You know what I mean.” 

David nodded.
“That would be a big move.”
“David only if you want to.  Move in.  Make this your home.  Think about it.  If we don’t end up together this is still your home.  I do want a future with you.  If we live together we will know if it is the right thing to do.”
“Okay.  I would like to move in.  But what if things don’t work out?”
“Will they work out?”
“You move.”  David roared with laughter.
“I have two single bunk beds.  I have a double bed.  A few coffee tables and the lounge suite.  Now the lounge suite has found a home in my domain.  I don’t have much else.  Do you need beds?”
“I do.  The boys in the bunkhouse will kiss your feet.  There will be a huge fight for the double bed.  I can see lots of fun and games happening.  But I am buying them from you.  Because I was going to be buying beds anyhow.”
“They aren’t new.”
“To you maybe.  But to the men down there they would be.  The bunkhouse is very ordinary and plain.  They have their own bedrooms but they are tiny.  And very basic.”
“Well then I will sell you the beds.”  Amanda chuckled and nodded.
“Make a list of all the furniture that you have.  I really do need a few things.”  David nodded and smiled.

“David it will work.  This will be home.  We will make it work.”
“We will.”
“But I mean a proper home.  You come and go as you please.  You use all the facilities.  You turn this into a real home.”  David nodded and smiled.
“Why are you doing this?”
“If you haven’t realized yet.  I love you David.”  David pulled her on to his lap.  Amanda gurgled with laughter.
“I love you Amanda.  I love you to bits.”  He took possession of her mouth.  He hugged her.
“I was scared to say those words.”
“Throw caution to the wind.  Say what you feel.  I had to tell you.”  David smiled and nodded. 

They both got up.
“Shower.”  Amanda chuckled as they ran up the stairs.
“Have you already showered?”  Nicola nodded.
“All clean.  You have fifteen minutes before the movie starts.”  Amanda chuckled.
“We need nibbles.  Provide.” 


David grinned as he walked in to his bedroom.  He walked around and looked around.  He walked to the window and looked out at the beautiful ranch.  Victoria walked in.
“Dad what is wrong?”  David turned and smiled.
“Take a seat Victoria.  I need to speak to you.”  Victoria closed the door.  She walked to the little settee and took a seat on the couch.  David walked over and took a seat.
“I am going to run something by you.  But I would like your honest opinion.  You can ask questions I don’t mind.  But I need to know your honest opinion.”  Victoria nodded. 

David kept quiet for a little while.  He stared at the carpet.  He looked up and smiled.
“Amanda has made us.  You and I.  An offer that I can’t refuse.  Two in fact.  I will start with the first.  Okay lots of offers.  But be honest.”  Victoria nodded.
“Victoria how would you like to live here?”
“Here?”  David nodded.
“Dad there are a lot more benefits to living out here.  Quality of life.  Neither of us like the city.  Oh it is nice at the mall.  But there is nothing to offer.  Dad I would love to live here.  I realized that I am more of a country girl.  I love horses.  Dad I like these people.  We don’t even know our neighbors.  But over a weekend we have come to meet so many real people.”  David nodded.
“So yes.  Dad I would like to live here.”

David nodded and smiled.
“Amanda and I are dating.  But we are going to keep things as they are.  For now.  But down the line we will get married.  I feel that way.”  Victoria nodded.
“Amanda would like to fill the role as your Mom.  In the true sense.”
“Oh Dad.  I want that.”  David smiled.
“Happy with living here?”
“There is something else.”  Victoria nodded.
“If we can.  If Amanda can.  I don’t know how.  Would you like to study as a Doctor?”  Victoria stared at David.  She was speechless.  David smiled and looked at her.  She barely whispered.
“Are you serious Dad?”  David nodded.
“I am serious.”
“Oh my gosh!  Yes!”  Victoria got up and hugged David.
“Oh Dad.  I want that so bad.”
“Amanda will see what she can do.  The same as Nicola.”  Victoria burst in to tears.
“Oh my angel.”  He pulled her on to his lap and cradled her in his arms.
“I didn’t realize it was that important to you.”  Victoria smiled and wiped her tears away.

“I always wanted a Mom.  I know I am big.  But I want a Mom. 
Dad what are we going to do with all our things?  The house?”
“Well we thought we would rent out the house and get it paid off.  I am going to move our suite in to the sun room.  The rest of the furniture we are going to sell off.  We don’t need them.  If things went sour Victoria.  I would have to replace them.”
“But things won’t turn sour Dad.  I can see how you feel.  You have fallen in love with Amanda.”
“I have.  And she feels the same.  We connect Victoria.  I have never felt like this before.”
“You have waited long enough Dad.”
“I have.” 

David smiled.
“Way past happy.  I hope you can get me enrolled.”
“I am sure we will.”
“Thank you Dad.”  He hugged her and kissed her on the head.  Victoria got up.
“Shower and movie Dad.”  David chuckled as he got up.  Victoria walked out the bedroom and closed the door.  Amanda smiled as she came down the passage.  Victoria gave her a big hug.
“Thank you.”
“Sweetheart I have to thank you.  Daddy tell you of his plans?”  Victoria smiled and nodded.
“Can we really live here?”
“You really are going to sweetheart.  And I want you to make this your proper home.  Posters on the walls.  Bits and bobs all over your room.  Just like Nicola.”  Victoria smiled and nodded.
“Dad will make that decision.”  Victoria nodded and smiled.

They walked in to the entertainment room.  Nicola lay spread out on the couch.
“This is the life.”  Amanda chuckled.
“I hope you got some nibbles.”
“Yep.  We don’t need dip do we?”
“Nah.”  Amanda and Victoria took a seat.  Victoria chuckled as she lay the opposite end of Nicola.  Amanda was on the other couch.  She sat with her legs on the couch.  She looked up as David walked through.
“Oh good.  Nibbles.”  He chuckled as he sat the opposite end of Amanda.  He lifted her feet and pulled them up on his lap.
“Are we in for a horror, comedy or action?”
“Action tonight.  A little action to get us in to Monday.”  David chuckled and nodded.  The movie started and everyone got comfortable.  He looked over at Victoria who lay on her side with a cushion under her head.  He looked at Amanda and smiled.  She turned and looked at David.  He moved and got comfortable behind her with a cushion beneath his head.  He held her around the waist and held her on the couch.
“Mister MacGuire are you getting ready for a nap?”  David chuckled.
“Just getting comfortable.”  She chuckled as she watched the screen.

The movie ended and Victoria and Nicola got up.  Victoria smiled as
she looked at Amanda and David.  They were both fast asleep.  Nicola took the duvet from the cupboard.  She put it over the both of them.  Victoria smiled as they quietly put the telly off and the lights.  They walked out of the entertainment room. 

Nicola walked in to her bedroom.  They both walked to the window.  Nicola and Victoria stood and looked out the window.
“This is what I like.  It is pitch black.  Hear the owl hoot?”  Victoria smiled as she looked through the window.
“Do you sleep with it open?”  Nicola nodded.
“Amanda does too.  It isn’t that cold really.”  Victoria smiled and looked out.
“No lights.  No noises of cars or ambulances.”
“So much nicer.”  They both nodded.  Victoria smiled as she went to her bedroom. 

Victoria lay on her bed and looked around.  She only had one poster up in her bedroom
at home.  She did have lots of nik naks though.  She looked around.  Her bedroom was a suite.  It was double the size of her bedroom.  Victoria smiled to herself.  They had really had it rough sometimes.  But they weren’t failing.  David was keeping his head above water.  She said a little prayer.  Everything that David had wanted in life was right here.  She hoped nothing would go wrong.

David opened his eyes and saw his coffee.  He sat up and drank.  He could smell the bacon sizzling.  He heard the laughter.  He finished his coffee and had a quick shower.  He got dressed and walked down the stairs and straight in to the kitchen.
“Good morning Mister MacGuire.”  Nicola smiled and looked at David.
“Uncle David this is Mrs. Dudley.”
“Well good morning Mrs. Dudley.  I am sure you have met my daughter.”
“Yes we have all made our acquaintance.  We have even been out to get the eggs.  Miss Amanda will be here in five minutes.  She is doing the morning feed and cuddle.”  David chuckled and sat down.  Mrs. Dudley dished up for him and gave him an enormous breakfast.
“Now don’t go making me fat.”  She chuckled.
“Miss Amanda said to tell you it is a yes.  And I am glad.  I will be honored to be able to feed another two of those you know.”  David frowned as he listened.
“Let alone one.  A second and then a third.  Goodness.  The knowledge.”

David whipped his head up.
“Yes?”  Mrs. Dudley smiled and nodded.
“An absolute yes.  Just a duplication of things.  Same.  Same.”
“Oh that is good news.  Thank you!”  She chuckled and nodded.
“Wow that is good news.”
“What is good news?  We didn’t understand a word of what you were saying.”
“Mrs. Dudley said there were enough eggs.  Enough for everyone.”
“Oh.”  Mrs. Dudley smiled to herself. 

Amanda walked in to the kitchen and smiled.
“Good morning everybody!”  She smiled and sat next to David.  He smiled as he kissed her.  Mrs. Dudley dished up her small little meal.  David smiled.
“Definitely a go?”
“Absolutely.  Done and dusted.  Oh we are going to be so busy this week.  Phyllis is a lot better.  She will be going home this morning.  I am going to be very busy till lunch time.  How is your day looking?”  David looked at his watch.  Victoria roared with laughter.  Mrs. Dudley chuckled.
“The day is looking very good so far.”  Amanda nodded and smiled.
“It will be a hectic day.  That I know.”
“Will it now?”  David grinned.  Amanda nodded.
“I can see in my crystal ball that there will be a lot of work done.”

David chuckled as his phone
rang out.  He got up and Amanda pushed him down.  She took the notepad from the counter with the pen and put it in front of David.  David listened and listened.  He doodled as he spoke.  Making notes of the customer’s name, the number of hours quoted and the name of the ranch.
“I think about four or five hours.  Could be quite a job.”  He nodded and listened.
“Sure.  I could.  How long would it take to get to you?”  Amanda took the pen and wrote.
“Ten minutes.”  He grinned and took the pen back.
“Yes I can be there.  Give me about twenty minutes.  See you there.”  He cut his call and grinned.

“So sorry ladies.  I am going to be rather busy for the next couple of hours.”
“Where Dad?”
“Just down the road on a ranch.  They need a building rewired.”  He looked at Amanda and smiled.
“Thank you my angel.”
“Not my doing.  I only supplied the number.”  David chuckled and nodded.
“And where did you get my number?”
“I got it from a viable source.”  Victoria gurgled with laughter.
“Aha!”  Nicola chuckled.  David finished his meal.
“And what are you ladies doing today?”  Amanda smiled.
“They will be very busy.  They are doing a bit of a roundup today.  But very close.  Uncle Jimmy says he needs you to pitch in.  With the sheep.”  Victoria chuckled.
“Hold on tight Victoria.”  Victoria smiled and nodded.

avid got up.
“Thank you Mrs. Dudley.  See you all later.”  He smiled and bent over and kissed Amanda.  He winked as he walked out of the kitchen whistling.
“Dad never really whistles.  Only when he is really happy.  Must be happy.”  Mrs. Dudley chuckled and nodded.
“Ooooh lunch!”  Mrs. Dudley ran out with the lunch box and the flask.
“Mister David!”  David looked up.  She handed him the lunch box and the flask.
“Gosh thank you.”  She smiled as she walked inside.  David smiled as he drove off.

“Right.  Nicola.  What I am going to tell you stays here.  At a later stage I will tell everyone.  Unless they realize for themselves.”  Nicola looked at Amanda and nodded.
“I have asked David and Victoria to move in with me.  They will have the rooms that they are in.”
“Awesome!”  Amanda smiled.
“Victoria will be joining you next year.  What we selected for you I have selected for Victoria.  Victoria I hope you are okay with our selection.  Nicola can fill you in on all the details.  You will be a weekly boarder and you will return home on a Friday after Varsity is over.  You will be driven back to Varsity on a Monday morning.”  Victoria nodded and smiled.
“Ladies there are a few things that we need to arrange over these holidays.  We have to fit it all in.  We need to go to town and buy you both a desk and a proper office chair.  One of those with wheels.  We need to buy two laptops and a printer for the both of you.  The minute we can.  David and I will take you to town.  So.  Take your lunch.  Make your way down to the stables.  And have a good old natter.” 

Nicola roared with laughter.  Victoria stared at Amanda.
“A laptop?”  Amanda nodded.
“Varsity is different.  You will need a laptop.”  Victoria smiled and nodded.  She got up and hugged Amanda.
“Thank you.”  Amanda smiled and nodded and kissed her on the nose.  Amanda got up.
“Right ladies.  Enjoy your roundup.”  They chuckled as she walked out.

Victoria looked at Nicola.
“I can’t believe it.  So I am in.”  Mrs. Dudley nodded.
“You two young ladies have got such an opportunity.  And so many things to do.  I am mighty proud of you.”  Nicola smiled and looked at Mrs. Dudley.
“It is like a dream come true Mrs. Dudley.  I wasn’t going to study.  Until Amanda spoke to Mom and Dad.  I am glad they said I can.”
“Well of course Nicola.  Amanda wants the best for the both of you.  Now you won’t be all lonely.”  Nicola nodded and smiled.  She looked at Victoria.
“It is going to be awesome!”  Victoria grinned.
“So much.  So fast.  So wonderful.”  They all chuckled as Nicola and Victoria got up.
“See you much later.  You will be having lunch with the crew.”  They both smiled as they walked out.

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