Dreams Come True (15 page)

Read Dreams Come True Online

Authors: Bridgitte Lesley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Life, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Dreams Come True
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David pulled up to the ranch.
“All hands on deck sweethearts.”  Victoria smiled as they started carrying their parcels.  The laptops were safely put on their beds.  They were up and down as they carried things.  Amanda started taking all of David’s clothes and put them in to the cupboard in her bedroom.  As she opened the door David was there.
“But it is empty.”
“Because it has been waiting for you.”  David hugged and kissed Amanda.
“I will have a lot more of that later.  Thank you.”
“Oh you are going to get a lot more of that.  I saw that little something that you snuck in to that packet.”  Amanda chuckled as she packed the clothes away. 

They took a while to pack everything away.  Amanda sat in the lounge and put her feet up.
“I am going to check on the babies.”
“I am coming with you.”  They walked over to the surgery and Amanda checked on all her little patients and quickly fed them.
“And who feeds them if you are not here?”
“I left enough food for them.  Sort of plan in advance.  How is your little one doing?”  David walked to the cage.
“She is all snuggled up.  Oh hello gorgeous.”  He slowly opened the cage and took the little Bush Baby out of the cage.  She crawled right in to David’s shirt.  He rubbed up and down her back.
“How is that finger doing?”  He took her little hand.
“When is the enormous bandage coming off?”
“She will get a new dressing in the morning and then I will check.  I would hate to part with her.  She has really taken to you.”
“Well then we keep her.  Somehow.”  Amanda smiled and looked at David.  He nodded.
“I think she is gorgeous.”  He took her out of his shirt and put her under the covers.
“There we go.”  He put the little berries in her bowl and closed her cage.  Amanda smiled as she closed the cage.  They walked out and back to the house.

“Where are those two?”
“We are coming to sit in the lounge.”  They both came out of the boot room.  David chuckled.
“And how are the babies?”
“Trying so hard to get their eyes open.  Kind of cute.”  David walked through and sat down on his bottom.  He lifted each one up.
“Oh definitely tonight.  Then you will see what we look like.”  He held them all and put them back.  He got up.  He walked to the van and took out his boxes of parts.  He walked in and put them on the counter.  He looked at the Invoice.  He looked up and smiled.
“Hey he even gave me a better discount.”  Amanda looked at the Invoice.
“Gosh David.  That is a good discount.”  He nodded and smiled.
“Packing these in the bottom of my cupboard.”
“No.  There is a cupboard in the garage.  Rather use that.  It is out of the way and it is a nice big cupboard.  Use that.  If you prefer.”
“I prefer.”  He kissed Amanda and walked through to the garage. 

He suddenly stopped.  He stood still.
“Snake.  Don’t come in here.”  Amanda reached up to the top of the cupboard.  She took her funny stick and slowly walked to David.  She had the snake caught up in seconds.  He put everything down and stared.  She took out her cell phone.
“Yes Doc Rosendale.”
“I have a gift for you.”
“Over in a jiff.”
“Who on earth is Bartholomew?”
“One of the ranch hands.  I ask no questions.  He tells me no lies.  He just said that if I do come across any snakes of any sort would I please call him.”
“So are you going to stand there holding that pole?”  Amanda chuckled.
“Normally what happens is someone has a muslin bag.  The last time they took the bag.”
“Bartholomew?”  Amanda chuckled.

David walked to the door.
“Victoria!  Nicola!”  They both came running.  They stopped and stared.  David heard the knock on the door.  He walked over and Bartholomew smiled.  He carried the muslin bag.
“Follow me.”  Bartholomew smiled as he caught the snake up in the bag.
“Thank you Ma’am.”  Amanda nodded.
“What are you going to do with him Bartholomew?”  He looked at Victoria.
“Snake steak.”
“Really?”  He nodded and smiled.

Nicola pulled up her nose.  David grinned.  He picked up his boxes.  Amanda put the stick away on top of the cupboard.
“If you ever need the stick that is where it is.”  David groaned.
“I hope we don’t.”  Amanda chuckled and nodded.

“Ladies how are you doing?”  Victoria nodded and smiled.
“Can I show you my bedroom?”
“You can indeed.”  They both ran up the stairs.  Amanda gasped as she walked in.  Victoria looked at her with huge eyes.
“Oh that is so beautiful!”  Victoria smiled as Amanda hugged her.  She spoke quietly.
“I think you realize that Dad and I are meant to be.”  Victoria nodded.
“And I would like you to think of me as your Mom.  I can’t take her place.  But I will try and be the best Mom ever.”  Victoria spoke quietly.
“I always wanted a Mom.”
“But will I do?”  Amanda smiled and looked at Victoria.  She nodded and smiled.
“Thank you for everything.  I didn’t expect anything like that.  I could have used the old things.”
“No sweetheart.  I want you to be proud.  I want you to have everything new.  Because you are embarking on something new and exciting.  And so am I.”  She kissed Victoria on the nose.
“You realize I will pop in to your bedroom every now and then just to look at that poster.”  Victoria giggled as they walked out.

“Right.  I guess it is supper time.  How do you all feel about sharing your bit that you didn’t eat?”  Victoria and Nicola nodded.  Amanda smiled as she opened all the packets.  She put everything in to a pan.  She got the rice going.
“Where is that father of yours?”
“I am in the garage.”
“And what have you found?”
“A whole box of things.”  Amanda chuckled.
“And loving every second.”
“Why do you have all the electrical parts?”
“Because I bought them for the extensions.”
“What extensions?”  Amanda chuckled.
“I will have to show you the foundations.  The plans were submitted and approved.  I just never got there.  Got to digging the foundations.  But then I had them filled in instead of having the gaping holes.”
“And what were we going to build?”
“One enormous room.  I thought of a suite.  For when the folks retire.  Just never mentioned it and never got there.”
“Well then we have to look at it.”
“We will.” 

Amanda smiled and looked at the frying pan.
“I hope you don’t mind eating what the girls and I left.”
“Not phased at all.”  Amanda smiled and chuckled.
“I had a funny thought.” 
“And what is that?”
“I wonder if Charles and Penny aren’t having problems of their own?”
“You mean marital problems.”
“You know I wonder.  Maybe she doesn’t trust Charles.”
“You might be right.”  Amanda nodded.
“What if we kind of went over there and sort of found out?”  David chuckled as Amanda slowly fried the calamari and all the fish.
“Stir fry?”
“What if.  And I know you don’t want her here.  What if I got them here?  I don’t really fancy doing the town trip again.”  Amanda nodded.
“Tell you what.  You get them here.  Take Charles out for a ride.  You can use the little four wheelers.  And leave her with me.”  David chuckled.
“Invite them for lunch tomorrow?”
“Why not?  Then they won’t stay overnight.”  David roared with laughter and nodded.

He made a cup of coffee for each of them.
“Where are the girls?”
“Sitting in the lounge working on the laptops.”
“Oh I wanted to see.”
“You will get your turn when you get yours out.”  David stared.
“But that is yours.”
“No.  No.  That is yours.  I have mine.  You needed one and I thought we might as well get it while we are getting theirs.”
“Amanda.”  Amanda smiled and looked at David.
“If I had asked you would have said no.  Sometimes you have to just jump in and face the music later on.” 

David smiled and got up and hugged Amanda.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Thank you will do.”
“Thank you.  I love you.  You went on a spending spree.”
“All planned.  Nothing erratic.  Okay one little item.”  David grinned.
“Will I see that one little item tonight?”  Amanda chuckled and nodded.  He looked at her and she started to blush.  David smiled and held her in his arms and kissed her properly.  They heard the little throats being cleared.
“Did you hear something?”  Amanda chuckled and turned and looked at Victoria and Nicola.
“Yes ladies.  How can we help?”
“We kind of don’t know what to do with this gadget.”  David smiled.
“I can help.”  They all walked out.  David showed them what to do.
“Plug it in to the port.  Then go to the internet and you will see that you can go on line.”
“We have the internet?”  David chuckled and nodded.
“Whoa!  Head rush!”  David chuckled.
“Okay?”  They both nodded and smiled.
“But make sure that when you are done that you shut the internet down.”  They both nodded.
“When you are ready let me make sure you know how to shut it off.”  They both nodded.

David walked through as Amanda added the cooked rice to the huge frying pan.
“Almost there.  Would you please butter a few rolls?”
“Can do.”  He smiled as he buttered the rolls.
“Oh they are having fun.”  Amanda smiled and nodded.
“It is something that they really need.  I didn’t have a laptop or a computer.  I spent hours in the library.  I was even locked in a couple of times.  Woke up in the morning when they opened up.”
“No!”  Amanda chuckled and nodded.
“Didn’t the folks look for you?”
“I didn’t have a cell phone.”
“So did they look for you?”
“Sure did.  But they found my bicycle which was chained up.  The first time they panicked.  I stood and chatted to them through the window till the morning.  The second time they did check where I was but they didn’t worry.  They made sure I was okay and handed me a burger through the window.”  David chuckled.
“On a bicycle?”
“Most definitely.  I went everywhere on my bicycle.”
“Is that the one parked in the garage?”  Amanda chuckled and nodded.

“Now we are going to get clever.  If you can put the wooden plank in the middle of the table we are going to help ourselves from the pan.  I know.  A little odd.”  David chuckled.
“The restaurants do that.  Give you your meal in a frying pan.”
“I saw that.”  David put the plank on the table with the bowl of rolls.
“Supper ladies.”  Amanda smiled as they both walked through.
“Dad can you help?”
“Sure.”  He walked to the lounge and showed them how to end their internet session.  He walked back to the kitchen and they all sat down.

Nicola looked at the frying pan.
“Right.  Did we run out of a dish?”  Amanda chuckled.
“Something different for a change.”  Victoria chuckled and nodded.  Everyone dished up for themselves.  David nodded as he took a mouthful.
“What did you add?”
“A few fish fingers.  And some onions.”
“Very nice.”  Victoria and Nicola nodded. 

“We are thinking of inviting Charles and Penny over for lunch tomorrow.”  Victoria looked at David.  Nicola looked at David.  David chuckled.
“Amanda would like to have a little chat to Penny.”  They both nodded.
“Could we sort of be out when that happens?”  David chuckled and nodded.
“Still have to invite them.”  Amanda nodded and smiled.  David smiled as he took a mouth full of food.
“I taste something else in here.”
“Just a few little lonely mussels.”  David chuckled.
“It all goes together very nicely.  Thank you for not eating all your food.”  They all chuckled. 

“I think tonight is an early night.  It is already so late.”  The girls both nodded.
“Please don’t comment.  I have moved.”  Victoria nodded and smiled.
“Dad we were expecting that.”  David nodded and smiled.
“How is your room looking?”
“Beautiful.”  David smiled and nodded.
“The next time we go to town.  Or if I have to go to town.  Then I will buy the desks and chairs.  Sorry we couldn’t fit it in today.”
“Dad even if we could fit it in we physically couldn’t fit them in.”  David chuckled and nodded.
“Right.  Dishes and bed.”  Amanda smiled.
“Go on up.  I am going to sort out the dishes.”  David got up and cleared the table.  The girls got up.
“Babe you go and have your soak.”
“No.  Dishes.”
“Yes.”  She smiled and kissed David.
“Thank you for that.  I wasn’t so sure what to say.”  David smiled and looked at Amanda.
“Out of this kitchen.”  She chuckled as she walked out and ran up the stairs.


David washed the dishes. 
He smiled as he packed everything away and walked through to check on the kittens.  He leaned over the basket and smiled.
“Oh Patsy.  They are beautiful.”  He chuckled as he heard the little meows.  He sat down on his bottom and held each little kitten.
“Oh now you can see.  Oh you are so beautiful.  I am glad the snake wasn’t here.  That would have been ghastly.”  Amanda smiled as she stood at the door in her pajamas and her gown.
“Right King MacGuire.  You look after the ladies.  Night Patsy.”  David got up and turned and smiled.
“Ready for your soak?”
“I am.”  He smiled as he switched the lights off and they walked up the stairs. 

David had his shower and put his shorts and T-shirt on.
“Those two in bed?”
“They are.  I said goodnight.”  David smiled as he walked out of the bedroom and said goodnight to the girls.  He came back to the bedroom and closed the door.  He walked to the bed and hopped straight in.
“Heck I didn’t phone Charles.”
“Phone him quick.”  He took his cell phone and dialed Charles.

“Did she kick you out?”
“Did she find out?”
“Whoa Charles.  Just explain yourself.”
“Penny says you left them at the mall while you went somewhere.”
“Look.  Charles.  We have a major problem.  Let me just clear this up with you.  And I don’t really need to explain myself.  I left Amanda and the girls so that they could browse the shops and not sit in the blasted van while I went to go and buy my electrical goods.”
“And another thing.  I don’t sleep around.  I never have and I never will.  I made a huge mistake when I was seventeen.  Seventeen Charles!”  It was very quiet as David spoke.
“I am now in bed with my future wife.  Relay that information to your wife.  Does she have a reason to be such a bitch?  Because that is the only way to describe it.”  It was very quiet.
“Say something Charles.  Or should I say Charles and Penny.  Because I am probably on speakerphone.  Aren’t I?”
“Yes you are.  And I am not a bitch!”
“Well it would have been nice if you had said we are on speakerphone.  Amanda and I would like you to come for lunch tomorrow.  I think we have a few things to iron out.  Be here at twelve thirty.  You don’t have to accept our invitation.  But if you don’t you need never bother again.  I will SMS you the directions.”  David cut his call.  He sat on the bed with his head in his hands.  Amanda got on to her knees and sat behind David.  She massaged across his shoulders.

“Why is he being so rude?”
“Because she is sitting right there.  And they have had a good chat this afternoon.”
“Rubbing off on each other.”  Amanda kneaded his shoulders.
“You know how nice that is?”
“Mmmmhhh.”  He chuckled.  Amanda kissed his neck and moved down to his shoulders.
“Mmmmhhh.”  He lay back and pulled her in to his arms.
“I have been waiting to see that beautiful little suit.”
“I haven’t worn anything like this before.  So I am not so sure.”
“Stand up and take the gown off.  I will tell you.” 

Amanda stood up in front of David and slowly took the gown off.  David smiled a slow little smile.
“Yes I like it.  I am going to enjoy taking that off.”
“Not before you get a proper massage.  On your stomach Mister MacGuire.”  David smiled as he got comfortable on the bed.  Amanda straddled him and started massaging his back and his shoulders.  David smiled as he felt the soft oil soaking in to his body.  He felt every muscle loosen up.  She had slowly removed his clothes.  He slowly turned and held Amanda as she sat on top of him.
“Now it is your turn.”  He smiled as she lay on her stomach.  He took a little oil and started massaging her shoulders.  He slowly worked the straps off of her shoulders.  She moved her arms and he eased them down.  He kissed up and down her back.
“Mmmmhhh.”  She chuckled as he sat up and carried on massaging her back.

He slowly removed her little suit.  David kissed all over her bottom and her body.  He heard the little groans.
“I want to do something.  Can I?”
“Lift up on to your knees.”
“David?”  She lifted up and he turned and lay beneath her.  He started to lick and lave.  He felt her little shudder as she had an orgasm.
“Don’t move.  I want to take you to heaven.”
“Oh David I need you.”
“Mmmmhhh.”  He carried on licking and laving.  He prodded her body with his fingers.  He felt as she became wetter and wetter.
“David.”  He heard the need in her voice and made love to her with his mouth and her tongue.
“David I can’t.”  She started moving against his mouth.  She moved faster and faster as he licked and sucked.

He heard the little groans and then he felt as her whole body shuddered and she started having a wave of orgasms. 
She moved faster and faster against his mouth.  David moved and stood on his knees behind her and entered her body.  He watched as she threw her head back and let out a little groan of pleasure.  He held her hips as he thrust into her body.  He felt as he neared his climax.  He held on tight as he ejaculated inside her body.  He didn’t stop.  He thrust into her until he couldn’t anymore.  He slowly let her down and lay over her.  He slowly moved as he lay on top of Amanda.  He smiled as he stopped. 

“David that was amazing.  I am so turned on.  I have never felt like that before.”
“Amanda that was out of this world.”  He slowly eased out of her body and lay next to Amanda.
“Wow!”  Amanda smiled.
“You are the wow.”
“That little outfit is gorgeous.”
“Oh I had to buy it.”  David chuckled.  He held Amanda in his arm.
“I feel all loose limbed and relaxed.”
“I feel just the same.  Every part of my body is limp.”  David chuckled.
“I have that problem now.”  Amanda giggled as she looked at David.
“But not for long.  He has a mind of his own.”  Amanda chuckled.
“So glad.”  They both chuckled.  David kissed her and they both went to sleep.

David woke up early.  Amanda stirred and looked at him.
“Good morning.”
“And a good morning to you.”
“First time ever.”
“For what?”
“Waking up in my bed with a man.”  He chuckled.
“Without clothes. Oh my gosh!  No clothes!”  She fiddled under the pillow and grabbed her pajamas that she normally wore and flew in to them.  David roared with laughter as he quickly put his shorts and T-shirt on.  They both chuckled as they got in to bed.  They both heard the knock.
“Come on in.”

Victoria and Nicola walked in with two mugs of coffee.
“Oh that is what I need.  Thank you.”  Amanda smiled as she took her coffee.
“This is lovely.  Thank you.  Are you going for a swim?”  Nicola and Victoria both nodded.  David looked down and saw Amanda’s little suit.  He quickly reached down and tossed it under the bed.  Victoria turned.
“Okay Dad?”
“Yes I am.  How did we all sleep?”
“Heard you snoring Uncle David.”
“I don’t snore.”  Victoria chuckled.  Amanda shook her head.
“I never heard a thing.  We had such a busy day.  I was so tired.  Your Aunty Penny and Uncle Charles might come for lunch.  They can’t confirm yet.”  They both nodded and smiled. 

The girls got up.
“I will let you know the minute breakfast is ready.  Fancy omelets?”  They both smiled and nodded and walked out of the bedroom.
“Do they normally have a swim in the morning?”
“Only sometimes.  If they are up early enough.  They do a few lengths and hop out again.”  David chuckled.
“I do snore.”
“So do I.”
“Only tiny little snores.  Actually kind of cute.”  Amanda chuckled and looked at David.
“When we sleep we sleep.”
“I wonder why?”  Amanda chuckled.
“Your sexy little suit is under the bed.”
“I wondered.”
“I rather fancy that suit.”  Amanda chuckled.

David pulled Amanda in to his arm and kissed her.
“I enjoy waking up with you.”
“I always felt something was missing in my life.”
“And what is that?”  David kissed up her neck and Amanda gurgled with laughter.
“Waking up next to you.”
“Oh Amanda that is so sweet.”
“But true.”  He held her and kissed her.
“The omelets await.”  David chuckled.  They both hopped out of bed and got dressed.

Amanda stood in the kitchen and made their breakfast.  She chuckled as David came in to the kitchen and kissed her in the neck.
“Checking on the babies.”  She smiled as he walked across to the surgery to go and feed the animals.  Amanda smiled as she watched.  Victoria and Nicola walked in.
“Did you enjoy your swim?”
“We did ten lengths.”
“Gosh you are energetic.”  Victoria chuckled.
“Hey where did Dad go?”
“Dad has a little obsession in the surgery.”  Victoria chuckled.
“Did he go and feed the animals?”
“He did.”  Amanda finished making the omelets and put them on the table.  David smiled as he walked in and sat down.  Victoria looked at his shirt.  She kept looking.  She shook her head and carried on eating. 

There was a little movement and David smiled.
“Dad.  I hate to tell you this.”
“Yes Uncle David.  Something is moving in your golf shirt.”  Amanda looked.
“You are spoiling her.  She thinks she can hang about at breakfast.”  David chuckled and rubbed the tiny little body inside his golf shirt.
“She wanted to come out for a little fresh air.”  Amanda chuckled.
“Oh I have noticed.  You think I don’t see her in the mornings.”  He chuckled as he finished his omelet.
“Just taking her back.  Her dressing should come off.”
“I will check a little later.”  David smiled as he got up.
“Back in five.”  He walked back to the surgery and put the little Bush Baby back in her cage.  He made sure the cage was closed and secure and walked back to the house. 

Amanda looked at his face as he walked in.
“What are we going to do with her?”
“Can’t we find a little somewhere for her?  What do we need?”
“She doesn’t need much.  She sleeps during the day.  At night she likes to live it up a little.  She is rather old David.  She is not a youngster.”
“What if we put her in the boot room?  Patsy won’t always be there.”
“We can make her a little box for the evenings.  I can close her in during the day.  She can come out at night.”  Amanda smiled and looked at David.  He pulled her in to his arms and put his head on her shoulder.
“Oh please.”  Amanda chuckled and nodded.
“You make her a nice box up high.”
“I will.”  He smiled and kissed Amanda.

She chuckled.
“I am going to get lunch started.  Prepare the vegetables and the meat.”
“Did we make the bed?”  Amanda chuckled.
“So easy.  I quickly made it.”
“Thank you.”  He smiled.
“Where are those two?”
“They have gone for a quick ride on the horses.”
“Quick?  Their quick horse ride is about an hour or two.”  Amanda chuckled and nodded.
“I am going to be busy for a little while.”  Amanda chuckled and nodded. 

She smiled as he walked out.  Amanda got busy in the kitchen.  Everything was ready.  She put the meat in the oven and started mixing the batter together for a nice cherry loaf.  She put it to one side.  She looked at her watch and started with the vegetables.  David was in and out.  She heard the noises going on and the constant apologies to Patsy and her kittens.

The meal was just about ready.  Amanda heard the van pulling up.  She looked out the window and saw Victoria and Nicola on the horses.  She heard the giggling as they rode down to the stables.  David smiled as he walked over to the van.
“I am glad you could make it.”  Charles nodded.
“Sorry David.”
“Nah.  Come on inside.”
“David what have you got in your golf shirt?”  Penny looked at the little movement.
“What have you got there David?”
“My daughter.  She is nocturnal.  Shhh.  Don’t tell Amanda.”

Penny chuckled as they walked inside.
“I picked up stragglers sweetheart.”  Amanda came out and smiled.  She kissed them both on the cheek.
“Oh I am glad you could make it.  Did you find it easy enough?”  Penny nodded and smiled.  She kept on looking at David’s golf shirt.
“David have you got her again?”  David grinned.
“She hopped in.  I didn’t do anything?”
“Isn’t her cage closed?”  He grinned.
“I went to go and fetch her bowls and her blanket.”
“Yes I see you are empty handed.”
“Give me one minute.”  He walked toward the surgery.
“Where is he going?”
“David has fallen in love with a little somebody.” 

Victoria and Nicola walked in smiling.
“Where is Dad?  Or shall I say what is Dad doing over there again?”  Amanda smiled.
“We have guests.”  Victoria and Nicola walked through to the lounge.  They both sat down.
“Welcome to our home.”  Penny smiled.
“And you have a lovely home.  Who put up the Christmas tree?”
“We all did.  We took turns standing on the step ladder.”  Penny chuckled and nodded. 

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